RE-VAMPED with Juliet Landau
RE-VAMPED with Juliet Landau is the First BUFFY Podcast with a cast member as your guide!
Buffy’s posse was called the Scooby Gang. Juliet’s character Drusilla was also known as Dru. RE-VAMPED co-hosts include “Scooby Dru” with her extremely, singular POV and hijinks, “Sire Rebecca” and “Watcher Dev.”
RE-VAMPED is rife with never-heard-before behind-the-scenes tales, the definitive in-depth interviews with cast & crew, sequential rewatches, what’s new in the BUFFY-verse, the ultimate fan interactions and showcasing NEW content with the beloved characters.
Filled with belly laughs and poignant emotion, listeners rollick, probe and reflect. RE-VAMPED With Juliet Landau takes the idea of the traditional podcast and evolves it! It’s not only like hanging out with your best friends, but Juliet’s producing what people think of for a weekly TV show or radio show. The team are doing this within the podcast genre.
RE-VAMPED with Juliet Landau
Interview with YOU! Part 2
Juliet, Scooby Chris, and Scooby Frank talk with Slayin It listeners in Orlando at Fanboy Expo for the second part of our first-ever, live, round-table record with YOU – the fans! You are the guest of honor. You are front and center! You are what keeps Buffy alive! We discuss topics such as favorite episodes, what Buffy/ Angel means to you, what dialogue you’d get as a tattoo. It is funny, fun, touching and profound. We’re Slayin it, Slayin It, Slayin It with you!
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Juliet Landau’s directorial feature debut, A Place Among The Dead Trailer:
A Place Among The Dead Blu-Ray with nearly 5 hours of bonus extras:
How do you address those skeptics? Well, the skeptics and all the people have a little bit of.
Speaker 2:Let me do this again. Oh, it's live, pal, sorry.
Speaker 3:We are bringing you part two of the roundtable live recording session we did with Slayin' it listeners in Orlando at Fanboy Expo. This is the second part of our first interview with you. You are front and center. You are what keeps Buffy alive. We're slaying it, slaying it, slaying it.
Speaker 1:Slaying it, slaying it, slaying it, slaying it With you.
Speaker 5:With them, I mean you Part two.
Speaker 4:Part two Again Woohoo, woohoo, ooh sounds, ooh, ooh, boop, boop, ooh sounds.
Speaker 7:Ooh Ooh, Boop, boop, be-do Boop boop be-do.
Speaker 4:The timing's not that great, but we'll get it next time. Whoa, back in time. Part two, slaying it with Juliet Landau, is filmed in front of a live studio audience.
Speaker 8:My name's Liana.
Speaker 3:Awesome, and where are you from, liana?
Speaker 8:I'm from Clearwater, but I live here.
Speaker 3:Oh, awesome, so we came to you.
Speaker 8:Yes, you did. Thank you Very convenient.
Speaker 3:I love your outfit, thank you, I made it myself.
Speaker 8:Oh, my God.
Speaker 3:It's incredible.
Speaker 8:I made the willow jacket.
Speaker 3:Oh yeah, you guys, that was fun today. On the photo op, we made you kneel down on the ground. My knees are fine, good. So what would you say is your favorite Buffy episode?
Speaker 8:I'm going to go with the crowd and say Once More, worth Feeling, because I am a music theater kid but, I'm also a big fan of Doppelgangerland.
Speaker 3:Oh, that's a good one too. And what does Buffy mean to you?
Speaker 8:I watched Buffy the summer before my freshman year of high school. I watched the whole series in one summer. I feel like it taught me how to be the person that I am. I mean, willow Rosenberg and Tara McLean are like the reason that I'm comfortable being like out and queer, and Buffy as a whole is the reason that I feel like I'm comfortable being like a woman in society. So that's cool.
Speaker 3:That is amazing. That's amazing. Wow, if you had to have a tattoo, what would the tattoo be that you would pick? I don't know if I have a quote that I would get tattooed but I really want to get the class protector umbrella award tattooed on my arm. That's great. Do you have a Drusilla impression?
Speaker 8:I wish, but I don't.
Speaker 3:What about another character?
Speaker 8:When I said I was a theater kid. I'm not that kind of theater kid, Okay.
Speaker 3:There's no pressure. I just was wondering. You did say theater kid, so I was like that's awesome.
Speaker 10:Well, thank you so much, that's amazing. Hi, I'm Carrie, Hi, carrie, hi. Wow, this feels a lot like group therapy.
Speaker 3:It. Hi, carrie, hi, wow. This feels a lot like group therapy. It's really nice. What do you want to talk about today? No, I'm just kidding. What's been on your mind this week?
Speaker 10:Girl, that's a mouthful we ain't got time for that.
Speaker 3:So where are you from? I hear Southern, a little bit of a Southern. Oh really, I'm from.
Speaker 10:Palm Coast, Florida.
Speaker 3:Oh, okay, so between St Augustine, daytona, east Coast. Yeah, awesome.
Speaker 10:How long did it take you to get here? Yeah, hour and a half. I came from somewhere else. I'm going to be honest, oh, okay.
Speaker 3:Okay, and so what? Is your favorite Buffy episode.
Speaker 10:There are a lot of Buffy episodes. I rotate through them regularly. I love referring to a lot of them as like gateway episodes and I'll revisit those ones a lot, ones with like very minimal spoilers that anyone can get into, and I watch those a lot because they share them with a lot of people to try to get them into Buffy. So I have a little more of a community myself I also. I think I also rotate depending on what I'm going through, not to overshare, but I have lost a lot of my support system lately. Becoming part two, so the season finale of season two, and when angel is standing over buffy and knocks her weapon across the room, he says no friends, no weapon, no hope, take that away and what's left? And he classed, she classed the sword in her hands and she says me and I think that is absolutely so empowering because it doesn't matter what you take away from me, I'm still standing.
Speaker 3:Wow, so powerful. Thank you for sharing that. I think please join us on the Slayin' it journey. I think you will love the community. Especially you've said you haven't had some of your communities fallen away Like. It's a very interactive community with the podcast. People are sharing this stuff that resonates with them and we're talking with everybody and we'd love, you know, to be on the journey with you. Thank you, um. If you had to get a tattoo, what would it?
Speaker 10:well, you have some tattoos yes, I actually do have a buffy tattoo, uh, so this is okay. So I I'm a huge nerd. I have a pokemon crossover sleeve. So, because pokemon was my first love, buffy is my second, uh, but this is is a crossover between a Pokemon named Gardevoir and Buffy in her dress in the episode Homecoming. So it means a lot to me because this was the first episode I had ever watched and at first watch I was like I watched like halfway through a weird one and I was like she drowned. That is so dumb, like I literally watched her get bit. So I was like really confused with rewatching it. I just really fell in love with the show and it meant so much to me and seeing someone so small and people overestimate her constantly like she has so much power and it's just this normal girl imbued with like so much power to overcome like her demons and every everyday challenges, and I think it's absolutely incredible to watch do you have a drusilla impression?
Speaker 10:okay, brace yourself. All right, I can feel it ringing all over I love it.
Speaker 1:That's perfect I'm, I'm ringing all over Beautiful.
Speaker 3:Yeah, you did that great.
Speaker 2:I love it. Thank you, I appreciate you.
Speaker 3:Yeah, that's awesome, we had so much fun shooting that whole sequence in the shop and everything. It was just really, really fun. And it was funny because I remember I said to a friend of mine I don't know, I was feeling a little shy today, I'm not sure that, whatever. And then when she saw If that's shy, it's like I'm not sure I channeled Drew all the way. She's like I think you did. Thank you so much.
Speaker 5:That's amazing, hi, I'm.
Speaker 3:Lydia. Hi Lydia, so where are you from, Lydia?
Speaker 5:I'm from Sarasota, but I currently live near Ocala Amazing.
Speaker 3:And so what would be your go-to favorite Buffy episode?
Speaker 5:That's like the impossible question. Right now, something blue is sticking in my head. I always love that one. It's like a Thanksgiving, you know. Revisit every year and I'll send my mom like pictures of like you made a bear undo it undo it.
Speaker 3:So yeah, there's just too many good ones Would that be the dialogue that you would have tattooed Right that would be a good one. I don't know, there's just too many like so Xander lines too.
Speaker 5:I feel like he gets left out a lot.
Speaker 3:So many funny lines, yeah Right.
Speaker 5:Like party in my eye socket and everyone's invited, so yeah, there are.
Speaker 3:That could be a really cool tattoo. Yeah, so random.
Speaker 5:What has Buffy meant to you, angel's? What I started with, just accidentally flicking through the channels and, you know, david Boreanaz comes out shirtless. You're like, oh, hold up, what's this? And then I saw Charisma and was like, oh, this is that Buffy spinoff. And I had never watched it and just got super into it. My best friend at the time was like I've been telling you to watch it, you should watch it. So we had like VHSs with the tape, you know, with all the commercials, everything.
Speaker 3:So trying to watch it on on VHS and would tape it every week. You still have that tape. Frank would pay good money for something like that. It's so funny to see the quality now of the VHS.
Speaker 5:Oh yeah, the commercials now it is too funny, yeah. When you guys include the clips like that, I'm like, oh, you know the WB voice and all that. Did you ever figure that out? We have it's coming up it's coming
Speaker 13:up.
Speaker 3:Oh. So we've had a whole mystery about who and before it's Giles who is the voice. But yeah we got some fans have given us some of the info, so yeah, oh yeah, I totally went off ADHD, what it means to me.
Speaker 5:But yeah, comfort, learning how people react to things and just yeah, that example of you can be strong, like how it ends and everybody's a slayer. That was such a big like, okay, that's neat, your potential and the ultimate girl power. But it wasn't ever cheesy. You know, a lot of times stuff would come off that way. You're like, oh yeah, that's patronizing in a way, but I never felt like Buffy, was it?
Speaker 3:was always believable yeah. And all the deeper themes.
Speaker 5:Like it's so well integrated into a mess. It just is Exactly. Yeah. Do you have a Drusilla impression? I'm naming all the stars, but I've named them all the same name and there's terrible confusion.
Speaker 3:Perfect. Wow, I love it. That's so awesome.
Speaker 15:Hi, my name is Crystal and I'm a buffaholic.
Speaker 3:Hello Crystal, Thank you. How many times have you?
Speaker 15:seen the show. When I was talking to Yvonne earlier I told her like about eight to ten that could be a little conservative, I don't know, but I've listened. I've watched the whole thing so many times, but I originally watched Angel, like several of us have.
Speaker 3:That's amazing because that isn't as usual, as how many people have actually started that way?
Speaker 15:yeah, and then I remember really being touched by. I will remember you so. Seeing their chemistry in that episode was like the fuel to send me over to watch buffy from the beginning and I, I fell in love, and then I just kept watching it over and over again for infinity, Like just kept watching it so. But Hush is my favorite Buffy.
Speaker 3:Yeah, it's such an incredible, incredible episode. It's so well done and if you had to have a tattoo, it wouldn't be from Hush, obviously, if it's dialogue, but which?
Speaker 15:do you think it would be? I've actually been thinking about this a lot lately because I haven't had my first tattoo yet, so we've been tattoo shopping. Oh my gosh, and my first one is I was planning on it being Buffy anyway. Oh my gosh, that's a perfect question then. Yeah, and this is actually my first con too.
Speaker 3:Oh my gosh, Wow. What do you think so far?
Speaker 15:It's amazing, you're on stage at a con on a podcast that's going worldwide.
Speaker 3:That's pretty cool.
Speaker 15:It's pretty darn amazing, and I wouldn't be here without my boyfriend. He's awesome. We actually just finished a rewatch together, oh, wow. So it was his first time watching all the way through, and you brought him to the dark side. I did, and he loves it. He loves all of you. It's a beautiful thing.
Speaker 4:I would suggest you re-watch it again with us. Oh, absolutely, I've already started.
Speaker 15:Yay, yeah, I'm there.
Speaker 4:I'm hard selling.
Speaker 3:Yay, so what are you thinking? The tattoo.
Speaker 15:So I want to get Ger-Arg on the tip of my finger. Oh my God, so I can do like Amber Benson and go grr arg. That's great.
Speaker 4:I love it. They always have those at Buffy sing-alongs. They always give you the finger puppet.
Speaker 15:Oh, that's awesome.
Speaker 3:Oh, that's perfect, so good. Do you have a Drusilla impression?
Speaker 15:You've been a bad girl, Miss Edith. That was the horrible answer.
Speaker 3:No, it wasn't horrible, it was great, I loved it. I loved it. You need to stab the eyes.
Speaker 16:Let's eat it Perfect.
Speaker 3:I loved it Great. Thank you so much. Yeah, absolutely.
Speaker 7:Hi, what's your name? My name's Ari. Hi, ari, thank you so much for being here. Where are you from? I actually just live about 15 minutes down the road, oh my gosh, wonderful this is the local hour we're doing.
Speaker 3:What does Buffy mean to you?
Speaker 7:I started watching it when I was about 11 or 12 years old. I was just in a place where I did not have a lot of guidance available to me at the time. The lessons and just the general beautiful storytelling resonated with me so much and I always think whenever I think about a value that I have. Occasionally, when I think back, it came from Buffy, so it really was really formative for me. And then, as Leanna said as well, that was just the first queer representation I'd ever seen in my life. In my entire life and for a long time, that was the only queer representation that existed. Well, and it also was done.
Speaker 3:So it was just like this is it, and it's natural and we're not making a big thing of it, just is like this is a natural thing, and it was just depicted in that way that I think was so powerful and important.
Speaker 4:Exactly, and it felt pop quiz when did Tara and Will first kiss?
Speaker 7:The body.
Speaker 4:I knew they'd get it yeah.
Speaker 7:Yeah, and I just today I was looking over just at all of you and then at Amber Benson and I was just thinking, you know, when I first started watching that, how alone I felt and how much the world has changed and my own personal community has changed and it just it means so much to me to see how far things and how far I've come as well.
Speaker 3:Oh, my gosh, that's beautiful. That's a lot, that's things. And how far I've come as well. Oh my gosh, that's beautiful. So what episode would you pick as your episode?
Speaker 7:I love the ones that everyone has said so far, so I'm going to go with my favorite current one is Tabula Rasa, just for the emotional whiplash. I just love it Hilarious and heartbreaking.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I mean, that's one of the things with the writing too is that it does. It takes you to, it plumbs the depths and then has such humor and then it's scary and then you know you go through every single emotion in the show and it's so masterfully, it's almost like a roller coaster, like it takes you on all of these those different, to all those different places and what would be the tattoo that you would get the tattoo.
Speaker 7:it's an angel line, I may even say it wrong, so I probably shouldn't get it tattooed yet.
Speaker 15:That's a better story though.
Speaker 11:Right, exactly.
Speaker 7:At one point he says we don't always fight to win. We fight because things are worth fighting for, and I love the thought that you shouldn't get through difficult things because you're necessarily going to win and come out on top. It's just because you're worth the effort that it takes to fight.
Speaker 3:Yeah, yeah, and do you have a Drusilla impression?
Speaker 7:I'm not going to do an impression, but I do love the line because I'm going to leave that to you. But I do love the line. I can't wait to tell my friends they don't have a rock this big.
Speaker 3:That's.
Speaker 7:Spike, I'm so sorry.
Speaker 15:I don't say that, oh my gosh, uh-oh.
Speaker 7:Oh, my goodness, it was okay. That's okay. Yes, I love all of your lines.
Speaker 3:I love that line, though. Yes.
Speaker 7:Sorry, but I just, I love all of your lines.
Speaker 11:I always just found you so like riveting, indelible that you can't can remember. No, I know I'm teasing you, no no, I'm totally teasing you.
Speaker 3:I love that line too, though it's funny, it's great spike, spike thank you, hi.
Speaker 11:My name is misty. Hi, misty, and where are you from? I'm originally from aurora, colorado, but I moved down to sarasota oh okay, how long have you been in Sarasota? A couple of years. First I moved to Wesley Chapel for work and then we moved to Sarasota for work.
Speaker 14:So I transferred.
Speaker 11:I work for Southwest Airlines oh okay, do you? Get to travel a lot. I try to, but with my daughter and everything it's kind of hard yeah.
Speaker 3:What would be your go-to favorite?
Speaker 11:episode. It's actually Angel, and I can't remember exactly the name of the episode, but it's the one where Angel becomes human for a day.
Speaker 4:Yeah, and Buffy comes to visit and… it's, I Remember you, isn't it? Yeah, yeah, yeah, we just talked about that. Yeah, yeah, because they finally get to be you know, and it's I remember you.
Speaker 11:Yeah, yeah, yeah, we just talk about that. Yeah yeah, because they finally get to be, you know, human and together. Because I'm a big David fan and it's just unfortunate that, you know, they can't be together forever, so it makes me sad, but it was just. I get that final perfect happiness because I'm a big sap for romance and everything.
Speaker 4:Oh, my God, there's no time. That romance and everything oh my God, there's no time.
Speaker 10:That line destroys me yeah there's no time, no time, and then I'm just Thanks.
Speaker 11:Frank, that forbidden love thing, it just gets to me.
Speaker 11:Yeah, what has Buffy meant to you? I started watching it in high school when I was 14. I became a severe asthmatic when I was 13. So I went through a huge, rough, rough time. I was in and out in the hospital all the time. So it meant a lot to me to just go through all that time. It was just, it was tough. So Buffy meant a lot to me because, you know, it was just so. Buffy was just always my go-to. And then I discovered Angel because I was a big David fan.
Speaker 3:I actually follow David's career a lot. I think you may have mentioned that.
Speaker 11:Yeah, I love David obviously Once or 14 times no, I'm just kidding, but I followed his career a lot too Really, because maybe you're a David fan. Yeah, maybe, but yeah no. I love Buffy and watched it like a million bazillion times.
Speaker 3:If you had to guesstimate, how many would you say? Would you be able to pick a number? I would watch Buffy continuously, so you think you might be up to the thousand? Yeah, and if you had to have?
Speaker 11:dialogue. A tattoo, what would it be?
Speaker 3:I may be love's bitch, but at least I'm man enough to admit it. That's great. And do you have a Drusilla impression?
Speaker 11:I'm going to be a mummy.
Speaker 3:I'm going to be a mummy. Yes, I love it. That's great yeah.
Speaker 2:Oh, thank you Hi. I'm Chelsea and I've been hooked on Buffy since I was 13.
Speaker 3:We need to go. Hello, Chelsea, Thank you. So how many times do you think you've seen it all the way through?
Speaker 2:I think I've watched it about once a year, which seems to be a theme. So maybe somewhere between 25 to 30 times realistically.
Speaker 3:Amazing. And do you start at the beginning and watch everything in chronological order? I?
Speaker 2:have to, I absolutely have to, although sometimes I do just watch the musical because you have to, because you have to.
Speaker 3:And do you know all the lyrics?
Speaker 2:I probably do, but I'm not going to no. No, don't worry, I was just asking, I wasn't going to ask you. And a one, two, three and a one two three Cue the music.
Speaker 2:And what's your favorite episode, do you think? I kind of think a lot of ones that were said. But I love it when faith comes out of the coma and just comes and wreaks havoc everywhere. But the same with Drew and Julie Ben's sorry when they come into Los Angeles, like you said, wreak havoc. I was thinking that in my head and you said the words I'm like's wild. Okay, I love it when things get flipped upside down. Yeah, those are my favorite episodes. Yeah, it's fun too.
Speaker 3:I mean, there's so much of the stuff within the show where you subvert expectations of where you think something's going, and then you know, and also to have us team up. You know it's pretty dangerous to have us on the loose just doing whatever we want. We were doing whatever we want. We were actually hoping that storyline we were so excited about it that we were hoping that would continue a rampage for a while that we'd get to kind of do more of that before we tamed down a bit.
Speaker 4:Has our segment where we talk about my idea for a Thelma and Louise style road trip movie between us come up? Yet I don't think it's come up yet it hasn't come out yet?
Speaker 11:No, it has not aired yet.
Speaker 3:We're definitely. That's just no spoilers.
Speaker 2:But yeah, yeah, I thought it was cool that you at least went over to Buffy for one episode and you outlived everybody. Basically, I did. I'm still undead.
Speaker 13:I'm still undead. I got to, yeah, I did Actually.
Speaker 3:Yeah, that was crazy Great.
Speaker 2:And then in terms of a line that you would have tattooed, I mean, I was going to go with Gerard, but I would also go with Bored. Now, Bored.
Speaker 3:Now that's a good one. I'm surprised that hasn't come up yet.
Speaker 6:I know, I know that's good All right, awesome, okay, hello, I'm Brandy and where?
Speaker 3:are you from, brandy? I am Tennessee, awesome. And so what has Buffy?
Speaker 6:meant to you Everything. I began watching it when it was airing on TV. I had just graduated high school and had a horrible high school. So watching some of the topics that would go through some of the episodes, you know I could resonate with some of it.
Speaker 3:High school is hell High school is hell.
Speaker 6:It really is, whether you're on the hell mouth or not.
Speaker 6:I was able to just soak in everything and realize that I'm not the only one going through these things. You know, when they're using topics in TV shows, it's for a reason. You know it's people. These are the things that are going on with people. These are the things that are going on with people. You're always seeing male heroes. To see a female, especially a young female heroine, come out of it and just kick all kinds of ass. It was just amazing and it just it really felt empowering to be a female for once. And in the they had the whole Willow and Tara. It really helped. Just representation on television, on actual primetime television, was huge and it helped you feel welcomed and understood.
Speaker 3:What would be your go-to episode?
Speaker 6:I mean I definitely love Once More with Billing and Hush. I mean those are obvious ones. When I want to go for comedy I go for beer. Bad.
Speaker 3:And if you had to have a tattoo, what would it be?
Speaker 6:I've actually been thinking about it because I've got tattoos and my next one is going to be a Buffy one. Ger-arg is something that I've always, even just through the years when no one else knew what I was saying. I'm like Ger-Arg, but I also want to get the Buffy B with a steak through it and then have Mr Pointy.
Speaker 3:Awesome, okay, do you? Do you have a Drusilla impression?
Speaker 6:Well, I was going to do the I'm going to be a mommy, or just even, from that same episode, be like, oh, daddy's here that's great I love it.
Speaker 17:Oh, thank you so much hi I'm caroline hi, caroline hi, I'm from texas. Um, so, I guess do I talk about what buffy means to me sure Sure, please do, oh yes.
Speaker 17:I don't know. I mean, I think for me Buffy was sort of that sense of community. I think I've started to use it as like that little tidbit that kind of gets you a friend. So even today, like at work, I got to tell everybody that I was coming here and I found out one of my clients is a Buffy fan, and so I feel like it's just this wonderful way to learn a little tidbit about a person that lets you know like, oh okay, we have something in common. I don't know A lot of you guys have talked about like the depth of the characters and like I think that care that goes into the storytelling, I think it isn't just like this form of entertainment but it starts to become really pervasive. So I think what Buffy was for me is like I don't remember a time when I didn't know about Buffy the Vampire Slayer Like it just feels like it is your life, right, and so I think choosing a favorite episode, like it's not really about that, like the whole concept is like well, what's your flavor today?
Speaker 3:I don't know. Okay, so for today. What mood are you in? What would your episode be?
Speaker 17:today. It would be all the funny ones because it's so high energy today, so it would be like Raza or a beer bad, or in the dark, like the little spike monologue at the beginning from Angel. It'd be those. They feel good. And do you have a Drusilla impression? Miss Edith speaks out of 10. She's a bad example. We'll have no cakes today.
Speaker 3:You nailed it Awesome. And what about? What tattoo would you get?
Speaker 17:Probably something from Hush, like one of the little drawings. I think I would enjoy that like the Buffy will patrol. I don, I would enjoy that Like the Buffy will patrol. I don't know if it would have the words, just a little drawing Hi, my name is Gio Hi Gio.
Speaker 3:Thank you so much for being here, gio, sorry, gio, no, it's my fault. And what would you say is Buffy means to you?
Speaker 1:My mom originally got me into by. She was up here a little bit ago. She's loved it since she was like 12. As she said. She has all the cds, all everything that you could possibly have she has and she introduced it to me when I was in like fifth grade and I've watched it like three or four times and I've only seen angel once, but I really want to re-watch it because it's super good.
Speaker 3:I just really enjoy watching it oh, that's so nice that you guys can watch together and share that together too. I mean, that's really special.
Speaker 16:You're seeing that more and more now. Yeah, it's like generational. Yeah, sharing it with your kids.
Speaker 4:Yeah, it's great Again making me feel old. Yeah, I know.
Speaker 3:Is there an episode you're making me feel old? I am 100, 200 years old or something. So if you had to have a tattoo or you know, don't get a tattoo necessarily until you're of age to make that decision and then get as many as you want, but what?
Speaker 1:would it be? I was thinking like the angel logo oh, that'd be cool yeah I would want that when I'm older, obviously that's great.
Speaker 3:And uh, do you remember any dialogue from the show that you, that you like particularly I don't know, that's okay. And and what about drusilla? Do you have a Drusilla impression? I'm so bad at that. You're like no, no no, okay, I'm not making you do it. Gio, no pressure. Thank you so much. It's been amazing that you came up here. I love it so much.
Speaker 14:Thank you so much, hi, I'm Katie. Hi, katie, hi, I watched it. Now that I think about it, I probably watched it. Now that I think about it, I probably watched it illegally. My sister watched it when it aired, and then we watched it on our tiny, on some internet site where it was this tiny little square you couldn't even blow it up full screen. So, uh, I watched Buffy illegally, um, and fell in love with it. I made my wife watch it and so she watched it for the first time ever and she was like 44.
Speaker 3:Is she hooked now? Yeah, she loves it.
Speaker 14:Favorite episode. I mean, everybody said all the good with anything with Cordelia in it. Team Cordelia, I love Cordelia. I have not watched all of Angel yet. Ah, so I've watched like Pilea. Be nice everyone Be. So I've watched like Pilea.
Speaker 3:Be nice, everyone Be nice.
Speaker 14:I've watched a couple. I watched the one where Amy Acker gets killed by Lyria and that tore me apart even though I don't even know her character, but I was like this is stupid.
Speaker 3:What would you get as a tattoo?
Speaker 14:Oh, a tattoo I would probably get. What's your Childhood Trauma?
Speaker 3:That's a good one.
Speaker 14:Korty Korty's. Just she's my girl. I should have known I was a lesbian back then. She's a major crush. Also, drew Drew's my girl too.
Speaker 3:Well, hopefully not. Oh my gosh, it seems like you don't in real life go for the cray cray. So that's good, okay.
Speaker 14:But here's the thing with drew. Like I think I resonate with drew a lot because I've been through a lot of trauma too and I feel like that's something that's not talked about with drew. We talk about all the time like, oh my gosh, she's crazy.
Speaker 3:But like I, oh, I would love a spinoff of drew's story, like trauma is what changed it is what changed her and it's like and that's why the logic to me it all made sense, it was trackable in terms of what happened to her.
Speaker 14:Yeah, Like she was just a normal girl before.
Speaker 3:I mean she had visions, but she was normal. Yeah, that's still normal, she's fine. Oh, thank you so much. That's incredible.
Speaker 14:Do you have a Drusilla quote or impression? No, I love accordion, accordion impression. Oh, I wish, I wish, I. I love all of the lines, though, but I do love the line of when um druce is the little boy or is it boy or girl in the playground at night, and it's like the what would your mommy think when she sees you?
Speaker 4:so that one's cool cordy has one of my favorite lines of all time I hate my entire life.
Speaker 3:Yes, that's my favorite yes, I love Cordy, so do you want to hand the mic next down?
Speaker 16:Hi, I'm Gary. Hi, Gary and Juliet, we saw each other at Hellmouth.
Speaker 3:Con we did and it was so much fun it was at Sunnydale High, that location.
Speaker 16:It was so much fun.
Speaker 3:It so much fun. It's great to see you here again.
Speaker 16:Yeah, we have to stop meeting like this or we, or we must not stop meeting like this. Exactly, and I'm from pittsburgh, uh, but currently living in phoenix, arizona, so I went from the dry heat to this, to this and uh, as far as what, uh, the show has meant to me.
Speaker 16:uh, when I started watching buffuffy back, say, beginning of season six, I was going through a rough spot. I was recently diagnosed with a chronic illness and you know the lesson of Buffy is surviving is a high school and that related experience. I learned more from the lessons of Angel, which is you've got to keep fighting, especially in that last episode. The idea is keep fighting. And my favorite episode of Buffy at the moment it's New Moon Rising, which had Oz return after, let's say, after a while. You have Riley put a face on the supernatural by freeing him from the initiative, and you also have that heartbreaking moment where he realizes that Willow and Tara are together.
Speaker 3:Right.
Speaker 16:And as far as a tattoo, I'll reference one of my favorite episodes of Angel, let's say, which is Dead End. I think I wouldn't get a quote exactly, but I'd have like a dotted line around my right wrist and put evil with an exclamation point.
Speaker 3:Oh, that's great, that's great. And do you have a Drusilla quote Spike? Everyone's doing so great.
Speaker 12:All right, hi, my name is Melissa. Hi, melissa, and I love your Drusilla outfit. It's beautiful. So what does Buffy mean to you? Well, buffy means a lot to me. I started watching it when I was probably about 13, 14. So that's the age where you're changing, you're transitioning. One of my favorite episodes is the actual one when Halloween starts and you come out and you're on, I think, with Angel and you're having a conversation with him and I believe it's like Buffy sees you and you're talking to him and she gets really upset and she wants to be you and she's like that's the type of girl I want to be, and I felt like that all my whole life. Is that's the type of girl that I want to be and I felt like that was resonated so much with me in my life. Is that I want to be the type of girl that the guy wants?
Speaker 12:And I felt like so I didn't have enough confidence in my life, so Buffy brought a lot of that to me. It was like my therapy session and you're so beautiful and articulate and amazing, so you need to know that. And then, you know, I got my husband watching the show. Yes, and you met him earlier and it's our anniversary, so this was a gift to me. It's so cool.
Speaker 3:Yeah, and, by the way, you guys are so cute together and I know you're celebrating. Didn't you say it was 12 or 19? It's 18. 18 years I thought it was 18, yeah.
Speaker 12:Hi, baby, I love you. David, my brother, david, yeah, and then the tattoo I would get is 5x5, because every day in life you should be 5x5. I don't know For me I'm five by five. Hi, my name is.
Speaker 9:Cassie Hi, cassie and I first watched Buffy from beginning to end after college with my mom, at my sister's urging, so it was a bit of a family affair. Oh amazing, but we were in a transitional, liminal period in our life. So seeing the ways in which the characters give so many examples of strength and living in the gray and reinventing themselves and finding their strength over and over and over again in different ways, which is so powerful and it's a lesson that I carry with me always.
Speaker 3:Oh, that's amazing. It's incredible. And if you had to choose a line for a tattoo, what would it be?
Speaker 9:So this is a bit of a flip of what the line means in context, but I think the line I will walk through the fire on its own is just very powerful. You don't have to let it burn you. My favorite episode is the next question I would have to say is Lies. My Parents Told Me.
Speaker 9:So that is the episode where Spike is triggered by the song early one morning just as the sun was rising, and I mean, talk about therapy. Right, he has to go back and recount what is the story that he's telling himself that is subconsciously making him not who he wants to be, and how can he retell himself that story to be who he was always meant to be? There was a lawyer. I also love the Wolfram and Hart things. At the end, though, I'm a public interest lawyer. I don't represent demons.
Speaker 3:You have a beautiful voice, by the way, just gorgeous.
Speaker 9:Are you a singer? Yes, oh gorgeous.
Speaker 3:Thank you. Oh, thank you so much. So I'm just because they've now told me I have five minutes and I want to get to everybody. So what's your name? Hi, I'm Shelby. Hi, shelby. What does Buffy mean to you? Buffy and Angel.
Speaker 13:Buffy especially. I mean my favorite episode would probably be the body, because of the transition with Buffy I mean it meant a lot to me because I had a lot of changes going on at the time. So watching Buffy like lose her mom and she had to take care of her sister, and like being the oldest sibling and her getting a job and she's like trying to support everybody. Like seeing her do that and still being the Slayer doing like carrying all of it and still like carrying on, yeah, yeah.
Speaker 13:Yeah, that definitely helped me a lot oh that's amazing.
Speaker 3:And if you had to have a tattoo, what would you? What do you think it would be?
Speaker 13:So I actually do have one from when she's telling all the slayers at the end that everyone around the world can be a slayer. So I have. Um, are you ready to be strong? Oh, amazing.
Speaker 3:That's great. And do you have a Drusilla impression? I just love Spike. I think that's been the winner today. Oh, thank you so much. We love doing that at Fanboy Expo. How much fun was that.
Speaker 4:Yeah, that was one of the most surreal experiences of my life and it really was so fun oh my gosh and it was funny because I think I said last week where we just were supposed to do 10 but we just had so much fun and everybody else was having so much fun. It's like, let's just keep going, like we would have kept going unless we weren't physically thrown out.
Speaker 16:Security was waiting to to escort us, yeah everyone was incredible with what they shared.
Speaker 3:It just. We could have gone on and on and on and I was so touched and everything was just beautiful and David, the promoter, runs such an amazing event.
Speaker 16:I've been to a lot of cons in my life and it's up there.
Speaker 4:Yeah, that was solid con, Plus the Papa John's pizza wherever you go. That's what I couldn't believe. Yeah, the food offerings at this convention were amazing.
Speaker 16:Daddy-Os they didn't have Daddy-Os, you know what.
Speaker 4:Where's my Daddy-Os?
Speaker 3:Well, next week join us for the pack. A-woo, a-woo.
Speaker 4:That's what a hyena says they go that. They do. They mock you, I'll that they do. Ah Right, they mock you, they mock you, I think.
Speaker 3:I'll leave that to you, Frank.
Speaker 4:Ah oh, there it is. That was really good.
Speaker 3:See you next week, when we'll do it again. Do it again and, most importantly, until next time, go out and slay it.