Good Neighbor Podcast: Tri-Cities

EP# 31: Unlocking Holistic Healing: Dr. Scott Vautrin’s Journey at LifeLight Chiropractic Center

Skip Mauney & Dr. Scott Vautrin Episode 31

What makes Dr. Scott Vautrin with Lifelight Chiropractic Center a good neighbor?

Can chiropractic care heal more than just your back? Discover the transformative power of natural healing with Dr. Scott Vautrin from LifeLight Chiropractic Center. Raised in a family dedicated to herbs and nutrition, Dr. Scott talks about his 20-year journey in chiropractic care and the unique techniques his practice offers. From incorporating yoga and qigong to the specialized zone technique, his holistic approach addresses not just physical ailments but also spiritual well-being. Tune in to learn how chiropractic care can be a life-changing experience, beyond simply relieving joint pain.

Outside his practice, Dr. Scott’s life is just as dynamic. He shares his love for the great outdoors, hiking, fishing, and kayaking adventures with his daughter. Recently, he’s even dived into the world of pickleball, sponsoring local tournaments and participating in the community. Stay tuned to hear about upcoming events, including a pickleball tournament and an open house at LifeLight Chiropractic Center. This episode promises to provide insights into a more holistic approach to health and wellness that you won’t want to miss!
To learn more about Lifelight Chiropractic Center go to:

Lifelight Chiropractic Center

(423) 282-5483

Speaker 1:

This is the Good Neighbor Podcast, the place where local businesses and neighbors come together. Here's your host, Skip Monning.

Speaker 2:

All right, hi everybody. Welcome to the Good Neighbor Podcast. Are you in need of someone to relieve your pain for aching joints just being uncomfortable? Do you need a chiropractor? If you do, you're in luck today, because we have a very special guest. It's my pleasure to introduce to you your neighbor, dr Scott Baltran, with the LifeLights Chiropractic Center. Dr Scott, welcome to the show thanks, kip, great to be here great to have you.

Speaker 2:

we're all excited about learning about you and your chiropractic center, so if you don't mind, just tell us a little bit about your company.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, life Like Chiropractic Center. I've been in the Tri-Cities for about 10 years, been a chiropractor for 20. It's a unique healing arts center, really the fullest expression of who I am as a chiropractor now and a healer. We have a yoga center. We have yoga classes, qigong, we have nutritional counseling here and, of course, the fabulous chiropractic technique called the zone technique and really just enjoy what I do to the fullest right now.

Speaker 2:

Wonderful Sounds amazing. How exactly did you get into this business?

Speaker 3:

I think as a kid I was always interested in natural healing. My parents were into herbs and nutrition and really my dad did some adjusting. We didn't have any chiropractors so we kind of fixed a sore back or a stiff neck on our own. He kind of studied and since then greatly refined that skill and then later on in college of course, I wandered through business and psychology and sociology, I think At one time law enforcement, and then once I discovered chiropractic, really my whole life began to line up and I feel like it's really a spiritual calling for me as well as you know something.

Speaker 3:

I'm really good at.

Speaker 2:

Awesome. Well, are there any myths or misconceptions that you can think of about the chiropractic field, about your industry?

Speaker 3:

I think chiropractic started from the founder, dd Palmer, who has the right to define the profession as connecting man, the spiritual with man, the physical, and used it to treat diseases and conditions, which, of course, is completely shunned by the profession now. But really, chiropractic the nervous system has a connection to every cell, organ, tissue and body, and particularly with the zone technique. I can help not just I'm amazing with sore back, sciatic pain, knee pain, neck and back pain and disc health and healing, but also I can help with digestive disorders, sleep, circulation problems, all kinds of things that your typical chiropractic doesn't necessarily address directly.

Speaker 2:

Wow, well, you know, I know a lot of people that are diehard chiropractor fans and they swear by it that it's a miracle every time they go. So it sounds like you're really good at that. Um, outside of work, what do you do for fun?

Speaker 3:

well, I'm really an outdoors guy. The only drawback of doing what I love here in the office is that I don't get to be outside doing it. So, um, pretty much every opportunity I get my daughter and I. We like to hike and I like to fish a little bit and kayak and get out to the lake, but any chance we get to be outdoors we're on when. Pickleball is my latest obsession as well. So you might see me down here in Johnson City at the Memorial Park session as well. So you might see me down here in Johnson City at the Memorial Park and we'll be sponsoring a pickleball tournament there coming up September 27th.

Speaker 3:

And also we'll be having an open house here at the office October 19th.

Speaker 2:

Oh, wow. Yeah, I'm a pickleball is a new thing for me as well and I'm an outdoor guy as well. I like to hike and fish. I like to fly fish. Actually, I don't know if you have a specialty.

Speaker 3:

I've tried it a little here and there, but I would like to get into that one day too.

Speaker 2:

Well, the one thing that kept me I'm exclusively fly fishing now and the main reason is I had the guy that taught me how to do it said don't care, it doesn't matter how pretty it looks, Just get it where you want it. As long as you can get it there, you can catch fish. So anyway, but very good. Very good. Well, you got a lot of outside interest. Let's switch gears. Can you describe a hardship or a life challenge that you overcame and how it made you stronger at the end of?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I mean, I think my personal life philosophy is that challenges are what make us grow and make us stronger and help us learn how to be better people.

Speaker 3:

And you know. So I think personal challenges for me have been in relationships and moving, changing careers and businesses, all these type of things you know, raising children, and really I've been humbled to learn about myself through that and I really feel like I affect my own reality from where my mindset has grown over the years to accept responsibility for everything in my life and so all these challenges that seemed miserable and hard for me, I'm really overcoming, blossoming, growing from these and I'm very thankful for at this point in my life, for everything that shows up for me to learn from Awesome.

Speaker 3:

And I hold responsibility for those too.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely, I agree. Couldn't agree more. Same here. So if you could think of one thing that you would want our listeners to remember about you and Lifeline Chiropractic, what would that be?

Speaker 3:

I think common sense and really chiropractic or chiropractic philosophy come together in that we all understand that the body can heal and as simplistic as that is, it's also really miraculous Because we're making over 50 million cells per second skin, liver, bone, nerve. We're really more a spirit than a body. The spirit is what animates this flesh. The spirit leaves no more magic 50 million cells per second. Health is a natural state of being. We normally don't think about it until we lose it, but maintaining, keeping that life force and energy flowing through the body is really what we're about here and it's a lot easier than you think and we can help with more things than just neck, back and sciatic pain or whatever it is, and knees and shoulders and I'm amazing with all those musculoskeletal things, but also all those other things, I really can help you heal on a higher level.

Speaker 2:

Wow, that's fascinating. So it's not just physical, it's also mental health as well.

Speaker 3:

Absolutely Mental and spiritual. It's all connected and the physical is just a reflection of that higher part of us.

Speaker 2:

Very good, very good. Well, dr Scott, how can our listeners learn more about Lifel live flight uh chiropractic.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, um, lifelike. Cairocom. L, I, f, e, l, IG, h, t, c, I, h, I, r O is our webpage. You can learn more about the zone technique. We have a Johnson city yogacom, which is the yoga center that's at my office upstairs. You can access the classes from there and we'll be having an open house coming up October the 19th, on Saturday. It'll be probably four or five hours, starting at 9 am until the afternoon. We'll have hourly classes, education. You'll get to learn all about what we do here, including nutrition, yoga and everything else. And, of course, you can call our phone number locally here 282-5483, to get an appointment.

Speaker 2:

All right, and you said the open house is on October 19th. At what time?

Speaker 3:

It's going to start at 9 am 9 am. So around 1 o'clock.

Speaker 2:

Very good, very good.

Speaker 3:

All right.

Speaker 2:

Well, dr Scott, you don't know how much I appreciate you being on the show. I think our listeners have learned a lot I know I have and you have convinced me that I need to come see you, so look for me to come make an appointment.

Speaker 3:

Thanks for having me Skip Appreciate you.

Speaker 2:

Yes, sir, appreciate you being here and wish you and the LifeLite Chiropractic Center all the best moving forward. Thanks, we'll have you back.

Speaker 1:

Thank you for listening to the Good Neighbor Podcast. To nominate your favorite local businesses to be featured on the show, go to gnptry-citiescom. That's gnptry-citiescom, or call 423-719-5873.