the brAIn - real AI intelligence for media & entertainment

Apple's AI "Intelligence": Safe, Secure & "Ethically Sourced" ... Or Is It? Welcome to my "the brAIn" podcast!

Peter Csathy, Creative Media Episode 1

Welcome to episode 1 of "the brAIn" - the podcast doppelganger to my newsletter of the same name that you can find at Many of you would rather listen than read, so this is for you! Special thanks to DEVO's Mark Mothersbaugh for creating the fantastic original theme music. It's the perfect match of man and machine.

For this inaugural podcast episode, I first lay out the top 10 generative AI focused headlines from last week that impact the world of media and entertainment. I then give my own personal "take" on Apple's attempt to redefine what "AI" means when CEO Tim Cook took the stage a couple weeks ago. The funny thing about it all was that a big piece of Apple’s AI announced launch strategy is OpenAI and ChatGPT dependent — which essentially means Microsoft, OpenAI’s biggest investor. But casting that aside for the moment, Cook, as expected, firmly placed privacy and security at the center of his pitch. That’s a fascinating and extremely narrow needle to thread, since privacy, security, and respect for intellectual property go hand in hand with the data AI uses to “do its thing.”

So does reality meet Apple's central marketing message of "safety" and "security"? I give my "two cents" (and then some) and then lay out why Apple is not exactly the white knight that it wants us to believe.

Enjoy episode 1! if you like it, please review it, follow it, share it and spread the word. And send your feedback to my attention at -- and check out what my firm Creative Media and I do (and how we can help you and your business).

... and welcome to my "brAIn"! real AI intelligence for media and entertainment.

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