Reasonably Certain

Welcome to Reasonably Certain!

July 01, 2024 Ellen Larson Episode 1
Welcome to Reasonably Certain!
Reasonably Certain
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Reasonably Certain
Welcome to Reasonably Certain!
Jul 01, 2024 Episode 1
Ellen Larson

EP #1: Ellen explains the idea behind the name of the podcast, why she decided to start a podcast, her goals for 2024, and the themes and format of the podcast.



☆ Q&A with Ellen:

☆ Dating Mishaps and Wholesome Moments:


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Please note that this episode may contain paid endorsements and advertisements for products and services. Individuals on the show may have a direct or indirect financial interest in products or services referred to in this episode.

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

EP #1: Ellen explains the idea behind the name of the podcast, why she decided to start a podcast, her goals for 2024, and the themes and format of the podcast.



☆ Q&A with Ellen:

☆ Dating Mishaps and Wholesome Moments:


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Business Inquiries:

Please note that this episode may contain paid endorsements and advertisements for products and services. Individuals on the show may have a direct or indirect financial interest in products or services referred to in this episode.

>> Speaker A:

I think I'm ready to start. I can't believe I'm doing this, but hey, guys, welcome to the reasonably certain podcast. I, uh, have it on all the regular podcast outlets, but also YouTube. So if you're watching. Hey, hey. I can't believe that this is real, but welcome. Thank you for watching, listening wherever you prefer to watch your podcasts. Let's get into it. So this is episode one. I wanted to start the first episode of this podcast by explaining the name behind the podcast and kind of why I decided to start a podcast in the first place. So let's just start with the idea behind the name. Why did I name my podcast reasonably certain? I have my notes here because I'm gonna forget what I'm talking about, and you'd think that this would be no problem because I film for YouTube all the time. Um, but the idea that I have to be so far away from my camera right now and that my mic is here, and I'm like, this is the first time I've ever used a mic, so I'm getting used to it. Should I start an ASMR channel? Just kidding. So the idea behind the name, reasonably certain, I would like to, in general, on this podcast, cover topics about things I've learned throughout my twenties, such as things having to do with mental health, body image, makeup, fashion, living abroad. So reasonably certain felt very true to me, because if you have not seen on YouTube or on my social media, I do deal with OCD. Uh, so I have been struggling with that probably for my whole life, but I only really knew about it in the last three years, I think. So it's still very new to me in the grand scheme of things. Uh, and reasonably certain very much identifies with my mindset, because when I was in, like, my first kind of more, or, uh, when I was in therapy, kind of really trying to deal with OCD at first, my therapist would constantly remind me that I have to live life with uncertainty, and that that's really the only way that you can fully cope with the thought loops that come with OCD. So she would tell me I have to live life with uncertainty and that. That I'm going to have to eventually understand that that's kind of one of the main ways that I'm going to be able to work through those thought loops or get my brain out of a thought loop. Um, but I feel that that's still pretty difficult. So I would always try to remind myself, like, okay, well, I'm reasonably certain that the stove is shut off. I'm reasonably certain that I turned the sink off in the bathroom before I left. Like, I do things other than that, but I do have to tell myself, like, I'm certain that I did that if I didn't, like, way more alarm bells would be going off in my head rather than just the run of the mill OCD alarm bells that I have all the time. So that's kind of the reason behind the name of the podcast. Um, it just feels like it fits me in general, because I'm a very, like, I'm not somebody who's extremely decisive in the sense that I will stick by one thought that I have and, like, never change my mind. I'm pretty open to change my mind to pretty much almost any belief I have or, like, any thought that I have. Um, I'm not gonna be, like, super, super firm on stances. Well, stances, yes. I'm not gonna be super, super firm on, like, things in my life in general. I'm also working on that because I tend to be a bit of a control freak. So I try to be pretty, like, working on going with the flow. So I try to just tell myself, like, hey, I'm reasonably certain that I'll probably be okay. And that's kind of just how it goes. So that's the explanation behind the name. Um, and again, in addition to the other things I mentioned, I want to also talk about self care, confidence, empowerment, and those things also tie in very closely with the name and just the journey. Um, I've gone on, like, handling living alone with OCD and kind of how I've managed to do the things I've done in the past few years while living with that. But I would love to maybe dive into those a bit more later. But I also wanted to talk about my goals for 2024. Um, it's kind of symbolic because today is actually June 30 when I'm recording this, and we are halfway through the year. Can we believe it? Um, I decided this week to take a look at my vision, uh, board for the year again, to see if anything has changed, if I want to update any of my goals. I also decided to do quarterly goals this year, um, because I feel like monthly goals can. I mean, I do monthly goals, too. I feel that there are different levels of intensity. You know what I mean? A monthly goal might not be quite as intense, but a quarterly goal is something a bit larger, and then a yearly goal, I feel like, would be even larger than that. At least that's how I think of it in my head. Yeah. So I thought I would just talk about some of those, one of them being this podcast. So I'm accomplishing that, which is very exciting. Um, but I also just did a haul on my stories the other day of quite a lot of clothing that I bought. That wasn't necessarily a personal goal of mine this year. But I have wanted to get out of my comfort zone in several ways. One of those being my wardrobe and trying to find good quality staple pieces that I will keep for a long time, but also that are maybe a bit out of my comfort zone. Not in this sense that I would never wear them, but I'm trying to, like, very slowly push myself to have a bit more of personal style. Um, for example, I've been watching, I think it's styling with Kenzie on TikTok, and I'm really inspired by her videos because I just don't. I don't think I have not curated that vision to be able to see my wardrobe and just be like, oh, I need to elevate it by doing, like, x, y, z. She does it so well. It's, like, crazy. So I was like, I just need a hint of that in my own life to feel like I'm really, like, maturing and, like, having a bit more of, like, a personal style. So I did buy a few things to try and aid with that goal. Um, one of them being my polen bag. Um, I'll just. I can show a quick clip of it on the screen if you're watching on YouTube. But I'm obsessed. I'm very happy that I made that purchase. It was definitely a big girl purchase, but I felt that I needed a nicer daily bag. Uh, especially because I'm getting close to 30. I'm 29, but I'll be 30 next year. And I just feel like I need to elevate my. Myself a little bit because I feel like I still have many. Well, I definitely have many items in my wardrobe that are still from my early twenties, and I feel like they don't necessarily fit me in my vibe anymore. So I'm ready to kind of phase out a few things at a time to kind of, I guess, morph into, like, my thirties. You know what I mean? Like, I want to have a bit of a revolution of my personal style and, like, my life for my thirties. I feel like that's kind of a good time in your life to do that. Anyway, your twenties is definitely for learning a lot. Um, and not maybe being the most glamorous at things because you're just basically a baby adult. You don't know everything yet. Um, but now after nine years in my twenties, I feel very good about my life and where I'm at. So I think I'm just ready for kind of like that next evolution, my life. And it sounds so silly to say, but like one of those things was getting a nice bag that I feel a bit more confident about wearing every day, that actually like, feels more mature and like more intentional than the bags I have from my early twenties. So I'm happy about that because it's been on my wish list for like a year. Um, what else? Achieving things in general that I have on my lists. So I love to make lists. I've made vision boards for years, I've made lists of goals for years. But, um, I have not been the greatest at achieving them for many reasons. I could go into like several podcast episodes on that. It's, it's almost, it's too much to describe, but I've been trying to be more intentional with my goals and not just writing them just for like, haha, silly. Hehe. Like dreams, you know? Uh, because it's not that dreams are silly, but sometimes you write things without really like, any intention behind it or like, why do I want this? How would I realistically achieve this? And it doesn't always have to be realistic, like, be delusional. Please, please be delusional for your own benefit. Um, but I've been trying to make more like, bite sized goals. Like, let's not try and like, bite off the whole cookie in one bite. Like, let's just, you know, go in parts. So that's what I've been trying to do this year. That's why I did quarterly goals this year, because I feel like looking at the year and quarters is much easier to decide. What can I realistically accomplish in three months? I, uh, feel like a month is too short to really define a larger goal, but I think three months is a much better timeline. It doesn't get too lengthy where it feels, um, too daunting, I feel, but it's not too short where you feel like, stressed, like you don't have enough time to finish it. So I've been really enjoying the quarterly goals and kind of looking at it that way. Um, so now that we're halfway through the year, I'm like, yay. I can work on whatever I would consider my quarter three goals, which I haven't really fully defined. Um, but the podcast was one of them. So I'm very excited that this is actually happening. And I want to travel more. I've been having a very deep fear of traveling. I basically, like, the biggest leap I took was moving to Barcelona, and then I was like, okay, I'm here. Like, I'm not traveling. I'm just staying here. I'm enjoying my life, and I just, I don't think my brain and my body can mentally and emotionally handle more traveling when it was, like, such a big feat just to get here. So now after a year of living in Barcelona, I'm like, okay, like, half the reason I moved here was eventually to actually travel more. Uh, since I'm already across the ocean, it's like, hey, maybe you should travel. So I am going on a trip in August to Scandinavia, which I am so excited about. I'm very excited. Like, of course I'm nervous, but I'm more excited than nervous, which is a good sign for me. And in general, just doing things to get out of my comfort zone, like I said. So one of those things has been kind of like, I'm not working with a therapist currently, but I've just kind of decided on a whim, like, that. I want to work on a bit of rejection therapy. And it's not necessarily just to do with dating and guys. It's kind of in all aspects of life, I go to quite a few creator type events where creative type people in the city get together just to network and hang out. Maybe you make a new friend or two, and it's just a fun event to go to, to mingle and meet new people. Um, so I've really enjoyed going to those, but it is difficult every time. I'm, of course, excited to go do something social, but at the same time, it's so difficult to walk up and talk to strangers, which is, like, really so silly when you think about it. I always compare it to if we were an animal. If we were a group of dogs at, uh, a doggy daycare. Dogs are, like, having a blast hanging out with each other and, like, you know what I mean? So I just think of it as if we were, like, all, like, nervous puppies or something, and we were, like, scared to even go, like, go walk up to each other or something. Like, when you think about it, it's like we're humans. Like, just go say hi. We're not five years old. Like, we're all full blown adults, and it's still kind of scary. So that's something I'm trying to work on. Um, is just like, walking up to people and saying hi and having a nice conversation and not overthinking, like, things that I'm saying or how I'm looking or how they're perceiving me. And that in itself is already difficult. But then, on top of that, I've been trying to dare myself. Like, literally, I'm daring myself to go do these things. Cause it's just, like, I just need to do something different. Like, clearly, my, um, approach on dating has not been the most fruitful. So even if nothing comes of it, I feel it's good practice to just walk up to a guy in a bar and just be. And just start a conversation. Like, pretty much the exact same way I would start a conversation at those networking events. But for some reason, when it's a guy that I think that I think is attractive, I lose all social capabilities. Um, if it's literally anybody else that I don't have any romantic or attractiveness or romantic interest in, or I don't think as attractive, it's like, I could. I could pretty much talk to anyone. Sure, I'll be a bit nervous, but, like, it. I can talk to, like, a rock and make friends with a rock. Like, that's. I don't usually have an issue with it, but when it comes to is, like, as soon as I find somebody attractive, I'm like, oh, no, they're gonna think I'm disgusting and, like, be repulsed that I even thought that I could speak to them. Like, that I could even approach them. So I'm trying to work on that, but I think it's. Overall, it's been good. Like, it's never as scary as you make it out to be in your head. So, that's the reason I'm doing it, is, like, to teach myself that my brain is usually making a situation much more scary sounding than it actually ever is in reality. So, yeah, personal brand or no personal style, starting a podcast, traveling, rejection therapy, those have been kind of, like, the main goals that I've been working on recently, and we'll see. I'm sure I have more, but again, I'm trying not to bite off more than I can chew. So those are. Those are some good goals I'm working on, and I'm excited about them, which is good. I'm not feeling fearful or stressed, which I think kind of defeats the purpose of a goal. Like, you should be excited and, like, a little bit nervous, of course, but, like, you should be excited and, like, want to go towards your goal. Otherwise, I feel like you should ask yourself why. Why you're forcing yourself to do something that you really don't want to do. Um, anyways, okay, so moving on to the last part I had kind of on my mind was just the themes and the format of the podcast. So I am planning on posting once a week. But of course, with the first launch of the podcast, I will be launching three episodes. So this will be the first of three that I'm launching right away just for everyone to enjoy. And then I'll start with once a week. After that, this will hopefully be something that I can stay very consistent with and will be a staple in my life. Because although I love YouTube, I feel with regular YouTube videos, I don't. I'm not nearly as consistent as I would be with a podcast, where it's like, more of a formal setup. I guess in a lot of ways, it's not many much different than me doing a regular YouTube video. But I do like the format of, like, having a bit more structure and, like, planned out ideas. Rather than a YouTube video. It can be pretty much, like, on a whim. Like, I'm very unplanned. Um, so I do for my type a self. I love the structure of a podcast, and I personally consume, like, my YouTube homepage is just video podcasts. Like, just trish h three canceled. I, um, know I'm forgetting a bunch. So, um, true with Caleb therapist. I love a video podcast. So I was like, well, what am I doing? I love consuming them. I'm gonna make one because I love them so much. Um, so I'm hoping to cover one main topic per episode. Obviously, this episode's topic is kind of like my idea behind the name, why I made a podcast, my goals and things like that. But then I'll be covering a bit. I'll probably have a segment for pop culture and current trends and then another segment of what my goals are for the upcoming week. And probably a few things. Yeah, just in general, pertaining to kind of like, what's going on in my life currently, because I'm kind of having an idea that I can be kind of like your personal motivational friend. Like, we can achieve our goals together. We can make a realistic goals. Well, like I said, lofty goals. But, like, let's take the realistic steps we need to get there. Otherwise, you're always going to be disappointed and never meet them and. Yeah, so I'm very excited to kind of just tell you guys how I'm achieving that, and then we can kind of work towards those together. That's what, that was my thought behind that. And then just going back to like other topics in general that I'll be covering, like my mental health, body image, makeup, fashion, living abroad, I will, yeah, be covering anything like that. So if you have any ideas, questions, anything of that sort. I do have a Google form in the show notes or in the YouTube description. Um, and I have a few links there that you can check out if you want to, like, participate in the podcast. I think that would be fun. And if you have any idea ideas along those topics, like just leave a comment in the YouTube channel as well, or like, message me on Instagram. Um, and speaking of which, if you don't follow me on Instagram or TikTok, I post there more often, but I will be posting here on my podcast once a week. Um, so if you prefer to watch on YouTube, go ahead and subscribe so you don't miss out on the next episodes. And if you prefer to listen, check out Apple podcasts, Spotify wherever you listen to your podcasts, and I will see you in the next episode, which is out now. So if you want to keep listening, go ahead and listen to that. But anyway, I'm just so thankful that I'm at this point in my life where I'm able to start a podcast. And I'm very excited for you guys to listen and hopefully enjoy it. And I'm sure it will grow a lot, uh, over time. But this is where we're starting and this is my idea. So, yeah, I'm just super excited. And thank you guys for supporting and watching, and I will see you in the next episode. Bye.

Explanation behind the name
2024 Goals
Themes and format of the podcast