Good Neighbor Podcast: Frisco

EP #42: Building Strong Foundations: Angel Alvarez and Esteban Alexander's Journey with Best Contracting Services and Roofing Wisdom

Sophia Yvette

What makes Angel Alvarez and Esteban Alexander with Best Contracting Services good neighbors?

Experience the fascinating transformation journey of Angel and Alex from Best Contracting Services as they discuss how a hailstorm in 2014 ignited their passion for creating a customer-focused roofing company. Discover how their mission to educate homeowners on their roofing options has set them apart in the industry. You'll also hear them dispel some of the most common myths surrounding roof maintenance, emphasizing the need for regular inspections and high-quality materials to save on costly repairs.

But it's not all about shingles and gutters. Angel and Alex open up about their commitment to maintaining mental and physical health through regular gym workouts, which enhances their productivity and serves as an inspiration to their clients. Balancing work and personal well-being, they share candid stories of overcoming challenges to build a more resilient business. Tune in for an engaging conversation that offers practical advice and heartfelt insights from your neighbors at Best Contracting Services.

To learn more about Best Contracting Services go to:

Best Contracting Services

Speaker 1:

This is the Good Neighbor Podcast, the place where local businesses and neighbors come together. Here's your host, Sophia Yvette.

Speaker 2:

Welcome to the Good Neighbor Podcast. Are you in need of a roofing company? Surprisingly, one may be closer than you think. Today I have the pleasure of introducing you to your neighbors, angel and Alex, with Best Contracting Services. How are you doing today?

Speaker 3:

We're doing great thank you Great.

Speaker 2:

well, we're excited to learn all about you and your guys' business.

Speaker 3:

Tell us a bit about Best Contracting Services. Well, best Contracting Services is a roofing company that we don't only handle roofing, we handle all of your exterior needs from exterior paint, gutters, downspouts, fences, stain and windows.

Speaker 2:

And how did you both get into this business?

Speaker 3:

Well, it all started in 2014 after a hailstorm. I was in a different industry. We had a hailstorm in my house and I had a line of roofers knocking on my door that wanted to replace my roof and I started asking questions and very quickly I realized that there was nobody that could tell me how they're going to do a roof the proper way. Everybody was just telling me we'll replace your roof, you'll be happy, but nobody would tell me if there was any other options or upgrades that I could do. I've always taken care of my house. I wanted to get the best.

Speaker 3:

And very quickly, I realized that there's a market for me there and I'm all about educating the customer, and that's how we started in there, basically based out of necessity.

Speaker 2:

Okay, and what are the myths or misconceptions in your industry? It sounds like you know about quite a few.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, we do actually. That's a great question.

Speaker 4:

One of the biggest ones is that one must not inspect a roof several times a year, and it's very important to have someone with a licensed roofing company that will come out and inspect your roof several times a year. Just do the upkeep, you know, because you just never know what type of damage could be up there. Also, it's all prevention right. Know what type of damage could be up there? Also, it's all prevention right Now.

Speaker 4:

The second myth is that all qualities and all quality materials and roofs are the same. They're very different. It could differ from the shingle quality to the felt. The way that they put it up I mean, everything about it could be very different. Again, quality is very important, and the materials as well. And the last misconception I'd like to bring about is that you don't need to wait for a leak in your house in order to call a roofer to change the roof. There could be many other telltale signs that your roof is ready to be replaced, such as, you know, degranulation or any type of other damage that could possibly, you know, increase the damage more in your property, and you can prevent very expensive repairs for that.

Speaker 2:

And when you, gentlemen, are not dealing with replacing roofs outside of work, what do you do for fun?

Speaker 4:

Honestly, we tend to stay in the gym a lot. We like to maintain our health, our mental health and our physical health very in tune and that really creates a more level of productivity. Here in the office and also with our team. We tend to focus a lot on ourselves when we're outside these walls and it's so hard because we do care for our customer and it's funny that a lot of our customers really look up to that and they say, man, you know, how did you, how do you have time to work out, how do you have time to eat? Right? And we just try to always work around the, the business and also our, our health, and we really we stay busy with that. We really enjoy it.

Speaker 2:

Awesome. Well, you know we've discussed a lot of the positives, got to know a little bit about you, know what it takes to keep up with the roofs. But let's change gears for a second because, as we all know, life is not always sunshine and rainbows. So can you describe one hardship or life challenge that either of you rose above and can now say because of it, you're better and stronger?

Speaker 4:

When I say that, what mind honestly, I for me, a hardship was to even communicate uh with with the customers like develop my social skills, develop my personal skills with them and as I've gone in front of more and more customers, I feel like I'm able to be more of myself and who I am and actually perceive the message to them and educate them in the roots, which makes me feel a lot better by helping people that way. Our number one priority if we are going to do business with our homeowners, is that we educate them in the system of the room. Once they understand that, they feel a lot more at ease and they can trust us. And we also love to develop a relationship with them because this will probably not be the last time they'll hear from us. They'll call us for any other type of needs, such as, like Angel had mentioned earlier, all the exterior needs or some interior needs. Now they trust us and we trust other people. We like to refer a lot of work okay, what about you, angel?

Speaker 2:

would you like to share as well?

Speaker 3:

well, uh, for me, it was, uh the part where I was by myself for for a while. Uh, I couldn't get ahead and grow the business. Uh, I felt like I was, I was like a dog chasing his tail, uh, until I found alex. He has been a blessing for us. He come over and he's helping us expand the company. Now we feel that we're on the right path to grow and, more than anything, it's we're keeping the same mentality, which is has to be a win-win for everybody, from the customer to labor force to the company. Everybody has to be able to, to be benefited from every transaction okay.

Speaker 2:

So, as I say, teamwork makes the dream work right, absolutely all right. Uh, please tell our listeners one thing they should remember about best contracting services.

Speaker 3:

I'll answer that one. One thing that they should remember about us is that we treat everybody as if they were the only deal that we have. Going on. We could be working with 100 customers, but we're always going to make each homeowner feel that they're the only homeowner that we're working with.

Speaker 3:

So our customer service is superb and we always excel on that. Our five-star review everywhere that uh corroborate that. That's our main priority make sure that every customer is 100 satisfied at the end of every job okay, and what makes your roofing company stand out across all others?

Speaker 4:

Yeah, that's actually a fairly easy one. Just as Angel had mentioned, not only do we make our customers feel like they are our only deal, our customers, which are homeowners. They will develop a relationship with us. They will have fully access to Angel being the owner and CEO and operator of the company. They will have access to the managers, but they will also, like I said, they have access to him and to myself at all times If they feel like their answer is not enough and they're not getting the education process that they should be from our representative or a manager management, which it will never be the case. But I can promise you they can have access to us 24 seven.

Speaker 2:

OK, and how can our listeners learn more about Best Contracting Services?

Speaker 4:

You can visit us online at mybestcontractingcom. We have social media as well, on Instagram and Facebook at Best Contracting Services. You can look us up there and we are posting a lot of educational content If you guys would like to know a little more about roofs and what makes them so important against all the environmental exposures.

Speaker 2:

Well, Alex and Angel, I really appreciate you being on the show. We wish you and your business the best moving forward.

Speaker 3:

Thank you for having us on. We appreciate you. It was a pleasure.

Speaker 4:

Thank you so much.

Speaker 1:

Thank you for listening to the Good Neighbor Podcast. To nominate your favorite local businesses to be featured on the show, go to gnpfriscocom. That's gnpfriscocom, or call 469-221-9345. 9, 3, 4, 5.