Good Neighbor Podcast: Frisco

EP #47: Unlocking Health: Dr. Cyrus Laali's Journey from Car Accident Patient to Expert Chiropractor at Epic Chiropractic

Sophia Yvette

What makes Dr. Cyrus Laali with Epic Chiropractic a good neighbor?

What if the secret to alleviating chronic pain was just an adjustment away? Join us on the Good Neighbor Podcast as we chat with Dr. Cyrus Laali of Epic Chiropractic, who opens up about his personal journey into chiropractic care initiated by a car accident during his college years. Dr. Laali works with a diverse clientele, from athletes with sports injuries to pregnant women needing relief. He also dispels common myths, like the notion that chiropractors are not "real" doctors and the idea that chiropractic care is a lifetime commitment. Dr. Laali explains the rigorous training chiropractors undergo and how regular adjustments can be beneficial but are not obligatory for everyone.

Tune in to discover how to connect with Dr. Laali and Epic Chiropractic. Dr. Laali is dedicated to making healthcare accessible, offering free consultations to understand and address individual health concerns. He is committed to providing the quickest path to recovery, even if it means referring patients to other specialists. His patient-first approach and dedication to holistic care are truly inspiring. Whether you're curious about chiropractic care or seeking practical advice for your health journey, this episode is a must-listen.

To learn more about Epic Chiropractic go to:

Epic Chiropractic


Speaker 1:

This is the Good Neighbor Podcast, the place where local businesses and neighbors come together. Here's your host, Sophia Yvette.

Speaker 2:

Welcome to the Good Neighbor Podcast. Are you in need of a chiropractor? Surprisingly, one may be closer than you think. Today I have the pleasure of introducing you to your neighbor, dr Cyrus Lally, with Epic Chiropractic. Dr Cyrus Lally, how are you doing?

Speaker 3:

I'm doing great. How about you?

Speaker 2:

I'm great. Well, we're excited to learn all about you and your business. Tell us a bit about Epic Chiropractic.

Speaker 3:

Well, I personally have been a chiropractor for 17 years and I've been over 17 years now but I've been in my own private practice, epic Chiropractic, for the last seven years, which is right basically in that Frisco Plano border we're located at Legacy in Preston. For those that are local in the area, we see a little bit of everything. So we see people who are, you know, unfortunately stuck in like sudden injuries, like sports injuries or car accidents, but we also see a lot of people who may have like just really slow, gradual pain from working at their computers or desk too much. And even, like you know, we see our pregnant moms and the little kiddos and everyone in between.

Speaker 2:

Awesome. How'd you get into this business?

Speaker 3:

I was actually probably headed down a path into that aforementioned desk computer type of field and as a sophomore in college I was involved in a car accident, which seems pretty cliche, right. So it was a front end collision, right, and I'm in the backseat on the passenger side, and I'm in the back seat on the passenger side, and this is like the early 2000s here. So I'm going to be honest and real with you here. I was not wearing my seatbelt, it was a different time. So, kids, if you're listening, please buckle up Always.

Speaker 3:

But I'm sitting there in the back seat and it's a front end collision and I basically go flying right into the passenger seat with my right knee, first Leg there, collision and I basically go flying right into the passenger seat with my right knee, first leg there, um and uh, you know, spinal pain and all sorts of stuff, and I went through the entire experience as a patient and just felt so much better, and so that led me down this path of. You know, I want people to feel as good as I did, and if you ask my folks, they always told you know, I was apparently always wanting to get into some kind of a healthcare field From, basically, as a kid I kept telling people I wanted to be a pediatrician, so I knew I wanted to help people and this seems like a nice transition into it.

Speaker 2:

Wow, I'm so sorry that happened to you. I mean, at least it led you to opening up your own practice and glad you're alive and well today. Yeah, absolutely and well today?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, absolutely, let's go ahead and go over some of the myths or misconceptions in your industry. Are there any? Oh, yeah, definitely. To be honest, when it comes to chiropractic, there's. There's a lot like if you just go to any of the social media videos of people getting adjustments or whatever and you just go into the comment section. There's a bunch right there off the bat, right. I think let's just do like probably the two most common ones that I have heard and seen often.

Speaker 3:

Number one is like chiropractors, not doctors, and that just kind of goes into like what your definition is. If your expectation is a medical doctor, then of course not. No, we are not medical doctors. We get our degree as doctors of chiropractic or DC, and so that is where our specialty lies, in the neuromusculoskeletal system, and so that's kind of our bread and butter, that's our specialty. That encompasses everything from like nerves and joints and bones and muscles and ligaments and everything like that. But no, we're not. You know we're not like medical doctors. But our education was very extensive too, like we were taking, you know, 25 to 30 hour trimesters, year round school, and then we also had our rotations the equivalent of what would be rotations and residency while we were in school, and so we had an extensive amount of education, but we're not you know, we're not able to prescribe or do surgeries or anything like that. We work more in a conservative area there. That's probably like one of the biggest ones.

Speaker 3:

That, I think, is is a misconception or myth about it. I think the other one is and I hear this a lot of my practices If you go to a chiropractor once, you have to go all the time for the rest of your life, type of thing, right. And I'll just speak on my personal side. I get adjusted really regularly, but that's more of like a once thing, not necessarily a need thing For me.

Speaker 3:

I feel great, I like to keep my body in check, I like to live as pain-free as possible, and so you know, for me I like to get adjusted regularly, but do I necessarily need it every week? No, I don't, and that's the case for the vast majority of my patients as well too. A lot of them they don't need to be seen. You know, one of those like once a week for the rest of your life, type of things, right. And so you know, if I feel like I have to tell people that they need that, that's probably false, because then how am I any different from like just taking like an over the counter medication just to kind of feel better for a short period of time? We like to get really lasting results in my office.

Speaker 2:

And what are the benefits of getting adjusted regularly?

Speaker 3:

It just kind of keeps your body in check. It relieves tension and pain, you know, it keeps your nerves flowing properly. Those are the big, big parts of what we do. For me personally, I just I'm pretty active and I don't really get pain like a lot of my patients that come in and report pain as well too. But I've also been getting adjusted basically since I was in school, so that's, you know, over 20 years now, and I get pretty adjusted pretty regularly to keep me in check.

Speaker 2:

And when you're not with patients, what do you do for fun?

Speaker 3:

Oh well, I definitely I'm like a big family guy and I'm also a giant kid at heart, so I like to keep and load up like my weekends with my seven-year-old daughter and my three-year-old son full of activities, so we have honestly a blast. I'm real big into sports, so I like to work out a lot and I like to really challenge myself athletically. Uh, try things that are outside of my comfort zone, that I may not be great at, but at least it kind of changes up the routine and mundane workouts that I might be doing. Um, and also because I love sports, I'm obviously like a diehard cowboys, mavericks, rangers, stars and longhorns fan, so, uh, I'll watch them whenever I get a chance to as well. And, uh, I've been born and raised in this area. I'm truly like hometown chiropractor, and so I have. I've been very blessed to have many, many friends that also still live in this area, so now it's also fun watching our kids become friends as well to these people that I've known since I was a kid myself.

Speaker 2:

So that's awesome. Let's go ahead and change gears for a second. I know you you kind of started already getting into it. But when you were kind of going through a difficult time or you know a challenging time in your life you know, such as that car accident that you went through in the past, what kind of helped you get through?

Speaker 3:

it. I think for that one it was just being positive and trusting the care that I was directed into to basically come out the other side feeling better. Whenever people are healing, it's usually not like a jump from point A to point B. It's usually almost like a train track where it takes time to go through the stages of healing. But whenever you trust that process it usually does lead to these amazing, amazing results where people are like, oh, I didn't realize I could feel this way, you know.

Speaker 3:

And then another hardship I just think about also is like just during COVID. You know, with healthcare and everything that happened with that, we had to shut down a lot of stuff and be open for emergencies and everything and we did a pretty solid job of that. But the big thing I learned from that, honestly, is adaptability. You know being flexible, taking whatever life comes at your way. Basically, you know we adapted very, very well and we're happy that we were still open, albeit on more limited hours, but we could still help our patients out and see our patients and a lot of them. Just honestly, it was like borderline therapeutic, if you will like coming to an office and seeing people and talking, and you know talking about all the you know, trending shows and things like that and movies during that time while they're getting their care done.

Speaker 2:

So that's awesome. Please tell our listeners one thing they should remember about epic chiropractic. I know there's many amazing things, but let's say maybe the top one thing oh, that's a good one, okay.

Speaker 3:

Um, I think one of the biggest things is like you don't have to live in pain, like I think people get used to pain and you really, like people, can live a totally pain free life. Every patient I meet, they have had some of them have had chronic pain. They've been dealing with pain for literally years and even decades sometimes. And I'm like I go in with every single person. I'm like my goal for you is no pain every day, and if we can't achieve that, for whatever reason, I'll be the first to tell you. But that's my goal, walking into seeing every single patient. So, like I always tell people, I'm like don't think of it like as an annoying roommate. You just kind of get stuck in a lease with, like you can, you can break out of that cycle like we got you. We're going to make you feel better and the baseline should not be I have some pain or tightness. The baseline should be no pain every day. That's, that's the biggest thing.

Speaker 2:

And how can our listeners learn more about Epic Chiropractic?

Speaker 3:

You can always give us a check out our website. It's wwwepichironet. Our phone number is 972-473-6325, which is the last four spells out neck, so it's four, seven, three neck. And then we're on Facebook and Instagram as well. If you just search for Epic Chiropractic, you should be able to find us. My, my mug is there somewhere. It'll pop up so. So that's probably the easiest way to find us and I'm always very easily accessible. I always tell people all the time, like, if you guys ever want just to meet me to talk about what's going on with you, I'm always very easily accessible. I always tell people all the time if you guys ever want just to meet me to talk about what's going on with you, I'm very happy to do free consultations. There's no charge, Just see if I can help you, and if I can't, I love to steer people wherever they can get better the fastest.

Speaker 2:

Well, Dr Cyrus Lally, I really appreciate you being on the show. We wish you and your business the best moving forward.

Speaker 3:

Thank you, sophia, I greatly appreciate your time.

Speaker 1:

Thank you for listening to the Good Neighbor Podcast. To nominate your favorite local businesses to be featured on the show, go to gnpfriscocom. That's gnpfriscocom, or call 469-221-9345.