Good Neighbor Podcast: Frisco

EP #50: Transforming Homes and Lives: Aric Arif's Journey with ATG General Contracting and Overcoming Addiction

Sophia Yvette

What makes Aric Arif with ATG General Contracting a good neighbor?

Ever wondered what it takes to transform a home and a life simultaneously? Meet Aric Arif from ATG General Contracting, a remarkable individual whose journey into the world of energy-efficient metal roofing is filled with passion, integrity, and resilience. From his start in Joshua, Texas, to becoming a trusted name in the DFW area, Aric shares his love for changing homes and the immense satisfaction of seeing happy customers. He doesn't shy away from discussing the industry's challenges either, shedding light on fly-by-night companies that tarnish its reputation and emphasizing the critical role of honesty and community trust in his success.

Beyond his professional endeavors, Aric opens up about his personal life, revealing how he enjoys fishing, working out, and traveling, with a particular fondness for the Caribbean. In a deeply moving segment, Aric shares his triumph over addiction, a battle that has fortified his strength and dedication to helping others. Join us for an inspiring conversation that covers everything from storm restoration to personal transformation, and discover how resilience can pave the way to a brighter future.

To learn more about ATG General Contracting go to:

ATG General Contracting


Speaker 1:

This is the Good Neighbor Podcast, the place where local businesses and neighbors come together. Here's your host, Sophia Yvette.

Speaker 2:

Welcome to the Good Neighbor Podcast. Are you in need of a roofing and storm and restoration company? Surprisingly, one may be closer than you think. Today I have the pleasure of introducing you to your neighbor, eric Arif, with ATG General Contracting. Eric, how are you doing today?

Speaker 3:

I'm doing good.

Speaker 2:

Good. Well, we're excited to learn all about you and your business. Tell us a bit about ATG General Contracting.

Speaker 3:

We specialize in specialty roofing, mainly metal roofing, like the green roofing systems. So basically all of our roofing systems that we install are pretty much all energy efficient. They give you a tax credit at the end of the year for the uh, for the green roof and, um, we specialize in storm restoration mostly. Um, so you know, uh, we're one of like the five, five or six thousand roofing companies in the DFW and we do a lot of hail restoration and stuff like that.

Speaker 2:

And how'd you get into this business?

Speaker 3:

I started. I took a leap of faith to get into the roofing business about seven years ago leap of faith to get into the roofing business about seven years ago and I started at a company in Joshua, texas, and it was the same type of roofing company we just specialize in metal roofing and I just really enjoy changing people's homes and seeing the looks on their face, like you know, when everything is done. You know we transform a lot of homes in the dfw, um, so, and the money's really good in it. You know, obviously so, um, there's a lot of people in the roofing industry and in the dfw, so there's a lot of competition, um where? Uh, we have a really good track record. We're A-plus rated on the Better Business Bureau. We have a ton of testimonial videos and references we provide to everybody. You know, I think just the honesty and integrity you know go a long way in this business and our track record speaks for itself.

Speaker 3:

And what are the myths or misconceptions in your industry. Um, miss misconceptions, um, I don't know, there's a lot of fly-by-night roofing companies that come here from other states and they're not, you know they're not. You know they're not on the Better Business Bureau. They don't have the general liability insurance. You know, they kind of give the industry a bad name in the DFW, you know. Unfortunately, some people, you know they don't even come back after they collect the down payment. So there's a lot of, because most of it is done by door-to-door sales, you know. So there's a lot of people that are on the fence for, you know, letting us look at their stuff and selecting somebody that knocks on their door. But you know, I think that people really are good at reading other people and feeling their energy and all of that. I think that people really are good at reading other people and feeling their energy and all of that, and so we do pretty well at earning everybody's trust and helping the community after these catastrophic events that occur.

Speaker 2:

And outside of work. What do you do for fun?

Speaker 3:

I do, I fish, I'm in the gym every day. I try and help other people transform their lives. You know, I'm always trying to recruit people into this business and, um, just try and just help everybody. Um, I have kids, so I love to go on vacation. That's probably my main thing that I like to do for fun on my free time Okay, traveling.

Speaker 3:

Any favorite vacation spots. Oh man, I love the Caribbean. I really want to go to Europe next summer, though, and venture out there. I went last year, and it's a really different world over there, you know, but I mean any beach in the Caribbean where you can see through the bottom of the water. Those are my favorite places to go.

Speaker 2:

Let's go ahead and change gears for a second. Can you describe one hardship or life challenge? You rose above and can now say because of it, you're better and stronger. When I say that for you, what comes to mind?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I've had a lot of hardships in life. You know, the biggest one I think I've overcome and rose from was beating addiction. You know, when I was younger I had issues, you know, with substances and stuff and uh, you know about like eight years now I've completely changed my life and uh, have grown spiritually and just all around and I try and help other people that suffer with stuff like that today, um, because there is a way out and um, you know it's.

Speaker 2:

it gets pretty hopeless during those times and I am definitely like walking testimonial of you know that it can be done, that you can get out of it and what helped you get through that tough time. Man, I, honestly you know, found a relationship with God, you know, and that's definitely what saved me from all that. That's amazing.

Speaker 3:

Well, eric please tell our listeners one thing they should remember about ATG General Contracting um, that we provide, you know um, affordable metal roof upgrades that last a lifetime roofing systems. Um, and you know, nine times out of ten, we can get the insurance to pay for everything and you won't have to pay anything besides your deductible, you know, to get you upgraded into, you know, a lifetime roofing system and how can our listeners learn more about ATG General Contracting?

Speaker 3:

You can follow us on Instagram, facebook. We have a website, atggeneralcontractingcom. We're getting ready to open a YouTube page and stuff too, and we're just growing in social media right now. So this is the first podcast I've ever done. We're just growing in social media right now, so this is the first podcast I've ever done.

Speaker 2:

Oh, okay. Well, Eric, I really appreciate you being on the show. We wish you and your business the best moving forward.

Speaker 1:

Awesome. Thank you for listening to the Good Neighbor Podcast. To nominate your favorite local businesses to be featured on the show, go to gnpfriscocom. That's gnpfriscocom, or call 469-221-9345.