WisdomE Podcast

Reclaiming Ancestral Wisdom: Healing and Harmony in Filipino Traditions w/ Jill Bacarisas #1

July 30, 2024 Stefan "Storm" Sevilla Season 1 Episode 1
Reclaiming Ancestral Wisdom: Healing and Harmony in Filipino Traditions w/ Jill Bacarisas #1
WisdomE Podcast
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WisdomE Podcast
Reclaiming Ancestral Wisdom: Healing and Harmony in Filipino Traditions w/ Jill Bacarisas #1
Jul 30, 2024 Season 1 Episode 1
Stefan "Storm" Sevilla

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Unlock the secrets of Filipino ancestral wisdom and discover how ancient traditions can transform your life. Join us as Jill Bacarisas, a proud descendant of the Higaonon tribe, shares her powerful journey of reconnecting with her roots and understanding the profound role of being of service and how that is connected to the natural way. Jill's stories of the Talaandig tribe and ancient Philippine Mantras will leave you inspired to explore your identity and gifts to serve your community more deeply.

Experience the divine synergy between the mind and heart as we explore the healing wisdom of traditional Babaylans (Traditional Philippine Healers). Be inspired by the harmonious blend of clear intentions and elevated emotions, akin to teachings from spiritual mentors like Dr. Joe Dispenza. Jill guides us through the essence of living from the heart, an approach that brings deep contentment and communal support, beautifully illustrated by the close-knit community on Siargao island. Discover how supportive environments can help you thrive and fulfill your unique role within your community.

Immerse yourself in the world of traditional healing practices with personal anecdotes from Jill and Storm and their personal experiences with healers in the Philippines. Learn about the potent natural remedies and esoteric rituals that have been passed down through generations. Uncover the powerful influence of words and intentions on our reality and the significance of avoiding gossip to focus on genuine healing. Jill also shares insights from her women's circle, encouraging us all to lead lives filled with wisdom, love, and alignment. Join us as we reclaim ancestral wisdom and embrace a life of harmony and purpose.

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Unlock the secrets of Filipino ancestral wisdom and discover how ancient traditions can transform your life. Join us as Jill Bacarisas, a proud descendant of the Higaonon tribe, shares her powerful journey of reconnecting with her roots and understanding the profound role of being of service and how that is connected to the natural way. Jill's stories of the Talaandig tribe and ancient Philippine Mantras will leave you inspired to explore your identity and gifts to serve your community more deeply.

Experience the divine synergy between the mind and heart as we explore the healing wisdom of traditional Babaylans (Traditional Philippine Healers). Be inspired by the harmonious blend of clear intentions and elevated emotions, akin to teachings from spiritual mentors like Dr. Joe Dispenza. Jill guides us through the essence of living from the heart, an approach that brings deep contentment and communal support, beautifully illustrated by the close-knit community on Siargao island. Discover how supportive environments can help you thrive and fulfill your unique role within your community.

Immerse yourself in the world of traditional healing practices with personal anecdotes from Jill and Storm and their personal experiences with healers in the Philippines. Learn about the potent natural remedies and esoteric rituals that have been passed down through generations. Uncover the powerful influence of words and intentions on our reality and the significance of avoiding gossip to focus on genuine healing. Jill also shares insights from her women's circle, encouraging us all to lead lives filled with wisdom, love, and alignment. Join us as we reclaim ancestral wisdom and embrace a life of harmony and purpose.

Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Wisdom Podcast, where we interview the leading hearts and minds, everything related to wisdom. I'm Storm, your host and joining me today is Jill Macarizas, who comes from a lineage of Higaonon storytellers, preachers, healers and Babaylans, or traditional Filipino shamans, enchanters, enchanters, enchanters. So tell me more about your lineage. I'm so curious to learn more about the traditional ways of Filipino culture and spirituality.

Speaker 2:

So there are seven tribes in Lukidnon and one of which is Higaonon, and that is where my lineage is from, and I am one of those in the Hespora because my parents and my grandparents were disconnected from their tribes because they moved in the city. And now I am in the journey of remembering and reclaiming back what it means to be a Higaonon, what it means to be a Filipina, what it means to be a woman of this land, nice.

Speaker 1:

And one question I have to start off all of these podcasts is what is the best piece of wisdom you've received on your journey?

Speaker 2:

There's a lot, but one of my favorites is that everything in nature is of service. So if you can see like ecosystem works because everyone is giving something and receiving and giving and if you inspect closely at Coco Landry, it's just there. And the only thing that they does is follow the sun, go back to the roots. Follow the sun, go back to the roots.

Speaker 2:

So it'll be, able to make a coconut and it doesn't even care whoever gets the coconut. It just falls down on the ground. Or maybe humans will get it and drink from it, or birds or animals will drink it or eat it, or it could just fall on the ground and turn into a coconut tree, or maybe decompose and help another next generation of coconut trees to thrive. Learning from that and being inspired by that kind of shifted me into like oh, I'm just here to serve, so I just have brought the journey back to really knowing your gifts For you to be able to really serve.

Speaker 2:

That is the work. Everything in this journey is work. Going back to the identity, reclaiming, remembering is work. You're not just like oh, I got this wisdom and that's it. I think it's a lifetime of work, and then you get to have fun, and then you get to heal parts of you, layers of you, along the way.

Speaker 1:

Wow. I can totally relate to the nature's giving part and being part of community, and even in our own bodies we think sometimes that we're just this person. We're separate from each other's. But even our bodies are communities exactly. Our bodies are not just one thing, but it's multiple cells who have different work, working together to create this ecosystem for this vessel for this, this to work, yeah for everything to work, so it is a balance it is. You know, every cell is giving what they can to make the whole thing function Exactly.

Speaker 2:

We need each other. It's really like ecosystem. It's not just you, but you have to work on how everything in your environment works.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, so I'm curious. I want to hear more about the Higaonon's way of life. I'm so curious about Babaylan's because you know, coming from a history of Spanish rule the Filipinos we were ruled by the Spanish for 300 years. We had American control. For a bit of time we had Japanese control. So I'm really curious to learn more about the traditional ways of the Filipinos and why that's important today.

Speaker 2:

I'm really just in the journey of reclaiming back, and I've had several times that I've immersed myself in Talaandig tribe. It's not even Higaonon, because Higaonons are like very very mysterious.

Speaker 2:

They're a little bit protective with their traditions and rituals, but there's a tribe called Talaandig tribe. These are tribes that are like in one community of soil painters, musicians, healers in Robay lands and I am very, very grateful that in my journey of reclaiming I was able to like meet these people and I was able to like really sit with them in rituals and sit with them over coffee and like listen to their stories and all of that, and that is amazing and I think it is very important.

Speaker 1:

There's still a lot of work.

Speaker 2:

I think, in remembering and claiming back, especially that we've like, we cannot it's not easy to like really say, go back to the roots, because as much as that is beautiful to like really do, we have to move forward with what we have, with what knowledge we have.

Speaker 2:

The thing is that we are coming back into this consciousness of coming back to the heart. You know, right now there is a strong messages in the collective of really like listening to the heart and like getting guidance from the heart. But how am I supposed to listen to the heart? How does that work, you know? But it requires a lot of like immaculate trust to actually because there's no logical sense in the heart. And so now there's a big shift of a lot of filipinos wanting to go back to old ways, our spiritual beliefs and spiritual practices, because now that we are coming back to the heart, it is actually the heart will always find its way back home, and home is that our spiritual beliefs, our spiritual practices.

Speaker 2:

We are shifting our consciousness into more of a spiritual approach. And then, of course, we've had this yoga, we've had this meditation, we've had this Western way of spiritual practices and framework. But if you start following the heart, it's going to lead you back home to these beliefs, to the beliefs that God and goddesses that our ancestors has called into and believe the rituals that our ancestors have created for us to be in harmony with nature.

Speaker 1:

Wow. So I'm curious to know, like, like, what are simple ways to connect with one's heart, what simple ways to get back into that heart experience I would suggest hiraya manowari.

Speaker 2:

Yes, this is one of the mantras that I've closely worked on for years actually, and I've used it in my day-to-day life because, as someone, as a, as someone who is a space holder, I it is in my element that I attract people that talks that, talks to me about the things that breaks them, things that are bothering them, things that, and so one of the key things that I was able to really realize is that a lot of us talk so much about the things that we do not believe in, but stop talking about the things that we believe in.

Speaker 2:

If I start talking about love right now, a lot of people would say, ah, here we go again. Love, cheesy. We've talked a lot about these things, but we've become a generation of people who are kind of like ah, this is so cheesy, love again, so hipster, that's a hippie thing. But we are so fluent and eloquent on talking about things that we don't believe in. You know, like, say, war, things that are, like, say, corruption. You know we have become so fluent about these things, but but not so much love, you know.

Speaker 2:

So sometimes the work that I do is that if people come to me and talk about things that are bothering them, things that they do not believe in, I shift the conversation into what is it that you dream about?

Speaker 2:

And then, when they start, when you pull it out from them, the story out from them, that's when the work of Hiraya Manowari comes to me In my mind, mentally, I would say Hiraya Manowari comes to me In my mind. Mentally, I would say Hiraya Manowari, I hope that gift inside you can manifest out so we can all live in harmony, because I believe we all have gifts. This is our service. If coconuts are coconuts, we have gifts. That has to come out for a community or a specific environment can work.

Speaker 1:

Wow. So for some of the listeners that don't understand what Haraia Manawari means, can you give us a definition of Haraia Manawari?

Speaker 2:

The most common translation of it is May the wishes of your hearts come true. But if you look closely into the words and really kind of like very investigative perspective, hiraya is from the sanskrit word, which is a spiritual heart, and mana is. Mana came from polynesian culture. That actually means gifts, no mana, or in spiritual sense it is your divine gifts or your divine power, and Wagi is hope or wish, and it's very interesting to note that this mantra has lived through colonization. It's still here, a lot of people but a lot of things, and it's very incorporated with mushrooms and like shamanistic alteration and trance, the hiraya manowari, and there is even like a show before in the Philippines. It is like a children's show that is called Hiraya Manowari and this has like shifted a whole generation because of this show and this is like kids in mushrooms. And one of the things that struck me the most is that there is a song Kayang Kung Akyantin.

Speaker 2:

It's like I can go to the mountains, I can climb the highest peak and I can dive deep into the deepest ocean, and then one of the things that is really important in one of the lyrics is that sa lakas ng isipan atusilak na kaguo pa hiraya manwalik ating abutin. So that basically means, with the strength of your mind and the purity of your heart, you can actually make your dreams come true. That's two core things And's very, very important too your mind, the synchronicity and the harmony of your mind and your heart to make your dreams come true. Wow, you know. So this is the importance and the potency of this mantra, and if we start giving this to each other, especially in a ritualistic space, we could manifest that, we could like hope and wish for this gives to come out, which is very, very important now, now more than ever wow this.

Speaker 1:

I totally resonate with what you're saying and I can especially relate that to one of my I would would say spiritual mentors is a doctor named Joe Dispenza, and one of my favorite quotes from him is if you take a clear intention and an elevated emotion, you're able to create a new destiny, a new future, and live in creating the future instead of the past programming. So I think it's highly relatable to you. Know, may your wishes of your heart come true, may your spiritual, may your gifts from your spiritual heart come true through the use of clear intention and tapping into that elevated emotion.

Speaker 2:

The spirit in your heart, because if it's the territory of the spirit, it's always going to make things beautiful. The point of the spirit is to create beautiful things. That's the only way and it's going to do whatever it takes for you to go back to your essence, to your beauty, for you to start creating beautiful things. That's the only way, and it's going to do whatever it takes, for you to go back to your essence, to your beauty, for you to start creating beautiful things. This is why anything that comes from the heart is beautiful, because it is the territory of the Spirit. The Spirit lives there.

Speaker 2:

It is our anchor to the Spirit our hearts Wow.

Speaker 1:

That brings a new, that sheds some light, like really following how we feel processing things and really tuning into heart to make decisions and make choices trust it trust the guidance of it, even if it doesn't make sense nice. So I'm also curious about you've spent some time with bubay lands. You spent some time with Mabailans. You've spent some time with people that haven't been colonized. I'm curious what is the wisdom coming from them? What is the wisdom?

Speaker 2:

coming from these elders. I think this is just my own digestion. I cannot speak for the whole tribe. It's a completely different territory, but as my own, digestion it's really like yeah, like what I said

Speaker 2:

earlier. It's like really one of the things that I admire so much and I've like really wanted to like incorporate in my life is deep contentment. You know, like, say, observing a farmer that lives in this tribe. When he is in the community he can be a farmer. I this is my gift is being a farmer, so I I'll be able to be to like really use these gifts and just be a farmer.

Speaker 2:

Because I am in a community, like you know, I don't have to think so much. I come home to a wife that is loving me unconditionally. I come home to my children, who I could pass on the legacy, and if I have troubles with legalities and there are things that I don't understand, I go to a natto, you know. And if I am sick, I go to a healer. And if my crops like say, oh my God, my harvest is not so good but it's happening, I can go to the babaylan. So the babaylan can talk to the spirits of what is happening. Why is his crops not working? You know of what is happening. Why is his crops not working? And because of that, because he is fully supported by the community, he doesn't have to think about anything else but farm. He is stoked and happy and deeply contented with farming. This is it. He doesn't even need recognition at all.

Speaker 3:

He doesn't have to go to Instagram and say, hey, I'm a farmer, I get off, look.

Speaker 2:

But look at what is done hectares of hectares of food that is being supplied to the people in the city. You know, just by that, just by you being supported by the community and being in harmony with everyone, this farmer is able to do what he's supposed to be doing to give his gift and because of that, he's able to feed so many of us. You know that's one thing I really resonate with being in Siargao Like.

Speaker 1:

My favorite thing about living on this beautiful island is really the idea of community. Here, I agree, everyone's supporting each other and everyone's listening to each other. Normally I come from Las Vegas, so oftentimes I can just be in my room, but this island is so inviting to connect and be in nature and be in community, which I really love so much.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's why, you know, for us to thrive like, say, we don't have to be like farmers or anything like that, because we have to accept that we are this generation, that a sleeve in modernization. There's nothing else we can do about that and not just, like you know, shift our lives to partners and have like a but the getting like inspiration from that community I can have. I can take responsibility of my life, I can put myself. The beauty of being human is that we're not trees.

Speaker 2:

We can go everywhere else I can put myself in an environment, in a community that I know I can thrive, and then I can look for a leader, I can look for a healer. I can look for a husband that I could partner with and grow children with. I have to make sure that I am around people that knows how to grow food. I have to make sure that I am around people who knows the esoteric ways of healing. I have to have doctors around me. I have to have nurses. I have to make sure that this is around me so I can thrive, so my gifts can come true.

Speaker 1:

So you mentioned the healers and you mentioned nurses. I'd love to know more about you know, baybaylands and their ways of healing. Are they popping new Tylenols? Is it herbs? Yeah, tell me more about their ways Because for me personally, I have a distrust of the pharmaceutical industry. One time my grandfather we went to a doctor. He was experiencing some ailments. I just had the feeling that the doctor didn't care, he was just writing prescriptions.

Speaker 1:

like you know, my my grandfather was dealing with so much illness and the doctor was just wrote prescriptions and then for five minutes and then just sent us off and I remember being so angry, I remember just feeling, just you know that energy of like, oh, it's just that's rage, I know that's righteous rage right there. Yes, and so I'm curious, like what are you referring to when you're referring to like traditional healers and traditional bobailans and medical intuition?

Speaker 2:

there's a lot. I don't even know where to start. Healers in Bukit Nol, in this place, are. I don't even know where to start Because babaylans, these are shamans. These are usually no one's a transcend Goes into trance to look for answers and solutions. They work for the whole community. Like you know. What is next for the community? What is the guidance from the ether, the spiritual world, and it comes back here on Earth and gives solutions. But there are also kinds of healers that are called amyanis.

Speaker 2:

These are like the healers and shamans that are that works with the spirit usually animal spirit and and spiritual entities to guide them with, with problems, and if you connect that to medical intuition or energy medicine we are now coming back, or realizing that a lot of our illnesses and diseases comes from emotions that are not processed, things in the territory of our emotional bodies that are suppressed. This is why a lot of us are Somatic. Healing is coming out and all of that.

Speaker 2:

And then, if you connect that to, like abhyans and shamans, this has the ability and capacity to actually not cure you but prevent you from getting sick. Because once you, once you have the sickness, like, say, once you have the cancer, there's say, once you have the cancer, there's no turning back. You need divine intervention for you to be able to actually cure that, you know. But once it is created, you cannot, once it is manifested in the physical, you cannot undo it anymore. If you're sick, you're already sick, already sick.

Speaker 2:

But the power, the potential of abhyans and shawans is actually you can go to them and say this, like, say, this person betrayed me so hard to forgive because what he did to me was so painful. I feel so betrayed. How can I Because, like, when one of the things, all spiritual beliefs and frameworks that has existed in this world would always say forgive, you want to heal, forgive and a lot of like studies that I cannot, cannot really logically tell right now or say right now about the importance of forgiving and so many things, not just forgiveness, but like, say I was hurt by this person and how can I let go of that hurt? We can go to an abyan, actually. And then if we and then they can prescribe you with herbal medicine, you know that you can drink, that can be your ally for giving things and you can talk to this abyan, to this healer, actually before I came here my housemate joy.

Speaker 2:

He was skateboarding and he fell. He got into an accident that actually kind of like sprained her right arm and before I came here. I was talking to her and she went into this here in general. She went into this healer that I didn't know. I know that she's a healer, but I did know that she's an Abhiyan. You know, and this is, this happened just before I came here, wow, yeah, and then she came, and then she came back in the house and said you know that this healer is an Abhiyan.

Speaker 3:

I was like no way.

Speaker 2:

what's Tell me what happened? So she said this Abian has a spirit that is a child. So the Abay is a child and it possesses this healer. It comes into the body of the healer and talks in behalf of the healer. And then my friend Joy described to me this is very, very common like your eyes look blank and you're.

Speaker 2:

she's actually talking to the spirit who has the name and she said don't swim into the water this time because it's the holy week and she was prescribed with a manana leaf to put around her arms and if Joy went into the doctor instead of this here, she probably had her arms like cemento. Cast yeah, but she didn't because she said this, this came from her. She doesn't trust doctors anymore because she would pay cheap tons of money that she didn't pay anything for this year, she just gave a gift and that's it.

Speaker 2:

And now she's better. It was not swelling, she could move her arms. She just needs to put some manana on it and then she can come back again to this healer tomorrow to see and check if, if it's like you know, if it's getting worse or it's or it's getting better, and it's just there in the neighbor wow yeah, amazing, wow, I can totally relate to that experience too.

Speaker 1:

Just a fun fact when I visited chugout for the first time, I was on my motorcycle, driving all the way to iguanyan. I made a u-turn and for some reason my bike, kind of like spun out while I was making U-turn and ended up like grazing my elbow and.

Speaker 1:

I was bleeding and I thought I was in the middle of nowhere but I looked and I saw a small hut Like I was in Union and I could see like right after I was bleeding, I could see this grandma looking at me yeah and I was like she starts making a signal to just come here while I'm bleeding, okay, and like my elbows are like really bloody, and then she doesn't even talk.

Speaker 1:

She just makes a signal. I start walking over there and then she pulls a branch from a tree. She pulls a branch from a tree, she pulls a branch and a couple of leaves starts rolling it up and then starts massaging my bloody wound and I'm like what is going on here? I'm in the middle of nowhere with this grandma. She's rubbing some leaves on me, but my wound after two minutes stopped bleeding and it was wild. It turns out. It turns out those leaves were actually marimba leaves. Yeah, so that's when I found out. Number one malunggay can stop bleeding. And number two, there are shamans and medicine people, people who know the plants here, and it's interesting to have finally experienced, like you know, straight from the source, medicine yeah, I'm used to going to pharmacies when I'm sick.

Speaker 1:

I'm used to going to doctors when I'm sick, but it was the first time like I got healing straight from nature and it was free. She didn't ask me, you know, she didn't ask for a receipt or anything, she just like she just pulled from a branch from nature and then just rubbed it on my face.

Speaker 2:

I was like healed and yeah, that's a experience yeah, in filipino medicine I also grew up with this we call or yum yum. This is witchcraft. And there are oils that these healers and I don't want to call them witches, actually, but they're healers.

Speaker 2:

That makes all this medicine and and they put or yum yum, which I think is like oats, so they are like putting oats in this medicine. They put it in oats in their oils that they're making with the help of like roots and leaves, and it is not spoken about, but I grew up hearing from this and Filipinos knows about this.

Speaker 2:

There are specific medicines that we could put in our wounds that heals in just one day. Wounds would dry up in just one day. And then we would just say what did you use? I use this oil. Ah, that oil has a root. That's, that's, that's a yum yum. Where did you get that? I? I got it from a bisaya healer you know, a doctor, bisaya na doctor.

Speaker 2:

We call it bisaya na doctor. So these are like native healers, traditional healers, and it hurts wonders all the time. I've never had, I've never like living on the island and having these reef cuts and all that. I've never used like metadine although I don't advocate for people not to use it because it takes a lot of immaculate trust for yourself that you can actually heal it.

Speaker 2:

It's not just like I put the moringa here then it heals no it's really you believing in this moringa plant that it will heal your wound you know it takes it's. It's also the mind believing that it will work and the and then, like you, deep within you, your soul, your spirit, believing that this one guys, wow, going to kill me.

Speaker 1:

Wow, that reminds me of Dr Emoto's water experiment. I'm not sure if you've heard of that.

Speaker 2:

No, I haven't.

Speaker 1:

So just a quick story. There was this Japanese scientist who did experiments on water and what he would do is he would mark waters with bad words and he would mark some waters with good words, oh yeah. And then every day for 30 minutes for the bad words. He would like shout bad words, the same bad word to the water and have the intention of the bad words to the water, and he would do that with every single piece of water, you know, for one month straight. At the end of the month they flash, froze the crystals. And he looked at the crystals in the microscope. The crystals of the bad word water was all chaotic, it was weird designs. And then the good water had beautiful, intricate designs.

Speaker 1:

And you know, it just goes to show that words and intentions can influence other things, and after I heard that I was much more intentional with the words I was saying much more intentional.

Speaker 2:

That's the territory of spellcasting.

Speaker 2:

You know, our words are so powerful in this, so we have to be more. This is why, like affirmations, all these things coming into the surface right now, like affirmations manifesting your true chakra all of that because there really is power in our words and we can cast spell without us even knowing, and if we are not really connected to our words, our throat chakra, we could say things that we don't mean and it can backfire to you. It really can backfire to you. So this is when mindfulness comes in. When you are mindful with your words, you are grounded, centered, and so you know what you're talking about.

Speaker 1:

Yes, I totally agree with you on that. So I'm curious, going back to esoteric knowledge and these knowledges that our tribes have been sharing, is there any esoteric knowledge that you'd like to share with us or you feel called to share Esoteric?

Speaker 2:

knowledge is you'd like to share with us or you feel called to share. Esoteric knowledge is big, it's huge. Esoteric Herbal medicine is under esoteric, like esoteric. The territory of esoteric Herbal medicine, faith, healing is under that. There are even practices of Reiki. Just these healers using their hands and not even called it Reiki at all, just trusting that my hands can heal.

Speaker 1:

You know what, you know where. I experienced that in Kottri, now Getting a Hilot massage.

Speaker 2:

That's also esoteric.

Speaker 1:

There's this girl in Siargao, shameless plug, right here, jolly Jolly. She's a local massage therapist and she does Hilot and I swear to God she has a sixth sense and she's like you know, I have I like kind of do experiments on her too. I'm just like okay, you know what I'm going to. Let you massage me. You tell me where I'm sore, you tell me where I have a knot, and she's really able to find these knots in the body and we've talked about how knots can sometimes be emotional or spiritual. She's really able to find these knots and she says and she's really like it can be a bit painful, but in the end I'm like less sore and these knots are taken away.

Speaker 1:

So I highly recommend to any shargan on this. Yes, she's a local. Masahisa jolly is amazing, yeah, and anyone just connected to you know that that does things with intention, that does things with the intention of healing and the intention of service to others. It's really powerful and I can really feel how, when she does misogyny, she's just not doing this, for you know, I'm just getting cash today and then I can clock out, but she's really doing this with the intention of wanting to serve and wanting to heal and wanting to help my life be easier they're like.

Speaker 2:

You know, when you're under my hands, I have to make sure that you come out of it. And so, coming back to esoteric knowledge and so it's, it's wild, you know, but I think one of the things that is actually dear to me when it comes to esoteric knowledge is rituals. I'm really just fascinated by it, because ritualistic space is where the spirit and more attracted, when people come together and set an intention together, and not just in a group, group, but also you as individual and like one of the rituals that was taught to me by one of my friend who lives in the tribe, is this love ritual that you'll actually just offer a coin in the ocean and there's a deity that is called the goddess of the ocean and the rivers.

Speaker 2:

It's the it's a goddess that rules the ocean and rivers, so you go to the ocean, you throw a coin and this is a law of virtual.

Speaker 2:

So if you meet someone and then you start having feelings for him, meets someone and then you start having feelings for him, you go to the water, you throw a coin and then you say I think I'm in love and please purify me, for me to be ready for this love. Purify me and then there is a big chance that if it's not the right person for you, the feelings will disappear. You know, and I did that, I was like who doesn't want that.

Speaker 3:

I don't want to waste my time, and so I started having feelings for this guy and I'm like, okay, I'm gonna go to the ocean and throw a coin.

Speaker 2:

Just really from my heart, I bow down to you, abu Dula, how I believe that you can actually curify me to be ready for this love. I don't want to fuck this up. If guided, may I be protected. You know, with this like connection, and so after that I had a date with this guy again and then all the feelings are gone.

Speaker 2:

Oh wow I had so much clarity, oh my God. And then his words started to sound like bola that he was a bolero. He was just speaking these words to me just to get me, and there was no sincerity in it. And then I was like but just because you did the ritual doesn't mean that you're not going to be hurt.

Speaker 3:

But just because you did the ritual doesn't mean that you're not going to be hurt. And then you just realized that he was just Bolero. So I went home and then I was like why I cried? And then I started like oh damn, the ritual work.

Speaker 2:

But then you have to let go, because that's the point this is the esoteric knowledge that I think save you from a lot of harm, because you know, when you go into a relationship that is not supposed to be, that is not really well intentioned, you're gonna waste your time and you, you're gonna, it's gonna, it's gonna stagnate.

Speaker 2:

You, you know and then your gifts will be able to. I mean, you could still give your give your gifts, but it's gonna be like not super healthy. Yeah, if I'm gonna give a flower, I'm gonna give. I want to give the flower that is really blooming and with so much radiance and color. You know like here's my flower.

Speaker 1:

Half-assed thing.

Speaker 2:

And this could be blocked by your relationship. So this is why rituals are so important, and there are. So this is why rituals are so important. So, and there are so many kinds of rituals. There are rituals that cleans your puso, that cleans you from, like, the sins of your ancestors or the curses that the your ancestors have carried all throughout their lives. There are rituals that ask for when. This is very, very interesting.

Speaker 2:

This ritual, it's called the land ritual and it is believed that if there is, an appliances in your house that constantly being broken or having problems with your aircon or your ref it's like you know, or if you're a refrigerator, there is a nature spirit in your land that is not happy oh yeah, so you have, there is a ritual that you can do to that.

Speaker 1:

Or maybe you're just in Siargao during Holy Week.

Speaker 2:

That is actually also during the Holy Week, people are here and it's so busy. Those that nature spirits are like disturbed too.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so they're like I had a couple of avrs and speakers go haywire during the last full moon eclipse and like start of holy week. So you know what? Now you know, possibly it could be the nature spirits maybe getting angry at how much people are here.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and if we and if we don't understand these things. This is deeper understanding of like our environment and not just like. I think it's arrogant to think that it's just us living in the land. You know, there are nature, spirits that has lived here before us and we just come in here and cut the trees, and without even asking for permission can you?

Speaker 3:

you imagine that.

Speaker 2:

And then you know, if you hurt them, you'll hurt them. You know, but not all nature spirits are capable of forgiving and like letting you go. Some would really put up a fight, some nature spirit would. I will not let you just cut my home. You know they would just like. And the worst enemy is the enemy that you cannot see right, because they could just like ruin things and sometimes they could go into your personal lives. You know, one of the healers told me that if like say if your household is chaotic you're always having problems with your children and your husband and all that.

Speaker 2:

There could be a nature spirit behind that. They can be mischievous too. So these are, you see, these are the things that we should know about but we are not capable of knowing, and so we are like living our lives thinking that this is just it, us existing, you know, but then there are so many things around us that is happening without us knowing and but this is the life of our ancestors, this is them like really having so much because it's not just us, it's just humans, but still many people.

Speaker 1:

Wow, yeah, I resonate in the sense where, like, I believe that we attract who we are. So, if we come upon these lands and we're not mindful, then this is the kind of energy we're going to be attracting into our lives Energies that are not mindful, energies that are just cutting things, energies that aren't caring about sustainability.

Speaker 2:

Oh, that's a good perspective.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so what I'm hearing again is to come with reverence, respect nature, learn from nature. I've been hearing on keeping intentions, having intentions and listening to your heart, and a lot of the medicine can be found in nature.

Speaker 2:

A lot of the things that can heal us can be found in community, and we also talked about hiraya manawari, yes, and the mantra of really wishing for your spiritual gifts to blossom, and and not just like really thinking about yourself, but also like having the intention of pulling out the dream from someone else and blessing it Really, mentally saying if a person starts to tell you something that they would love to do, would love to happen.

Speaker 1:

So is there anything else you'd like to share with the? Audience in terms of offerings you may have in the future. You do host a weekly Women's Circle at OMO.

Speaker 2:

Yes, yes, this is a gathering of women in a circle in a ritualistic space. There, a circle in a ritualistic space, there's emphasis in a ritualistic space because it is a gathering with intention. So when it's done with intention and it is an intention that is coming from the heart, only good things can come in.

Speaker 1:

And so I am offering this.

Speaker 2:

It can come at all, and this is actually rooted from the invention that if you are a woman, there's nothing else in this world to understand you like a woman do, and to be understood is a need you know. If you are a woman, do and to be understood is a need you know. If you are a woman, there's no one man who could understand you.

Speaker 1:

You will agree you would never understand a woman. Well, I've been trying my hardest.

Speaker 3:

You're just trying drink, try harder, but you can't yeah.

Speaker 1:

That is the greatest mystery of my life.

Speaker 2:

Exactly, but us no. We understand, especially if you understand a woman's consciousness, you understand very deeply, and then, when you do, that's feminism, because once a woman is understood, she can thrive. You would not go around looking for things to understand you.

Speaker 3:

Come to a women's circle and then you will be understood. Not your kids will understand you.

Speaker 2:

Not your neighbor, not your husband, but a woman. This is the power of women's circle. This is the power of women coming together. This is an evolution of women coming to rivers to do their dishes or do the laundry. It has always been a need for women to come gather in one place and talk and do something, pour our hearts out. You know, this is it. We've not. Our need to gather together and talk and share our hearts didn't change, but we've lost the river anymore. But then we can come into a circle.

Speaker 2:

You know, this is why a lot of things in the philippines, there is a serious problem with gossiping that we have actually coined an entity called manifest. You know, because our need to talk didn't change, as as I've mentioned. But if it is done in a space that is not safe, it could be that it could be gossiping without the intention. If not done in a ritualistic space, it could be that. And gossiping is the worst it kills the spirit. It kills the spirit. You know. It's actually you feeling better because someone else is like, someone else is not doing well in their life, you know. So you get the energy from that, like you know, like you'd feel better just because someone else is not doing well in life, but we all do not well in life all the time.

Speaker 2:

You know we like. It's not all the time that we're okay. It's very normal to not be okay, to make mistakes, to make bad decisions, but a lot of us get energy from that to better ourselves, which is the worst, yeah so this is one of the things that the wind circle is intended to do Wow.

Speaker 1:

That's super powerful, because in gossip I hear what you're saying with gossip, how it's just like an energy that leads to nowhere and what you focus on grows. So if you're focusing on the problems versus the solutions, then your problems are just going to grow, rather than talking about ideas or talking about what sets your heart on fire?

Speaker 2:

What is it that you love, instead of talking about people doing this and that it's a serious problem? I that it's a serious problem, I mean it's a problem. It's a social issue for me. All right.

Speaker 1:

Well, thank you so much, Jill Bacarizas, for having me.

Speaker 3:

Thank you, it has been, it was nice Awesome.

Speaker 1:

If you guys want to catch Jill Barizcas and her women's circle, join the community.

Speaker 2:

Just follow Om Hom Wellness on Instagram and I also have a Instagram, if you go to their page. You'll find me there, for sure.

Speaker 1:

Thank you so much. If you guys resonate, please give us a like, Please subscribe. There's going to be more beautiful beings to extract the wisdom from. So, yeah, we're really looking to interview the leading minds and hearts on wisdom and you know really, going on this journey together of how to lead lives that are filled with wisdom and filled with love and healing and alignment.

Speaker 2:

And reclaiming and remembering the medicine of our ancestors so we could just like go back to it and live our lives the way it should be.

Reclaiming Filipino Tradition and Spirituality
Healing Wisdom of Traditional Babaylans
Healing Practices With Natural Remedies
Powerful Words and Esoteric Rituals
Avoiding Gossip and Focusing on Healing