Find Your Light With Morgan Diana

4. Reconnecting to Your Feminine Essence: Cycle Syncing and Womb Healing with Rebecca Akut of Blumewomb

Morgan Tedeschi Episode 4

Are you ready to dive deeper into the wisdom of your body, harness the power of your feminine energy and truly connect with your menstrual cycle? In this enlightening episode, Morgan sits down with Rebecca Akut, the amazing menstrual cycle and feminine embodiment coach behind @blumewomb. Rebecca opens up about her transformative journey from a hustle and hyper-masculine way of living to embracing the softness and strength of the feminine. Discover how cycle tracking and reclaiming the ancient wisdom of the womb can lead to profound alignment, empowerment and healing. 

They discuss:

  • Transitioning from burnout to a more easeful, balanced life through cycle syncing
  • Mastering the interplay between masculine and feminine energies, including their wounded and healed aspects
  • Aligning with the four phases of your menstrual cycle to optimize every aspect of your life
  • Connecting with the wild woman within and healing your internal world
  • Exploring the link between the womb and generational trauma
  • Top resources for integrating cycle tracking into your daily routine

Connect with Rebecca:


Sacred Womb Awakening Ebook:

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