Story of Spirit

2: I See Dead People

August 31, 2024 Sheetal Story
2: I See Dead People
Story of Spirit
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Story of Spirit
2: I See Dead People
Aug 31, 2024
Sheetal Story

In this episode of The Story of Spirit, Sheetal Story reflects on her childhood experiences of seeing spirits and auras, drawing parallels to the famous line from The Sixth Sense. Growing up in a spiritually aware East Indian family in Canada, Sheetal was surrounded by a deep understanding of energy, spirit, and reincarnation, which shaped her unique abilities.

Reflect on Your Own Experiences:
Sheetal invites you to consider your own encounters with the spiritual world by asking these thought-provoking questions:

  1. Have you ever been with someone who’s passed away, and did you notice the difference when their energy was there and then when it was not?
  2. Have you ever known someone has passed away or had them come to visit you in a dream or in some other way?
  3. As a spiritual being having this human experience, would you just leave your loved ones behind, or would you try to connect with them in some way to let them know you’re okay?

A Gift For You:
Sheetal would like to give you a gift to show her appreciation for your support! Please click the following link to download her free Grief Support Questionnaire Guidebook!

Engage with Our Community:
Reflect on these questions and consider how they relate to your own spiritual journey. Share your experiences and thoughts with Sheetal on social media or through her website. Your support is invaluable and helps us reach more listeners who are ready to embark on their own spiritual paths. To ensure you never miss an episode, subscribe to the podcast, leave a review, and share it with someone who could benefit from aligning their life with their soul's purpose.

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Disclaimer: This podcast represents the opinions of Sheetal Story and her guests. The content is for informational and entertainment purposes only and should not be taken as medical, psychological, or financial advice. Please consult appropriate professionals for personalized guidance.

0:01 The Story of Spirit Podcast
9:09 Connecting With Spirit Through Energy
19:00 Believing in the Energetic World
26:48 Supporting the Story of Spirit

Music Credits: The music is composed by Stockaudios via Pixabay.

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

In this episode of The Story of Spirit, Sheetal Story reflects on her childhood experiences of seeing spirits and auras, drawing parallels to the famous line from The Sixth Sense. Growing up in a spiritually aware East Indian family in Canada, Sheetal was surrounded by a deep understanding of energy, spirit, and reincarnation, which shaped her unique abilities.

Reflect on Your Own Experiences:
Sheetal invites you to consider your own encounters with the spiritual world by asking these thought-provoking questions:

  1. Have you ever been with someone who’s passed away, and did you notice the difference when their energy was there and then when it was not?
  2. Have you ever known someone has passed away or had them come to visit you in a dream or in some other way?
  3. As a spiritual being having this human experience, would you just leave your loved ones behind, or would you try to connect with them in some way to let them know you’re okay?

A Gift For You:
Sheetal would like to give you a gift to show her appreciation for your support! Please click the following link to download her free Grief Support Questionnaire Guidebook!

Engage with Our Community:
Reflect on these questions and consider how they relate to your own spiritual journey. Share your experiences and thoughts with Sheetal on social media or through her website. Your support is invaluable and helps us reach more listeners who are ready to embark on their own spiritual paths. To ensure you never miss an episode, subscribe to the podcast, leave a review, and share it with someone who could benefit from aligning their life with their soul's purpose.

Connect with Us:

Disclaimer: This podcast represents the opinions of Sheetal Story and her guests. The content is for informational and entertainment purposes only and should not be taken as medical, psychological, or financial advice. Please consult appropriate professionals for personalized guidance.

0:01 The Story of Spirit Podcast
9:09 Connecting With Spirit Through Energy
19:00 Believing in the Energetic World
26:48 Supporting the Story of Spirit

Music Credits: The music is composed by Stockaudios via Pixabay.

Sheetal Story:

I truly do see dead people and I started to learn how to use my gift, and I can turn it off and turn it on whenever I want. Welcome to the Story of Spirit podcast, where practical spirituality meets real life. Hello, and I'm your host, She Tells Story, a psychic medium, grief support counselor, professional astrologer, human design reader and a law of attraction master coach. With my unique blend of spiritual and practical tools, I am here to help you align with your soul-led purpose and ignite a life that sets your soul on fire. In this podcast, we are going to explore the principles of energy, astrology, spirituality and psychology to help you heal your grief and create an aligned life and business from the inside out. Whether you are looking to deepen your intuition, understand your cosmic design or transform your life and business to be more in alignment with who you are meant to be, this podcast is for you. Join me each week for insightful discussions, practical tips and inspiring stories that will guide you on your journey to living your very best life. Don't forget to subscribe and follow me on YouTube or wherever you are listening to this podcast. Let's dive into this week's episode and see what juicy topic I have in store for you and help you on your journey of transformation, healing and growth. Welcome to the Story of Spirit Podcast.

Sheetal Story:

I see dead people. Anyone else remember that line from the Sixth Sense, that movie in 1999 with Bruce Willis and Haley Joel Osment? That movie kind of made me go oh my God, that was my childhood. I didn't realize I was really any different. You know, I was born with this ability to see aura, which is energy around people, and dead people, which is spirit. So it was very natural, you know, and growing up I'm East Indian. I'm first generation Canadian. My mom is a spiritual healer. She's from Malaysia and my dad's from India, and so I've always grown up being very spiritual. We're Hindu by religion and it was not anything weird for me to see, you know, people in my house or people on the street and they didn't really bother me. You know, my mom is a very powerful spiritual woman and so we always were very protected. It was always sort of God in our home so there was never really a fear of them like I. Like I saw in the sixth sense and I remember seeing the sixth sense thinking poor guy doesn't have parents that understand. You know, I've really been very, very blessed that I have parents that understand energy and spirit not truly energy, but spirit reincarnation, that our family is still here supporting us, that they influence nature. You know that there's you know's wonderful stories in our family. My mom's dad passed away when she was about 19, I believe, and in our culture they have about 14 days of prayers and they keep the candles lit and they're singing and on the 14th day they blow out all the candles and they allow the spirit to cross. So it's almost like a thanking the spirit and getting them prepared to cross over. And they said during those 14 days of prayers there was a giant butterfly that was in the garden and hung around the house during that time and on the 14th day the butterfly was gone and I thought that's such a beautiful story. I grew up with stories like that in my home.

Sheetal Story:

You know understanding that spirit does exist here on this plane. And you know, from a science point of view we are only available to perceive a really small part of the energetic field right of the waves in energy, and you know the energy models of things and so we're not able to really anything outside of. You know longer forms of waves and frequency or shorter forms of waves and frequencies we can only see and hear, you know, within a very small part of the spectrum. So you know, it makes sense to know that on the outside of those spectrums that we don't have the senses to perceive, there is energy that lives on this planet. We just aren't able to perceive it with our physical senses.

Sheetal Story:

But we are an energetic being, having this human experience. There's an energy that beats your heart, that's a synapse of your brain waves, that is the energy that is animating this body and this body is your vessel in this lifetime. And we can measure that energy, that vitality. You know science or medicine calls it your vitality. We can see it in an EKG monitor, eeg monitor, in terms of how well your brain and heart are doing, how well your body is transmitting energy. So when that energy is now you know it's in the body and you take your last breath and the body ceases to be, it is now dead. That energy is now. It's cohesive and conscious and it just moves into the world of energy. So there is no stuck, there is no pain, the piper, there's no, you know, heaven or hell, it's all energy is moves into the world of energy.

Sheetal Story:

Right, we are energetic beings having this human experience and as soon as we take our last breath, we are now all energy and no more physicality. So that transition into spirit is inevitable. We will all go through that and when we cross, you know, into veil, into spirit, into heaven, whatever you want to call it, that transition into spirit, we are not by ourselves. We have people with us and people on the other side, spirits on the other side that I've already crossed, because when you are energy, you have the ability to perceive everything around you in a way that is without your brain, without the physical, but you still have free will. That free will is one of the most important parts of being a human and being actually an energetic spirit. We always have free will to choose yes, we're going to do this thing, or know that we're not. Yes, we feel safe to, or know that we're not. Yes, we feel comfortable, or we're ready, know that we're not, and so it doesn't matter, you know, if you think someone else should, it's their free will that is going to be paramount in all of this.

Sheetal Story:

So, as a spiritual being, as an energetic being having this human experience, it stands to reason, especially science. We know energy cannot be created or destroyed. It is just. It is energy, right. It transforms into something else. So when it's no longer animating your body, you then live in the world of energy.

Sheetal Story:

And so spirit is just people without a body, right? If you think about it, you know and I think I love how Hollywood calls it ghosts, right, and it's. They're not. You know, they're actually spirit, they're people. So when you start to think of it that way, you know that if you have a ghost in your house or a spirit in your house, 99% of the time it is connected to you, right? They are your loved ones in spirit and they're coming to make sure that you know that they're there. If they were tricksters in life, they'll be tricksters in spirit as well. They might make electronics go off or knock things off of shelves, but it will feel more so benign. It'll feel like loving spirits, and sometimes mediums can come into your home and tell you that that energy is loving and benign and they're there to just say hello. And you can tell them to not, you know, if that feels freaky to you, you can actually tell them. No, don't do that, because you walk in the world of energy and physicality. You actually have the power, you have the ability to tell people no, you know. Tell a spirit, no, don't do that, get out of my house, you're not allowed here. You have all the power because you walk in the world of energy and physicality. So that mediumship, you know.

Sheetal Story:

Spirit mediumship is the ability to connect to our loved ones in spirit, to other people's loved ones in spirit. But we all have the ability to connect to our own loved ones in spirit because you're tethered to them by love. They are tethered to you by love. Right, if you were to die today, you wouldn't just be like, bye, I'm out, I'm going to reincarnate to somewhere else. Like no, you'd be like I want to know what happens with my husband, I want him to be happy. Or I know I want to make sure my kids know that I'm safe. Or I'd want to make sure that you know, when my children get married, that I would be there to witness it. Or I would hold babies. You know they're going to come in their spirits before they come into incarnation. Right, like you don't just let go of your family. You love them so much in spirit. And, as I mentioned, we have free will. So if you're like well, this life wasn't so great. You then have the choice to reborn again into another timeline, lifeline, whatever.

Sheetal Story:

So there is, time is an. An is a construct of this paradigm. So we live in a 3D world. Right, you can only be in one place at one time. Right, teleportation can't wait for that to happen. But at this point in time, you know, at this point in time, that I'm recording in 2024, teleportation is not a thing. You know it's not a thing, and you can only be in one time, in one place, at one place at one time.

Sheetal Story:

Right, spirit is energy. It does not need to be in one place at one time, it can be in multiple places at a time, and that energy, then, is why this is how we can have readings that kind of are over Zoom with my clients that are in Australia or, you know, in other parts of the world, because that energy doesn't just have to be here. You know, in Canada, where I am. It is everywhere you are and I can tap into that world of energy. It's like when you're looking at someone on a screen and you can feel how they feel. You know how they would be as a person, or you can feel what kind of mood they're in. You don't even have to be on a screen with them. You can even just think about someone right now in your own life and just feel what kind of day they're having. You can do that. We're energetic beings connected to each other by energy.

Sheetal Story:

So when you think about mediumship, all it is is you have the ability to connect to your own loved ones in spirit. But if you're going through grief, then that might feel hard. That might feel like it's hard to understand. You know, hard to know, understand. Are they talking to you? Do I know they're there? And most of the time when I'm doing mediumship readings, people always ask me you know, are they here? You know I had a dream Spirit will actually show me.

Sheetal Story:

I actually had a reading last week where a lady was missing her husband in spirit and they said he's showing me. You're laying in bed and you can actually feel his arm over you, cause he used to be the big spoon and she's like, oh my God, like that literally happened last night. And I said that's him showing you that he is here. That is him showing you that that is real Cause. Why would I know that? How would I know that this be true, right, he's showing me. He was in the bed with you. He has not left you. And she started to cry. She's like.

Sheetal Story:

I wanted to believe it was him, but I thought it was my mind playing tricks on me. I said isn't that so interesting that we'd rather chalk it up to? You know, we're crazy versus our loved one is truly here, right, and she's like. I always thought so, I always thought so, I always thought so. So I really just give people permission to believe themselves, really, you know, because that is spirit, coming to say that they are still here. And you know, I really love skeptics. You know, because they're like well, this is all a hoax. And I said, okay, then what are you scared of? How would I know this information? Because I know, at the beginning, when I discovered that I was a medium, you know as, like I said, as a kid, I saw spirit all the time and I didn't think anything of it.

Sheetal Story:

And it wasn't until about grade four, I was walking to school with a bunch of friends from my area that we lived in, and I remember seeing these swings and the swing set. One swing was swinging and I remember saying to a friend oh, that guy looks creepy. There was like this old guy on the swing and his eyes were dark and I realize now that's my symbol or my understanding for a spirit hasn't crossed properly. They have free will to stay closer to the earth's plane. You know, if it's not, if they feel like something hasn't happened in the way that they wanted, or they feel like their death was sudden, or they feel like they're not worthy of heaven or whatever their perception is of the other side, and so they might stay closer to the earth's vibration, which is like, um, just a lower vibration, but they're still in the world of energy, right. But as they're closer to the earth's vibration, we can see them a little bit more and they're a little more dense, right. So that that spirit's energy, I saw it on the swing and I was like Ooh, that guy's creepy. And my friends were like who is, she tell? And I was like the guy in the swing and I look back and there's nobody on the swing and they're like there's no one on the swing. She tell it's the wind and I'm like yeah, it's the wind, all right. And I realized no one else could see what I saw. And even then I realized that no one can probably see the colors of clouds around people, because I can see aura, so I literally have the ability to see your soul.

Sheetal Story:

That was what I was born with, that energy. I was literally born to stand out. And my childhood trauma is I just wanted to fit in, I just wanted to be like everyone else and that was not actually how I was designed to be, right. I was meant to stand out. I was meant to be an emissary for spirit in this world, in this time. So at that point in time I remember going home to my mom and saying mom, I don't want to be like this, I want to just fit in.

Sheetal Story:

And I was having a lot of nightmares at that time and in my nightmares I would always have a dream that someone was trying to take my brother away. It was like spirit and some negative energy is trying to take my brother and I dropped to my knees because I went to a Catholic school my whole life and I would say the Hail Marys, yeah, hail Mary, full of grace, and I would drop to my knees and at the end there'd be a light and there'd be this man in a white suit and then I would wake up Right and like it would. Just, it's all eerie to me, it was all scary. I kept having the dream over and, over and over again. And so I I said to my mom I, you know, I keep having these dreams, I'm not sleeping.

Sheetal Story:

I remember it like, mind you, I'm like 10 years old at this time, right, and my mom said you can just close the door. Just imagine closing the door at the top of your head and saying I don't want to see spirit, I'm not here to help you, I just want to be a kid. And I'm like I could do that. She's like yep, you can do that. And I did exactly that. I just closed the door. I said no more. And I remember. It's interesting because now, looking back on it, I could see the change, but in the moment I didn't.

Sheetal Story:

And I remember up till that moment I was extremely creative. I wanted to be a designer. I remember drawing clothes and wanting to be a designer and it was very, very, very creative, artistic. And as soon as I closed the door to that, I became very, very linear, logical left brain. So I wanted to actually become a doctor to help babies. So I wanted to be a pediatrician. I remember that and I just loved helping people my whole life. I just wanted to help people. Even as a designer I wanted to help people feel good and look good about themselves. So it was so interesting. That thread of wanting to help people was already in my little heart back then.

Sheetal Story:

And as I went on to university I actually ended up getting a business degree because I found out I'm not very good at calculus and I failed calculus a second term in university like well, I need that if I was going to be a doctor. So I guess I got to look at something else and I had to make up the credits to keep my scholarship. So I went, I did law 300 in intercessions. I loved it. I thought I was going to be a lawyer. So I went into business. I did a business degree with business law and economics as my major and HR as my minor, graduated and by then I'd met the love of my life.

Sheetal Story:

We moved to Vancouver and it's I mean, it was actually kind of history for that. I ended up not going to law school for a number of reasons and that will be another podcast on pivoting your life, but this led me down a path now of my, the love of my life, my wonderful husband, and then we had our first son, who had a lot of medical issues, and we ended up having to move back to Edmonton. We moved to Vancouver, we moved back to Edmonton where all our family was to get help with our son, and that then set us on a journey to have our next child, which was three years later, and that was when I had my second son. That that is when everything opened up for me. And that was when, when I had my second son. That that is when everything opened up for me. And that's when my gifts started to come back.

Sheetal Story:

When I was on maternity leave and I started to see dead people everywhere and I was like what is happening to me? And I thought, for sure, I'm crazy. Like I'm crazy, I wanted to get back into purchasing. So I had taken a sales job. I got into purchasing a great job at Keg restaurants at office in Vancouver. We traveled and had such amazing experiences with. The Keg was such a wonderful company to work for. Then I moved back to Edmonton and job changed and still in purchasing. But it was really really tough working in a corporate setting and I got hired on as a sales rep in the food industry, which was fantastic for my family life. It was a really wonderful company. I worked for the best bosses, it was wonderful, like really I couldn't ask for more, but it was interesting.

Sheetal Story:

You know that journey that brought me back to Edmonton and I needed to have a very flexible job in order then to take care of my son. And then all of my gifts started to come back when I was on maternity leave with my second child and that story is wild, that'll be in another podcast. But in that, coming back to my gifts, I really thought, like I said I was crazy, and I was. I went to doctors. I was like my eyes? I got my eyes checked and the guy's like, no, you're fine, so I keep seeing auras and dead people. He's like, well, I think that might be something else. I was like, yep, I went to a neurologist because my headaches went away, my symptoms went away. I've never had anxiety in my life but all of a sudden I was having all these anxiety attacks, panic attacks, and it was actually spirit coming into my org field and trying to kind of talk to me and I was like I don't know what this is and started to kind of have heart palpitations, feeling that energy coming into my field and not knowing what it was, you know would start me into this anxiousness.

Sheetal Story:

So as soon as I started to develop my gifts, all of those symptoms went away Right, and, yes, I truly do see dead people and I started to learn how to use my gift and I can turn it off and turn it on whenever I want, I can travel without any problems, I can eat out without any issues because I'm very disciplined with my gift right when I'm out with family or when I'm with my children. I don't. I am not working as a medium and I think we sensationalize that a lot on TV, which is fine, and that that's a choice again that those mediums had to make for the show and for showing that spirit exists and their mission is different than mine and kudos to them because they opened my mind. I mean, it was shows like Mom's Medium and Long Island Medium that really opened my eyes to what a beautiful gift that is and I remember seeing that one day and thinking I was crying because I was like how wonderful to help someone healing the passing of their loved one with such evidence, like evidence that cannot be disputed, that there's just no way that this person would know any of this is not on Google, it's not on Facebook.

Sheetal Story:

This kind of stuff comes in right in that moment and you're just like it's how, how is this possible? And it wasn't until I saw it in my own eyes and I started to develop, develop my mediumship and give like really crazy readings that there's no way I would know any of those things. That's when I knew this was real, right, this when I was real. And I have a wonderful mentor now who says you know, I'm not here to convince you that this is real. I'm here to give you all of the evidence and you get to decide for yourself whether it's real or not, but I'm not here to try to prove anything to you. And I really feel that in my heart as well is that I'm not here to prove anything to you. It makes no, never Does it help you in your healing and does it explain things that really is like so wild that you can't really explain in any other way. Right?

Sheetal Story:

There's just always these signs and symbols coming in, showing you that there is an energetic world that's here, like science shows that Science can show that the energy from your body leaves your body after you die. It doesn't just dissipate and go into the ethers, like it is cohesive, it's gone and you know something to think about for yourself. I'm going to leave you with three questions to ponder for yourself. If this is true for you is have you ever been with someone who's passed away? And if you're in the room with someone who has taken their last breath and their energy is there, and then the energy is not, you know, you can feel I've talked to so many people who have had experiences where they have been in the room with someone who was crossing over, who was passing away, and they can tell that the energy is not there anymore, right? So that's one thing like something to think about for yourself. Then, or if you've ever kind of known someone has passed away or they've come to visit you and you're like, is that real? Like you had a dream about them or they appeared in your room or what, like those kinds of experiences, those are real, right. Is that an experience for you? I'm here to just tell you, that's real, right.

Sheetal Story:

And then the third thing to ponder about yourself too, is like, as a spiritual being, having this human experience, would you just leave your loved one Like spiritual being. Having this human experience, would you just leave your loved one Like you wouldn't right? You would try to find somebody who could see you and say, come back and tell my loved one, I'm okay. Or you would come back to them in dream state. And why dream state is so a great intermediary is because your resistance is down. Your ego is asleep, right, your energetic levels are higher when you sleep, so spirit can kind of meet you in your dream state. You know sort of this in between world, that they can sort of reach you there and say, hey, I'm here, right, I'm here and I've made it on the other side, and visitations and dreams are beautiful and real as well.

Sheetal Story:

Again, you know, do you, can you give yourself permission to believe that that is real? Because you know? Do you, can you give yourself permission to believe that that is real Because you know whether you believe it or not? You know, I always like to think of it this way. I was explaining this to a skeptic. I was like, okay, let's, let's see, let's just maybe think that everything that you're you know I'm talking about is totally false and fake and phony bananas, great. So then you live this life, mundane life, thinking nothing is you know exists outside of this world. And then you die and you go to heaven and you're like, damn, I missed out, right, okay. Or you die and there's nothing, fine, right. And if you die and it's fine, there's nothing you don't lose. But if you die and you find out there's something you love, you lived your whole life in a sham, whole life. You know the whole life. You lived it as a, in a sham, whole lie. You know the whole life. You lived it as a, as not understanding how supported and loved you were. Right, so that's a big loss right Now.

Sheetal Story:

What if you live life on the other side of it, that you believe that spirit exists, that there's this energetic world supporting you, that there's so many wonderful and magical things that you're not really, you know, kind of aware. But you can tap into them. You can have ceremony, you can draw cards for yourself, you can use pendulums, you can develop your intuition, you can start to play in the world of energy and Reiki and healing, and you live this magical, magnetic life, knowing that you are this wondrous goddess, queen or king. You know, as it were, you know magician, that you can use this energy and direct it to get things that you want out of life. And you die and you find out it's all real, and you're like, yes, I lived my best life.

Sheetal Story:

Or you die and you, and then nothing. It was real, whatever. Did you live a better life? Were you more optimistic? Did you realize? Did you feel like you had more tools in your toolkit? Yeah, right, so really, in those four outcome scenarios, the one that you lose always is when you believe nothing is real and you find out that it was real. Right, that's when you've lost everything. You could have had such a better life. But in every, in the other scenarios of believing that something more exists and playing with the world of energy and finding out how it works for you, that is where you decide how awesome does life get to be, and even in the hardest times.

Sheetal Story:

You know I can tell you that, as a spiritual grief counselor, the people that I support on the spiritual grief side of things, they have not ever had an experience like that with a proper therapist and I'm going to say proper therapists, you know, psychologists, board certified therapists. They exist and they need to exist and we need them in our society. We need them to help with really deep, hard things, like they are off to them. They're an important part of our healing, but we also need the spiritual part, especially when there's loss and grief, because there is an energetic world here helping us. So, yeah, I see dead people. I think you could probably feel your own dead people around you, and I say that with all the love in my heart. You could probably feel your own dead people around you, and I say that with all the love in my heart. And this energetic world exists and I'm here and excited with this podcast to help you maybe see how much it really supports you and how much more you can do to help support yourself and really develop your intuition and flow with that energetic field and tap into it to manifest your very best life.

Sheetal Story:

Thank you for being here. I appreciate it. Thank you so much for joining me on this episode of the Story of Spirit podcast. I hope you found inspiration and practical insights to help you align with your soul-led purpose and live a life that sets your soul on fire.

Sheetal Story:

If you enjoyed today's podcast, please subscribe to the podcast, leave a review and please share it with an aligned friend that you know can really get the most out of this podcast. Your support helps us reach more listeners and continues to provide valuable content. I sincerely appreciate every share and it is how most people find me. It is because caring people like you share me with them at the right and perfect time For more resources, insights and to connect with our community. Please visit wwwsheetalestorycom or follow us on Instagram at she Tells Story. Remember, your journey to more alignment and vibrant life is just the beginning and I am here to support you every step of the way. Until next time, stay aligned, stay inspired and keep shining your light.

Sheetal Story:

This is she Tells Story, signing off from the Story of Spirit podcast. Here's the legal ease that's required by our lawyers. This podcast and the YouTube channel represents the opinions of she Tells Stories and her guests to the show. The content should not be taken as medical, psychological or financial advice. This series is informational and entertainment purposes only is informational and entertainment purposes only Because each person is so unique. Please consult your healthcare professional, your mental health dream team, your financial advisor or anyone else that's an expert in the field in where you are thinking of making big choices in your life.

The Story of Spirit Podcast
Connecting With Spirit Through Energy
Believing in the Energetic World
Supporting the Story of Spirit