Story of Spirit

8: 3 Easy Ways to Deepen Your Intuition

September 04, 2024 Sheetal Story Season 1 Episode 8
8: 3 Easy Ways to Deepen Your Intuition
Story of Spirit
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Story of Spirit
8: 3 Easy Ways to Deepen Your Intuition
Sep 04, 2024 Season 1 Episode 8
Sheetal Story

In this episode of The Story of Spirit, Sheetal dives deep into the fascinating world of intuition, exploring its significance and how we can enhance our natural intuitive abilities. Drawing from her Intuition 101 class, Sheetal highlights why intuition is crucial for connecting with our soul and understanding the energy of the universe. She discusses the role of intuition in our lives and provides actionable steps for developing this vital skill.

Reflect on Your Own Journey:
Sheetal invites you to reflect on your intuitive skills with the following questions:

  1. How has societal and familial conditioning influenced your ability to trust and act on your intuition? Reflect on specific instances where your intuition was either supported or undermined by external expectations.
  2. What emotions or physical sensations do you notice when you are in different environments or around different people? How can you use this awareness to better understand and develop your intuitive abilities?
  3. Have you noticed any recurring signs or symbols in your life, such as numbers or animal encounters? How do these signs resonate with your current life situation, and what messages might they be conveying to you?

A Gift For You:
Sheetal would like to give you a gift to show her appreciation for your support! Please click the following link to download her free Guided White Light Meditation!

Engage with Our Community:
Reflect on how these pivotal moments have shaped your journey. Share your experiences and thoughts with Sheetal on social media or through her website. Your support is invaluable and helps us reach more listeners ready to embark on their own spiritual paths. To ensure you never miss an episode, subscribe to the podcast, leave a review, and share it with someone who could benefit from aligning their life with their soul's purpose.

Connect with Us:

Disclaimer: This podcast represents the opinions of Sheetal Story and her guests. The content is for informational and entertainment purposes only and should not be taken as medical, psychological, or financial advice. Please consult appropriate professionals for personalized guidance.

0:01 Developing Intuition for Spiritual Growth
7:50 Unleashing Intuitive Gifts Through Meditation
15:31 Heightened Awareness Through Energy Perception
19:28 Connecting Energy and Spiritual Symbols
33:29 Navigating Spirituality and Personal Guidance

Music Credits: The music is composed by Stockaudios via Pixabay.

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

In this episode of The Story of Spirit, Sheetal dives deep into the fascinating world of intuition, exploring its significance and how we can enhance our natural intuitive abilities. Drawing from her Intuition 101 class, Sheetal highlights why intuition is crucial for connecting with our soul and understanding the energy of the universe. She discusses the role of intuition in our lives and provides actionable steps for developing this vital skill.

Reflect on Your Own Journey:
Sheetal invites you to reflect on your intuitive skills with the following questions:

  1. How has societal and familial conditioning influenced your ability to trust and act on your intuition? Reflect on specific instances where your intuition was either supported or undermined by external expectations.
  2. What emotions or physical sensations do you notice when you are in different environments or around different people? How can you use this awareness to better understand and develop your intuitive abilities?
  3. Have you noticed any recurring signs or symbols in your life, such as numbers or animal encounters? How do these signs resonate with your current life situation, and what messages might they be conveying to you?

A Gift For You:
Sheetal would like to give you a gift to show her appreciation for your support! Please click the following link to download her free Guided White Light Meditation!

Engage with Our Community:
Reflect on how these pivotal moments have shaped your journey. Share your experiences and thoughts with Sheetal on social media or through her website. Your support is invaluable and helps us reach more listeners ready to embark on their own spiritual paths. To ensure you never miss an episode, subscribe to the podcast, leave a review, and share it with someone who could benefit from aligning their life with their soul's purpose.

Connect with Us:

Disclaimer: This podcast represents the opinions of Sheetal Story and her guests. The content is for informational and entertainment purposes only and should not be taken as medical, psychological, or financial advice. Please consult appropriate professionals for personalized guidance.

0:01 Developing Intuition for Spiritual Growth
7:50 Unleashing Intuitive Gifts Through Meditation
15:31 Heightened Awareness Through Energy Perception
19:28 Connecting Energy and Spiritual Symbols
33:29 Navigating Spirituality and Personal Guidance

Music Credits: The music is composed by Stockaudios via Pixabay.

Sheetal Story:

Like. It is such a healing act to develop your intuition because it is really coming back to your soul and sitting in the seat of the soul, realizing that you are a divine, loving being and you deserve to have it all. Welcome to the Story of Spirit podcast, where practical spirituality meets real life. Hi, I'm your host. She Tells Story. I'm a psychic medium, grief support counselor, professional astrologer and a human design reader and, of course, a law of attraction master coach. With my unique blend of spiritual and practical tools, I am here to help you align with your soul-led purpose and ignite a life that sets your soul on fire. In this podcast, we are going to explore the principles of energy, astrology, spirituality and psychology to help you heal your grief and create an aligned life and business from the inside out. Whether you are looking to deepen your intuition, understand your cosmic design or transform your business, this podcast is for you. Join me each week for insightful discussions, practical tips and inspiring stories that will guide you on your journey to living your very best life. Don't forget to subscribe and follow us on Instagram at she Tells Story or wherever you listen to this podcast. Let's dive in and start this transformative journey together. Welcome to the Story of Spirit podcast. So on today's episode I want to talk about intuition and I, specifically, I teach a class on intuition. 101 is the class that I teach. But I wanted to talk about, like, how can you develop your intuition? Why is intuition so important and why are so many people, like, excited about it? I personally am very excited about intuition because it is the way that we connect to our soul. It's the way that we hear the energy of our universe, if you will. You know, it is more about tuning in to the finer points of energy versus being in our mind, you know, being in our five senses and being sort of on guard. So being in your intuition requires you to listen in a different way and it really helps you to tune into your gut instincts, your instincts. So not normally, you know, always in the gut, we can feel it in different parts of your body. It's one of the things I really love about human design because it talks about seven different ways that we experience our intuition. So not everyone is going to experience their intuition in the same way and there are different ways that we receive information, and so today I really wanted to talk about what are some ways to develop your unique intuition.

Sheetal Story:

Now likely. You know, as a child you would have had a very strong intuition. Children are very much just based in their energy, how they're feeling and what is happening with them, to them, inside them, and they just respond to that. And as they get older and older, they put more focus and more awareness on their outside world and how they're being rewarded, what is happening when they do certain things, and so they start to get conditioned and we become conditioned with rewards, you know. So you are rewarded for achievement. You're rewarded when you're a good girl or boy. You're rewarded when you stay within the lines you know you do. You're rewarded when you're a good girl or boy. You're rewarded when you stay within the lines you know you do. You're rewarded when you get the answer right.

Sheetal Story:

So there's a lot of this conditioning that is, you're trying to, you know, become a good citizen of society, right, and whatever that your parents were conditioned with is the way that they will condition you, unless you become very intentional and conscious about one of the things or some of the things you picked up from your family that you no longer want to pass on to your children, or even change within yourself if you don't have children, to just pass it on in terms of life right, just the human that you are. And that requires a lot of awareness because that conditioning creates the RAS system in our brain. This is going into a little bit of psychology, but the RAS system is called a reticular activated system and that reticular activating system looks for evidence of what we believe to be true. So think of it as like a satellite dish that is sending out waves and seeing what is true for us. So if you believe money, you know money. Trauma is very common in society.

Sheetal Story:

If you believe that rich people are bad, you know death to the billionaires. Look at all of these people that are just consuming, consuming, consuming Every time you put your feelers out and the news story talks about a billionaire that died on a super yacht, which just happened. That is, that's going to just kind of feed into. Well, there you go, a super yacht. You know, I probably don't feel very bad for him, but it was actually really horrible because he died with his daughter and there's just a lot of really sad things about it. But if you believe rich people are bad, then when you hear somebody who's a billionaire and dies, you probably think, well, it's probably better without them. So that is evidence being collected all the time to your beliefs. Now, if you believe that all people are good and money is an amplifier of who you are, and if you looked into that billionaire, maybe he did a lot of charity work and he was actually a really good human. But your satellite dish won't let you go deeper because you've already written him off as a bad person. Right?

Sheetal Story:

So that RES system is always receiving information for what it believes to be true, and that brain is so potent right, it is a powerful, powerful thing that you can focus your energy and get things done and its only job is to keep you safe. Right, it's, the only job is to keep you safe. So when your brain is so tuned into your, you're tuned into your brain all the time. You've missed the signals that are in your body. You miss the signals that are kind of coming in from your environment Sometimes it can be louder, sometimes that you're just like something is dangerous here.

Sheetal Story:

I just feel like I shouldn't go down this path. I don't know why I shouldn't cop on this plane or I shouldn't take this route to work. I just don't know why, but I'm not going to do it. And whether you do it or you don't do it, you get the evidence right. I always say you're building your book of evidence of what you believe to be true. So when you come into intuition class with me, I always say you're building your book of evidence, you're going to see if this technique works for you and these three ways that I'm going to share with you today on how to develop your intuition. You're going to see if it works for you, you know. And if it doesn't, great I don't care, you know. I mean, I want you to be happy, I want you to live a life that feels in flow and that you're listening to your internal guidance system and all of these nuggets of gold that come up seemingly out of the blue.

Sheetal Story:

You know, sometimes we call those downloads, sometimes we call those hits. You know, intuitive hits. Sometimes we just kind of get like an aha moment of something and that just kind of comes out of nowhere and it's not even like you were thinking about it, it just kind of pops in. I like to think of those as sort of intuitive downloads that you get. So the more you flex this muscle of intuition, the stronger it gets. Notes that you get. So the more you flex this muscle of intuition, the stronger it gets. The more you trust it, the more you trust yourself.

Sheetal Story:

Like it is such a healing act to develop your intuition because it is really coming back to your soul and sitting in the seat of the soul, realizing that you are a divine, loving being and you deserve to have it. All you really do. And it's truth. It is like capital T truth versus perception of truth. Like billionaires are bad. That's actually not true. There's a lot of billionaires in the world that do very good work and they just happen to have money. Like money just amplifies, right. So I feel like I want to do a whole episode on money and spirituality, because there is a lot about energetics and money as well. So today we're going to talk about the three ways to develop your intuition.

Sheetal Story:

So the very first way when I first started becoming very, very, I was starting to see dead people. My intuition was going off the charts and I was like ah, I felt like if you've ever watched Fantastic Beasts, that movie, the Obscurious, that is what I'm totally nerding out right now. But it feels like that, like you're just your energy is so powerful, it's going everywhere. You're aware of everything and nothing. You can feel everybody's emotions, spirits coming to you Like. You literally feel like out of control when you start to open to your gifts and you have no way to control it. And if that's you, you need Intuition 101. You need support in developing your gifts because they are coming, they're becoming latent, they're becoming, they're coming to the surface now to be expressed, to be used in some very potent and productive way. So if that is you, please either message me or look around for a class that that aligns with your heart. You will know what it is If and if it's not with me, you will just know what it is when you see it. So, taking a reputable a course from a reputable psychic medium or someone who's doing this work full-time, you know, take a class from something like that, not, you know, some online pre-recorded class. You need an experiential someone who is there to help you interpret, because once we're left to our own device, we will interpret for the worst. Right In my Intuition 101 class, you meet your spirit guides and inevitably someone is just not in their soul self.

Sheetal Story:

They're still stuck in their mind, so they either don't see something, or they see something and it's not what they want, or they experience something and they're like what happened and something they don't want. An example of that is a spirit guide who is a young child, or a spirit guide who is an Asian man they're like, or a spirit guide whose name is Kevin. You're like that actually all of those things happened in my classes and there's nothing wrong with that. Why not Right? Why can't your spirit guide be a young man named Kevin? You know, why can't it be an Asian man named Mr Chow? Like those are all. Those are legit things that have happened in my class. So that happens, you know there's nothing wrong with that.

Sheetal Story:

But we judge it and when we judge it then we bring ourself out of our soul sense. You know the seat of the soul? Because the seat of the soul is where we are loving and wise and there is no questioning, there's no judgment. We just accept things as they are right. So when we are in our mind, we are now sort of an egoic side of us and everything is judgment. We're trying to make sure that we are safe in our environment and it's kind of part of our prehistoric programming to make sure that we stay safe in the wild.

Sheetal Story:

So, when we're developing our intuition, when my you know gifts started started to come in and I asked around, people said you know, meditation, meditation is going to be the first step, because the reason for that is you quiet down your egoic mind, not stopping it. You're not stopping the thoughts, but you become the observer of your thoughts. So it's different, right, and I think I might have mentioned in a previous podcast, but there's three intelligence that you have available to you at all times. At all times, there are three intelligence that can support you. So one is your brain, and your brain is so potent, its only job is to keep you safe, right, so that nervous system has everything kind of connected to the body. It feels safe, it'll tell you what to do and it's always looking to see if you're safe. So it's always got kind of the radar, the sonar, going off and seeing is this a good environment, is it not?

Sheetal Story:

And you have about I think it's 50 to 80,000 thoughts a day was the last time I saw a study from Harvard on that and those thoughts are sort of three seconds, one to three seconds in length, and there's a little gap between each thought, and what we're wanting to do is slow down those thoughts, just slow them down. That is it. That's the first stage of meditation. This is just slow it down. And the best way to slow down thoughts is to bring your mind to a single point of awareness. So a really great one is breathing to just focus on your breath and counting four breaths in four breaths hold. Four breaths out and four breaths hold. We call that box breath in the meditation teacher training I took. I've also heard it called soldier breath, which I think is quite interesting. But box breath because the four, four, four, four creates a box.

Sheetal Story:

So, thinking of it in that way, you're just doing the four count, four count, four, count, four count and doing it for a minute. Right, just doing it for a minute. Set the timer for one minute counting. For if you lose your mind, if you lose your mind, if you lose your train of thought what number you were on, you got to go back and start again, right? Another breath counting meditation that I do for my beginners is counting your inhales for one minute. So you set your alarm for one minute and you're just counting your inhales as you're breathing and when you focus on your breathing, it will naturally deepen, and if you lose count of where you're at, then you got to start back at one. Start back at one, right, and so at the beginning you might be starting back at one a lot, but as you do that for seven consecutive days, you will notice that you will train your brain to actually stay focused longer.

Sheetal Story:

And we are in a society now of instant gratification, right, if you're on TikTok, if you're on Instagram, social media, even like the new, like PVR. We don't have commercials anymore. We're annoyed with them, and once we get bored, we're moving on to the next thing. So I actually had a teacher said like how many of you can read a book from cover to cover and feel like satiated, or do you get bored in reading? Can you actually focus for long periods of time? Because we are training our psyche, our mind, to require quick hits, right, and so meditation is actually also a form of training your mind to stay relaxed and to stay present for long periods of time. So breath meditation is wonderful, a mantra meditation where you're saying the same mantra over and over and over again, even as just I love you to yourself, or even a word if you want to say an affirmation. That's really beautiful too.

Sheetal Story:

And then a single point awareness meditation I I really love is a guided meditation. So you're listening to a voice guide you on a journey of some kind, and that journey usually is into the body, into your emotions, feeling safe. I like to go on journeys, so I like to take my students when we're doing in intuition training or in my, in my academy membership, we will go on on guided journeys to get something so like a higher, a message from your higher self, a message from your spirit, guides, contacting your ancestors, meeting a loved one in spirit, like it's really really beautiful what you can do in meditations to just allow the ego, to just calm down, you know, and just to be safe enough to allow you to have an experience in the seat of the soul. So that's one of the reasons why I love meditation. It really calms down the mind, it slows down the thoughts and you're not stopping your thoughts, because that's weird, right, and that's, I think, where people fall off the wagon. It's like I can't stop my thoughts, I can't sit there and think of silence. I mean that's like you're trying to go from beginner to a thousand, you know, like guru, and that's not possible at the beginning. You have to train your brain. So, as a medium, I have to make sure that I can actually clear my thoughts and have no thoughts, just be in the present moment with no thought in my mind. And I've been able to do that, and I can do it for longer and longer and longer periods of time in meditation. And that came with practice, right, and it was also something that I feel like I kind of had a natural gift for, because I just loved it, like it was the first time that I kind of felt like I didn't have to be anything for anyone. I didn't have to do for anybody, I could just be me in that energy, in that zone.

Sheetal Story:

So meditation number one way to develop your intuition, number two way to develop your intuition is through paying attention to energy, and that means you're paying attention to how things feel. How do people feel, how do you feel? How does the space feel? Does it feel good, does it not feel good? We almost don't pay attention to. I mean, as a psychic, I'm always paying attention to people's energy, how they feel, how I feel when you do meditation. One of the things that it gives you is a way that you know how you feel. Right, how do you feel inside your body in this moment in time. That is something that meditation, because as you close your eyes you bring awareness to within, right, you're no longer focusing on the outside world, you're focusing on the internal world. How are you listening to your breath, counting your breathing, how does your? You might even do a heartbeat like, just putting your hand on your heart and feeling your heartbeat. That is just meditation is bringing your awareness to what you feel like and what your energy feels like.

Sheetal Story:

So number one step in mediumship training, because in mediumship we have to become aware of what is spirits and what is ours. So we can't mix the two, because then it starts to muddy the waters and the information coming in is not accurate, because we can make, like a chocolate chip cookie, mean a chocolate mint, if we just had a chocolate mint. So we're not actually coming into, allowing no thought, no feeling and allowing spirits information to drop in. So we have to really separate those two. And if you're in the therapy or coaching realm, you likely will have to do this for your therapy clients and your coaching clients, because you can't bring your bias and your information in. You're supposed to be a blank slate for them to have an experience, and you are reflecting back to them and helping them to see the parts of them that are the most loving and helping to bring light to the darkness within them, right?

Sheetal Story:

So paying attention to energy makes you very, very present. You've got to be present with yourself, feeling how you're feeling in yourself, and then you're present with how you feel about people. So even when you meet somebody you might be like oh, I like this person's energy, there's something about them, I just like. Or whenever I go to a conference or a workshop, I'll scan the room and I see energy. So that's a bit different. You know, I see auric fields, I see colors around people, and so I will scan the room and I will look for the energies of people that I'm like oh, I want to meet them. Either they're sort of bigger, they're brighter. I see them as bright and sometimes I see their energy field is very, very big and I know those people are the helpers, I know they've done their own healing and they're probably really interesting people. And, of course, when I'm in a big situation I can't meet everybody. So I will say to spirit, bring me the right and perfect people that I'm meant to meet and let it be fun. I love meeting new people, I love it.

Sheetal Story:

So paying attention to energy means that you're paying attention to the energy of spaces as well. Like when you go to a new house or you're going to a friend's house or you're trying out a new restaurant, you can feel the energy of the space. Does it have good vibes or doesn't it? Like I know, with a lot of yoga studios, there's a lot of energy, there's a lot of things being released, especially if there's breathwork taking place. You know, breathwork actually is moving things out of the body, moving stuck energy. And where does that energy go? It goes into the environment, right? We're leaving pieces of ourself behind every time we do healing work somewhere. So we really do need that, you know, healing to be cleansed right. We can't just have, you know, that energy be sitting there and sitting there and sitting there and it'll start to accumulate, it'll start to feel heavy, it'll start to feel, you know, really just yucky is the word that I feel like it just doesn't feel good. So we want to make sure that we are cleansing spaces, and yoga studios, specifically, will always have. They should be smudging on a regular basis.

Sheetal Story:

And if you don't know what smudging is, it's an indigenous practice of usually sage or sweetgrass that you sort of have the smoke come out and you're intentioning that the smoke is going to clear away the negativity, usually calling your ancestors and your guides and guardians. I use a different smoke, called sombrani is what we call it in Hinduism, which is my culture, and I use that as a smoke cleanse and we've used that forever with incense and stuff, even as a kid and in the temples that I've attended as a child. But smoke cleanses are really wonderful because it sort of takes the energy and moves it out and you always want to move towards an open window or an open doorway and clear out the energy. It's almost like you're sweeping right, but you're sweeping through the air, which is, and you usually use a feather or we will use our hands to kind of guide the energy, guide the smoke. So it's smudging spaces is quite common in yoga studios because they'll clear all of the the energy from the space and usually even with healing circles or anytime we intention the space, anytime I've done ceremony, I have done a workshop, I always will intention the space and I'll fill it with white light. So that kind of like paying attention to spaces and even with your own space, like we always do, a house clearing and a house cleanse for when we are buying a new house. In our culture and Hinduism and East Indian culture, we always have a house warming, indian culture, we always have a housewarming. So the priest will come, bless the house. You know, clear out with the sombrani smoke and then everyone will come and bring good fortune with food and laughter and you know spend that time to fill the space with joy and abundance, which is so lovely.

Sheetal Story:

So paying attention to the energy of yourself, of in what feels easy, you know, I think we have forced and forced and forced ourselves to do things because we thought it was the right thing or we don't feel up to it. And let's be honest, sometimes the laundry just has to get done, even though we don't feel like we want to do it. But there is an awareness of flow. You know, sometimes you have a lot of energy to clean the house and sometimes you don't, and I get that. Sometimes you can't just wait for that energy to kick in because your house may never be cleaned. I get that too. So sometimes we do have to do the things we want to do.

Sheetal Story:

But when you follow your cycles of energy and flow and bring in support during the times that you're not feeling in flow with people who love to do what they do, you will start to notice that the energy of your space starts to become really, really wonderful. So just paying attention to energy is really interesting, right? How do you feel? How does a space feel? How, what does your energy feel like when you're around people? Who fills your tanks and who empties your tanks? And that's, I think, a really interesting notice for you, because, as a child, if you've been conditioned to just help everybody and at the expense of yourself, then you will notice that your energy just depletes, depletes, depletes. You might even get very sick and there's higher than normal cases of what is normal I don't even know. But autoimmune in women, autoimmune diseases and autoimmune yeah, autoimmune diseases in women, because women are so self-sacrificing and are taught to do at the expense of themselves, and oftentimes that's taught through modeling right, modeling through parents.

Sheetal Story:

So it's very interesting when we start to correlate the emotional body with the physical ailments, and we need both. So I don't want this to be an invitation for anybody to say I'm not going to listen to my doctor, I'm going to go off on medication. We need both the doctors, the Western medicine and the Eastern philosophies of body emotion being. What are the root causes of body emotion being? What are the root causes? And the root causes always come back to energy, to emotion and to our metabolism. Right, what are you eating? What are you putting into this body? Because those are the building blocks, right? So paying attention to energy, even like what foods give you energy, what people give you energy, like when I have brunch with my girlfriends, I swear I can push my car home, like I am so happy, I'm so excited, like brunch is my love language, I love it. It just makes me so, so happy. So just notice that energy around you.

Sheetal Story:

And then the third one is pay attention to the signs, the signs and symbols around you. Now, it's interesting because I feel like the more spiritual you are, the more you're very much aware of signs and symbols. And if you, it's interesting because I feel like the more spiritual you are, the more you're very much aware of signs and symbols. And if you're not spiritual, you just chalk that up to who. Yeah, you know who who like, whatever. Yeah, okay, one, one, one one on the clock. And I've seen a lot of memes Like if you, if you're dating a spiritual girl, make sure you text her at one, one, one one, and she will think you're amazing and you're meant to be together. And so, of course, you want to be aware of manipulation, but this is more spontaneous things that come about right, and you know there's a bird that crosses your path and you look up the meaning of the bird, like everything has meaning, as above, so below, like everything that's happening within you is being expressed and reflected back to you.

Sheetal Story:

So I even noticed little things, like even recording this podcast. I've had to do a number of other things before I recorded this podcast and it was so challenging. I had to really slow down and pay attention all day. I've been noticing that too with texting. My like letters are all weird and, to be fair, this is going on during a Mercury retrograde. So for those of you who don't know what Mercury retrograde is, it's just a period of time in astrology when Mercury is going slower than the Earth and it means a time of slowdown. It means that we're meant to slow down to reassess, revise and realign, review all the rule of our ease, to really just give herself a break on the forward momentum path and allow ourselves to just fix any problems that come up and to go slow. So for those of us who like to go fast and get things done, it is a really hard time. It's very challenging time and I even noticed in all of my texting and all of my emails today that I've already written that it was.

Sheetal Story:

Everything was wrong. I had to go back and retype it. My spellcheck wasn't catching it. You know, autocorrect wasn't working for me and I was like what is happening? And then, as I had to record a few episodes, I had to do them like at least 10 times because I kept flubbing over and that's. That's not this podcast. But anytime I have a sort of a script or I'm not speaking from my heart, it just you know. You just got to slow down and take it easy, right?

Sheetal Story:

So you're just paying attention to the signs and symbols. If there's a bird that that crossed your path, look up the spiritual meaning of right. If it's a magpie, the spiritual meaning of a magpie, and allow yourself to go down the Google search and trust your intuition. Trust that the one that really resonates with you is the one that's meant for you. Now I have an awesome book. It's called Animal Spirit Guides and the author is Stephen D, is Stephen D Farmer, stephen Farmer, phd, and he has written a lot of books and cards Oracle, card decks but the spirit guides book is by far the best one. I have it on my desk at all times and my students all get have them. All of my psychic medium friends all have that book because the animal meanings in that book are just top notch better than anything you can find on the internet for sure. So highly recommend just watching for signs and symbols.

Sheetal Story:

So signs and symbols can be animals crossing your path. They can be letters that you continue to see, numbers that you can continue to see like one, one, one. Right now I'm looking at the time it's two, three, four. Now I'm looking at the time, it's 234. Like I see that all the time when I'm on the right path and pay attention when you see these signs and symbols. Or maybe you see a butterfly, butterfly is a sign of transformation. If you see like dragonflies, dragonflies are. There's a symbolism there with regards to the underworld and um spirituality and connection. So you can even just look up some of these meanings and see for yourself what they're trying to tell you and you want to pay attention to what you were doing or thinking about at the time you saw it right or what is happening in your life.

Sheetal Story:

So I noticed that when I see like things like 234123, it means that I'm sort of getting ready to go. You know, there's sort of like that countdown I three, four, one, two, three. It means that I'm sort of getting ready to go. You know there's sort of like that countdown, I mean going or counting me up or counting me down, so that's sort of this kind of I'm in momentum. It's starting to go forward, it's a symbol from the universe that you're on track. And then when I see four, four, four which I often saw last year, which was interesting that is about foundations and setting up foundations. Fours are about stability, foundation, family, really creating things that are going to last the test of time, but it's the root structure that is required before the building happens. So it's really interesting. When you start to look up the numerology and meanings of numbers as well, you will start to see that there is like messages all around you. Really, you are so, so supported and guided.

Sheetal Story:

So when you're starting to pay attention to your world, you're paying attention to energy, you're quieting your own mind and body. That is going to give you some wonderful amplifying energy to your intuition, because you're paying attention to things that you might have missed because your brain was so loud, right, and notice everything that you're doing is in the body. So your body is your second intelligence, right. It knows what it likes and what it doesn't like. If you listen to your body and notice when your tummy is happy versus when your tummy is all gassy, you will notice you start to feed your body things that it likes and it will just be like less. There's less pain, there's less aches, there's more flexibility, like it is happy body. This is your vessel in this lifetime.

Sheetal Story:

And, of course, the third intelligence I'm sure you must all know it's your soul. Your soul is the energy that organizes all your molecules and keeps this energy field of all these physical elements together. It's the vitality of your body. It's the energy that energizes your body. So without it you would be dead. Right, when you take your last breath, your energy just transitions into the world of energy seamlessly. There is no stuck, there's no purgatory um. All of that nonsense that's been peddled over the years is just fodder for um fear tactics.

Sheetal Story:

So, really, just knowing that everything is happening in divine design, you have the ability to tap into this energetic world that lives within this physical world that we're in. You can tap into that. You are an energetic being having this human experience. So because your energy and physicality you are so powerful. You are more powerful than a rock like you're more powerful than a tree. You are more powerful than a lot of entities on this on this planet, because you walk in both energy and physicality. So you can command physical and you can command energy. You just got to learn how. So I hope this has helped you.

Sheetal Story:

One of the things that we wanted to do when we started this podcast is to also help you to integrate the information that I share. I love having practical, grounded knowledge that you can use in your life to make your life better. And so, in all of the show notes, if you, wherever you're watching this, go into the show notes and you will see there'll be three questions to help you really integrate what I talked about today and think about how it manages or how it applies in your life, right, and I also have a little freebie in there to help you. So this one is going to be about intuition and helping you to really step into your intuitive light, and if you'd like to learn more about intuition, I would love to have you in my intuition 101 class. Please follow me.

Sheetal Story:

We kind of run them throughout the year. So I run them about two to three times a year. So if you're watching this in September, there's likely a class starting soon, and if it's throughout the rest of the year, you just have to check out my website and you'll see when the next one is going to be on. So I think it's one of the most empowering things. It changes your life. This four week class, intuition 101, I am your teacher, I walk you through it and students are just changed from the beginning of the class to the end of the class in the best of ways, because we all have access to this superpower. It's just you just haven't learned how to use it yet. So, wishing you an intuitive rest of the day wherever this podcast has found you, thank you.

Sheetal Story:

Thank you for joining me on this episode of the Story of Spirit podcast. I hope you have found inspiration, support and practical insights to help you align with your soul at purpose and live a life that sets your soul on fire. With your soul at purpose and live a life that sets your soul on fire. If you have enjoyed today's episode, please subscribe to the podcast, leave a review and share it with a friend. Your support helps us to reach more listeners and continues to provide valuable content. I sincerely appreciate every share and I know it is how most people find me. It is because caring people like you have shared me with them at the right and perfect time For more resources, insights and to connect with our community. Please visit us at wwwshe tells storycom and follow us on Instagram at she tells story. Remember, your journey to a more aligned and vibrant life is just the beginning and I am here to support you every step of the way. Until next time, stay aligned, stay inspired and keep shining your beautiful light.

Sheetal Story:

This is she Tells Story, signing off from the Story of Spirit podcast. Here's the legal ease that's required by our lawyers. This podcast and the YouTube channel represents the opinions of she Tells Story and her guests to the show. The content should not be taken as medical, psychological or financial advice. This series is informational and entertainment purposes only. Because each person is so unique, please consult your healthcare professional, your mental health dream team, your financial advisor or anyone else that's an expert in the field in where you are thinking of making big choices in your life.

Developing Intuition for Spiritual Growth
Unleashing Intuitive Gifts Through Meditation
Heightened Awareness Through Energy Perception
Connecting Energy and Spiritual Symbols
Navigating Spirituality and Personal Guidance