Story of Spirit

3: Intuition and Great Life Pivots

August 31, 2024 Sheetal Story

In this episode of The Story of Spirit, Sheetal Story delves into the transformative power of life pivots and the role of intuition in guiding us through life’s unexpected changes. From her journey of aspiring to be a lawyer to discovering her true calling as a spiritual guide and entrepreneur, Sheetal shares how what seemed like detours were actually stepping stones toward her ultimate purpose. This episode offers valuable insights on how to trust the process of life, even when it takes you in directions you hadn’t anticipated.

Reflect on Your Own Journey:
Sheetal invites you to ponder the pivotal moments in your life with these three questions:

1. Have you ever experienced a life pivot where you thought you were headed in one direction, but life took you somewhere completely different?
2. Did that pivot ultimately turn out better than you expected, or did it take time to see the benefits?
3. As you move forward, how do you want your life to unfold, especially knowing that another pivot might be just around the corner?

A Gift For You:
Sheetal would like to give you a gift to show her appreciation for your support! Please click the following link to download her free guide to Help You Uncover Your Soul Purpose!

Engage with Our Community:
Reflect on how these pivotal moments have shaped your journey. Share your experiences and thoughts with Sheetal on social media or through her website. Your support is invaluable and helps us reach more listeners ready to embark on their own spiritual paths. To ensure you never miss an episode, subscribe to the podcast, leave a review, and share it with someone who could benefit from aligning their life with their soul's purpose.

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Disclaimer: This podcast represents the opinions of Sheetal Story and her guests. The content is for informational and entertainment purposes only and should not be taken as medical, psychological, or financial advice. Please consult appropriate professionals for personalized guidance.

0:00 Introduction
1:38 Intuition and Life Pivots
3:00 From Doctor to Lawyer to Purchaser
5:14 Pursuing a Business Degree and Getting Married
6:05 Struggling with the Law Entrance Exam
8:22 Transitioning to a Sales Job
10:15 Leaving the Corporate Job and Going Full-Time in Business
12:36 Collecting Certificates and Trusting the Journey
16:16 Reflecting on Life Pivots
20:27 The Great Conjunction and Going Full-Time in Business
26:09 Invitation to Reflect on Life Pivots
28:43 Conclusion

Music Credits: The music is composed b

Sheetal Story:

You can feel like you're going down a wrong path sometimes, but it's always the right path right. Everything is divinely timed. It's all perfect. Welcome to the Story of Spirit podcast, where practical spirituality meets real life. Hello, and I'm your host. She Tell Story, a psychic medium, grief support counselor, professional astrologer, human design reader and a law of attraction master coach. With my unique blend of spiritual and practical tools, I am here to help you align with your soul-led purpose and ignite a life that sets your soul on fire. In this podcast, we are going to explore the principles of energy, astrology, spirituality and psychology to help you heal your grief and create an aligned life and business from the inside out. Whether you are looking to deepen your intuition, understand your cosmic design or transform your life and business to be more in alignment with who you were meant to be, this podcast is for you. Join me each week for insightful discussions, practical tips and inspiring stories that will guide you on your journey to living your very best life. Don't forget to subscribe and follow me on YouTube or wherever you are listening to this podcast. Let's dive into this week's episode and see what juicy topic I have in store for you and help you on your journey of transformation, healing and growth. Welcome to the Story of Spirit podcast. Intuition and great life pivots Holy moly, holy. I've had so many pivots in my life and the way that spirit shows this to me now is sort of these stepping stones that get you to where you need to go and then you realize, wait, it's not actually what I thought it was going to be and you go in a different direction. But it's not that. There's the bait and switch. You know where some people are like I can't trust in my intuition. I thought I was supposed to do this thing and then it didn't pan out. I said, yes, but it did get you to where you could go, to your next step. That you didn't anticipate at the time, but it got you to where you were supposed to go. And they're like, oh, never thought about that. So this is one of the things I think a lot of psychics, intuition, you know, mediums and stuff don't talk about, because you can feel like you're going down a wrong path sometimes, but it's always the right path, right. Everything is divinely timed. It's all perfect, and one of the ways that I love to explain this is sort of me wanting to be a lawyer so I sort of talked about this in the previous episode is that you know, my whole after my gifts came, you know, came on when I was younger.

Sheetal Story:

I turned off my gifts when I was in grade five and then that's when I wanted to become a doctor, right? So I was. I wanted to be a designer, clothing designer before then, and then I started. I wanted to be a pediatrician because I loved babies, I wanted to help people with babies. And then, as I got older, into my high school years, I decided maybe I want to do something to do with genetics, geneticist or help people who wanting to have babies. I kind of knew it was going to be a hard thing in the future. I just I just knew having babies was going to be difficult for many people and it's wild again. There's no rhyme or reason why I would know that.

Sheetal Story:

And I went into bio sci in university. So it's like all my sciences and my maths and everything in in university in high school was great. I did IB up till grade 12 in high school and then I dropped down to all the 10s and got great marks and was able to sort of skip a year of university because of some of my marks and the things that I already had under my belt from high school. So, as I was, you know, coming into university with this very childlike mentality of like, oh I got this in the bag, I didn't do so well. My first year I had a very rude awakening in terms of, like, you know that you actually have to go to class and you have to read the material and the test is on, not just what is in the notes online. You know you actually have to go and do the work. And so I learned a very valuable lesson in that first year.

Sheetal Story:

But I failed calculus and I ended up having to do intersession, which is like summer school and university, and I had to take a class. Thatsession, which is like summer school and university, and I had to take a class. That sort of, you know, appealed to me and I kind of was at a pivot in my life. I knew I was. I couldn't continue on in terms of going into medicine because you need calculus to do that in advanced physics and I definitely was not my forte. Like, as much as I tried, I just cannot understand things in that way.

Sheetal Story:

So I decided to take law 300. You know, it's a law class for non law students and they loved it. I aced it, I got one of the top marks in the class and it was like listening to someone's life and then, you know, sort of giving evidence to prove why this would be, you know the verdict right it was. It was like, so easy. I'm like, oh, I can be a lawyer. And so I decided to change over into business, law and economics. So I went into a business degree and graduated with a bachelor's of commerce degree and in 2000,. And ended up with a major major in business and economics, minor in human resources.

Sheetal Story:

And then I thought I was going to go and do the law. You know, go into law. So I was working as well as a server and having the time of my life. I had met the love of my life as well. We knew we wanted to get married, but you know life, and we were just having a really great time in life and he was discovering his career as well as I was, and I I decided I mean the next step to get into law school is to write the LSAT, the law entrance exam, and I did some studying and I thought that's pretty easy. It's, you know it's not, it's not hard, it's just. You know, you've got to solve a bunch of kind of riddles almost.

Sheetal Story:

And I wrote the exam and I got the 50th percentile. So the 50th percentile means that I'm half in between right. So 50% of the people who wrote the exam did worse than me and 50% of the people who wrote the exam did better than me. So I fell right in the middle and I was like, okay, well, it's not, I'm not the worst you know. So I started to investigate what that looks like and I'm like, okay, I'll try the L side again, because maybe I just didn't give it enough effort. I should have, you know, done more. It should have done more, right.

Sheetal Story:

That's the story of she tells life, the story of she tells spirit do more to achieve more. And that was my conditioning as a child, right. So my parents are very, very. They came here, they're immigrants to Canada, and they are both very, very hardworking. So I was left and my younger brother, who's five years younger than me. We were left pretty much to kind of take care of each other and look after things, and it made me very, very responsible and I got a lot of praise for being a good girl and I got a lot of praise for being a good girl right, for doing well in school and getting honors and just being that responsible girl which taught me some great things and gave me some really great principles and work ethics in life. And it also didn't give me some great things right, because I just achieved to receive. So I just work harder and harder and harder to try to make it work. So this is the opposite of your intuition, my friends. Right, this is not listening to your intuition.

Sheetal Story:

So this LSAT mark would not, you know, determine me. I was going to try again. So this time I took a Kepler sort of prep course. That was multiple weeks. I sat in the library and did all the practice exams. I watched many video. It's like I did as much as I could to prepare myself for this, like I went as if this was my only thing in life, like this was my job. You know, I went and did all the LSAT preps, did the test again, 50th percentile again and I was like what is this madness right? How? How did everyone up level their game? Like I certainly did. But I realized I just don't think this way. Like the law, entrance exam is a way of thinking about things and I have to sort of draw it out and think about things in a way that is more I have to see it on paper and this is more a different way of thinking. So I realized, okay, at this point in time, right, she tell back then was like I will not be deterred, right, I am going to law school. So I decided to go the more you know a different route. So I was going to go upgrade my GPA and do it a two year after degree and and then try again to get in so as a more mature student and try the LSAT again at that point.

Sheetal Story:

So I went to, I got into university at University of Alberta for an after degree in criminology. I was like, well, that might be really interesting. And then I got into UBC for an after degree in English literature, which I love, english lit, I love plays, I love all like Tennessee Williams and some old like I just love all those things. If I could just have an English lit degree I totally would, and I don't know what I would do with that, but I just thought I'll do that. So I decided to go.

Sheetal Story:

You know, got into both, and the reason why I got into both, why I applied to both, was because my soon to be husband well, not the time we were still dating boyfriend, he had got an amazing job in Vancouver and we were doing a long distance relationship. And he's like come live with me. And I said now, without a ring, I'm East Indian, like I can't, my parents will die. So he's like well, you know, I'm not going to be cornered, you know, to propose to you. And I said no, please don't I'm. I know what I want. I know I want to be married to you. If you don't want to be married to me, no problem, no problem at all. Just be super honest with me. But I can tell you what I'm not going to have a long distance relationship who doesn't with someone who doesn't want to commit to me long-term, for much longer. You know, like I, I know that I, I want to be with someone who wants to commit to me, and if that's not you, that's fine, no problem, I'm not, I'm not trying to push you into something, I just want you to be honest with me. So he's like OK. And then he flew back to Edmonton, proposed, and then we moved out and moved out to Vancouver. So it was all good. You know he knew we had talked about it early on. You know he was just, like, I think, just wanting to do it on his own time, which is so valid, so proposed to me.

Sheetal Story:

I moved out to Vancouver, I went to UBC for a week. I got my, my parking pass and my classes and my textbooks and everything. And I attended the first week of classes and I hated it, like to the point where I was like there's no way I could pull myself through two years of this, like absolutely was taking nonsense classes, wasting money and time, and I was like why am I doing this? Like this is not. I know I want to get married. I know I want to have kids in the next. You know we wanted to get married within a year and then we wanted to have kids about three years in kind of thing. So I knew about four years and I was going to have children and that was going to be my focus and I know children take up a lot of time and energy.

Sheetal Story:

So devoting time to a two year after degree and then four years of law and then articling, you know, for another two years and in climbing the ladder, like where? Where I just want to say power to you. I have had friends that have put themselves through nursing school with a baby on their boob. You know, like, wow, amazing women to do that. And I like I don't know how you do it, but I that was not something I could see myself doing and I really wanted to just like be present for a baby. I just, I just knew that baby was going to need me in a different way and of course, I had a child who had a lot of health issues. So there was no choice that way. But it was so interesting because even that nudge from my spirit, I already knew that that was coming for me. You know, I had to make sure my life was sort of clear when that little soul came into my life. So again, you know, like, okay, chantel, like how much more do you need? And it was in that moment I realized, okay, well, what are my choices? Right, I'm living in Vancouver.

Sheetal Story:

Thankfully, my, my fiance has enough, you know, financial stability to pay the majority of the bills. I got all my my money back from university, thank God, because I withdrew in the first week and was able to pay back all my loans. So I was loan free, you know, debt free, which was great. But now, what? Right? I have this business degree, what? So? I started trying to get a job with my business degree. Right, it started with an HR firm. It was terrible. Worst, worst job I've ever had in my life. The boss was terrible. The things he wanted me to do were awful, like it was just I quit within a week and I was like this is not for me in Richmond.

Sheetal Story:

And then we were living in Richmond, bc, and so I went back to serving right, I was a server at the keg here and a server at Moxie's here in Canada. And so when I went to Vancouver I'd gone on with the keg easy and it's. It was in a touristy part of Vancouver, so it was minting money doing really well that way. But I knew I didn't want to serve forever. Again, no, you know nothing against anyone who serves for a lifetime. It's a great, very social thing. You can make a lot of money serving. But it wasn't for me. And and then a job opened up, actually at ke, at Keghead office. So my husband worked at Keghead office and he had been telling me about his job and the people he was working with. And a job opened up and I said what do you think about me? There was a purchasing coordinator at the time and I said, what do you think about me getting that job? And he's like, yes, you would be so good at it, and you know. Interesting is that I there was no purchasing designation in university at that time. So this is at.

Sheetal Story:

I graduated in 2000 from university and so at that time in business, purchasing wasn't considered an avenue, an arm within business, which I think is shocking to me. I'm like what, why wouldn't it be? Of course it is. Now it is, you know. So I went into purchasing and I started to. They trained me. I'm like, why wouldn't it be? Of course it is. Now it is, you know.

Sheetal Story:

So I went into purchasing and I started to. They trained me. I learned all about all the distribution and logistics and purchasing and shorts and all the things, and it was like like I had meant for it. Right, I was born into restaurants. My dad's a chef, you know it was eaten in restaurants ever since I was a kid and you know understanding gourmet food. And my husband's a chef. Now Like. So there's like food is like runs through my veins, right. So purchasing makes sense. So it was so interesting because if you had asked me, you know, in elementary school, are you going to be a purchaser? I'd have been like what you know. And even in university, if you'd asked, you said to me you're going to be a purchaser. I've been like what? No, I'm going to be a lawyer, you know, I would have totally, like, talked you down on that.

Sheetal Story:

So, you know, these pivots come, like life opens up to you in ways that you can't see, sometimes, right, like I had to get to university thinking I was going to be a doctor and knowing, like if I had not known what I was going to do, I probably wouldn't have gone to university. But my parents are very much like university education driven, driven. So there was no choice for me. Ironically, that was not the choice for my brother, they didn't push him to go to university so, but they pushed me right, which is like again, like why I needed my business degree to get the purchasing job, to then get the sales job that I got afterwards, you know. So it's all been in.

Sheetal Story:

Business is, you know, always a great degree to have, not to say there was hands on in any way. I've learned way more in business, being an entrepreneur, through self education, than I ever did in university with regards to being an entrepreneur. But that degree was required for my next steps along the path. So, even getting to university, you know, and the degree I started with, which was business and bio size, like me, or sorry, science and bio size, my beginning to then ending in business, like what right? So like I really want you to think about in your life what didn't pan out the way you thought it would. Right, where did life take you that you then would be like what? Like, like this is not where I thought it was gonna go, but you had to get to that stepping stone, to get to the next stepping stone, even though it wasn't the one you thought you were going to step on. That makes sense.

Sheetal Story:

Like almost see, like a garden, like a labyrinth, right, and there are certain points that you have three directions you could go, or even infinite directions you could go, but you and you thought that you were meant to go in this direction. The door closes in your face, and the door closes in your face and you're like, where am I supposed to go? And all of a sudden everything is lining up over here, right, and you're like go over here. Instead, you're like, oh, I don't know, and you have to really transcend your ego to kind of go okay, fine, I'm not going to be a lawyer, I'll go into purchasing instead.

Sheetal Story:

I really had to let go of that whole thing of what does law mean to me? What does being a lawyer mean to me? Why do I want that? I wanted it because I really wanted to fight for gay rights. Back then I was a huge advocate for gay rights. So even like that, writing it into the constitution and having equal rights for everyone, aids was coming up and there was so much discrimination and I was like, no, not on my watch, you know. And so it's like I've always been like a crusader for, you know, the underdog and justice, you know, and being, you know, quality for everybody. So that has been something that is so important to me and it's interesting because that through line and that thread is through everything that I do.

Sheetal Story:

So, as I then went into purchasing, then we had our son, we moved back to Edmonton because we needed that support with family, and then the corporate job that I had in purchasing was just so overwhelming. I had a boss who was not very understanding of being flexible and working from home. That was not the corporate culture at the time. It is now, many years later not back then and then I had an old colleague come calling from Vancouver and said hey, you want a sales job. And I was like sales, that's a step backwards in my life, right, and it was interesting. Again there's the ego going. Well, who are you to do that? You're a purchaser. But sales is as good. I mean, there's nothing wrong with it at all. It's actually a very great job. It's very social, there's a lot of ways you help people, like it's a wonderful profession.

Sheetal Story:

And it wasn't until things got so bad at the corporate job that I finally called my friend and said is that job still available? And she was ironically enough, I'm going to be in Edmonton tomorrow. Are you available for an interview? I'm like, yes, I am. So it was very interesting. You know how the again that all turns out. And I said yes to it and it was the best thing I ever did, you know, because I was able to work from home. I had a very flexible schedule and I'm an overachiever, if you remember right, I'm an overachiever and I can. I work a lot. I'm a workaholic because I really want to prove myself. I really want to get the bonus. You know, I really want to show what I got and how I can do it and help everyone involved as well. So I, you know, easily did well at that job.

Sheetal Story:

It was a great family for a time and then towards the end, they started to have things changing right. All of my account, people that were my contacts all left. So I had to create new contacts with people and I was like they wouldn't let me and they wouldn't, they didn't want to see me, and it was like hard. And then I got a new boss. That was like the worst boss I've ever had in my life and we had such conflicts within each other in terms of even character conflicts and the way he wanted to do things and the way that I had systems set up for 13 years, like it was just we were just not a fit to work together and I just I just didn't, you know, we just didn't vibe at all and so there was just a number of red flags, you know that kind of came up at that time and I was like, okay, it's time to leave this job. And I realized at that time you know, that was my intuition showing me it's time to go right. This was in the universe, too, showing me, like all these red flags, it's time to leave. So I was open to it and and then this other job came about, which was like so perfect and the salary was great and there was all that flexibility still in there, and in January 2020, I took that job. And so you know, as we know, 2020 was the great change. We call it the great conjunction, the great mutation in astrology.

Sheetal Story:

It was when Corona hit, and it was in seniors healthcare. It was one of the parts of the economy that were decimated because COVID ravaged so many seniors homes, and so it was an awful time for seniors and healthcare and all the things, and so in that time then I was let go from that job. Things just didn't work out. People wouldn't see me because they were on outbreak status and they're like I should tell you you're not doing your job and I'm like I'm not. And they were so kind and lovely in the way that they released me from that job, too, in ways that they didn't have to, and it set me up to then go full time in my business. But at that time, when I was and I was applying for purchasing jobs but by then now I didn't have proper designations the industry had moved forward in terms of proper designations for things and I had applied to get my designation. They lost my transcript. Their phone systems were down. I went to the university to get my transcripts. Their computer systems were down.

Sheetal Story:

At that time, as like flag after flag after flag of like this is not where you're supposed to go, and I remember I had applied for a number of purchasing jobs where I got to like the fifth interview, you know is wild. I got to the fifth interview. I interviewed with the owner of the company. They loved me and then I got a call the next day saying they went with another candidate and I was like why I was so frustrated. It was like the third time that that happened. And I asked the director of HR, a member at this company. I said can you tell me why I didn't get this job? Like, I don't understand. I thought I was like this shoe and she goes. Honestly, I thought you were too. You are all of our picks. Everyone who interviewed you put you as the first pick and he had this other connection. She said it's. All I can say is that he had another connection. And they found out it was like somebody he knows, son, that had his purchasing designation. I didn't have a purchasing designation because my transcript's getting lost and he got hired instead of me and I was like what is that?

Sheetal Story:

I remember being in Jasper at a food show for my job and I heard back on that and I went outside and I cried and I cried and I was like why, god, why is this happening? And I heard a voice you're looking in the wrong direction and I swear it's like almost like spirit moved my mind over to mediumship and to psychic work and to helping people and I was like how can I make a career out of being a psychic? Like it's so crazy now that I look back on it. Of course I could, but I was like in that moment I remember wiping tears away and looking up at the sun. I was like really, really, I'm supposed to make a career out of that. Like where's the pension? Where's the benefits? You know who's going to take care of my teeth? You know spirit. And they said everything is going to be taken care of and I'm like, okay, and it was weird. It was like this peace came over me and I was trusting myself and I took a deep breath and I was like, okay, it's going to be fine.

Sheetal Story:

I stopped applying for jobs, I stopped trying to get my PMAC designation and I just started concentrating on being the best psychic I could be, you know, taking classes, practicing. People wanted to pay me for it and then I just started doing it on evenings, weekends and holidays and people found me through word of mouth. I never advertised, I didn't put it out on, you know, social media or anything at the time, just people told, people, told people. And I just started to get clients and I didn't have an email list or any like. I didn't do anything like that back then. It was just purely organic growth and that was around 2016, 2017. I started taking meditation classes and became a meditation teacher.

Sheetal Story:

I went for my astrology and then got my astrology six years of deep astrology learning and got my designation, my ISAR cap, which is it's a certified astrological professional, and it's a very hard thing to get. I had to write a six or eight hour exam, get 70% correct, do my ethics and consultations and four years of all sorts. It was a lot. It was a lot. So I know astrology inside out and then I went for my human design in a reader not really a certification, but more so like learning through it. I know a lot about human design, but I wouldn't say I'm an expert in it, but I love all those things.

Sheetal Story:

And as I started to kind of collect all of these certificates I didn't know why, you know I got another one called subconscious imprinting technique, which helps to move emotions out of the body. So it's quite, quite somatic but it's using like access consciousness kind of techniques. And I just started to collect these things because my I was called to it right. I didn't understand how it's all going to fit together, but I just trusted that I was going in the right direction because it was calling to my heart and the money appeared and that it worked in my schedule, and so those are the two things that I said. Like it has to fit for me. If this is where I'm supposed to be, is that it has to fit with my finances and it has to fit in my schedule. And anything that did I said yes to and it just brought me to then 2020, you know, march 2020, I was released from my job with love and I went full time into my business and I've never looked back.

Sheetal Story:

So you know, there's been a number of great pivots here in my life and I want to invite you to think about the great pivots in your life. So I've got three questions for you. One is where have you been in your life where you thought you were going to go in a different direction and life took you in a different direction altogether? Right, and sometimes that's associated I think I would say 100% of the time it's associated with grief, so it could come through a divorce, job loss, right. All of a sudden you got to move, or a health diagnosis, or a family member feeling sick and you have to come home like something pivots you away from a dream that you thought you had and it went in a different direction and in the end, did it turn out better? That's question number two Did it turn out better than you expected or did it take you time to get to the better? Because sometimes it's not evident in that moment.

Sheetal Story:

Like, if you had asked me, you know didn't go to law school and I was waiting for six months before the job, with purchasing at Keg Head Office lined up. So in that six months, if you'd asked me, did it turn out great? I would have been like, screw you, I don't even know what you're talking about. I'm lost. I have this degree and I'm serving tables. Hi, can I get you some coffee? You want to see my degree? You know like I was so bitter during those six months because I was like what did I do this schooling for? You know, I kept. That was like my running joke. I want to laminate my degree. And hanging around my neck while I ask people do you want some more coffee? And it did lead somewhere.

Sheetal Story:

You know, if you're in that transition phase, what I want to say to you is there's something better coming. Just hang on, you know, keep your mind focused on what you want, how you want to feel, what you want life to look like for you, because I knew I was here to do something more. I knew I was here to. I have such great skills. It was like where do I put those skills right? So was there ever a pivot in your life? Did it turn out better than you thought? And if it didn't turn out better than you thought, then you're still not through the pivot. Something else is coming. And then the third piece is how do you want life to be, how do you want life to look? Because there could be another pivot just around the corner. Right, like hello podcast. I didn't think I was going to be starting this podcast and another pivot. You know it worked out. Everything aligned me up for this, right. So where is life lining you up for something better to come into your life? Right? Everything is happening for you, not to you, and where can you see the opportunity that's coming in? Good luck, wishing you love in the pivot, knowing that better things are ahead.

Sheetal Story:

Thank you so much for joining me on this episode of the Story of Spirit podcast. I hope you found inspiration and practical insights to help you align with your soul-led purpose and live a life that sets your soul on fire. If you enjoyed today's podcast, please subscribe to the podcast, leave a review and please share it with an aligned friend that you know can really get the most out of this podcast. Your support helps us reach more listeners and continues to provide valuable content. I sincerely appreciate every share, and it is how most people find me. It is because caring people like you share me with them at the right and perfect time For more resources, insights and to connect with our community. Please visit www. sheetalstory. com or follow us on Instagram @Sheetal Story. Remember your journey to more alignment and vibrant life is just the beginning and I am here to support you every step of the way. Until next time, stay aligned, stay inspired and keep shining your light.

Sheetal Story:

This is Sheetal Story, signing off from the Story of Spirit Podcast. Here's the legal ease that's required by our lawyers. This podcast and the YouTube channel represents the opinions of Sheetal Story and her guests to the show. The content should not be taken as medical, psychological or financial advice. This series is informational and entertainment purposes only. Because each person is so unique, please consult your healthcare professional, your mental health dream team, your financial advisor or anyone else that's an expert in the field in where you are thinking of making big choices in your life.

People on this episode