Story of Spirit

6: Psychics Don't Tell the Future

August 31, 2024 Sheetal Story Season 1 Episode 6

In this enlightening episode of The Story of Spirit, Sheetal uncovers the truth about psychic readings and the misconceptions surrounding future predictions. Discover how psychics interpret energetic fields to offer insights based on your emotions, experiences, and interactions. Sheetal explores the true role of psychics, emphasizing the importance of client empowerment and ethical practices in psychic consultations. Learn how to navigate psychic readings responsibly and understand the impact of your choices on your future.

Reflect on Your Own Journey:
Sheetal invites you to reflect on your understanding of the practices of psychics discussed in this episode with the following questions:

  1. How comfortable are you with the idea that your future is not set in stone and is influenced by your decisions?Reflect on your own beliefs about fate versus free will and how this impacts your decisions.
  2. Reflect on a situation where you ignored or overlooked intuitive signs or warnings. What was the outcome, and what did you learn from it? Consider past experiences where ignoring intuition led to outcomes that might have been different if you had listened to your inner guidance.
  3. Based on the discussion, how might you approach planning for your future differently? Are there specific steps you can take to ensure you remain in control of your path? Think about how the insights from this episode might influence your approach to goal-setting and decision-making.
  4. Consider a current goal or aspiration. How can you use the principles discussed in this episode to guide your efforts towards achieving it?Explore how the concepts from this episode can help you make more informed decisions and stay empowered in your personal and professional goals.

A Gift For You:
Sheetal would like to give you a gift to show her appreciation for your support! Please click the following link to download her free guide to her upcoming 5-Day How to Get Unstuck in Your Life Challenge!

Engage with Our Community:
Reflect on how these pivotal moments have shaped your journey. Share your experiences and thoughts with Sheetal on social media or through her website. Your support is invaluable and helps us reach more listeners ready to embark on their own spiritual paths. To ensure you never miss an episode, subscribe to the podcast, leave a review, and share it with someone who could benefit from aligning their life with their soul's purpose.

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Disclaimer: This podcast represents the opinions of Sheetal Story and her guests. The content is for informational and entertainment purposes only and should not be taken as medical, psychological, or financial advice. Please consult appropriate professionals for personalized guidance.

0:01 Creating Your Future
8:11 Navigating Career Changes Through Intuition
15:31 Unleashing Your Soul's Work
23:17 Navigating Life's Big Choices

Music Credits: The music is composed by Sto

Sheetal Story:

Psychic doesn't see the future. You create the future. My friends, Don't let anyone ever take that free will from you and tell you what is certain. Welcome to the Story of Spirit podcast, where practical spirituality meets real life. Hi, I'm your host. Sheetal Story. I'm a psychic medium, grief support counselor, professional astrologer and a human design reader and, of course, a law of attraction master coach. With my unique blend of spiritual and practical tools, I am here to help you align with your soul-led purpose and ignite a life that sets your soul on fire. In this podcast, we are going to explore the principles of energy astrology. Explore the principles of energy astrology, spirituality and psychology to help you heal your grief and create an aligned life and business from the inside out. Whether you are looking to deepen your intuition, understand your cosmic design or transform your business, this podcast is for you. Join me each week for insightful discussions, practical tips and inspiring stories that will guide you on your journey to living your very best life. Don't forget to subscribe and follow us on Instagram at SheTellsStory, or wherever you listen to this podcast. Let's dive in and start this transformative journey together. Welcome to the Story of Spirit podcast.

Sheetal Story:

Do psychics actually see the future? Is that a thing? I know it's a huge thing in Hollywood, it's a huge thing in popular culture. You know you think you go to see a psychic because the psychic sees the future, and it's actually a huge lie. It's a lie, you have been told. A psychic has the ability to tap into your auric field. So as a psychic or an intuitive both words mean the same thing You're tapping into the energy of a person or a thing. So, kind of, going back a little bit, we are energetic beings having this human experience. There's an energy that animates your body and it's a bigger field than your body. So you actually have this energetic field that surrounds you and that energetic field is the storehouse of all your emotions, your experiences. Anyone you have ever come into contact with is held in that energetic field. Interesting enough, we think that that actually lives in the brain and we know that consciousness transcends the body. So it can't be because the brain is not actually the storehouse of all those things. That's in the energetic field.

Sheetal Story:

And we also know that when we have a brain injury, we can lose memories. We can lose things, cognitive abilities that we no longer have on memories, we know, with dementia you lose those memories as well. But then, even in dementia, there can be moments of lucidity where all of a sudden everything is back right and we know as well from mediumship that the soul is always listening. In fact, when you take your last breath, the soul often well, and we know with science that hearing is the last sense to go. So the soul can always hear you and even after it takes its last breath, even when it doesn't have ears, it can feel what you're saying, it knows what you're saying and we've had time and time again in mediumship again proven I heard what you said. Here's the things that I noticed. You said I noticed that you sent a flower down into my casket. You put a note in there. Here's the note, what it said, like there's.

Sheetal Story:

It's wild how much has come out in mediumship readings that show that the spirit was present after it passed away, technically, took its last breath, right. So that energy field that is us, that energy has is the storehouse of all of our emotions, experiences, relationships with anyone who's ever come before us. So that energetic field is what I tap into as a medium, as a psychic, as a psychic medium, what I do is I blend my energy with other people. So, as a psychic reading or an intuitive reading, I blend my energy with your auric field. Said another way, I plug into you and I see what comes up.

Sheetal Story:

First, to make it super simple, but as I'm blending with you and I'm becoming aware of your energy, the first thing that I become aware of is usually the need of this person, Right, your need. What is? What is it that you need to talk about? What is it that you need more clarity or help with? Right? So it's your need becomes the first thing I become aware of. As I go deeper, I start to uncover what happened with that need. What is, what's the background story? Where did this all come from? What are patterns in your life are supporting this need or what this problem that you're having now in your life? And then, as a grief counselor, with a lot of psychology classes under my belt and coaching as well, and all my training, I then can also help you understand why you are where you're at and what are the opportunities available to you.

Sheetal Story:

Now, as I'm tapping into that energy field, I can also see, feel, know, experience what you have been thinking about around that. So if you have been thinking about taking a trip to Bali. Then I might be like oh, I feel like Bali is on the horizon. Are you thinking about going to Bali? And you might be like, oh my God, how did you know that? And I'm like because you've been thinking about it and it's floating around in your org field so I became aware of that right away. Does that mean you're going to Bali? No, it just means that you've been thinking about it.

Sheetal Story:

So a really good psychic will say you have been thinking about going to Bali, right? A terrible psychic would say you should go to Bali. I see you in Bali. You're definitely, excuse me, going to go to Bali. I got all excited there and it's not true. That is not anyone's choice to make for you, right? You are an energetic being. Having this human experience, you have free will. It is one of the most powerful tools in your toolbox. You get to choose what you do and what you don't do. And if you ever go to a psychic or medium or anyone that tells you even a therapist, a psychologist that tells you you must do this, you should do that, you should think about, you should think about that's a good one, but not you are going to. This is going to happen for certain. No, no one knows for certain what is going to happen to you except you.

Sheetal Story:

Your choices dictate your future. Every choice you make is opening potentials and closing potentials to you, right? If you decide to go to, if you decided not to graduate high school, guess what's close to you? Going to university? You can't go to university anymore. And then there's a number of not at that point anyways, right, you could go. If you decide to go back and finish your high school, or you going to university, you can't go to university anymore. And then there's a number of not not at that point anyways, right, you could go. If you decide to go back and finish your high school, or you decide to go to college, get some equivalencies and then come back to university, you can do that. But the choice to go to university right from high school, having dropped out, is not available to you, Right? That's a very simple experience, a simple explanation of every choice you make opens potentials and closes potentials to you, right? So it's the same thing in your life.

Sheetal Story:

Every choice you're making is creating momentum in your life, and I actually say that to all of my clients that come for a reading or come into session with me that I'm not in charge of your future. You are. Every choice you make is creating momentum. You are already in momentum in your life and, as a psychic, I just get to see what that momentum is taking you towards. Now, if life and your soul wants to take you in a different direction than the way you've been going, you will start to see red flag after red flag after red flag, and here's what a red flag looks like. Right, I'll give you an experience from my own life.

Sheetal Story:

I was working for a great company for a number of years and my job at that time was a sales rep in the food industry. But previous to that I was a purchasing manager and I'd been in purchasing and food service and I wanted to get back into purchasing and my goal was to retire the VP of purchasing for some big company with a big fat pension and shares in a company. I had earned my way up the ladder right, so I had taken the sales job because my kids were young. I got the flexibility of working from home, creating my own schedule. It was lovely, the company was great, the bosses that I've had up till that point were wonderful, and so I started applying for purchasing positions right and again I would get. I think I told the story in my opening in one of the previous episodes.

Sheetal Story:

But I applied for jobs. I was getting interviews. I would go to the fourth, fifth interview. Everyone had greenlighted me and then at the last second they'd be like they went with somebody else with less credentials than me and it would just never work out in my favor. And I was like what is happening? Why am I not getting this? And I thought maybe I'll go back to school and get my PMAC designation, which is my purchasing. It would be a purchasing designation. I have a business degree, so that would have been easy. I have all the similar courses. I just had to do like five, five or eight courses that I could easily do and get my designation.

Sheetal Story:

And I applied for my transcripts. The university lost them. Then the university couldn't find them. Then I went down myself, as opposed to doing it online or doing it over the phone, and that day that I went down myself the computer system was down at the university. I was like what are the chances? Finally, I get my transcripts. I send it in to the board. The company who does this designation lost in the mail, Did it again. They said I'd missed the deadline. And then finally, because the deadline had gone, they had changed the designation requirements and now I needed to do double the work.

Sheetal Story:

And I was like what is happening right now? I am getting thwarted at every turn and I realized these were all red flags that this is not where I'm supposed to go, this is the universe diverting me to a different direction. But I wasn't listening right. I am very I'm going to say stubborn might be one of the words, but I would say steadfast and focused on my goals. And I realized after one of the interviews did not go. I mean, I'd gotten to the fourth interview. I finally heard back from the director of HR that said I'm so sorry, Sheetal, we gave the job to someone else and you know you were our pick and unfortunately the owner went with a different person. I don't know what to tell you. And I remember hanging up the phone and crying.

Sheetal Story:

I was standing outside a hotel because I was there for a food show in Jasper and I just stood outside and I was crying and I looked up at the sky and I went why is this happening? And I heard spirits say, because you're not meant to go there, okay. And then I started to see this flash. I'm very clairvoyant and I saw this flash of doors closing and then I saw the one open door and I almost sort of I did. I saw myself peering into the door and I saw my mediumship teacher and I'm like course, that is where I'm supposed to go.

Sheetal Story:

Every time I went down the path of mediumship, intuition, development, doing the astrology, anything that I was developing my, my spiritual talents and purposeful talents, everything, green lights, right, Everything was opening. People were coming to me saying I need to pay you, and I'm like I'm not doing readings yet, Like I don't care, I need you to read for me. Like, okay, how much should I charge? I don't even know, and it would just work out. And then they would refer people to me and just all these avenues opened up without me trying Right. And so I noticed, when people come to see me, they're're usually stuck because either they don't see the open door or they've been trying to open the closed door right.

Sheetal Story:

And so I like to give perspective. That's all I do as a psychic I'm blending with your energy and I'm letting you know. This is what I'm seeing. These are the potentials and I'm feeling like here's why you're here, and I really just ask my clients to say yes or no. That's it. Don't give me any information as we get through the session. Maybe halfway through then I like to have if they want to ask for something or they want to give more information about something. Then it starts to move into counseling or therapy kind of thing, which I don't mind, right?

Sheetal Story:

I actually love combining all my gifts during my sessions. One of my most favorite sessions to do is called a she tells choice. I get to use all of my gifts based on what I feel your need is and where we can go to help you. I can help you the most with that. So psychics don't tell you the future. You're creating your future, right, If I can see that you have a potential job opportunity coming up, but you don't go for the interview. What's going to happen there, right? Like I can't say you're for sure going to get the job and you're like I'm good, I'm just going to stay home. She tells that I'm going to get the job and then you don't go and you're of course you're not going to get the job if you don't do it right. Right, you have agency in your life. Please do not let anyone take away that agency by saying you can't do, or this isn't for you, or I see you doing this thing.

Sheetal Story:

I just had a reading, literally this afternoon, an astrology reading, and astrology is a lovely tool to use. I'm going to do another podcast on astrology, but, but basically it's a snapshot of the stars, gives you a bit of a blueprint of your it is. It does give you a blueprint of the energy that creates your frequency in this lifetime and as that frequency moves through the world, we can see what years are going to be helpful, what years are going to highlight different parts of your life. And so this client that I had just read for astrology and I said, oh, it's just highlighting you going back to school, doing something, maybe with counseling. And she's like, oh, I have a bit of a fear with counseling, but you know, what I really love is human a home design, interior design. And I went, oh, yes, that makes sense as well. And here's the parts of the chart that support that. Right.

Sheetal Story:

As a astrologer, astrology is consultative. So there's a conversation that goes back and forth and we start to kind of talk about what's happening in your life, what are the gifts and talents and traits there? Psychic reading is purely I'm talking, you're saying yes or no, right? There's a difference there. It's not consultative, You're not telling me all the things and I'm giving you my opinion, right? I think that's one of the things why people love psychic reading so much is because I'm a completely neutral third party, right? I don't care what you do, I really don't. I'm unattached to your outcomes, I'm unattached to your stories. I'm here to tell you what I am feeling from your soul level and what are the potentials for you, right? So I don't know. I feel like that might burst some bubbles out there, because this is not about. I know better than you. I can see your future now.

Sheetal Story:

There are things that have happened in the past with readings where I can see a momentum for you that you were not able to see. So, for an example, I had a client who was very unhappy in her life. I did a tarot reading for her. I said, oh, you're about to change jobs, not of your own design and she's like what does that mean? I said you're about to get laid off and in the next six months it's imminent, Like I can see it in the cards, it's very significant. And I was even feeling it like you're about to get laid off. And she's like no, she tell, I've been at this job for eight years, I'm good, they love me. I'm like they don't love you as much as you think you do. And I said they think as much as you think they do.

Sheetal Story:

So I said here's the thing right, as a psychic, I want to leave you better off than I found you. So if I am full of BS and that's a lie great, right. But if it's not, here's what I'd like you to do, if you feel comfortable doing so. So I want you to shore up your resume. I want you to get three references ready to go, and I want you to get on LinkedIn and update your profile and start to friend headhunters that are in your industry. And just, you're just protecting yourself in case something happens. And if nothing happens, great, you've got an updated resume. And if something happens, boom, you can go back into the workforce as fast as possible, because I know you need the money. She's like she tell I'm not gonna be laid off. And I said what's the harm in just doing it Right? And I don't even understand why you would pay me money to have a reading but then not listen to anything. I have to say.

Sheetal Story:

So, sure enough, six months later, she was let go from her job. And what I started? I'm just going to go back a little bit. I said the reason why you're going to be let go from your job is because you're not actually doing your soul's work. This is not where you're meant to be. And I said and there's been red flag after red flag after red flag I feel like your boss has changed. I feel like they changed your wage, I feel like they rolled back some of the metrics, Like there's just all these things have been happening and you've just not been paying attention or been trying to write it off. And she's like those things did actually happen. And I said but you think you need the paycheck and it's going to take away the paycheck because you're not going to be there for long. So I said why not just get ready? No, and she was unemployed for nine months because she was so mad, she was so bad, she felt abandoned by her company, even though I had shown her that that possibility was very, very real. So I saw it in the cards. I felt it in her momentum, and the momentum was there because she was so unhappy in her job. The universe was trying to move her into something of more purpose.

Sheetal Story:

When I asked her what is it that you actually would love to do if you could pay, get paid anything in the world? You know you could pay millions of dollars to do this thing, or same salary. That makes it a little. What would you want to do? Just dream. And she said I'd like to be a personal trainer, but I can't make the money that I'm making now from being a personal trainer. I'm like have you heard of some of these big you know, big name trainers in Hollywood? Do you think they make more than you? She's like well, I'm not a big name trainer in Hollywood. I said no, but you can also innovate. Right? Have you heard of Beachbody? Like, the guy who started Beachbody is a bazillionaire now. Like, there's lots of ways to make money from what you want to do. You can actually make money from anything and you can do it online. You can do it in person. If you think that you can't do what you want to do and make money at it, please give me a call right. It's.

Sheetal Story:

One of my gifts in human design is I can help you design a company, a line of work, a way to do things that actually starts to bring in money, doing what you actually love, Because life is too short to be working at a job that you hate, doing things that suck the life out of you. Your soul came here with a purpose, passion, mission to do something in this lifetime. I 100% know that, and so it's one of the things I love to do in readings is to really see those soul, qualities and talents and help you to live them, help you to bring them to the forefront and discover how you can either get work in that field or create your own company to do that for you. Right. So you can be a trailblazer wherever you are, if that's in your blood. And not everyone is created to be an entrepreneur Like I 100% know that. I see that in charts and we need people in jobs doing really important things too, right? Not everyone's meant to be an entrepreneur. So psychic doesn't see the future. You create the future.

Sheetal Story:

My friends, Don't let anyone ever take that free will from you and tell you what is certain right. And I even had said with the lady who was going to lose her job. I said I feel so strongly about it and if I'm wrong, great, whatever, right You're not, there's nothing wrong. You're going to keep your job, Everything's great. But if I'm right, get yourself ready. At the very least, just be prepared, right, there's nothing wrong with that. I mean, like I almost had to plead with her and she wasn't really willing to listen and that's a lesson for me. I just got to give the message and release it, but I was so certain this was going to happen and it did right, it was in her momentum, I could feel that. So trust yourself above all else.

Sheetal Story:

If you want to see a psychic, see a good psychic that's going to show you potentials, tap into what your need is and help you to illuminate things that maybe you haven't seen. A good coach can do that too. A good therapist can do that too. But I think in the psychic field and I think this is something I feel very passionate about too is people come to the psychics, the spiritual, the healers, because they feel either disillusioned with the therapists, the doctors, you know, whatever that's out there, uh, and they, the spiritual world feels a little bit more magical maybe, and I think there's also hope that comes with people who come to the spiritual world for support. So I am happy to support that. I bring a lot of ethics and grounded practical knowledge and potentials and like things that they can do to move forward in their life and why they're blocking themselves from moving forward as well, can often see that as well. So I love that. I love what I do as a psychic medium grief, sport counseling coach. It's not just a psychic medium Not to say that there's anything wrong with just being a psychic medium, but psychics don't tell the future you do. Wrong with just being a psychic medium, but psychics don't tell the future you do.

Sheetal Story:

Thank you for joining me on this episode of the Story of Spirit podcast. I hope you have found inspiration, support and practical insights to help you align with your soul at purpose and live a life that sets your soul on fire. If you have enjoyed today's episode, please subscribe to the podcast, leave a review and share it with a friend. Your support helps us to reach more listeners and continues to provide valuable content. I sincerely appreciate every share and I know it is how most people find me. It is because caring people like you have shared me with them at the right and perfect time For more resources, insights and to connect with our community. Please visit us at www. sheetalstory. com and follow us on Instagram @SheetalStory. Remember, your journey to a more aligned and vibrant life is just the beginning and I am here to support you every step of the way. Until next time, stay aligned, stay inspired and keep shining your beautiful light.

Sheetal Story:

This is Sheetal Story, signing off from the Story of Spirit podcast. Here's the legal ease that's required by our lawyers. This podcast and the YouTube channel represents the opinions of Sheetal Story and her guests to the show. The content should not be taken as medical, psychological or financial advice. This series is informational and entertainment purposes only. Because each person is so unique, please consult your healthcare professional, your mental health dream team, your financial advisor or anyone else that's an expert in the field in where you are thinking of making big choices in your life.

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