Story of Spirit

9: Astro Forecast for Sept 9th-15th 2024

September 08, 2024 Sheetal Story Season 1 Episode 9

Welcome to the Astro Forecast for the week Of September 9th-15th, 2024!

Monday, September 9th – Mercury Inconjunct Pluto Retrograde - Mercury in Leo forms an inconjunct with Pluto retrograde in Capricorn, creating tension between expressive communication and deep transformative forces. This aspect encourages adjustments in how you communicate and share power. It’s a call to be mindful of the impact of your words and to use them for transformation rather than control.
     Mercury Moves into Virgo - Mercury moves into analytical Virgo, enhancing precision, organization, and critical thinking. This transit favors detailed planning, effective communication, and practical problem-solving. It’s a time to focus on refining your skills and improving your efficiency in daily tasks.

Wednesday, September 11th – Mercury Leaves Post-Retro-Shade - Mercury leaves its post-retrograde shadow, marking the end of the retrograde cycle. This phase brings clarity and forward momentum in communication, technology, and travel. It’s a time to move forward with renewed understanding and to implement the lessons learned during the retrograde period.
     Venus Inconjunct Saturn Retrograde - Venus in harmonious Libra forms an inconjunct with Saturn retrograde in Pisces, highlighting tension in relationships and commitments. This aspect calls for adjustments and a balanced approach to love and responsibility. It’s a time to address imbalances and to find harmony between your desires and obligations.

     Mercury Sextile Mars - Mercury in Virgo forms a supportive sextile with Mars in Cancer, enhancing effective communication and action. This aspect favors practical problem-solving and nurturing communication. It’s a great time to address issues at home or work with a clear and compassionate approach.

Thursday, September 12th – Sun Square Jupiter - The Sun in Virgo forms a challenging square with Jupiter in Gemini, highlighting potential conflicts between detailed focus and expansive ideas. This aspect encourages balancing attention to detail with broader perspectives. It’s a time to integrate practical efforts with larger goals, ensuring that neither aspect is neglected.

Sunday, September 15th – Venus Trine Jupiter - Venus in Libra forms a harmonious trine with Jupiter in Gemini, enhancing love, social interactions, and creative expression. This aspect brings opportunities for joy, abundance, and harmonious relationships. It’s a wonderful time for socializing, expanding your network, and enjoying life’s pleasures.

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Disclaimer: This podcast represents the opinions of Sheetal Story and her guests. The content is for informational and entertainment purposes only and should not be taken as medical, psychological, or financial advice. Please consult appropriate professionals for personalized guidance.

Music Credits: The music is composed by Stockaudios via Pixabay.

Sheetal Story:

So this is going to be a bit of a earth school test this week. Right, did you learn the lesson? How much did you learn? Because this week, those things that you realize about yourself are going to be brought to real life. Welcome to the Story of Spirit podcast, where practical spirituality meets real life. Hi, I'm your host. She Tell Story. I'm a psychic medium, grief support counselor, professional astrologer and a human design reader and, of course, a law of attraction master coach. With my unique blend of spiritual and practical tools, I am here to help you align with your soul-led purpose and ignite a life that sets your soul on fire. In this podcast, we are going to explore the principles of energy, astrology, spirituality and psychology to help you heal your grief and create an aligned life and business from the inside out. Whether you are looking to deepen your intuition, understand your cosmic design or transform your business, this podcast is for you. Join me each week for insightful discussions, practical tips and inspiring stories that will guide you on your journey to living your very best life. Don't forget to subscribe and follow us on Instagram at she Tells Story or wherever you listen to this podcast. Let's dive in and start this transformative journey together. Welcome to the Story of Spirit podcast. Welcome to the Astro forecast for the week of September 9th through to the 15th. This is when the energy is starting to pick up and we start out on Monday, september 9th, in a first quarter phase of the moon in Scorpio, fresh off that new moon last week. So, as we start this first quarter in the Scorpio moon, this is now about really understanding all that you have been excavating during Mercury retrograde in August. What is coming to the surface now and how are you using that energy to really do well for yourself and help others, while releasing those identity and pieces of yourself that you really came to understand were no longer yours or holding you back, right? So this is going to be a bit of a earth school test this week. Right, did you learn the lesson? How much did you learn? Because this week, those things that you realize about yourself are going to be brought to real life. Right, did you learn it? As we are walking in real time versus, you know, taking a class on it and then having to go and do it Like that's the difference.

Sheetal Story:

So we start out monday, september 9th, with a mercury in leo in conjunct to pluto retrograde in capricorn. What does that mean? It means that there is this deep need for us to get to the depths of heart of something. This is going to. This in conjunct is like a 150 degree angle, meaning it's there's a need for adjustment between our mind, which is Mercury our communication, our thought processing, the way we connect with our community and then Pluto, which is death, rebirth and transformation. So the Scorpio moon is going to be bringing up, you know, there's all the ways that we are releasing thought patterns and beliefs that aren't serving us anymore. So there can be a tension between our communication, expression, where we are being heard and understood, and then the deep transformative forces of Capricorn, which is about structure, duty, responsibility, the patriarchy, how things have been done till the history of time. Right, it's history, it's tradition.

Sheetal Story:

So there is you wanting to shine your light and the world, or people in your world, saying what, what you want to do, what you want to take an intuition, one-on-one class, like what are you going to do with that? Right, and you're going to be like it's my personal development. You don't get to have a say on that, I just I get to decide that I want to take this class and it's not for you to have an opinion on it, but great Thanks for sharing it. You know, and they're going to be like who's this person, right? So that can be sort of an example of the forces coming up for you now. So this aspect encourages adjustments in how we communicate and share power. It's a call to be mindful of the impact of your words and to use them for transformation rather than control. So if someone is telling you how they feel and is expressing to you, well, you know you shouldn't be doing this thing. It's lovely, you can just be like thank you for sharing your opinion and you don't really get to have an opinion on this one, but thanks for coming out. You, you know, and they might be offended by that, and that's fine. You're repatterning this relationship, right? You're renegotiating contracts, if you will.

Sheetal Story:

Also, on this day, mercury is going to move back into virgo, and this is where mercury was before the retrograde, while it was in retrograde. It's still. We're going over the retro shade until Wednesday. So this is a time when we're still going over. Like what have we learned, right, since beginning of August? What have we learned?

Sheetal Story:

Mercury loves to be in Virgo, so this is its home, one of its home signs and it is very precise, it's organized. It it can be, you know, very critical thinking, refinement and discernment. Very much Mercury in Virgo words, and this transit favors detailed planning, effective communication, practical problem solving. It's a great time to be in September, like September tends to be a time of reset right. As everyone goes back to school, we go back to routines and this Mercury and Virgo helps us to get back into routines. So we're not going to feel like that routines are kicking in and that typical September energy is coming back until this day, because Virgo and Mercury go together like peanut butter and jelly, you know, and so we want to have that. Efficiency and daily tasks and organization and health and routines. Those are all Mercury, virgo words and we must also protect against overthinking, overanalyzing, perfectionism, being super critical of ourselves and of others. It can be super judgy turned up too loud. So you want to use this energy without the judgy, you know, can you be curious and notice where you're trying to control things and not just allow? Because the opposite of Virgo is Pisces, right and Pisces, we need both. We need the intuition and the flow, but we need the discernment and the action to bring it into concrete being. So.

Sheetal Story:

Wednesday, september 11th, mercury finally leaves retro shade. This means he is picking up steam. It is picking up steam and it is going in now, forward momentum, and now we feel that energy of September coming in with full force. So this is a time now where it brings clarity in your communication, in your travel. Technology goes well, it's a time of forward momentum, with renewed understanding to implement the lessons learned during the retrograde period. So if you really wanna take full advantage of this lovely cycle that happens three to four times a year, mercury retrograde.

Sheetal Story:

And Mercury Retrograde just means that Mercury is going slower than the Earth. So when all the planets are in their trajectory around the sun and their forward momentum, they are slowing down and speeding up in their trajectory around the sun, and that has to do with gravity and the pull of other planets and all sorts of things. So in that slowdown, if it's slowing down relative to the Earth, then it is called a retrograde and all the planets except the moon go retrograde. So where? Because the moon's going so fast right, it's always going faster than us. So when mercury goes slow, it's a time for us to revise, reassess, realign, to really kind of dot the i's and cross the t's and to take a breath and sort of say are we on the right track? It's a wonderful time of reassessing and realigning.

Sheetal Story:

Now, if you are not someone that likes to do that and I am one of those people I have a really hard time, a lot of fire in my chart, and so I have a hard time with mercury retrograde, but it's a time of slow down nonetheless, whether I like it or not. Right? So? That's why I love astrology is because we can understand what is happening in the sky and how it's reflecting in our lives as well. And when things go bad in terms of technology or travel plans we know it is typical of mercury retrograde we just take a deep breath and go okay, this is happening for a reason. This is happening for an opportunity. How, how can we take this opportunity? What are the beautiful nuggets of wisdom that are going to come out from this right timing event Because the universe is always right timing you so you can look back on September sorry, august 5th through the 28th that is when Mercury was retrograde and what is coming up for you now that you are learning about yourself and seeing in a different way? Right, it's going to bring beautiful lessons forward for you to see and like. If you were writing something you might go over it, or you might have that. Your computer might have lost it and you can come back to it now and see it with new eyes and the revisions are going to be way better than the original. That's just an example. Example Now, also on this day, wednesday September 11th, we have Venus in Libra in conjunct another in conjunct to Saturn, retrograde in Pisces.

Sheetal Story:

So in conjunct again, is this need for adjustment between Venus what we love and value in Libra, which is relationships, and then Saturn, which is about responsibility to our own dreams, in Pisces. And where have we had illusions or maybe loyalties that have held us back from doing the thing that we want to do or being responsible to what we want to do? So this is going to bring up a little bit of turbulence and tension in relationships and commitments. And where have you committed to abandoning yourself and emotions to then make everyone else happy? And how is that serving you now? You know, likely, if you're here, you're going through a bit of a transit with this going. You know what? Screw it, screw everybody. I don't want to do anything. Nobody for nothing, nothing for nobody whatever.

Sheetal Story:

And this is a time now an adjustment is needed, a balanced approach to love and responsibility. It's a time to address imbalances and find harmony between what you desire and your obligations. So what do you feel obligated to? What do you have to take care of? You know, of course, if you're a mother with kids, you know those little ones are relying on you and their needs must come first, especially when they're super little. So there's nothing that you can do to change that dynamic when they're sick, when they're in crisis. That is part of being a mother or a father, if you're listening to this as a parent and their needs will trump ours. So I always think it's just fascinating Fascinating is a nice word. I am a little bit angry.

Sheetal Story:

When people say you should be first on your list is like obviously you just don't have anyone depending on you, because that's not true. Like even if you're a caregiver for an aging parent or someone who is special needs, you cannot. If they need you, that must come first, right, because their needs are important and your needs are too right. So we do need to make sure we are filling our cup and we are taking care of ourselves and we're keeping our energy high, because then we can't give to anybody, right, the old analogy of put on your own oxygen mask before you put on the oxygen mask of anyone else, because if you're not well, no one else benefits from your, from your energy, your wellness, right? So that's important here. And where have you been neglecting yourself to please others? That is not benefiting you anymore. You know it's really sabotaging your long-term goals because you feel like when I'm in service and I'm safe, that could be something. I feel like I channeled that for somebody who's listening today and if that's you, I'm sending you lots of love. And that's actually a lie that you've been told or told to yourself.

Sheetal Story:

Mercury in Virgo, sextile to Mars, and Cancer, also happening on this day, and this is the mind and our motivation working very well together. And Virgo, again, is service and wanting to help. It's the helper of the zodiac and Cancer is the nurturing mother, divine, feminine. So we want to do things that are very supportive and enhance communication and action. But it has to speak to our heart. So we are very motivated now to have practical, problem-solving and nurturing communication. It's a great time to address issues at home and work with a clear and compassionate approach. So, now that Mercury is direct, this is a great time to have those deeper conversations and, given that Venus is in conjunct to Saturn on this day, likely be addressing some power struggles or where where you feel hemmed in from not being truly able to be yourself.

Sheetal Story:

Right Thursday, september 12, we have the sun square to Jupiter. Jupiter is expansion, optimism and good luck. In Gemini, it's very vibrant sign, curious, intellectual community. It just wants to have some fun, and the sun in Virgo is about responsibility and practicality and getting things done. And it's interesting because these two signs are ruled by Mercury. Okay, but these are very opposite energies in terms of Jupiter and the sun.

Sheetal Story:

So we want to. This is a bit of a challenge in that there is a focus. We want to have focus and we want to have expanse. We have expanse of big ideas, but we are being challenged with like, okay, where are the details? Are you doing the thing right? Do you have enough information? This is going to be an encouraging aspect to balancing attention to detail with bigger perspectives. This is going to help you with your bigger visionary dreams to bring in the details that make this come into reality. Virgo wants to make things come into reality right. And Jupiter and Gemini is like all these wonderful ideas. This is really great.

Sheetal Story:

So this can be kind of scattery energy on this day where you think you have more time than you do when you think you have, you can put all the ideas together and you're like wait, I don't have enough time in this lifetime to listen to all the audio books that I have downloaded. That one was for me, I'm sure. So it's time to integrate practical efforts with larger goals, ensuring that neither aspect is neglected. We want to have the balance of the focus and bringing things into reality with the expansive, big, beautiful ideas that come in. So be careful not to overcommit and excessive criticism and just trying to go one way or the other. You know, in terms of like I can do it all or I can do nothing. You know it's kind of the energy can go both ways on that day.

Sheetal Story:

And then last aspect of the week, on Sunday, september 15th, we have Venus trying to Jupiter. This is a beautiful aspect for relationships, for harmony, for social interactions, creative expression If you're super creative, or maybe you'll get a burst of creativity If this is hitting your chart in just the right way. This aspect brings opportunities for joy, abundance, harmony and relationships. It's a wonderful time for socializing, expanding your network, enjoying life's pleasures. So every aspect has its most positive and wonderful and also its shadow side, right. So the shadow side of Venus trying to Jupiter is that you spend all your money. You just do it too much, right, do it to excess. So you eat too much, you drink too much, you over-promise all your friends. You say you're going to be everywhere. You try to make it to every engagement and then you run yourself in right.

Sheetal Story:

So this is again with Virgo energy in the collective to be discerning with your resources, to only say yes to things that fill your bucket, if you can, and really noticing what brings you so much joy. You know this is a great brunching day at energy and it's interesting because next week is a full moon in Pisces and it's also my birthday. So this is going to be a good week to socialize. And if you know what's happening in my world, I'm going to be speaking at a conference, trailblazer Live. And I'm going to be speaking at a conference, trailblazer live, and I'm going to be surrounded by the most amazing women. Most of my best friends are going to be there. It's just going to be lovely.

Sheetal Story:

So this is a great energy to brunch. You know, if you have a chance to come out to, to trailblazer or meet me at some point this week, I'm excited to see you and I'm inviting you to enjoy life's pleasures. This energy ending off the week is going to be enjoying life's pleasures and realizing the gifts that you came here to offer this world and to bring into this world to make this world better. It's right and perfect timing for you now. So thank you for being here. I appreciate you listening, being listening on the podcast, wherever this podcast is. This podcast has been such a dream come true and you being here and listening to this is so wonderful. Thank you, thank you. Thank you, wishing you a wonderful week ahead.

Sheetal Story:

Thank you for joining me on this episode of the Story of Spirit podcast. I hope you have found inspiration, support and practical insights to help you align with your soul at purpose and live a life that sets your soul on fire. If you have enjoyed today's episode, please subscribe to the podcast. Leave a review. Enjoyed today's episode? Please subscribe to the podcast, leave a review and share it with a friend. Your support helps us to reach more listeners and continues to provide valuable content. I sincerely appreciate every share and I know it is how most people find me. It is because caring people like you have shared me with them at the right and perfect time For more resources, insights and to connect with our community. Please visit us at www. sheetal story. com and follow us on Instagram @SheetalS tory. Remember, your journey to a more aligned and vibrant life is just the beginning and I am here to support you every step of the way. Until next time, stay aligned, stay inspired and keep shining your beautiful light.

Sheetal Story:

This is Sheetal Story, signing off from the Story of Spirit podcast. Here's the legal ease that's required by our lawyers. This podcast and the YouTube channel represents the opinions of Sheetal Story and her guests to the show. The content should not be taken as medical, psychological or financial advice. This series is informational and entertainment purposes only. Because each person is so unique, please consult your healthcare professional, your mental health dream team, your financial advisor or anyone else that's an expert in the field in where you are thinking of making big choices in your life.

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