Story of Spirit

11: Astro Forecast for Sept 16th-22nd, 2024

September 15, 2024 Sheetal Story Season 1 Episode 11

Welcome to the Astro Forecast for the week Of September 16th-22nd, 2024!

Tuesday, September 17th – Super Full Moon Eclipse in Pisces
A Super Full Moon Eclipse at 25° Pisces at 10:34 pm EST reveals karmic insights and opportunities for spiritual release, with Neptune retrograde enhancing intuitive clarity.

Wednesday, September 18th – Mercury Opposite Saturn Retrograde
Challenges arise between practical communication and idealism. Focus on clear, grounded dialogue.

Thursday, September 19th – Sun Trine Uranus Retrograde
Innovative ideas are supported as the Sun in Virgo harmonizes with Uranus retrograde. Ideal for implementing practical changes.

Friday, September 20th – Sun Opposite Neptune Retrograde
Balance practicality with spiritual ideals. Expect clarity on any illusions or misunderstandings.

Saturday, September 21st – Mercury Square Jupiter
Tension between detailed planning and expansive ideas. Strive to balance meticulousness with broader perspectives.
    Venus Inconjunct Neptune Retrograde
Adjustments needed in love and ideals. Align romantic expectations with reality.

Sunday, September 22nd – Sun Trine Pluto Retrograde
Transformative efforts are supported as the Sun trines Pluto. Empower your practical and daily routines.
     Sun Enters Libra – Fall Equinox
Libra season begins, focusing on harmony and relationships. Celebrate balance and create equilibrium in your life.
     Venus Square Pluto Retrograde
Address power dynamics and underlying issues in relationships. Transformation and deep growth are encouraged.
     Venus Enters Scorpio
Embrace intense, transformative love. Explore deep emotional connections and passionate relationships.

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Disclaimer: This podcast represents the opinions of Sheetal Story and her guests. The content is for informational and entertainment purposes only and should not be taken as medical, psychological, or financial advice. Please consult appropriate professionals for personalized guidance.

Music Credits: The music is composed by Stockaudios via Pixabay.

Sheetal Story:

During an eclipse season. It's crazy. It is higher than high and lower than low, and it is fast-moving energy, so it is not a time that we want to manifest with. The moon meets real life. Hi, I'm your host. Sheetal Story. I'm a psychic medium, grief support counselor, professional astrologer and a human design reader and, of course, a law of attraction master coach. With my unique blend of spiritual and practical tools, I am here to help you align with your soul-led purpose and ignite a life that sets your soul on fire. In this podcast, we are going to explore the principles of energy, astrology, spirituality and psychology to help you heal your grief and create an aligned life and business from the inside out. Whether you are looking to deepen your intuition, understand your cosmic design or transform your business, this podcast is for you. Join me each week for insightful discussions, practical tips and inspiring stories that will guide you on your journey to living your very best life. Don't forget to subscribe and follow us on Instagram @SheetalStory or wherever you listen to this podcast. Let's dive in and start this transformative journey together. Welcome to the Story of Spirit podcast. Welcome to the Astroforecast for the week of September 16th through to the 22nd, we have entered eclipse season and this is no ordinary eclipse not to say that any eclipse is ordinary, but in astrology, eclipse season means that there's a sun, a new moon or a new full moon close to the nodes of the moon. And the nodes of the moon in astrology represent our karmic destiny and our karmic past as a collective, as in the eclipse. So if the eclipse is happening at sensitive points in your chart, there can be massive breakthroughs, massive evolutionary happenstances, things that are really changing your life in big ways. So it can be the diagnosis people dying, getting a promotion, getting pregnant, things that really change the direction of your life. It's also a time of turbulence because there is an evolutionary opportunity for the collective, so the energy is amplified. Think of frequency as natural kind of sine wave and then during an eclipse season it's it's crazy. It is higher than high and lower than low and it is fast moving energy. So it is not a time that we want to manifest with the moon. Usually we'd set an intention with a new moon and we understand what is being released with the full moon. We can set an intention and bury it on a new moon and our full moon. We can burn it right, burn whatever we want to release now into the to the universe. But we are part of regular cycles that are already in play. So a full moon, which is what we're having this week, the energy that started or started this having this week, the energy that started or started this, the cycle for this full moon started back six months ago. So whatever intention you set back then was is already in motion. Whatever was happening in your life during that part of your chart where that new moon was and I'll give you more information about them it will come to culmination now.

Sheetal Story:

But there is nothing that you should be doing in terms of active release or trying to push the energy in a direction, because it is very potent. It's like trying to ride a bucking Bronco and telling the Bronco take me to McDonald's. You know, like it's not interested, it's not interested in your agenda, it's got its own agenda. So that's why we sort of say don't manifest during the moon. It is not a time to put out your moon water or charge your crystals. Think of it as energy that is very sporadic and very powerful and you don't actually quite understand what it comes with. So, putting that energy and try to harness it and then use it later is like using something of a wild card. You don't know what it's going to have. You don't want to ingest that. I would definitely never ingest moon water. That was created during an eclipse. It's just wild energy that your body's like what are you doing? Why are you putting this in me? I don't want this right. So, just being mindful of when you're doing manifesting, when you are doing rituals like charging your crystals, clearing your crystals, charging moon water and some of you might be listening to this You're like what is all of that stuff? It is things that you can do during the moon cycles, specifically, more so the full moon, to kind of harness and bring in that energy into your beingness, into your life, to use it in other ways. That is typically used in spirituality, not during the time of eclipse.

Sheetal Story:

Okay, so just wanted to preface that this week. So we start out this week on Monday, september 16th, with a second quarter moon phase in Aquarius. So this is now setting the tone for the week ahead. And this moon in Aquarius is very cerebral, right. It's going to think through feelings, it's going to think about how it can benefit all. It's very humanitarian, it's very resourceful, it wants to. It's very masterful, it wants to take care of everyone in a way that all the resources are being allocated. So this is going to be a week where you're going to really want to think through rather than fly off the handle, and I guess you never want to fly off the handle. It's never a good week for that, you know, but this week is going to be very emotional. So I'm going to invite you to really be introspective this week and notice, just notice what's happening within you, which is this Aquarius moon is bringing us that gift.

Sheetal Story:

On Tuesday, september 17th, we have the most powerful moon of the year. Of the year, I'm going to be bold to declare that it's a super full moon eclipse in pisces. So if you're keeping track, if you know anything about astrology, you'll know eclipses come in pairs, right, because the north node and the south node. So we're going to have a new moon and a full moon next to the nodes of the moon, and the nodes of the moon sit in opposite zodiac signs, exactly opposite of each other. Think of it like an arrow and the arrow the sort of the feathery part of the arrow I don't know the proper terminology of that. But the back end of the arrow is the south node and that is our karmic past. That is sometimes they call the tail of the dragon.

Sheetal Story:

It is the mess that becomes our message. Sometimes astrologers will say that that is the special gifts that you bring in from your past lives. I don't think they're special gifts. I personally think they've been the hardest parts of me to understand. So it's it's your mess that becomes your message. So it's what you learn about in life. It's your traumas from your message. So it's what you learn about in life. It's your traumas from your childhood. It is all the things that you have had to deal with that are absolutely crap. And then the North Node in your chart this is in your chart is the top of the arrow, it's the arrowhead and it's where you are going to. What is your life lesson that you wanted to experience in this lifetime? And it's an overarching lesson. It's not like love myself, you know. I mean it could be, but it's more so, more dynamic than that. So where that North node is in your chart will be where you are wanting to grow towards, and it's a growth cycle, right? We're not just, it's not one and done. I've arrived at the top of the mountain. That's not that this is. We're getting there.

Sheetal Story:

So, as a karmic destiny for the collective, the nodes of the moon which I won't get into reasons here go backwards through the zodiac and they go through each zodiac sign. It takes 18 months and it takes 18 years to go all the way around. It takes 18 months and it takes 18 years to go all the way around. So these 18 months it's not yet in Pisces, virgo. It is currently in Aries, libra, so in Aries Libra, the North Node is in Aries. So our karmic destiny right now is to try to learn how to be independent of past cycles of people pleasing, of being dependent. Codependency is on the other side, in Libra, so we are learning how to release codependency and come more into our own authority, how to learn who we are and that we have a gift to bring into the world. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, so we are learning our pioneering, bold, courageous ways again. And if you have forgotten, or they were trained out of you, these 18 months that we have been through are going to bring that to the fore.

Sheetal Story:

Now. The nodes won't move out of Aries Libra until January, so we still have some more time here, that we're going to be just moving through them. But because the North Node is at the beginning degrees of Aries and this full moon is at the late degrees of Pisces, this is considered a eclipse, and this eclipse now, even though it's not in Aries, it's in Pisces is going to be foreshadowing what we're going to be going through in the next 18 months, starting in 2025. So this is a glimpse into our future. And Pisces is all about spirituality, cults, compassion, love, healing, religion, being there for each other. You know one love.

Sheetal Story:

So this is a really interesting time because these two themes are going to come together during the super full moon eclipse in Pisces on Tuesday, september 17th. It will be exact at 1034 pm Eastern Standard Time, which is 834 pm Mountain Standard Time, which is my time zone, and 834 pm Pacific Time, and this is happening at 25 degrees and 40 minutes of Pisces. So if you are a little bit more adept at astrology and you understand astrology, you can look to see where 25 degrees of Pisces is and see where this full moon is going to hit. So, because my birthday is tomorrow, on the 18th, this is hitting exactly on my 25 degree sun in Virgo. This is going to be a big opposition.

Sheetal Story:

So for anyone who has birthdays along this timeline, in the last, in either the previous three days or the past three days, I would even say five days, you know that's pretty strong still is that you are going to have a hell of a year ahead. So luckily I have this podcast, so you guys get to walk this path with me. I'm pretty much an open book, but I do share the scab, not the wound. So you'll, you'll hear about it as I have moved through it and I'm going to share with you what this means for me. So if you have a birthday on a full moon, it means a culmination. There'll be a year of endings, of things tying off things, finishing life lessons, coming to kind of culmination, if you will, and the fruits of your labor being realized. So pretty exciting, you know to have that.

Sheetal Story:

But the eclipse makes me a bit nervous because it's like, okay, now there's going to be like like very interesting endings or very interesting culminations or wonderful fruits of the labor, you know. So it's going to be very interesting. You know this. This bucking bronco energy is going to literally be imprinted in my year ahead chart. We call it a solar return chart. When your birthday on the day of your birth, when the sun returns back to its exact position in your birth chart, that is called your solar return. So it's not always on your birthday, it's can be a day before or day after, and today it's happening for me, even though my birthday is on the 18th. So it's going to be interesting to notice this year ahead. So for the collective, all of you with birthdays not on this day, again, this is a glimpse into the future. So this is going to be really interesting to just notice what is happening for you.

Sheetal Story:

And because it's a full moon, it's the sun and the moon are in opposite degrees of the zodiac, right, exact opposite. So the moon is at the 25th degree of Pisces and the sun is at the 25 degrees of Virgo, which is my sun. And sitting with Neptune, or sitting with the moon, is Neptune. So Neptune's at home in Pisces. It is sitting in with the moon at this time and this is really enhancing our sensitivity, our intuition, our psychic ability. You know we're really aware of emotion, but we're also very like wanting to just help people. So this is going to increase our want to be pleasers increase our permeability of our boundaries. This can be really important for us to have very strong boundaries. We want to close up those boundaries and use discernment and maybe even use delay tactics, like let me get back to you on that, or I have to think about that, or I have to check with my so-and-so check with my cat. I don't know to think about that, or I have to check with my so-and-so check with my cat, I don't know. It's just like give yourself some space to make the decision.

Sheetal Story:

So this super full moon eclipse is going to be a glimpse into our karmic direction for the coming 18 months, bringing illumination and release. This powerful lunation is conjunct Neptune, retrograde, emphasizing spiritual insights and disillusion of illusions. So because Neptune, neptune retrograde, emphasizing spiritual insights and disillusion of illusions. So because Neptune is retrograde, it's removing guises. Now Neptune rules Pisces. So this is we always look to the ruling planet of the moon, of what's happening during a full moon or a new moon.

Sheetal Story:

But also, adding a little bit more spice to this mix is there's a square between the sun and the moon to Jupiter. We call that a T square because it looks like a T and that Jupiter is going to make things even bigger right Emotions, bigger ideas, bigger relationship issues. Bigger, because the bigger it is, the more harder it is to avoid right Jupiter expands whatever it touches, good or bad. So if you have relationship dynamics that are not serving you, people that are benefiting from your porous boundaries, this might make you sick because you have no choice. Your body's like I can't, I got no vitality left for this nonsense. We're going to become sick and you're going to have to learn to rely on people to help you rather than you being the one to help everybody else. Right Like, there will be life lessons that are going to come to the fore now, because this super moon eclipse don't play right, it's not going to play around anymore.

Sheetal Story:

It's not having your patterns of hiding. It will pull you out of hiding and burn it to the ground. So you are going to experience that and if you have been doing the work and you have been stepping into the spotlight and owning your power and coming into boundaries, work with kind and loving heart that's Pisces and that that Neptune then there's going to be a beautiful spiritual awakening happening now and it's going to bring about bold action. You're going to be like where am I going with this. What am I wanting to do? And stepping into that bold action. Right, you might even do a moon circle and be bringing women in to help them flow with this energy, letting go for new beginnings. Old emotional paths are being released, patterns right, older emotional patterns are being released and spiritual beliefs and religious beliefs are coming to. You're going to see them for what they are and you're going to decide do I want to? You know, am I into this? Am I not into this anymore?

Sheetal Story:

You might have grown up with the spiritual belief that your intuition is dangerous or mediumship is bad and you realize, as you're doing more research and understanding more about yourself, that none of that is true. They're all parts of you. They're all soul led gifts, and spirit is just you, without a body, and they're just here wanting to let you know that they're safe and they're protecting and guiding and loving you. There's nothing bad or wrong about that. But religion, some religion, makes that feel bad because then they control you. You don't have to listen to you. Have to listen to them. They're gonna tell you what's right or wrong. Don't listen to spirit, don't listen to yourself. Now we want to control that narrative and that comes back to the King James Bible, y'all, like. There's so much there I can talk about, but I won't get into it on this Astro forecast.

Sheetal Story:

So, just so you know, this is a time now to balance compassion with self-assertion. Right? More empowered, independent version of you is coming forward now and, whether it likes it or not, it's going to take that. It's going to declare it boldly. So where are you not allowing yourself to be that this eclipse is going to call you out? And remember you're flowing with this energy. You're just like trying to surf the wave. It's going to be a little turbulent. Just hold on and just keep surfing the wave. Right, just keep surfing the wave so you can look back at the last new moon in Pisces that was on March 10th 2024, and see what are some of the patterns that are coming to fruition now or coming up now to be healed.

Sheetal Story:

You might notice a correlation with that, all right, well, that's going to be the energy of the week, y'all. If I could just stop it here. This is eclipse season lasts for six months. The energy can last for six months post retro post, not retrograde post eclipse, and it starts about two weeks prior. So you might have been feeling this already at the beginning of September. This is no ordinary September, for sure, but this is no ordinary year. This is a corridor year into a massive change year for 2025. So this is not a time that you can just hold on to all the old poop that you've been carrying around with you. Right, your body's like flush this out, and that's what might feel like it's happening right now.

Sheetal Story:

On Wednesday, september 18th, my birthday is Mercury opposite Saturn. This is the energy that's like literally imprinting on my urine. So I kind of laughed because I was like well, you know, I'm just going to have to notice where this is going to show up for me. For the collective, mercury is our mind and Saturn is our responsibility, and that Virgo Pisces axis is where we're losing ourselves in analysis, paralysis and holding ourselves back from being who we want to be. So this is going to highlight challenges in balancing practical communication and dreamy idealism. This aspect calls for grounded and realistic communication. It's a time to confront communicative barriers and work diligently towards clear and effective expression. It's not just the expression, though. This is about boundaries. This is about where are you being so accommodating that you are actually pulling from your resources and not allowing yourself the forward momentum that you truly desire, because you can continually pour it into the cups of people who don't pour back to you. Continually poured into the cups of people who don't pour back to you yes, that's going to be an interesting one for all of us, so keep that in mind as you navigate this week.

Sheetal Story:

On Thursday, september 19th, we have the sun trine to Uranus and Taurus. So the sun in Virgo is shining its light A trine is a harmonious aspect and Uranus is retrograde in Taurus, bringing up all the ish around where we are committing ourselves and doing things that are not in alignment with our values. So this is a very destabilizing aspect, even though they're working together. So the sun in Virgo forms a harmonious trine and enhancing innovative and practical efforts. So this is going to give us some genius ideas and help to really breaking out of those patterns. This can be cool people. This can be an unusual workshop. This can be a new healing technique that is going to really shake loose all of the poop that you've been holding on to.

Sheetal Story:

This aspect supports thinking outside the box while maintaining practicality. It's a great time to implement innovative changes in your daily routines and work habits. It's a great time to take care of yourself Really. These two Earth planets are giving you stability, and what are some things that you can do? Maybe you can take a HIIT class or a TRX class or Taibo or Zumba class. You know something that's outside the box, that you normally wouldn't take. That's going to shore up your body and help you to create more longevity for you. So that's a really nice manifestation of this energy.

Sheetal Story:

And then on Friday, september 20th, we have the sun opposite Neptune. This Neptune is dreamy, idealistic confusion. It can also be a deception when it's in opposition, and the sun is our vitality and our identity. So this opposition is bringing about a need for balancing practical and ideals, and idealistic things or spirituality. So this aspect can bring clarity to any illusions or misunderstandings. It's a time to integrate your practical efforts with your higher visions and dreams. This is a balancing act between our discerning mind and our spirituality, and Neptune is retrograde, so it's kind of showing us where are we not being truly aligned with our spiritual gifts, our purpose, passion and mission that's coming out from our intuition, and where are we losing ourself and just all the doing, doing, doing the mission that's coming out from our intuition, and where are we losing ourself in just all the doing, doing doing the masculine right we want to do? I mean, technically, virgo is a feminine sign, but this is about the doing and the producing and the control versus the flow and the intuition and our soul-led purpose. And where are you not listening to that? Where are you trying to go in a different direction? Because it's going to bring that up and it's going to bring up as well, again, forest boundaries.

Sheetal Story:

This is not a time to make big investment changes. It's not a time to make big relationship changes. Neptune is not helping you see things properly. So really be aware of deception at this time and not trusting new people or anyone that doesn't come without a referral. It's just not a time to make big, big changes in terms of your portfolio or money kind of situations. Right, and then also happening.

Sheetal Story:

This week we have Saturday, september 21st. Mercury is square to Jupiter, so this is big ideas, big thinking. We have lots of ideas and we want to do things and we need to get realistic. So there's a tension between detailed thinking and expressive ideas. This aspect encourages balancing meticulous planning with big picture thinking and you might have feel like we might have had this sign before it actually happened during Mercury retrograde as well. So this is now really nailing down the details of your bigger plans that you might have. It's important to ensure that they're both detail focused and broader perspectives are considered. But when you think about the bigger plan, this is wonderful energy to get you the details to make things happen for yourself. So let's say, you have wanting to go to Italy, which is literally on my vision board, and now the details are going to come together of like, okay, where are we going? And we're going to be in Europe, so maybe we hop a plane and where are we going to stay and how much is it going to cost, and let's put together a budget and work towards that and make that happen. That's really great energy for that this week. So note yourself.

Sheetal Story:

Also, on this Saturday, venus in Libra is in conjunct to Neptune retrograde in Pisces, so this is going to be a time where we really have to be aware of where we're idealizing people putting people on pedestals or where we really have to be aware of where we're idealizing people putting people on pedestals or where we're wearing rose colored glasses and they're going to be removed. Now, right. This aspect encourages finding balance between romantic ideals and realistic expectations in all areas of your values. So this includes money, relationships, beauty, aesthetic, spending money on clothes, on tattoos, on the things that we, you know, think are beautiful, and where are we not really aligning to what our true values are? Right? If you're spending spending, spending on things then you realize you're not actually having money to pay off your debt, if that's that was one of the things that you want to do, right? And then, finally, as we get to Sunday, september 22nd, the sun in Virgo is trying Pluto retrograde in Capricorn. This is a very supportive aspect about transforming, transformation and practical efforts. So this aspect supports deep transformation and empowerment in practical matters.

Sheetal Story:

It's a time to harness your inner strength and take significant changes, make significant changes to your daily routines and work. So, anytime Pluto and you hear the word transformation, it's not easy. It's not easy. Transformation means a part of you has to die, part of you has to fall away. That's not an easy aspect to have. So it is a time now that we can use this energy to clear out things right. Pluto is death, rebirth and transformation. This is a lovely aspect for fall cleaning cleaning out your closets, cleaning out your house, cleaning out the garage, you know, using that energy in a very productive way of clean out, because we've come past that full moon now. So now we are entering into a time of release, so this would be a good time to do that Really wonderful time.

Sheetal Story:

Also, on Sunday, september 22nd, the sun enters Libra. For those of you who might recognize this, this is called the fall equinox and Libra season. So the fall equinox is equal day, equal night, and now the days are getting a lot, a lot darker, so it's going to be a lot less light. You know, uh coming through until we hit, uh, then the winter, uh solstice, and then the light will return, right, so it's now equal day, equal night, and then we're going to start to lose more light now. So it's going to be darker on average days and Libra season.

Sheetal Story:

Happy birthday to my beautiful Libras out there. They are seriously the most beautiful people, right. They're ruled by Venus. I can spot a Libra a mile away. They're so amicable, they're so flirty and cute and there's just something about them that's just so kind and considerate and a little people pleasery, you know, to be honest, because they hate conflict. They just don't like conflict. They want to balance out with others so badly that they will give and give and give and give from themselves until they have no more to give and then it'll explode and it'll right right, size itself right. So Libra is the scales right. We're always kind of weighing things out. Fairness is so important to Libra and they really do care deeply about people. They're so. They're very kind-hearted and they really just want to see everybody win, right. They're. They're very peaceful by nature. They're so ethereal.

Sheetal Story:

So this is a time of emphasizing harmony, relationships, balance and creating that sort of recalibration, because balance is kind of a weird word because, like what are we actually balancing? It's always changing. So it's recalibrating in our life and celebrating the beauty of relationships. So I feel like the world is going to need a lot of Libra during this time because there's just so much conflict that's happening and so much me versus we. Right, aries is the me and Libra is the we and we need both. Who am I in relationships and who am I when I'm not in relationships? So Libra is more so of who am I in relationships and relationships complete me, because when I'm in a relationship I learn a lot about myself, right? So the downside of Libra season is.

Sheetal Story:

We can be very indecisive, we can be. We can give a lot to others without receiving back. It can be sort of an emptying of your cup. So really being aware of where you are giving, of an emptying of your cup, so really being aware of where you are giving your energy, your gifts and talents, your awareness right, your attention, and hopefully it's with somebody that or something that gives back to you as well. And then also, on this day, we have Venus in Virgo, square to Pluto, retrograde. Now Venus rules Libra.

Sheetal Story:

So this brings my mind, and, given that Venus in junk sorry in conjunct to Neptune, this is going to bring up time of turbulence and relationships, and I'm going to say time of turbulence and relationships that are not working. Okay, so this is not like everything's good and then everything blows up all of a sudden in your face. So that's not. That's not what this is. This is bringing up transformation and highlighting the dynamics and relationships that aren't working for you in the relationships that aren't working, the surface, that's it, right, and it's bringing it to the surface for an opportunity, right, you have free will, so you have the free will to choose, to come back together. Maybe do counseling, talk about things, have deep conversations and with Mercury square to Jupiter, you can have great conversations now and really bring to light some great solutions of how we can both win. Where don't you feel seen and heard and how can I help you with that? Or it could bring up relationships that just need to break apart because they're not. They're not, there's nothing more for them there.

Sheetal Story:

So this aspect encourages deep transformation there's that word again and addressing relationship issues. It's time to confront and transform any underlying issues in your relationships. So power struggles are possible. Pluto is power and control and where who wants the power and control? What is power and control Like? This should be an equal relationship. So why does someone feel like they don't have enough power and control? Or what's happening, what needs to be healed? Right, and then to add a little bit more, little bit more to this is Venus is going to move into Scorpio.

Sheetal Story:

So when it moves into Scorpio from Libra, this is more, very intense energy. Venus wants deep, passionate, transformative experiences and she's not gonna be subtle, subtle, she's not going to settle for you know, your bullshit. She's going to go deep into what is happening here and she wants that transformation. So this is about deep connection and transformative love. Scorpio pluto rules scorpio, so that pluto plan with Virgo or with Venus is going to bring up where are you needing transformation in your relationships and the things that you love and value? Venus rules values.

Sheetal Story:

So in Scorpio, now this, our love language, is going to be about deep conversations, seeing people for who they are. No more fluffy stuff, right, we're not wanting to talk about the weather. We want to talk about why do you love what you love? Do you love me? Where is your trauma and how can we now heal that so that we become even closer together? Venus and Scorpio is also really great sex, so this is a time of like again, deep, passionate connection and through the intimacy of sex, right, not just for the sake of it. This is about that's, leo. This is about deep connection and intimacy, so that that deep connection, intimacy, is going to continue. Now it's going to bring a little bit more seriousness. And then Scorpio, though, is also death, rebirth and transformation, like it's bringing light to the darkness. So we're wanting to heal, we wanting to have those deeper you know therapy type of transformative situations with our relationships, right? So this is an interesting week, right? This is a long week. There's a lot of aspects here. This is going to bring about a lot of change, so you're going to really need grounding, deep breaths, journaling, therapy if you have a coach or a therapist, good idea to talk these things out and to really understand that the emotions that you're experiencing are valid. It's all. Thank you for being here and wishing you the most amazing week ahead.

Sheetal Story:

Thank you for joining me on this episode of the Story of Spirit podcast. I hope you have found inspiration, support and practical insights to help you align with your soul at purpose and live a life that sets your soul on fire. If you have enjoyed today's episode, please subscribe to the podcast, leave a review and share it with a friend. Your support helps us to reach more listeners and continues to provide valuable content. I sincerely appreciate every share and I know it is how most people find me. It is because caring people like you have shared me with them at the right and perfect time For more resources, insights and to connect with our community. Please visit us at www. sheetal story. com and follow us on Instagram @SheetalStory. Remember, your journey to a more aligned and vibrant life is just the beginning and I am here to support you every step of the way. Until next time, stay aligned, stay inspired and keep shining your beautiful light.

Sheetal Story:

This is Sheetal Story, signing off from the Story of Spirit podcast. Here's the legal ease that's required by our lawyers. This podcast and the YouTube channel represents the opinions of Sheetal Story and her guests to the show. The content should not be taken as medical, psychological or financial advice. This series is informational and entertainment purposes only. Because each person is so unique, please consult your healthcare professional, your mental health dream team, your financial advisor or anyone else that's an expert in the field in where you are thinking of making big choices in your life.

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