Story of Spirit

12: The Dark Side of Manifestation

September 18, 2024 Sheetal Story Season 1 Episode 12

In this episode of The Story of Spirit, Sheetal Story explores the hidden pitfalls of manifestation and the Law of Attraction. While often seen as a path to positivity and success, manifestation can also involve significant challenges and misunderstandings. She discusses how your beliefs and unresolved issues can affect your manifestation journey, the importance of healing, and why instant results are a misconception.Also analyzed are the risks of ignoring negative emotions, the need for self-awareness and healing, and why expecting immediate results can lead to frustration. 

Reflect on Your Own Journey:
Sheetal invites you to answer the following questions:
1. How do your current beliefs and self-perceptions influence the way you approach manifestation, and what steps can you take to address any negative patterns that might be hindering your progress?
2. In what ways might unresolved emotions or past traumas be affecting your ability to manifest your goals? How can you incorporate healing practices to improve your manifestation process?
3. Reflect on a time when you expected immediate results from your efforts. How did that expectation affect your experience, and what have you learned about managing expectations in the manifestation process?

A Gift For You:
Sheetal would like to give you a gift to show her appreciation for your support! Please click the following link to download her free Guided White Light Meditation!

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Reflect on how these pivotal moments have shaped your journey. Share your experiences and thoughts with Sheetal on social media or through her website. Your support is invaluable and helps us reach more listeners ready to embark on their own spiritual paths. To ensure you never miss an episode, subscribe to the podcast, leave a review, and share it with someone who could benefit from aligning their life with their soul's purpose.

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Disclaimer: This podcast represents the opinions of Sheetal Story and her guests. The content is for informational and entertainment purposes only and should not be taken as medical, psychological, or financial advice. Please consult appropriate professionals for personalized guidance.

0:01 Dark Side of Manifestation Explained
8:10 The Impact of Manifestation on Energy
13:35 Navigating Manifestation and Practical Realities
22:50 Manifestation Ethics and Emotional Healing
31:33 Legal Disclaimer for Story of Spirit

Music Credits: The music is composed by Stockaudios via Pixabay.

Sheetal Story:

The dark side of manifestation really refers to the potential pitfalls or negative consequences that can arise when you practice manifestation without really understanding the principles of it and misapplying it. Welcome to the Story of Spirit podcast, where practical spirituality meets real life. Hi, I'm your host Sheetal Story. I'm a psychic medium, grief support counselor, professional astrologer and a human design reader and, of course, a law of attraction master coach. With my unique blend of spiritual and practical tools, I am here to help you align with your soul-led purpose and ignite a life that sets your soul on fire. In this podcast, we are going to explore the principles of energy, astrology, spirituality and psychology to help you heal your grief and create an aligned life and business from the inside out. Whether you are looking to deepen your intuition, understand your cosmic design or transform your business, this podcast is for you. Join me each week for insightful discussions, practical tips and inspiring stories that will guide you on your journey to living your very best life. Don't forget to subscribe and follow us on Instagram@Sheetal Story or wherever you listen to this podcast. Let's dive in and start this transformative journey together. Welcome to the Story of Spirit podcast. Today, I want to talk to you about the dark side of manifestation. Yes, there is a dark side to this light and bubbly topic that is often talked about in spiritual communities and manifestation when you talk about the law of attraction very same same, a little bit different, because law of attraction gives you processes on how to manifest. So, when we look at just the basic meaning of manifestation, it means bringing from the non-physical into physical, so bringing from energy into the 3D reality that is this world. So if you think about something and then you create it, you are manifesting. If you create something like an invention, you're an entrepreneur, you are a manifester. But here is a little bit of a kind of a secret I think that no one talks about is that you've been a manifestor since the day you were born. Whatever you think about, you bring about right. You create your world through your perception and through your identity. So when you are thinking about the world and you're thinking that you're a failure, guess what? You're going to manifest more of that. If you think that you are a success and you live in a bubble where everything is good and nothing's bad, that's what you will manifest. Right, you see opportunities in everything. But the dark side of manifestation really refers to the potential pitfalls or negative consequences that can arise when you practice manifestation without really understanding the principles of it and misapplying it. We, as humans, are flawed. Let's just be honest, right? I hate to break it to you, but we have this tendency to be velcro for bad experiences and teflon for good, right? So if you receive accolades from everyone around you but one person says you sucked, guess what your mind will fixate on that you sucking, right, but you don't actually suck. It's just one person's opinion. And when you make that about you, you then start to create from that place.

Sheetal Story:

So here's the thing that it's quite interesting is that you cannot make it about you if you never thought it was yours to begin with, right? So if I never thought of myself as someone who you know, it's the the analogy of some coming up to you and saying you have green hair, you have green hair, this crazy of green hair. And if you don't have green hair, you're like this guy's crazy. I don't understand what. You know what? What are you talking about? I don't obviously have green hair. It kind of just bounces off of you because you know who you are, you know that you don't have green hair and if multiple people come up to you and say you have green hair, then you might be thinking something's wrong. What I don't understand Like what? Why am I not having this experience? But everyone else around me is, and we start to give our power away, even though you know you don't have green hair, right? So we manifest from a place of knowing. So if you have a knowing that you don't have green hair, guess what? You know, you're not going to react to that and your energy is going to go in a different direction and free up more energy to manifest to do the thing that you want, right. So healing is required for manifestation. That is something that is never talked about. I've never heard that in any.

Sheetal Story:

I've taken my law of attraction training. I have a law of attraction certification for coaching. I have been a follower of many manifestation gurus out there. I've studied um Abraham Hicks. I actually had to write a bunch of book reports on all the Abraham Hicks books for my coaching designation. So bunch of book reports on all the Abraham Hicks books for my coaching designation. So I've studied all of these things and it's it's pretty much. What it says is put your mind to where you want to go, raise your frequency and it will come in.

Sheetal Story:

I remember asking my coach once like how fast does it come in, cause I want seed, I want efficiency? And she's like instantaneously. And I was like, well, that can't be true, can I like, can it be true? I think about I want this money success thing and it just drops into my lap. She goes it can be that fast. And I said I don't, I don't know, I don't know if that's true or not. And I think that's one of the first, you know, fallacies of manifestation of the dark side is assuming that everything is going to happen right away and it doesn't. It can take time, right. So everything is leading you to where you want to go. It's not fast, right, it's not now. Everything you're experiencing you is retargeting. Everything you are experiencing is retargeting you to where you want to go. So it is all manifestation, even the bad things that are happening or the things that are not in alignment.

Sheetal Story:

I had a client once say, you know, I was manifesting this man of my dreams. And I got this guy and I said was he everything you wanted at that time? She goes well, yeah. And I said was he perfect for your trauma, you know, in terms of, did he fit into you in ways that you fit into him? She said yes, and I said, as you learned through the experience, you realized he wasn't really what you wanted. He was just a stepping stone to where you want to go. And she said, yeah, that's true. So it was part of the manifestation. It was getting her ready for the next step. So something to think about you. You know it's not instantaneous. It can come along because you are experiencing something that's going to get you there, right?

Sheetal Story:

So number two fallacy is spiritual bypassing. Oh, I see this all the time in the spiritual community. Right, manifestation is a way that people use um, use the spiritual concept to avoid facing difficult emotions and personal challenges. They focus solely on positive thinking. They may ignore unresolved trauma, pain and negative emotions which can lead to emotional suppression and hinder true healing. Right? So this is actually just positive vibes only, right? If you see see that shirt or if you see that wall sign I'm sorry if you have it in your house, but positive vibes only is one of the most toxic things that hit pop culture, because it is not true. Are valid and are important and we need to honor them. And so there's. There is a frequency scale in law of attraction where the more positive emotions are high vibrational and you can feel that right, when you're in joy, when you're in inspiration, when you're happy, you can feel how high vibrational you are. Right, you are just. It almost is like you're walking on a cloud and everything is so happy. True story I was driving once to a neighboring city.

Sheetal Story:

So for those of you who are not in Canada, I was driving from Edmonton to Canada, which is about three hours drive, and my best friend at the time lived in Calgary. I was going to see her. I was driving my little Honda Civic with zero bells and whistles on this car, like everything was, you know, muscle power, right, I literally had to roll up the window by hand, uh, and bare bones. We had to get a radio, a proper um stereo put in, uh, a CD player. That was big in the day and I was rocking out. I was so happy. I literally could feel the energy coming out of the top of my head, like that was.

Sheetal Story:

It was in my twenties, so I wasn't yet into this spiritual, you know understanding of what this was, but I could feel the energy, like I was just so happy and so excited and I was singing at the top of my lungs and then everything went dark on my dashboard. All of the gauges fell to zero and my car started to lose speed. I was on the highway, so 120, I was going 120, 130, it's 110 kilometers an hour for my US listeners and I started to lose speed. So I pulled to the right, I pulled off the road and then I got, turned my car, put my car in park, turned it off, turn it back on again nothing, it wouldn't turn over. I couldn't even get the gear shift to move. So I was like, okay, something's wrong. So I called I have a car, or AMA here, or CAA it's called in Canada and they came to tow my car. My friend came and got me, so it was only I was only about 20, 30 minutes outside of Calgary and she came to get me. We towed my car to a dealership and they said what were you doing?

Sheetal Story:

When they looked at my car and I said I was just singing and driving and they're like how fast were you driving? I was like 130, you know like a little bit over the speed limit, not a lot. And they're like really, cause you blew four fuses. I was like what? Four fuses? Four fuses Like and this is a pretty new car, like I just got it within the last year and it was a brand new car, so there is no way like, unless there was. But he said, even if one fuse was was kind of bunk, but four like that's weird. And I was like, oh, that's the energy. Like I could feel it was so high vibrational I literally could have manifested anything in that moment. I mean manifested for fuses that weren't burnt out would have been nice. But I actually shot up the energy, shot my short, I shorted my car. That's what I want to say.

Sheetal Story:

So wild, right, vibration and energy matters, and so you do. You can feel that emotion when you're high vibrational. When you're in low vibrational, you know things like jealousy, anger, rage, sadness, grief. Those energies are very low, yes, but they have meaning, they have purpose. Right, you are going through something that is going to help you retarget where you want to go. So it's not a bad thing, but it's what you make it mean, right? So if you make it mean that something, you're bad, you're negative, you can't do anything, right, right, this is always happening to me, then you're missing the boat, right? This is called spiritual bypassing. You're not actually understanding your human experience to retarget and get you to where you want to go. So by really dealing with your trauma and healing yourself, you're going to get where you want to go, and it all is part of the journey, right? It's not. You're not taking a detour. I mean you can take a detour, but I like to say to all of my clients all roads lead you to the same outcome.

Sheetal Story:

What's meant for you will find you right, and you will find it like this podcast, right. Like it was never on my radar to do podcasts. People have been talking about it for years. I was like no thanks, and. And then everything lined up and it was it was meant to be. I could not look away from this opportunity. It was meant for me and if I had said no now, it would have come around in a different way down the road. For sure. I'm meant to do this. I know that. So what's meant for you will find you, but spiritual bypassing will actually lengthen the drive to get to where you want to go.

Sheetal Story:

All right, the third thing that's going to add to dark manifestation is the dark side of manifestation. Again, we talked about toxic positivity, but it's also blaming yourself for negative experiences. So we sort of talked about that in the spiritual bypassing. But it's a problematic. Belief in manifestation is that if something bad happens, it's entirely your fault because you attracted it. This can lead to self-blame, guilt and shame, especially when dealing with circumstances beyond your control. So when we talk about children being molested or someone attacking you or what's happening around the world to people who are innocent, being bombed and killed and who just are trying to survive how did they manifest that Right? It can be really harmful to say, yeah, you manifested that. It's like well, how did I manifest somebody coming for me? How did I manifest being molested as a child? How did I manifest? I mean, I was not molested as a child. But when you're talking to people who have had these horrible experiences and you talk about manifestation, then you're kind of saying this is your fault and it's not.

Sheetal Story:

Bad things happen to good people. I feel like I need to say that again Bad things happen to good people. It's what you make it mean or what is on the other side of it that gives you the power to manifest right, and so these things can happen. We may never know, until we get into spirit, why these things have happened to us, why we constantly kind of come up against some of these hard things in life. I feel like sometimes they're here to right time us. Sometimes they're here to bring us gifts on the other side of it, to go through the healing and maybe help others who have gone through it. There is purpose on the other side, right, but when we look for reason, reason looks back. What everything happens for a reason a really toxic phrase in the human language Because when we look for reason, we look back in time, we look to the past and we look what caused this. So when we look for a cause, it's a blame game, right? This happened. You did this. You did this.

Sheetal Story:

I got COVID during COVID September 2020,. I got COVID. I chose to go to a retreat. We all tested negative before we went to the retreat and somebody brought it in, or we, you know, back then testing. You had to do it like 10 days beforehand, so someone could have, you know, become sick. I mean, it could have even been me, I don't know, but when we came in, then nine out of the 19 of us got sick. I think nine of 18, whatever half, almost half of us got sick and I came home with COVID and that time it was a really big deal. So I had to quarantine.

Sheetal Story:

I got my youngest child sick, not knowing that I was sick when I came home and we I was able to kind of stop the spread of it just to my son. But even then we just didn't know about it, right. So there was this lot of this fear and I remember my husband being really angry not angry at me, angry at whoever brought this into the group, right. And I said it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter who brought this in. The problem is not that I chose to go. I chose to go during a time where they said you shouldn't be gathering large people. I went I don't know if I believe it's true and I got it right. Luckily it was quite mild. Mild in that it took three months for me to get my smell back and my taste back Definitely the weirdest virus I've ever had, I feel.

Sheetal Story:

To this day I'm still kind of healing from it. But it is a long journey being in the human body and since then I've got it three. I have got it three times completely, uh, that I've tested positive for it and I've had it and it's a weird virus, man, like you know it's. I've. I've been sick from a lot of things. I've even gotten the flu and I felt like I was almost dying from that.

Sheetal Story:

But COVID's a whole other thing, and looking for someone to blame in that, you know, was was very interesting because it was a way that my, my family was trying to grieve, trying to not make it my fault, and I was like, happily not happily, but I'm like it is my fault I did the thing. It's okay for me to take this on. I did feel a lot of guilt around it and I talked it out with a friend that cried and I felt into it and I allowed it to pass through and it was a really interesting lesson because, from me, I was one of the first people to get it in my circle of friends in this community and people went well, this is real right and I was talking about my experience and sharing about it. And because I got it in a group of people, we got to go through it together, which was really lovely Also sucks, but very lovely because each one of us impacted our own families, our own businesses in different ways. That was devastating, you know, and we got to hold each other in that. So it was quite a beautiful experience to go through together with someone else. So I didn't blame I mean, I did blame myself, you know, but it was interesting to notice society's tendency to blame, and there's no blame in this. Right, this is about something that's just happened. It's happened. Yes, I was part of the reason why it happened.

Sheetal Story:

And what is the good that can come of it? On the other side, right? The fourth one is ignoring practical realities. Oof, right, just don't. Don't worry about your bank account, just spend as if you already are there. Act as if you already have it. Oh, I've got. I got myself into problems with that one. I'm going to act like I am a wealthy person now and I'm going to spend as if I have it because it's just going to come in. Right, because I'm acting as if I already have it. No, that is very. Do not do that. Very, very, very bad.

Sheetal Story:

Manifestation focuses on aligning thoughts and energies with desired outcomes, but some people may neglect taking tangible, practical steps towards their goals. So this can result in stagnation, frustration and a lack of progress if they really solely just rely on visualization and thoughts alone. So with the money manifestation, I actually have a lot of money trauma and so I wasn't healing the money trauma on the other side. So, yes, money was coming in, but it was going out just as fast and the more that I heal that, the more I hold and the more money stays with me. So it's not the vision, it's not the manifestation, it's actually the healing that allows me to bring in and hold more wealth.

Sheetal Story:

So we can't avoid practical realities Like we have debt. Right, I love when people are. Like I love when wealthy people sit on stage and like money does not buy you happiness and like I bet you it opens doors to happiness. Like, uh, we can't negate that money does give us the doorway or the ticket to open ourselves up to opportunities right To go to Italy to travel on wonderful, you know, travel first class and get treated like great you know wonderfully, to buy yourself healthcare insurance and to get yourself faster into the lineup for MRIs and ultrasounds. Like let's not negate that.

Sheetal Story:

And I think people who have money forget what it's like to not have money because it does open doors for you. There are actual realities that we have to face as people who are learning the lesson of money right, and it's when we are learning the lessons of money we become very respectful and honor money. And so there's there's practical realities, as you know. You know there's bills, there's debt, there's income tax. There's things that are requiring things from us. I'm just using money as the example in this one, because we can't not see that we have a duty to pay back things that we have borrowed, right. We can't act as if we already have it. I think the key there in that is to be abundant, knowing that you have borrowed right. We can't act as if we already have it. I think the key there in that is to be abundant, knowing that you have everything you need already, right? No one told me that. Act as if it's already here. Okay, I'll just get a spend. No, don't do that.

Sheetal Story:

And then the fifth one is ethical concerns. In some cases, people use manifestation for selfish and manipulative purposes, attempting to influence others' free will for focusing solely on material gain without considering the wider impact. This can create imbalances and harm relationships and communities. So we see this a lot on social media, with influencers and people who, you know, live that money lifestyle. I think Andrew Tate is a really great example of that who live that money lifestyle. I think Andrew Tate is a really great example of that, where steps on anyone he can use as women has been busted for human trafficking, drug trafficking, like it's just a manipulation of anyone and everything to get where he wants to go. Is that a way to do it? Sure, you know, there's some ethical concerns there. More than ethical, there's legal concerns. There is just not good person but he's getting all the things. He well, he's getting all the manifestations really, because there's life lessons that are coming in with that. So, ethically it's interesting because we want to, we're always striving to be the best person that we can be right. We're coming from a place of love and we're in our heart center and I think there's a lot of trauma around money specifically or manifesting.

Sheetal Story:

One of the groups that I'm in, you know we're talking about wealthy women and actually one of my. I'm in a mastermind of coaches and one of the coaches did a wealthy women's summit in Calgary this year and the pushback that she was getting of like wealthy women in this day and age, you guys are hoarding money, it's like. Do you think there's only so much money to go around, like, again, a projection of all of this negativity onto this, this amazing summit that was about putting money in the hands of women and creating more parity and more divine feminine uprising in the world, of bringing more intuition, emotion. Women embodying money is very different than men embodying money and what we want to do with it and how we work it and how we use it, very, very different than men. So it's it was about putting money in the hands of women and moving money more through the hands of women led businesses and feeling comfortable and safe to hold wealth. Because for years, women with wealth were targeted, money was taken away, we weren't allowed to hold wealth. So even that whole piece, that manifestation and ethics that brought up a lot of judgment, right, a lot of people who were projecting onto her.

Sheetal Story:

So ethics and what is ethical is very subjective sometimes, sometimes right, but it's wielded as a weapon. So we are, yes, ethical means working from heart. No-transcript, a society that understands a woman's body can be shown and not, it's not a buffet, it's not come help yourself, Right. So, and you can see that from the statistics of rape and misogyny, whereas in North America we still have those things, yes, but we are encouraged to show our body without there being a ramification to it that is ethically or ethnically negative. So ethic in itself is a bit subjective, right. If you think about the core of an ethic ethic is just being a good person. Right, if you're an ethical person, you're a good person of integrity and honesty and people can trust you. Right, that's universal, that's in every culture, right.

Sheetal Story:

So that ethical concern is are you being a good person in your manifestations or are you stepping on everybody to get what you want right? So that's not actually true. And if there's no scarcity means that I don't, there's not enough to go around, and that's not true. Like, even in limited edition things there's still, you know, there's still stuff to go around. But again, why do you want that? What is it getting you right? So the deeper question here with manifestation is why do you want what you want Right? And what's on the other side of what you want? That feels scary. So I have a four part manifestation equation that I talk about all the time and I run an academy, a monthly membership, called Manifestation, intuition and Astrology Academy, where all of my lovely ladies in the community learn about manifestation, about intuition, and how to flow with the energy that is being presented in the astrology and drop out of the 3D world, really literally going MIA from the 3D world and dropping into our heart sense, our soul sense and living from that place. So, in manifestation, there's a four part equation that I have found actually works perfectly for me and perfectly for everyone I've ever met, actually.

Sheetal Story:

So the first part is intention. Setting the right intention is so important. Where you set your intention, your attention goes right. Energy flows to an intention. So if you wake up in the morning and you say I'm going to have a great day, I am having a great day, you want to set your intention as if it is happening now. Right, I am having a great day, you're going to have a great day, even when bad things happen. You'd be like oh, I'm having a great day, right, it's just going to be, it's a huge reframe. Like it just, it makes you laugh, it changes your energy. Like this is awesome.

Sheetal Story:

Actually, with my clients, my coaching clients and even some of my grief clients, if something's like having they're having a hard time or something we know, like it with being a psychic, I just know sometimes that they're going to have a hard time going through a certain thing, and so things are going to happen. We're going to have contingency plans in place. But when it happens, I want you to just tell your brain this is awesome, we've got this under control, because you do, right? But if you're like, oh my God, everything's bad, everything's happening to me, guess what's going to happen? More and more and more of that, right? So the intention is number one.

Sheetal Story:

Number two is embody the emotion as if you already have it. Emotion Notice, I said emotion, right. Act as if you already have it now, from the emotional place. So let's say you want to win the lottery, winning the lottery, what would it get you? What is the feeling? What would you feel like when you got it? Now, you've got to embody that emotion, because the universe only speaks in frequency, it does not speak in language, right? So if you're like I want to win the lottery, but meanwhile you don't think you could hold money because wealthy people are bad, guess what the universe is going to respond to your energy, not your words, right? So you want to embody the feeling of having it already Feeling. Don't act as if you already have it and source money. Don't do that.

Sheetal Story:

Number three is to take the next right action. You want to take the next right action and go in the direction of your dreams. Whatever is presenting to you as it feels as the next right step for you, right and use discernment. We're not just using our intuition saying this is the next right step. Does it feel safe? Does everything align, align? Does that feel good in your pocketbook? Does it feel good with your family? You know there could be some things that you have to kind of give and take, to compromise, to get to where you want to go, but it must feel safe.

Sheetal Story:

And then the fourth one is the most important one, and it's to heal what keeps you from your manifestation. It's the one that no one talks about, right? So if you want to hold more money but holding more money feels unsafe, then that's where you need to heal. You won't go anywhere unless you heal that part of you. So where did that part of you learn that holding money is not safe? What if I have a lot of money? Who will think of you badly? What do they matter to you? Where did you hear this? What happened to someone in your family that had a lot of money. What were they talked about? Or not, in your family, a neighborhood or somebody else, neighbor? But where did you learn this? So the healing is very, very. It is the most important thing, because the healing is going to create safety in your mind and your body to hold the abundance you want.

Sheetal Story:

So, when you are manifesting, think of the four part equation setting your intention, embodying the emotion, taking the next right action, and then healing what keeps you from it. And the healing what keeps you from it sometimes requires a coach or a therapist, because it's hard to see it for yourself, right, it's such an ingrained part of your or a therapist, because it's hard to see it for yourself, right, it's such an ingrained part of your identity that sometimes it's just hard for you to see it, so you might need someone to reflect it back to you. But here's a really great way to flush that out is if I get this thing I want, what's on the other side that feels really scary? Yeah, I know, cause you're like what's scary about winning a million dollars? Uh, what about the statistic that 70% of people who win the lottery go bankrupt not back to where they were bankrupt, right? That's a scary stat. So are you scared that you might lose it all, or what will people think of you? Or you'll be ostracized, or you can't relate to people anymore, because you relate a lot through not having money. What is it right? So that's just an example. But what is it that you want? It could be a relationship, it could be a body image, it could be a lifestyle choice, it could be wealth. Whatever it is, what you want on the other side represents something that is not safe. Sit with that part of you and bring safety to that part of you. Really flush it to the surface and you'll notice things will go much faster in your life towards your manifestation, wishing you joy in all that you do and getting everything that your heart desires from a place of love.

Sheetal Story:

Thank you for joining me on this episode of the Story of Spirit podcast. I hope you have found inspiration, support and practical insights to help you align with your soul at purpose and live a life that sets your soul on fire. If you have enjoyed today's episode, please subscribe to the podcast, leave a review and share it with a friend. Your support helps us to reach more listeners and continues to provide valuable content. I sincerely appreciate every share and I know it is how most people find me. It is because caring people like you have shared me with them at the right and perfect time, because caring people like you have shared me with them at the right and perfect time For more resources, insights and to connect with our community. Please visit us at www. sheetalstory. com and follow us on Instagram @SheetalStory . Remember, your journey to a more aligned and vibrant life is just the beginning and I am here to support you every step of the way. Until next time, stay aligned, stay inspired and keep shining your beautiful light.

Sheetal Story:

This is Sheetal Story, signing off from the Story of Spirit Podcast. Here's the legal ease that's required by our lawyers. This podcast and the YouTube channel represents opinions of Sheetal Story and her guests to the show. The content should not be taken as medical, psychological or financial advice. This series is informational and entertainment purposes only. Because each person is so unique, please consult your healthcare professional, your mental health dream team, your financial advisor or anyone else that's an expert in the field in where you are thinking of making big choices in your life.

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