
Leo LaFleur: Mental health, writing, and the impact of supportive people.

August 07, 2024 The Writers’ Federation of New Brunswick Season 1 Episode 2

Leo LaFleur discusses the intersections of creativity and mental health with host Jenna Morton, sharing personal experiences and perspectives from his life. He emphasises the importance of creative expression and support systems in overcoming mental health challenges, and in finding and developing your creative voice. In the second part of the conversation, Leo discusses his collaborative work on multimedia projects and the value of collaboration, vulnerability, and a tremendous support system in his creative process. He also discusses the profound influence of the natural world in New Brunswick on his creative work and the importance of representing the place in his writing, art, and music.

The Writers’ Federation of New Brunswick acknowledges the support of the Canada Council for the Arts.

Learn more about the WFNB at www.wfnb.ca