Faith v. Religion

Faith, Government, and the Fight for Moral Integrity: Reclaiming Spiritual Values in a Modern World

September 03, 2024 Season 1 Episode 2

What if the very framework of our government hinged on the true embodiment of Judeo-Christian values? Join Jeff and Tracy in this compelling episode of "Faith vs Religion" as we navigate the complex relationship between faith, spirituality, and organized religion. We start with a profound introduction and prayer, anchoring our discussion on the omnipotence and omniscience of God, and recount our journey of renaming the podcast to highlight the essence of faith over religious rituals.

Our exploration takes a critical look at the interplay between government, faith, and culture, stressing the irreplaceable role of moral integrity in leadership. Reflecting on the current political climate, we challenge the authenticity of leaders claiming Christian values and discuss the manipulative power of fear in steering societal values away from biblical truths. Through scriptural references and real-world examples, we advocate for a return to ethical governance that genuinely reflects Christian principles.

We also address the broader societal implications of moral decay, including the influence of modern technology on family values and the controversial impact of abuse on homosexuality. By fostering an open dialogue and encouraging self-reflection, we emphasize the necessity of listening to diverse perspectives and finding common ground. This episode serves as a thought-provoking call to action, urging a collective reevaluation of our moral compass and a heartfelt return to core spiritual values.

Speaker 1:

Welcome to Faith vs Religion with.

Speaker 3:

Jeff and Tracy. Take me, bro. Welcome to Faith vs Religion with Jeff and Tracy. We are not theologians, pastors, preachers, ministers or any sort of clergymen. We are simply sinners that have confessed and repented of our sins. We have surrendered to the Most High God Almighty through His Son, jesus Christ of Nazareth, who came in the flesh, the Messiah we acknowledge and accept. We cannot successfully walk in faith alone. We need the Lord, god Almighty, the King of kings and the Lord of lords to accomplish the mission he has set forth for us. We have come to know God in many ways and by many names. He is Jehovah Rapha, jehovah Jireh, jehovah Nissi. He is our provider, our healer, our victory. No one comes to him but through his son, jesus Christ of Nazareth, who came in the flesh, the Messiah Shalom. We serve a triune God who is three in one the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. We serve an omnipotent God whom is all-powerful and all-knowing.

Speaker 3:

In order to understand one's walk, we must realize the spiritual and supernaturalness of faith in the works of God. To understand one's walk, we must realize the spiritual and supernaturalness of faith in the works of God. The Holy Bible is the God-breathed word through man that serves as the light of our path. Furthermore, we must accept Satan is the prince of the earth, as well as the hand of evil that seeks to destroy our spiritual relationship with God and to destroy our soul. Satan works with and through fallen angels and fellow men by spiritual means to control our minds, commit acts of evil and justify the non-existence of God through the arrogance of the flesh. Moreover, we must be able to mentally isolate the flesh from our soul. In other words, if the act isn't satisfying, then it isn't from God.

Speaker 3:

Dear Heavenly Father, we humbly come to you and ask for your forgiveness as we fall short of your glory, simply by nature. You are our creator and leader. We know your will and your ways are perfect and beyond our comprehension. Accept your path as we walk by faith and not by sight. We ask that you give us your spiritual word to deliver to whomever may hear this podcast, and may it resonate with those in need. You are the potter and we are just the clay. We ask that you mold us into your perfect being you envisioned for us upon creation.

Speaker 3:

We ask that you empty our hearts of predetermined notions, judgment and fleshly arrogance and fill it with your grace, mercy, love and discernment. No weapon formed against us shall prosper. If you are for us, who can be against us? Your word does not return to you void. We ask that you deliver us from the hands of evil and lead us not into temptation. Your words tell us that you will not let any temptation be greater than we can handle and you will always provide an out for us. We must seek you. You are the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to you but through your Son, jesus Christ of Nazareth, who came in the flesh, the Messiah. Heavenly Father, we bind and cast out anything demonic, satanic or otherwise that is not from you into the lake of fire. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, who came in the flesh, the Messiah, we declare and decree your mighty works. Be unleashed over us in this podcast and let your message reach all nations.

Speaker 2:

In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, who came in the flesh, the Messiah, Lord, we humble ourselves and we just ask that you build a conduit over all of communication and airways as we transmit out. Father God, we ask that you mind up the tongue and the works of the enemy, death the tongue and the works of the enemy, and that anything and everything that you give for us today, father God, will lead us to your word and we will be able to confirm your word through your living and breathing Bible. We thank you for your mercy and grace, in Jesus' name, amen.

Speaker 3:

Awesome, awesome, well, okay, so we kind of had a little. This is really our third episode, but it's really our first. Yeah, what I mean by that is I don't. We did all this research and then it kind of took us a while to get where we're at and then, by the time it did, it looks like there was a couple other podcasts with the same name. So we've changed our name so we can stand out, be unique, so you might hear some other episodes with um the title. He speaks and we listen. So we've changed it. And I was talking to tracy. We came up with this where she really prayed about. He came up with this faith versus religion. So that's kind of where we're at um right now right, if you want to.

Speaker 2:

Well, we came up with we he speaks because through our communication and our fellowship is what you can call it, but he speaks to us very differently, and so the way he may speak to one person is not the way that he will get through to another person. So we've been able to share how he communicates with us and how we know it's him, his confirmations, he gives us things of that nature, so the he speaks was definitely led. However, the faith versus religion is the message that I think everybody needs. You don't have to be religious, but you need to have faith, you need to have relationship.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, absolutely so. That's always the good part we've mentioned before about Christianity and how it just is really centers around a one-on-one relationship with God, and that's what makes it so awesome, that's what makes it so different, it makes us difficult and all those things that go together. But we wouldn't have it any other way. And so one thing that I was thinking about and we were talking about casually and kind of went around and kind of came around this topic, but it was when authority fears the ultimate authority. So kind of when government fears God is always a good thing, but when government as a whole doesn't recognize that God is the only sovereign one, and kind of. Really, what it focused on, where I was coming back, is that the United States, for example let's take the United States government as an example it was founded on Judeo-Christian values. Whether or not anybody else in the atheistic, agnostic world of education wants to acknowledge that or not, we know that's true. We can get into that whole separate debate through the founding fathers and all of their spiritualness and everything else later on, but God did use sinners, so it doesn't matter, right? And so one thing that we have to realize that our Constitution in the United States only works if everyone in the government has that same type of Christian principle or fear of God or godly principles. So most people, they have something, whether they want to admit it or not.

Speaker 3:

I don't care if you're agnostic, atheist or anything else, but when it comes down to it, when something really bad and really devastating is, something so far out of your control happens to you, you seek a higher power. And I don't know. I mean you can read there's just circumstance after circumstance, testimony after testimony, atheist after atheist, agnostic person there's all these stories out there and the principle is pretty much the same or the plot's the same, however you want to say it. But with something so devastating or someone so broken or there's something so far out of their control, whether or not they know it, they either A by choice, seek something higher or just by default say that, and what I mean by that is say that you know you invite your friend that's agnostic, atheist or something. You know they're struggling. You're like I don't really know what's wrong with them, they don't want to get into it, but I'll just invite them to church and they may or may not go. But then one day they just show up and it's in those moments that they're really, when they cry out.

Speaker 3:

I think that that's when you really your soul is just really surrendered and then that's when God speaks to you. It comes to you and it's happened to all of us, but it happens to everybody. So you know, that's kind of like how government was formed and, through brokenness, through all of these different things coming together by faith, the Constitution going back into governments. When the government fears Christianity or government fears God, when the government itself fears God, it's good. But when government fears Christians and welcomes everything else, that's when it goes sideways, because our Constitution with Judeo-Christian values only functions if those elected officials or the powers truly believe in it.

Speaker 3:

But when they don't, and then they just dig in, kind of like what we've seen in recent times, where they say you know what, we just don't have to, they just dig in, kind of like what we've seen in in, uh, recent times, where they said you know what? I just, we just don't have to do it. What happens when we don't have to do it and we don't have to follow the supreme court, we don't have to listen to anybody, we just do what we want. That's whenever there's a lot of turmoil and then, as believers, turn to a higher, higher spirit, and then I think that's where we find ourselves in battling good versus evil.

Speaker 2:

Okay, I want to go another step further, though. Christians. So they're instilling fear on others so that they will cower down and leave behind their values, Because some people I believe that they know there's a higher power, but they haven't found it yet and they still have a moral compass and they still want to do what right by people. Their intent is not to do ill by people. But if someone can instill fear on them because fear is not of God, then they can get them to conform to what they want or need Right. And if they do it in the mass, They'll leave Christianity behind, correct.

Speaker 2:

Gotcha almost believe that their fear of the Lord and what his plans are are so great that they instill fear on the people who don't have the relationship with Christ. So then they will follow along, which causes a different form of chaos which a lukewarm Christian will take on that fear also.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Yeah, because whenever it's a multi-layer fear, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Cause the only, the only constant life is the word of God. Yeah, because whenever it's a multi-layer fear, I guess. Yeah, because the only constant in life is the.

Speaker 3:

Word of God. Yeah, I mean, when you break it down to get to the simplest forms, the only thing consistent or the constant thing in life is the Word of God. It's the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. And I think that whenever the arrogance of the flesh gets so great, that's kind of when we just abandon those values and we abandoned everything that was, you know the biblically that it's built upon until then, it takes that great tragedy or that something beyond your control to kind of bring you back to that purpose or that, that principle. And we can prove it biblically because Psalms 22 28 tells us that God is the only true sovereign thing. And Psalms 22, 28 says for kinship belongs to the Lord and he rules over the nations. And just like in Romans 13, we can see it, for rulers are not a terror to good contact but to bad. Would you have no fear of the one who is in authority than to do what is good and you'll receive his approval, for he is God's servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword in vain, for he is the servant of God and avenger who carries out God's wrath on the wrongdoer, not an avenger who carries out God's wrath on the wrongdoer. So we know that there's, and that comes back in how the, how the country and how governments should be formed instead of just by a king, you know, in the past, like when we see with Barrow and, and then they believe that they are the, the, the only sovereign one, and they create chaos when they can't control the masses, and that's a lot of what we see. I, chaos when they can't control the masses, and that's a lot of what we see. I guess that's the scott hunt, that stuff it is, and that's a lot of what we see right now. I mean, and what's going on in the world. And then you have, you know, you have, like, you know, one thing that I really go back to, and this is so crazy. Let's probably like get a lot of people fired up, but I don't know if you're savage from the, uh, from like the 1990s I'm.

Speaker 3:

He's been around a long time and he's still around, and the only reason I say the 1990s is because he was on a local AM station here in our town. Is he in that guy room? Yeah, he's not on there anymore, but he's a syndicated show and he has been for a long time. An interesting thing that he used to talk about in the 1990s years ago, way before Trump came on the scene politically.

Speaker 3:

He would always talk about borders, language and culture and he says if immigrants that come into the country talking about the United States don't assimilate to what's going to the American culture, then it erodes American culture. But now we want to say that for the sake of politics and everything else, it's bigoted. It's all of this that we've got to, let all of this come in and blah, blah, blah, blah. So when you have somebody that comes in, they bring their. I know that we're a nation of free right to free religion, not saying that. But when they come in, they don't learn our culture, they don't respect our borders in, they don't learn our culture, they don't respect our borders and they don't even learn our language. I'm not saying they can't keep their native tongue, nothing like that, but you do should learn the?

Speaker 2:

okay, I'm gonna. So I'm gonna bring up this point. So you all know I'm half hispanic, half white. Okay, I value both of my cultures. They both bring. That's what makes us unique. I was raised really close to my Hispanic portion of my family. My grandmother actually came to the US and was proud to become a citizen. She did learn the language. My grandmother would be irate to see them burning the American flag, yeah, but flying their own flag, right. Okay, you left there for a reason.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

So you leave for a reason. Why are you bringing the dysfunction with you? Why would you not try to evolve and take on the new culture of the world that you?

Speaker 3:

came for. And that's how you know that the current government, the current state of thing, way things are, and this open border is not of God. It's nothing good because it's purely satanic, because they're bringing this chaos. They're bringing chaos with them in the form of the orchestrated chaos, right In the form of false religion. We see the false religion of Islam. We see the preaching of the false prophet of Muhammad and the flying of Palestinian Hamas flags. All these different outliers that by their core, like it or not, they're false and I'm going to call it. They're satanic, they're demonic, they're not of God.

Speaker 3:

I'm telling you, any religion that they call it, the religion of peace, that embraces these values of killing people, of torturing people, of raping people, of doing all these things that they've done, of arty, yeah, and especially, you know what the I mean.

Speaker 3:

My goodness, it's just sick, it's disgusting, you get fired up about it, but anyways, it's satanic. I'm just going to call it what it is, like it or not, it is what it is and it has brought and to prove it biblically, it has brought chaos to our nation. Now we have people that you know we had eight years of a president that was really successful and dividing the population was really successful, and when he disagreed with the opposition, they just called them racist, and they've really been successful with that. And so now people are so afraid to be called racist, so they're just, they're letting it happen. They're afraid to speak out and nobody's standing up for God, nobody's standing up for Christianity, nobody's standing up for Jesus, and I'm sorry, but Jesus was real. They know it was real, and just like the Quran recognizes Jesus, but then it wants to call him a prophet, jesus is the son of God and it is what it is, and that's exactly what brings this chaos with this craziness. But let's get back to the borders, language and culture.

Speaker 2:

So borders hopefully, borders don't work. We know that. We know, yeah, we got. We are allowed to go to other countries. No, no, okay. With that being said, I do believe that people should be allowed into our country. However, there's a process. Yes, currently our process is broke. Instead of fixing the process, mainstreaming it, making it, vetting our people sound, and quickly, we aren't and, with that being said, I think that's a different form of chaos. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

I truly believe that the next administration needs to put together a true committee, that their sole focus is to fix the problem.

Speaker 3:

They can fix it if they want to, and I'm going to tell you, we have a government that is equipped with the most advanced technology in the world and the history of mankind and they use it when they want to and then they play stupid when they don't, just like this. Here's two examples they know everybody that was at the Capitol through GL fencing and whatever other means that they have. They know the name of. If you were a January 6th person and you were president of the Capitol, they went all the way to talk to your veterinarian, the secretary at your kids' schools, to get all the cheesemail, the gossip, the lowdown on you, all the stuff that they want. But then, when it comes to like Timothy Crook's situation with the attempted assassination on Donald Trump, they don't know anything about this guy, but then they trip across.

Speaker 3:

That's the great thing about social media and us being able to do this podcast and this alternative media, because we don't have to listen to the liars anymore. We can go straight to the truth. It's just like Christianity you can go straight to Jesus and you don't need to go to your priest, you don't need to go to your pastor. You can bust out and just start, start, just start warring in the spirit with the, with the help of God, and just with prayer and everything else. But they, we have the technology to know who's coming in the country to expedite this, uh, this immigration process and everything else. But we don't want to, because the government can use this as a tool in the form of chaos against its own people. And the united states has banned, has abandoned this judeo-christian values as a whole, and they don't want to do it. And I think that there's a purpose for it and that is to move us toward a socialistic, communist type regime. What we see and um, in the harris, uh, this biden harris administration, because joe biden's not running the show.

Speaker 2:

I don't care, I don't care what you believe, what you don't, you know deep in your soul that broken down old man is not running the show well, and I will take it a step further, as, as being a wife, a mother, if my husband was mentally ill, I would not put him through what they're doing to him.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, he's physically ill, mentally ill, he's ill on every front there is, but the wife is parading him around.

Speaker 2:

I have a problem with that. Well, she is.

Speaker 3:

It's about power. It's about power and that's satanic. Yeah, it's sat power. It's about power and that's satanic. Yeah, it's satanic. They're evil at their core. These people are evil at their core. They have abandoned any type of principle that they have. What little bit of Christianity that they did have. By you know, I mean the extent of their faith. I truly believe this. He showered with his daughter, the extent of any type of faith that the Biden family ever had and this is a problem was probably just asking for some repentance to the blood, some Virgin Mary statue somewhere. Because they're very shallow Catholics and I know I just took a swipe at Catholicism and its idolatry. That was a lightning bolt. I'm teasing, that was a lightning bolt, the thing I'm teasing. That was a funny. But anyways, I think that they're just. That's the problem with you. I say I'm not saying Catholicism is the problem with the United States, I'm just saying that these very you're saying yeah.

Speaker 2:

You're saying the lack of consciousness yeah Of Christ is the problem.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, Because they're what little bit. When you, when we do have a leader that claims to be of faith, they're really just trapped in religion. Yeah, yeah, and they're well, they're attached to religion. I think I don't even think there's, I don't think George W Bush is a very spiritual person or he wouldn't have done the things that he's done. Like, I'm going to use, you know, call it party lines or anything like that. I'm just calling for what it is. Bill Clinton certainly has no moral compass. Hillary Clinton has no moral compass. Barack Obama has no moral compass and at his best he was a I mean, you talk about somebody just making a mockery out of Christianity was Barack Obama?

Speaker 3:

Because he's not even Christian. I don't believe that. I don't know that he's Islam. I don't know that he's. You don't know what faith he has. I really don't. All I know is that he's not a Christian.

Speaker 3:

Because they wouldn't do the things that they do and act the way they act. And I'll take it even a step further and I'll call out some more politicians. I'll cross the party lines. Lindsey Graham is not a Christian. Mike Johnson is not a Christian. He wouldn't do the things he do. Kevin McCarthy not a Christian and Vince Fong, not a Christian, and nobody's even heard of Vince Fong yet, but he's in our district. That replaced Kevin McCarthy and I just wanted to call those out. They wouldn't do the things that they do if they don't, and they're religious at best and they have zero faith. And I know that Christianity is about a one-on-one relationship. And I'm not present in the room. I'm not a fly on the wall when they do pray, if they do. To fly on the wall when they do pray if they do, but why do they do the things that they do in the name of power, if they are spiritual and not religious people?

Speaker 2:

And it comes back to they don't fear the Lord.

Speaker 3:

They don't fear the Lord. They relish in chaos to capture power.

Speaker 2:

And their accountability is not to him, because if their accountability was to him, they'd fear.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it's the lobbyist, in the name of money and whatever else their goal happens to be. I don't think any politician in Washington has a healthy marriage, do you I? Don't know.

Speaker 3:

I can't. I mean you just see it and then I just, I mean, you don't even go into conspiracy theory mode. They used to call it conspiracy theories, but they've got to come up with a new name for it because they've all come true. But the government is so corrupt there is probably a CIA file on every politician. They followed him around, much like the movie the Firm with Tom Cruise.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so I've had this conversation with my spouse. I don't believe that every politician goes in there with the intent to become wealthy and become powerful. Yeah, I think that they begin with their true, I want to change, yes, I want to do well, I want to do the right thing, yeah, yeah. But then I think what transpires is there's a group let's just call them a group that come forth and they find the black sheep speck of what you detest within your family or the person the weakest link.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. And then they they find the speck in their brother's eye and not remove the log.

Speaker 2:

And then they use it against you.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

So you give them a favor and it's that one favor that changes your whole career. Yeah, and then the next favor is bigger, yeah. And then it just grows until the point where you forgot the reason you went to office or you ran, yeah. And so I just, I don't think no, though I don't think their intent is wrong at first, I just believe that it grows into that. Yeah, well there's, I don't think no, though I don't think their intent is wrong at first, I just believe that it grows into that?

Speaker 3:

Yeah Well, you don't even have to waste your time. I know my granny used to tell me all the time, if something doesn't make sense, it's not true. You don't have to waste your time trying to figure out what it is. You just know they're a liar and not to believe anything that they say, because what they say is it's just, it doesn't make sense. And what doesn't make sense is in, they go, in, they earn, say the house of representatives, the 174, 200, whatever their salary is, and at the end of four years they're worth 50 million, 100 million, whatever the number is. The math doesn't add up, even if, if they exempt themselves from everything. So that's even given them the benefit of the doubt. They've exempted themselves from federal, state, local, every type of tax there is. The math isn't there. The math isn't there. And it's good versus evil, and that's where we're at.

Speaker 3:

I don't think a politician is the answer to anybody's problems, but, like dan bogino says, the government's the cause of all your problems. Oh, they're too big, they're too big. They're too big. They've abandoned the christian values. They've abandoned everything. It's not even christian values, well, it's values in general. Yeah, yeah, let's just go on to think, let's just get modern about it and not even bring Christianity into it.

Speaker 2:

They have no moral compass at all and it's about power when you're leaving out details, not giving the full truth, and you're expecting everyone to go along that's manipulation. Manipulation's not of God.

Speaker 3:

So it is a good versus evil thing it is, and we've got to bring ourselves to a time, because this is where we're at. I mean, we've got politicians that are supposed to be, not necessarily politicians, but let's take the Supreme Court, for example that are supposed to be or not necessarily politicians, but like, I think, the Supreme Court, for example. We have a Supreme Court that's supposed to be the end, all be all, the ultimate authority that checks and balances and everything else, and we have a justice that can't even tell you what a woman is. So it reminds me of Daniel, like in Daniel 2, 20 through 21,. Bless me the name of God forever and ever, to whom belong wisdom and might. He changes times and seasons. He removes kings and sets up kings. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge of those who are understanding and pause themselves long enough to look to a higher power for even guidance, because they're so void of morality.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you know when, especially over, I would say, the last, probably 10 years, but especially over the last five, with all the changes and everything, I used to hear something and dismiss it. It didn't sit right with me something and dismiss it. It didn't sit right with me, so I dismissed it. I don't have that mindset anymore Now. I listen and if it doesn't sit well with me I put it in a box, like okay, it's in my head, but it's in a box.

Speaker 3:

And it's either going to be debunked with facts. The psychotherapist calls that compartmentalizing.

Speaker 2:

Compartmentalizing, or it gets confirmed, yeah, and so it's gotten to the point where you and we say it on a regular basis. You can't make that up, no, you can't. But there's always going to be a confirmation one way or the other in it and you just have to not dismiss it, like sometimes it just doesn't sit with you. It's like, okay, I'm gonna try to receive that. And then all of a sudden you're like, okay, I can't receive this, I'm gonna put it aside. But there's times where you're like, okay, I dismissed that, but you weren't in the mindset to be able to take it in properly. So that's why it doesn't make sense.

Speaker 2:

It's not that it's not true, yeah. It's just you weren't ready to receive it in the light and the context it was supposed to be received. So I feel that one of the main problems amongst our culture and I'm saying american culture, not not divided anything is we aren't listening to each other. Doesn't matter what political side you're on, doesn't, doesn't matter if you're a believer or non-believer. We can't educate and learn from each other unless we listen and no one's listening.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, oh, you know what? Oh, go ahead, go ahead and expand on that, because I want to look up something real quick, because that just brought me I don't know, the Lord was just kind of giving me a thought about something.

Speaker 2:

Well, for instance, if you're having a conversation with someone that doesn't have the same beliefs as you, it doesn't mean they're wrong. It's their beliefs. But usually you can find common ground in a situation Like, for instance, I had a coworker. Politically we're definitely different, but we could agree that your fear should not be with the political party. It's the people behind the scenes pulling the strings and we both agreed on that. So there is common ground. You just have to listen to each other long enough to find the common ground.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

And majority of people want our country to do well, because when our country does well, we do well as a whole. So I just feel that if we just take a moment and listen, and even if you're good at set listening, yeah, if you're offended, that is. That is something I've learned over the last few years. Also, too, if I'm offended by something, it is not my responsibility to tell the other person I'm offended because obviously there was truth in it that that pricked me. So now I need to go back and that's now I. That needs to be my, what I want to have with the Lord. Okay, lord, why did that offend me? Where's the truth in it? Because that means I need to work on something that's their opinion has nothing. This everyone being offended thing really rubs me the wrong way. The dicta mentality rubs me the wrong way, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Well, and I think that the devil, satan, has such a hold on people in this world that it's like you said, how they can't receive it. It reminded me of this whenever I was reading, the other day, romans 13. And I get down here into, just for the sake of brevity, we get into just skim all the way down to Romans 13, 11. Do this knowing that this is a critical time. It is already for the hour. It is already the hour for you to awaken from your sleep of spiritual complacency, for our salvation is nearer to us now than when we first believed in Christ the night. This present evil age is almost gone and the day of Christ's return is almost here. So let us fling away the works of darkness and put on the full armor of light. Let us conduct ourselves properly and honorably, as in the light of day, not corrosing and drunkenness. And I think that we're to kind of segue into what we're talking about that the world has gone so awry and the government's played into it, and the government is fearful that you will come back to some sort of moral high ground on this thing, that that's why they've promoted the transgenderness or isms, whatever you want to call it, all of this homosexualness, this homosexuality, uh, all this stuff is just, it's so bizarre.

Speaker 3:

When it was, I guess, accepted or people's like I don't want to make any judgment. You love who you love, okay, that's just that. But that's, it's your personal private thing, okay, but let's draw a line right there. Let's just back up, even just a few years ago, and draw a line right there, because that's a memory, if you remember, all we needed was gay marriage to support who you love, and that's all they wanted. As soon as they got that, they crossed the line and said that now know that the? Uh, now we're to the point where incest, child molestation, pedophilia, pedophilia is a sexual orientation and must be protecting they. They're saying that pedo protects the children, the lord, and that's why. But I mean, this is just, this is the craziest thing, but it doesn't stop there and that's where now we have to just jump in and have a podcast like this and enough is enough and leave the children alone, leave everybody alone, return to it, to her but I'm going to go a step further.

Speaker 2:

Okay, I'm obviously married, heterosexual, so be it. I don't even want to see those to play that display of affection when I'm out in public. No, I believe in it. What you do in your room is your business. It doesn't have to be everybody's business, but it's definitely not the kids business. Their children should. I mean don't get me wrong, a household should show their family love. And when I say that there's a nurturing, both parents need to nurture their children. Your children need to see some forms of affection. It's minimal for them to feel it. You don't have to show them and it be in your face. And now the problem is is you put it in education? You put it in every aspect. No wonder people are confused. They are being inundated with something that they don't, they're not meant to understand at that age. How are they not confused?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, no. Well, it's true, because at our core I firmly believe this. Here's a fire bomb for you. I really believe this. Our only purpose as humans in life is to serve the Lord, and I believe that people get sidetracked in that. And they can share and they can be married, they can have kids. I'm not saying all that's terrible. They can procreate and fill the earth, that's great and all that kind of stuff, but your main purpose in life is to serve the Lord and expand the teaching of Jesus Christ and expand the kingdom of God. That's your purpose in life, and everybody else you know not only so. Now they chemically or however, castrate your kids. They do all these things, attack the children and then they tell everybody that you've got to be so successful in order to be an indentured servant to the government so they can get everything that you have. And then that's your purpose in life is to be successful but, okay, I'm gonna go.

Speaker 2:

So you went. You mentioned the chemicals. Okay, so when you're changing your gender and things like that, you're mutilating your current DNA, yeah, your body structure. You're mutilating it. Sure, and that's fine if that's you can mutilate it, but you're not changing it. But you can't. You can't get back what you just damaged. No, you can't, no, okay, you can't get back what you just damaged. No, you can't, no, okay. With that being said, that was the enemy's goal because he can't create yeah, is to mutilate, change, destroy God's creation. Yeah, so there is a dark agenda behind it. Yeah, I'm not saying that children don't feel confused Going through puberty. You don't feel human, you don't know what's going on your body's raging different hormones that you've never known. You do have that. But instead of us embracing and telling this is normal, we've all went through this. We don't give these kids grace. We're telling them what they should feel and how they should change, and they were only magnifying the problem. And then suicide comes in. So it's kill, steal, destroy.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, the typical works of the enemy, but we're not acknowledging it for that? No, because we don't even want to acknowledge that we're not in charge of our own destiny.

Speaker 2:

Well, and they're saying you know where we are, it's a spiritual war. We've never not been in it through the spiritual war.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it's been a spiritual war since the beginning. You can go all the way back to the Garden of Eden. I mean, it wasn't the serpent. Which spiritual war against Eve when the woman, because the woman's the cause of all our problems. Oh, absolutely, he's gonna get me on that. Oh, I love it, I love it, I just yeah, right, I thought that was that was pretty good.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but the old me 25 years ago would have unloaded on him.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I love it. I love it. That was a good one. I like it. But you know, like I mean we get in these deals I wish that we had, I wish that we could do this. I mean I know that you and I could do this for 12 or 13 hours, but I wish that we could do it that long and on podcast.

Speaker 3:

But sometimes you know, we get lost in all these different thoughts and I'll just tell you like we never have. You could tell, I know you could tell by listening to the podcast. So we never really have a plan going in. We just kind of have some thoughts and we go about it. We just talk it out just as friends, and that's what we do. It's fellowship, it's it's fellowshipping and it's not meant to. We're not really here to try to give you like a biblical lesson and hammer home it's food for thought is what it is. What we do is just try to bring up a series of topics and we talk them out just as like a friend group would, and that's what we intend to happen. We get your mind going and then you just start expanding on it and everything else. So whenever you send us emails about how wrong we are and how we know that we got you fired up and got your mind thinking, and that's just how we think that we're helping spread the word For me.

Speaker 2:

So I've already compared a previous to, not the previous one. But, like I've always struggled with authority, I don't like being told what to do and then I struggle with being corrected. That just comes from my childhood traumas different things, whatever. However I can my mom and the Lord I received my most amount of correction. I just started receiving correction from my husband, which was very difficult for me. I do receive it and I think we struggle with everyone takes everybody's word for it. I have never been that person. I've always had a little bit of doubt, but I think that that's what's allowed me to continue to be a free thinker.

Speaker 2:

I think some of these people have just got comfortable being told how to live, told what to do, and they're complacent. I'm not that person. So, like I told my kids my kids are older, early twenties, and they both have my daughter's married, my son's got a significant other I always told them listen, every family has dysfunction in it. You make a choice. You can either adopt one of the dysfunctions that you already know or you can create your own. I suggest you create your own. I think that I want my kids to be able to make decisions for themselves. I want them to be independent, truly independent. I don't want them to be order takers and just do things. I think, as a parent, you don't raise your kid to be a follower. You want your kids to be leaders. You want them to pave the way their way. So I just think that we're in a community of people are very complacent.

Speaker 2:

I believe technology is a double edged sword. I think that video games they definitely take from a child. They get them desensitized in a lot of different ways. There's got to be a ton of subliminal messaging and that, in addition to that, our kids' noses are on the phone. They're not interacting, they don't have the draw for human interaction and I think that we're in that level and we've allowed it. We didn't realize it was even going to it. Like I tell my kids when they were younger my phone it's not a toy, it was a tool, but it's not a toy. Together, my phone it's not a toy, it was a tool, it's not a toy. And I think now you're seeing that these kids they spend more time on their phones looking at things and getting guidance from people that they wouldn't necessarily even interact with if they had this. And I'm not saying it's. I just feel like family values have left the building that's it right there.

Speaker 3:

The family values have left the building, family bodies have left the government and everything else. But we're gonna, we gotta end it right there. And that gives us food for thought for next time. And you know what we should start out with next time? This will have two firebombs. My phone is not a toy, and the other one. Is you ready for it? Yeah, homosexuality comes right from the devil. It's just the birth child of the devil.

Speaker 2:

But it comes from abuse, a form of it.

Speaker 3:

Yes, a form of it right there, because everybody that partakes in the homosexual lifestyle is either physically, mentally or sexually abused, and we're going to end it right there Before that's all coming up. Next time on Faith vs Religion, got all the firebombs for the week. Get yourself fired up and deep in thought and then ask the Lord for guidance. Talk to you later. Bye, thank you.