Humanity of Fame

Respecting Time: A Discussion on Celebrity Lateness with Aurea McGarry

August 05, 2024 Kali Girl / Aurea McGarry Season 1 Episode 1

Aurea McGarry is an Emmy award-winning TV show host, podcaster, and the president of the Limelight Television Network. She is known for her inspiring presence and expertise in the entertainment industry.

In this episode of "Humanity of Fame," host Kali discusses the concept of lateness in personal and professional contexts with guest Araya McGarry. The conversation begins with a news story about Madonna's habit of starting her concerts late and explores the broader implications of chronic lateness.

References and Links:

Key Topics:

  • The impact of lateness on fan experience at concerts
  • Personal anecdotes about lateness in social settings
  • The importance of respecting others' time
  • The difference between fans and "stans" in accepting lateness
  • Strategies to manage time effectively and the consequences of chronic lateness on relationships

Potential Listener Questions:

  1. How do you feel about celebrities being late to their performances? Does it affect your overall experience?
  2. Have you ever experienced chronic lateness from a friend or family member? How did it impact your relationship?
  3. What strategies do you use to ensure you are on time for important events?
  4. Do you think there is a difference between how lateness is perceived in personal versus professional settings?

Find out more about Kali and the show HERE: