Humanity of Fame

Balancing Support and Control: Navigating College Admissions with Denise Thomas

September 03, 2024 Kali Girl Season 1 Episode 7

Denise Thomas is a TEDx speaker, international best-selling author, and mentor to parents of college-bound teens. She specializes in helping families navigate the complex process of college admissions and scholarships, empowering parents to support their children in achieving financial freedom through higher education.

In this episode host Kali discusses the pressures parents place on their children to succeed, particularly in the context of college admissions, with guest Denise Thomas. The conversation explores the fine line between support and control, the impact of social media on parental behavior, and the importance of allowing children to establish their own identities. Denise provides valuable insights into how parents can guide their children through the college admissions process without overstepping or projecting their own desires onto their kids.

Key Topics:

  • Parental Pressure vs. Support: Understanding where to draw the line between encouraging success and exerting control over a child's academic and personal choices.
  • Social Media and Parenting: The role of social media in amplifying parental pride and its potential to create unrealistic expectations for children.
  • College Admissions Realities: The importance of realistic expectations in the college admissions process and how to handle rejections with grace.
  • Identity Formation: How parents can help their children develop their own identities and make choices that align with their true selves, rather than parental expectations.

Potential Listener Questions:

  1. How can parents balance support and control when guiding their children through the college admissions process?
  2. What impact does parental behavior on social media have on a child's self-esteem and identity formation?
  3. Why is it important for children to establish their own identities separate from their parents' expectations?
  4. How can parents help their children handle college rejections and set realistic expectations for their future?

References and Links:

Find out more about Kali and the show HERE: