Humanity of Fame

Why Do Men Fear Women in Leadership? Insights from Ramona Rogers

September 09, 2024 Kali Girl

Ramona Rogers is a serial entrepreneur, coach, speaker, and business consultant with a passion for empowering women entrepreneurs. As the founder and CEO of the Royal Influencers Organization and the Royal Empowerment Group, she helps women launch, build, and scale their businesses while fostering confidence and leadership.

Ramona and I discuss the historical and current evolution of female leadership. We talk about how societal norms, cultural conditioning, and gender competition shape men's fears toward women in leadership. The conversation also touches on corporate dynamics, the undervaluing of women's roles in both the home and workplace, and strategies to promote gender inclusivity in professional settings.

Key Topics:

  • Female Leadership Evolution: How the historical suppression of women in leadership roles has led to fear and resistance among men.
  • Gender Competition in the Workplace: Exploring how societal and cultural norms drive competition between men and women in professional settings.
  • Women's Role in Society: The critical and often undervalued role women have played in both homes and corporations.
  • Promoting Gender Inclusivity: Strategies to support women in leadership through organizational policies and practices such as affirmative action and SWOT analysis.

Potential Listener Questions:

  1. How has the historical suppression of women in leadership roles shaped the fears men have toward female leadership today?
  2. What is the impact of gender competition in the workplace, and how can it be addressed?
  3. How can organizational policies promote gender inclusivity and support women in leadership roles?
  4. What are the cultural and societal factors that influence attitudes toward women in power?

References and Links:

  • Connect with Ramona Rogers and explore her coaching programs: Royal Influencers Organization
  • Learn more about empowering women entrepreneurs through leadership development: Royal Empowerment Group

Find out more about Kali and the show HERE: