Streamline Success Show

Leveraging AI for Course Creation and Marketing Success with Joy Nicholson

August 23, 2024 Dagmar Schult Season 1 Episode 6

 In this episode of the "Streamline Success Show," host Dagmar Schult interviews Joy Nicholson, owner of "Unleash Your Marketing" and author of "Mastering Course Creation with ChatGPT." Joy shares her journey from traditional to digital marketing, exploring how AI has transformed her approach to course creation and client engagement. Tune in to learn practical tips on using AI to streamline your business, balance technology with creativity, and stay ahead of industry trends. 

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[00:00:00] You're listening to the Streamline Success Show. I'm your host, Dagmar Schult. In this podcast, we talk about how AI and automation can help busy coaches like you simplify their online businesses. We share practical advice that you can start using immediately.

[00:00:25] Welcome everybody. Today we have a very special guest with us, Joy Nicholson.

[00:00:30] Joy is the owner of an online marketing agency and she's also the author of the book Mastering Course Creation with ChatGPT. Joy has been helping businesses with their marketing for years and is now leveraging the power of AI in doing so. And in this episode, we talk about course creation with AI. Joy will share her expert insight, helping us streamline the course creation process.

[00:01:00] Joy, welcome to the show. Thank you so very much for having me. I really appreciate your time and thank you for, yeah, for this opportunity. It's awesome to speak to your audience about it. Yeah, thank you. First let me know what inspired you to start your marketing agency and dive into the world of online marketing.

[00:01:19] So I started my agency in 2019 and before that in 2018 I started my own business and I wasn't sure if I've always been in marketing, like I've been in marketing since 2017, well 2007 actually, so I've been in marketing for a long time, but I did billboards and magazines and, you know, all kinds of other actual like physical things, not digital marketing.

[00:01:43] And in 2018, I started a business and I dabbled, I did online shops. I did, um, MLMs and all these different things. And I was like, okay, this all sucks. I hate this online game. I really don't like it. And then I did a challenge in the beginning of [00:02:00] 2019 that taught me about sales funnels. And immediately I was hooked and I was like, well, I know the concept of marketing cause I've been doing it for so long now I'm just taking the concepts and I'm just applying it digitally. 

[00:02:12] And that just hooked me and I just absolutely loved it. And that's how I started my agency in March, 2019. Yeah. So it's, um, like the journey we all do. So we, in the beginning, we struggle finding, our topic and moving on from thing to thing. I think everybody does this in the online world. Don't know why. [00:02:33] Yeah. But it's important to do that too, because you know what you actually learned what you don't want to do. And I think that's more important than what you actually set on yourself to do. And like I failed so many times and I worked stupid hours in my business that in 2018, I pulled 60 hours a week while having a toddler and a kid in school.

[00:02:55] So I was a horrible parent. I was a horrible mom. I was impatient and I was like, something's got [00:03:00] to change. And then I really understand the factors of when you fail to succeed, that is the way to go. And then finding that something that you do and you're really good at it, then you just keep pushing with that one thing and that one thing only.

[00:03:13] And I think that's the secret sauce when you find your thing online. Yes, right. And actually, , what I discovered is you need to find your passion, really. So that was for me, I was struggling for so long. And even the last year when I thought I found what I want to do, I was kind of bored and didn't really like what I was doing.

[00:03:37] And when AI came around, I didn't realize that I can utilize it, in my coaching. I just used it for my work. And when this hit me, it was, Oh my God, this is so exciting that is fun doing. so now I'm here and talking about it and this really changed everything for me.

[00:03:57] I was at a marketing and AI event about [00:04:00] a month or two ago. And the guy that was talking about it, he was actually in the same room of some of the founders of, you know, like the companies like ChatGPT.

[00:04:11] And he was saying that what is released now, what we see is nothing in comparison to what's to come. And what AI is doing is they are dripping out little bits and pieces. To the public, you know, to the general world population, because if they just go full steam and just drop it all on us, we'll explode.

[00:04:32] Like we would not be able to handle it. So, in October, there's predicted to become a massive, like storm of AI content towards people. So I don't know what it is. You didn't go into the details, but it would be very fascinating to see what's going to happen then. I am sure. So actually I've started, a training as an AI trainer, four weeks ago, five weeks ago, and even now.

[00:04:59] So [00:05:00] I thought I know a lot of, , about a AI, but there is so much out there even now, , that you just you can't handle it right now. So it's so much, it's really crazy. Yeah. Mm-Hmm. . So how did AI help you in your marketing? How did you discover AI for your marketing? Um, so basically when ChatGPT was released a couple of years ago now, can't remember what it's about two years now, I think it is.

[00:05:27] Yeah. Mm-Hmm. . Yeah. We started use, well, we used it about two years ago. We started using it. Um, yeah. Having a marketing agency. The very first thing we did is we utilized it for creating sales funnel copy, email copy, you know, things like that, like all the marketing materials that a company would use. Um, and then obviously you can use it in such automations as well, you know, chatbots. 

[00:05:49] I mean, we use AI every day. If you look at Siri, Google, you know, all of that is, is AI. But now it's just changed the world in a sense of how we use it in our marketing. When you like [00:06:00] create a copy and things like that. Um, and that's how we started using it. And we use a system called GoHighLevel. You're familiar with GoHighLevel.

[00:06:07] And inside GoHighLevel, you can actually use ChatGPT as well. So it's just changed everything that we've doing. So instead of us spending, I don't know, like three weeks learning to understand a customer's ideal clients, we do this now within minutes. We used to have a team going out, speaking to our ideal, like to our customers, clients, so we can understand who they are, what their desires and needs and struggles, all of those things are, so we can actually effective market to them.

[00:06:36] And now we don't even have to do that anymore. Well, we obviously will have here and there a conversation, but it's not weeks and weeks of research anymore. Now we're talking to them on AI and within minutes we have a full client profile. And that alone in itself is thousands of dollars of money that you don't spend and time that you don't spend.

[00:06:55] Yes. Right. So, and what actually [00:07:00] inspired you to write your book? Yeah, cause it's on course creation. Yeah. So one of the things that we've been doing since 2019 is help coaches to create courses. So just because you're a coach doesn't mean you actually have a course that you're selling. You know, you could be one-on-one coaching.

[00:07:17] So what we've done 2019, 2020 and 2021, mostly those three years is we helped coaches that was coaching one-on-one. We helped them to basically get more of their own time back by selling a course and that's really, you know, the niche that we were and we still in that niche, but not so very, very niche down onto it.

[00:07:38] Um, yeah. So this is the book, this is the one I put down And I've taken the knowledge that I've got. From the last, well, since 2019 really, that we've been doing it and we've turned, I've turned it into the book and it inspired me to do that in a story writing way because I don't want it to just be a boring, boring book. 

[00:07:56] Book, you know, because if you do, I are wrong. It can be very boring. And I [00:08:00] want coaches to see this book so they can go like, Oh, actually it's not that hard for me to create a course based on my knowledge, because what we have found is when we have clients, like, I'm just going to give an example, I'm not going to mention names.

[00:08:15] So for example, I have a client that is very, very good in LinkedIn and he's been speaking on stages about LinkedIn. It's absolutely amazing, right? Now he's got all this knowledge. he's not just good in LinkedIn. He's good in persuasive speaking. because he's a speaker, he's a paid speaker. He gets paid like 20, 30,000 to be on a stage.

[00:08:36] Now for him to actually get his knowledge out into a course that takes time and effort, he's a busy man. He's traveling the world. Speaking on stages is, you know, he's actually still running a business. And then on top of that, it's just a lot, right? He coaches one on one, he does all of these things. Now for a man like him to sit down and to take what he knows and put that into a course, that's time consuming [00:09:00] because sometimes it's hard to do that.

[00:09:02] Now, what we've done is we've created a way to use ChatGPT to take your knowledge and turn it into a course. So you're not making things up, cause this is the thing. And this is what I'm also talking about. It's like, you're not going to lie about like, please don't go and talk about engineering if you've never done engineering, you know, take the skill that you know, that you're good at, and then turn that into your actual, you know, course thing, and that's what we do.

[00:09:27] So within, it was like eight minutes, I timed it, worked out everything for him. So what I did is I took one of his speeches that he's done. And I uploaded the speech into ChatGPT and I said, well, we first had to trans, what do you call it? Um, like the, sorry, I'm getting a brain flop.

[00:09:45] Take the audio from it, upload it into ChatGPT. And then I said to ChatGPT, take this and turn it into a course. So what ChatGPT did, broke down all the headlines. So you've got your course content laid out. Then I said to her, okay, based on that, create me an [00:10:00] ebook. It did that. But obviously there's more prompts back and forth.

[00:10:02] It's not just the only one, but this is the concept. Yeah. And then from there you go into more details. You create worksheets, checklists, all of those things. You create badges, everything. The whole spiel took us eight minutes. That was eight minutes. And there it was, bam, pops your uncle, and you have this course laid out.

[00:10:20] And then literally all he has to do is just sit and record the videos. That's it. Right. Yeah. This is so cool. So how do you balance between the, the help of AI and the knowledge that it gets out and the human creativity and the process? Yes. Now that's a very good question. And it's also something that I'm very, very passionate about.

[00:10:45] And that's also, I've actually just created a course called Fill Your Funnel with AI Authentically, because I truly believe that you have to be authentic. Yes. You don't want to sound like just every other person out there using AI. So there's [00:11:00] two ways to do it. One is you actually teach Chajabati your brand voice. 

[00:11:04] Have you heard about this concept? Yes. And then the second one is you teach ChatGPT the words that you do not want it to use, like all the banned words. So it doesn't use all the weird magic saw and like all these other weird things that it uses. And then this is the other secret thing. Well, secret for the people that don't use AI, but if you're in the know, you know, um, and then you also teach it to become a really good, persuasive copywriting and you teach us the skills that a copywriter uses.

[00:11:33] And then that is basically the concept that it could pick kicks out in your brand voice. So it's, yeah. It sounds kind of simple, but it's a lot of conversation back and forth at ChatGPT to have this conversations to teach it so it ends up in the memory. Um, but yeah, so that's basically it. And then you base all of that on your course and obviously the content that you create for that, so you don't just sound like another person doing the same thing and storytelling, you teach it your [00:12:00] stories.

[00:12:00] So what I have done as well. I've got a whole bunch of, especially with that travel stuff. So I've given a whole bunch of photos of places where we've been. I've uploaded the photos and I'll see it. And I just gave it like a one or two liner of where we were and what we've done. And I said to it, well, write me stories based on this.

[00:12:17] And he did. So now what you do is you have these stories that is. authentic to you and you basically use those stories in your content to write whatever you want to write. Right, cool. Um, how do you get the, ChatGPT is sometimes a little bit hypey and if you say you want to have something engaging then it comes up with things that you say, oh no, not that, that is really sounding crazy.

[00:12:47] Um, Is that done with teaching it on your brand voice or do you need to do something else? it's definitely, it's part of the brand voice and then it comes in where you have your [00:13:00] band words as well. So you can teach it to not go crazy. Like personally, I don't like to use the magic stuff in my content.

[00:13:09] So it will say like, I don't know, in the beginning it would have things on rainbows and fairies and I'm like, what? That is just weird. And I would just say band this, band that. And if you put it in your band list, it doesn't come up with any of that stuff again. And if it does hallucinate is what it calls, it just goes on this tangent and it goes crazy.

[00:13:28] Then you just say to take a break. You type in there, take a break, give it a few minutes, and then you try again. But yes, so for it to, and it definitely comes in with your brand voice where you teach it to not do the things it's part of like, you tell it what you want it to do or want to kick out this information.

[00:13:44] And you also say what you don't like, and that helps a lot, but it's always a conversation. I mean, it's kind of like a naughty child. You're going to have this child rebellion and do things you don't want it to do. And then you just have to reprimand it, kill it, like pull it back and say, no, [00:14:00] do it this way.

[00:14:01] Yeah. Um, so regarding teaching ChatGPT, so do you stay in one chat to have it remember all the things or how do you make it remember it? Because the custom settings where you can put in something like that is very limited. Um, can't put in a lot there. Yes, this is true. It is limited. Um, I'm on the paid version, so I don't know if it's any different from the free version.

[00:14:32] You know, if everybody listened to this, if they're on the free or the paid, I can't speak for the free version. I've only used the free version for a few months and I moved over to the paid version. Um, and I know with the paid version, sure you can do a lot of the stuff with the free version, but the paid version gives you different, it was almost like the ChatGPT is just better.

[00:14:47] and your memory only takes that much information. so I would go back to my memory because it complains that it's full. I would read my memory and then I would see off the stuff that's in there. What can I combine? I would go into the memory.

[00:14:59] I would copy [00:15:00] and paste a whole bunch of stuff that I'm thinking, okay, this could be deleted, or this could be added to that, or this could be combined. And then I would say to. The ChatGPT, which my ChatGPT, I've called it Leonardo. So I would then go to Leonardo and say like, these are the three things, combine that and add that into your memory.

[00:15:14] And sometimes it will replace it, or sometimes it will just add it and it will complain it's false. You just go manually, you delete the things you don't want, and you add the combination of the stuff. So that's why you always keep your information fresh. Um, and the memory usable. Yeah. Thank you. Yeah.

[00:15:30] That's deep. , What trends do you see right now? So, , apart from what will happen in October, how AI will progress and help us in our marketing and in course creation, especially. I see chatbots becoming really big at the moment. Um, it's always been big, but it's like really trending at the moment.

[00:15:54] and it's really advanced even in comparison to how it was like three, four weeks ago. it [00:16:00] depends also on the system you use, like I'm using GoHighLevel and just looking at the chatbots in there, it's very advanced how can I say? It's almost like a human.

[00:16:09] You can speak almost like a human. Another thing that is also very popular, and I'm not sure how popular it is where you are or where I'm in Australia, but it's something that is popular in America is where they use it for food orders. You'll call a restaurant, but it's actually the chat bot that you speak to.

[00:16:26] Yes. And things like that, you know, so those type of things is really popular. And also using it for life coaching and mindset coaching. We have these apps that you can speak to. For me, that's a bit weird, but you know, those are trending as well. Yeah. Um, yeah. So there's lots of little things. I saw that Tony Robbins and Dean Graziosi have put out something like that in their mastermind 

[00:16:52] So they trained, everything that, Tony Robbins and Dean Graziosi know into this chat bot. And [00:17:00] so people can go there and ask Tony and Dean questions and they would get answers from them. And they are not there. Yes. Yeah, exactly.

[00:17:10] And that's the biggest strain I've seen now is that. And that's a, such a massive time and money in any business to have that. , and you can reach so many more people. So what advice would you give to people that may be a little bit hesitant to use AI because there are maybe not tech-savvy.

[00:17:30] Or they think they are not, or they have ethical problems. So here's the thing. is going to take over. This is the reality. It is, it's like the internet when the internet originally came out back in the day, I don't know, I was a kid, well, kid ish, I was like a teenager. Um, it was a big thing, but.

[00:17:49] People were hesitant about it back then. I remember my dad was like, we're not going to get that. Are you crazy? Um, and it's the same with AI. It is that thing that is as big as what the internet was back in the [00:18:00] day when it came out, it's going to happen. So you can just either get on board or you're going to be left behind.

[00:18:05] And as a business, if you're not going to adapt it in your marketing and your day to day and your automation, all of that stuff. You are going to be left behind where other people, I mean, you're going to be in your tractor while your competitor is going to be in a Ferrari. That's the reality. That's how it's going to look for you.

[00:18:21] And to avoid that, it's better to get on board. This is the beautiful thing about AI. You do not need to be tech savvy. You don't need to be. Um, all you need to do is think logical. And have conversations and there's courses out there to teach you about ChatGPT that is thousands of dollars. You don't need to spend that.

[00:18:39] All you need to do is play with judge for an hour every day, and you just need to understand the principles, you know, act like, because it needs to have a role in the style of, or like what we've done as we're teaching our ChatGPTs to, and you know, the custom ones that we've gotten from clients and so on, we teach them to be.

[00:18:56] Be that brand ambassador, that marketing assistant, and [00:19:00] that's all you need to do, is just teach it to be like you, sound like you, and that's what authenticity comes in, because then it's not unethical, and you're not going to use it to be unethical. I mean, obviously people, There's evil people. You're going to get it.

[00:19:13] It's going to happen. But I mean, as a person, you can choose to not do that and you can teach it to be authentic and not steal information. And that's the other thing you get like a tool like perplexity, where if you use, you know, perplexity, it actually gives you the resources of the information. I think Claude does the same, which ChatGPT can elucidate, and it might not give you all of the information.

[00:19:38] It might just make up websites and. Because it's there to please you. It wants to, it's like your child that just wants to like make you happy and it will just make up stuff to make you happy. And that's where you, that's kind of where you have to like, okay, this doesn't seem okay. And the human comes in and you're like, Oh, I know this topic and this doesn't sound all right.

[00:19:59] And [00:20:00] then you either go to another Perplexity or Claude, or you just go and do good old Google and you go and search it up. Um, and that's kind of how you make sure that you stay ethical with everything and authentic. Yeah, that's actually so important that you check , the things that it comes up with because first of all, it can be wrong.

[00:20:19] It's feed with human knowledge. So it's, of course, it can be wrong. And as you said, ChatGPT is not able to quote. , it comes up with quotes, unfortunately, but the quote, because the way ChatGPT learns is, um, you feed it with knowledge and it makes, um, a summary out of it. And the summary stays with ChatGPT. 

[00:20:45] So there is not the whole wording there and it can interpret the things and it does interpret. So the quote it comes back with is most likely an interpretation and not a quote. So. Very careful [00:21:00] with quotes on ChatGPT. So Claude is much better there. I think perplexity is better because perplexity actually comes out with the sources that it gets the information from.

[00:21:13] If you're looking for a research tool, definitely perplexity is number one, in my opinion. Because it can go out in real time and browse the internet, ChatGPT can do this in a limited version.

[00:21:29] ChatGPT released their, , their search engine. So that's pretty epic. That's really big. Interesting news. We will see what happens. So what other tools do you use besides, , text based things like perplexity or ChatGPT? So I use it to, I'm not too keen on the results in it. I'm still kind of playing with it, but there's a tool called, I think it's invideo where it sticks to video [00:22:00] to create videos. I'm not impressed, but I don't think it's called invideo, but it's not, it's not wow. 

[00:22:07] I think there's definitely room for improvement. There's another tool called Sora that does similar ish things. And then one that I'm dabbling with, which I'm playing with now, but it's actually quite fun. I actually want to get my 10 year old onto it. Is doodle, you're doodling with, yeah, so you put in, I think it's doodle. 

[00:22:25] com. I just like looked into it a couple of days ago, really. And you take, you type in the text and then the doodle gets created, um, by the text. So that could be something fun, yeah. Yeah. Text to, , images or text to videos is coming up. Yeah, that's right. And , we just tested or experimented around a little bit with image creation this week in my, , training that I'm doing.

[00:22:57] And we worked with [00:23:00] Midjourney and let it create an image. I was really amazed how, , real this was. It really looked like a real, uh, it was a park. So a park with a fountain and something like that and trees and people and it really looked amazing. I would put something out. Yeah, I never knew because I used Dall-E before, but, um, it's, it's a month ago, so it evolved in that time a lot, I think. 

[00:23:34] But Dall-E is not that good that MidJourney is, and, not that, , it doesn't look that real. But my images before were, uh, I thought I never can use that, but now you can, so it's crazy. How this evolves over time. I think it also depends on the type of images that you want to create, you know, so if you want to create an image that is about, you know, a real [00:24:00] looking person, then definitely Dall-E is not the way to go.

[00:24:03] But if you want to create like a, Image that is based on your, um, like your brand, if you want to make it like a cartoon character based on that, that's when that is really good. And now with the ChatGPT 4.0. What I do, and this is actually a pro tip for people that just, you know, do sales funnel things. [00:24:20] So I would like put into ChatGPT, this is a sales funnel copy, da, da, da, da, da. And then I would say, create me an image based on that copy, just in the same chat. And it would do that. And we'll create an image and sometimes it's terrible. And sometimes it's really good. And now you can actually edit the, because you click on the image and you edit it and you can say, you don't want this, you do with that. 

[00:24:41] Okay. And it came up with some really, like I've done a lot of images on the sales funnel itself, because that's our speciality is sales funnels. And it, I'm up with amazing images on sales funnels. So it really depends on what you want to create, you see? Yes, that's right. And with human beings, it's a little bit [00:25:00] crazy right now.

[00:25:01] So there was, , a lady, she is a doctor and she wanted, , to create an image of a, body, so the skeleton and the muscles. And I don't know what tool she used. I think it was Midjourney, but actually it came up with the head and attached to it was an arm. That was it. So it could be, um, yeah, a little bit improved. 

[00:25:29] I've definitely had some images where the, the guy would stand there Um, like one of the ones I've created was one of our sub brands where we, , help speakers specifically to create courses and stuff. And the image was like this guy standing there and he was holding his two arms like this in his hand.

[00:25:48] So it had heads coming out of his sides and holding his arms. I was like, okay, that is all wrong on so many levels. But yeah, you have to have fun and love. with what comes out [00:26:00] sometimes. Yes. So, yeah, but it, it improves so fast. That is crazy. Oh, let's see in a few weeks, a month, even this book that I've written, it's already outdated.

[00:26:13] I'm confident about it. And I've written it a month ago. So, um, I'm on a mission to update it because it's, you know, online, you can, you can get the updated copy and whoever bought it, I'll send them a copy, but it's, um, it's crazy how actually fast it goes. Yeah, it does. Yeah, I have the Kindle version of your book.

[00:26:35] I'm not, I'm not through it right now, but I'm on it. Yeah, there's, there's lots of things in here. Lots of prompts, lots of things. And it's, it's tested stuff, you know, it's not thumbs up stuff. It's tested and proven. So yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Thank you for doing this. , I love that, that you've put the prompts in it so you can just use it and test it.

[00:26:57] So that's great. So [00:27:00] is there anything that we haven't, hit on in this talk that you would love to talk about? I think we've basically covered everything. I guess just if I can have a word of encouragement to audience. It's like when I think of ai, don't feel overwhelmed. 'cause it can be very overwhelming for businesses.

[00:27:21] So here's the thing, a lot of our clients already have a full on business, right? So if you mention the word marketing or ai, they wanna take the can of back beans and run into a forest because it's just too much. They can't deal with it, right? But. It's actually embracing that because now using AI in your marketing is going to make it so much more simple.

[00:27:45] So my word of encouragement is to say that it is actually a good thing for you to have AI on your business because it will simplify processes. It will put your business on automation. It will increase your marketing reach because there's so many more things that you can [00:28:00] do behind the scenes. So it's all good things.

[00:28:02] So it's just about embracing it and it's, you don't need to be technical. advanced for it at all. It is just having a conversation. That's it. It's having a conversation back and forth to the human, human, and that's it. That's right. So I, I actually love, , dealing with ChatGPT as if it would be a human.

[00:28:21] So I say, Hey, and thank you. And so, and, and it always says it was a pleasure. If you have another question, feel free to ask. But that's the key. And that's what people don't understand. And there's so many times we're like, Oh, but it's nonsense. It gave me all this absolute bollocks information. It doesn't work. 

[00:28:41] da da da da da It is because what you feed it is not good. It, it needs your input to be good in what it gives you back. So, and that's the thing, and that's where that, you know, teaching with your brand voice and the authentication, all of that comes in. So yeah. Yeah. So thanks a lot, Joy. And, , tell my [00:29:00] audience, how could they reach out to you?

[00:29:02] How do they find you online? So we have, I think the website is probably the better option because we always have something running. Um, so the website is unleashyourmarketing. co, just C O not dot com. And on there, there's always something, our contact details is on there. Right now, we Um, running a challenge, um, in two weeks time is just probably selling a course or membership.

[00:29:26] There's always something, but that's probably the best option. Um, it's just kind of look on there what's happening and what we have an offer and it's free resources and a blog and all kinds of things. So, Yeah. Cool. Thank you. And thank you , for the talk. It was nice talking to you.

[00:29:42] It was fun. And I think what you're doing with your podcast is amazing. It's definitely needed in this world and yeah, keep going. It's awesome. I will. Thank you so much. Bye.

[00:29:53] Thank you for tuning in to the Streamline Success Show. If you enjoyed today's [00:30:00] episode, be sure to subscribe and to get access to today's show notes, head over to community. marketingunraveled. com. See you on the next episode.