4: Acting & Aligning with Ourselves
Redefining Us
Redefining Us
4: Acting & Aligning with Ourselves
Sep 26, 2024 Season 1 Episode 4
Stephanie Konter-O'Hara

There’s a recurring theme I often see of women feeling pressured to change themselves to maintain peace in various aspects of life. But what’s more important is being true to oneself, setting healthy boundaries, and rejecting societal pressures. This episode shares insights on how to identify and leave toxic environments or relationships, and to create spaces where you can feel safe and accepted. In here, I offer encouragement to seek peace and ease in your life by prioritizing your well-being and aligning with your authentic self.

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I wrote a book! Becoming Mommy: Aligning with yourself and finding your voice during pregnancy and motherhood, available at all major retailers - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DZT9P3RB?ref=cm_sw_r_ffobk_cp_ud_dp_KFT90ZBDS48FDGG6DH5X&ref_=cm_sw_r_ffobk_cp_ud_dp_KFT90ZBDS48FDGG6DH5X&social_share=cm_sw_r_ffobk_cp_ud_dp_KFT90ZBDS48FDGG6DH5X&bestFormat=true

Where to find more from Redefining Us:
Website: wellmindedcounseling.com/redefining-us-pod
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