Beggar's Canyon Boys

4. The Empire Strikes Back (1980)

August 26, 2024 Jackson Hill and Ryan Bultrowicz Season 1 Episode 4

Here's the big one fellas. This is where we decide if Ryan is going to enjoy the Beggar's Canyon Boys experience going forward. Will the amazing direction of Irvin Kirshner and the slower pace to develop characters be enough to engage him, or will he still just be annoyed at Han and Chewie? Let's freakin find out. Or as Yoda would say, "Freakin find out, we will".

Content covered:

- Movie: The Empire Strikes Back (1980)

Next time

- TV Special: SPFX: The Empire Strikes Back (1980 Documentary)
- Comics: Marvel's Star Wars (1977) Issues 39-44
- Video Games: The Empire Strikes Back (1982 Atari 2600)
More behind the scenes and merchandise discussed 

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