Driving snow pounded the steep slope.  Feet bound in animal 
               skins plunged into the pack, sinking to the knees.

               ELOUAN's eyebrows were caked with frost as he scoped out the 
               distance he had yet to traverse -- though in the darkness of 
               the storm, he really didn't know where or how far he had 
               come, much less the further he had to go.  His torchlight 
               twisted and danced within the gusts, nearly drawn to 
               extinction by the cyclonic currents.  Nevertheless, the light 
               held true, matching his own determination to survive.  The 
               cold of the wind and blasting snowfall stung, but fortunately, 
               it was only the split in the mask at the eyes where he was 
               exposed.  The rest of his face, and thankfully the rest of 
               his body, remained warmly wrapped by various animal furs.

               He trudged down the towering hillside of THE FRENCH ALPS, 
               keeping a watchful on eye on the erratic flickering of the 
               torch while also protecting the knapsack hung over his chest.  
               He didn't carry much, but what he did bring he considered 
               crucial to the success (and survival) of his mission.

               A sudden gust resisted his descent, forcing him to stop.  
               The impact nearly knocked the wind out of him.  He steadied 
               himself.  He imagined becoming the eye of the storm: the 
               center where all things can churn about, but where he would 
               remain in unshattered peace.  It was a focus he knew he would 
               have to master -- not just to survive the onslaught, but to 
               accomplish the very quest he had left his mystery school to 
               achieve.  Could he overcome the fear sure to tempt him?

               Having spent most of his life in the high Alps, he had been 
               bathed in the serenity of the Muein mystery school compound 
               tucked neatly away within the colossal mountain peaks.  The 
               temple's brightly painted stupas, arched halls, and stone-
               fenced courtyards remained cleverly hidden, shielded from 
               the valleys below by the angle of the summit pinnacles. The 
               community of nearly five hundred initiates and seven master 
               teachers lived peacefully atop and within the mount, the 
               outer temples supported by a labyrinth of caverns and 
               underground living areas carved into the bedrock inside the 
               heart of the slopes.  The architectural design was quite 
               deliberate. It was meant to keep everyone living there hidden 
               from the outside world. The wisdom and skills taught at the 
               mystery school stretched back centuries -- no one really 
               knew how long -- but had long since been forgotten by society.

               Elouan knew his fear would come when such knowledge would 
               inevitably clash with the modern way of life, when a member 
               of the temple descended to engage the chaos of civilization. 
               Such engagement was expected in order to advance from Guardian 
               Priest to Master Teacher, though this was not the reason he 
               advanced into the storm. Nonetheless, the true test of a 
               Guardian such as himself required the Pilgrimage of Service, 
               where one entered the world and helped others in a way that 
               would hopefully elevate consciousness (if only slightly) by 
               inserting pieces of the long-lost wisdom back into humanity.

               It was a dangerous mission -- made even more dreadful by the 
               herald of screams from the faraway East.

               His mind wandered ... carrying him back to his departure 
               from the school and his last goodbye to his closest friends.

               INT.  CAVE - DUSK - FLASHBACK

               GOLDA and WIMARC, around their early 20's, stood aglow within 
               the soft light of torches perched in sconces carved into the 
               rock walls of the small cave.  They blocked Elouan from 
               reaching the cavern mouth.  Golda reluctantly helped him don 
               his furs.

                         Surely you remember hearing such 
                         anguish in the orient?

                         And you have never traveled into 
                         lands of such darkness before.

                         Darkness is not something to be 
                         feared, or else the sun would never 

                         Then what of us?

               Elouan understood her uneasiness.  The clouds outside 
               blackened the stars beyond the grotto, and the incoming winds 
               trumpeted the cries of a sinister wraith.


               The snow pelted Elouan, bringing him back to the present.  
               He dropped to his knees, planted the torch, then clawed into 
               the snow.  He suddenly grabbed the light before the wind 
               could carry it away.  The flames dimmed to a lonely ember in 
               the gale.  Would it survive the night... he wondered.

                         Yes, it will endure, as all things 

               The phrase brought a smile to his lips still kept warm inside 
               the mask.  It was the same acknowledgement delivered by his 
               master before he embarked on this dangerous journey.

               Oh, Master Euric.  What a perfect, gentle soul.  The 
               enlightened guru gave his tranquility to everyone who visited --
               a gift he hoped to instill in all his students, including 
               Elouan. Such peace embraced Elouan when he knelt before him 
               at the temple alter, just hours earlier. The master had sat 
               most of the day, lit only by candles. The warm orange glow 
               glistened off his white satin robes, creating a radiance 
               that made him stand out like a heavenly mediator amidst the 
               ornate tapestries adorning the walls. Elouan wondered if it 
               was that sense of divinity he craved when he touched his 
               knees to the polished floor. He had already made the decision 
               to embark upon the quest; he wanted the celestial promise of 
               success -- not only for himself, but for his master and the 
               home he was leaving behind. He remembered how lightly the 
               peacock feather blessed each of his shoulders as Euric tapped 
               him, evoking his spring of compassionate wisdom.


                         We will endure as we always have.  
                         As so shall you.


               Elouan calmly slid another ice block into place.  The torch 
               flame burst more brightly than it had all night, now protected 
               behind the height of the packed snow shelter.  Fortunately, 
               his revelry with the past shielded his muscles and mind from 
               the task of its construction amidst the onslaught of the 

               With relief and satisfaction, he raised both arms triumphantly 
               and tilted his head back in a joyful blend of man with nature.  
               Then he faced the flame, knelt, and takes its warmth upon 
               his face.  The heat returned his mind back to his friends, 
               in the cave of his departure.

               INT.  CAVE - NIGHT - FLASHBACK

               Elouan kissed Golda on the cheek, and then Wimarc.  At last, 
               the light of the torches revealed him: a youthful mid-
               twenties, yet eyes that brandished the wisdom of an old soul.

                         You know I must do this.  My mother 
                         beseeched me.

                         Please speak with us.

                         Warn us of danger when it happens.

                         Wimarc, you and Golda worry too much.

               Summoning her courage, Golda wrapped Elouan's face with the 

                         Your passage would be much safer by 
                         the calming presence of the morning 

                         Remember, even the tapestry of night 
                         cannot suffocate the light of the 

               Elouan threw the knapsack over his head, allowing it to land 
               gently upon his chest.  Then he grabbed a torch from the 
               wall.  For brief moment, he considered its radiant flame, 
               then retreated into an ORANGE GLOW coming from outside.

               Wimarc and Golda watched as he stepped away, clearly torn by 
               his mission.


               A warm haze of firelight bathed Elouan as he began his quest 
               across the snow covered hillside.

               Several caves dotted the high expanse, just below the great 
               walls of the Muein temple complex.  Two or three MONKS flanked 
               each dwelling.

               A lit torch was passed from one monk to another.  Each lit 
               their own torch from the initial flame, creating the glow 
               over Elouan's departure.

               All manner of nationality peeked out from behind the heavy 
               furs of this humble group.  Caucasians, Black, Asian, East 
               Indian.  Males and females alike.

               When the last torch was lit, the group raised the glow high 
               into the air and HUMMED IN UNISON a tune that ECHOED across 
               the mountain range.


               The humming carried into the temple's Holy of Holies chamber, 
               where the school's seven masters formed a single row and 
               prostrated before a tapestry painted with a brilliant orb 
               representing the sun.  They were, in their own sacred way, 
               praying for Elouan's safety as he began his odyssey into the 


               The humming of his comrades filled Elouan's ears as he trekked 
               down the mountain, bathed in the splendor of the vigil.

               The snow and wind picked up ... then consumed him in its 


               Brilliant sunlight danced on dewdrops as the snowpack gave 
               way to shrubbery and the inviting entrance of a forest grove.  
               Elouan sat on a large boulder and undid the twine tying his 
               boots.  In no time, he dressed into a silk tunic, trousers, 
               and stockings ... then rushed through the woods, a brilliant 
               smile from ear-to-ear.

               EXT.  FOREST - DAY

               Elouan trotted around shrubs and knelt at a thick, stocky 
               bush.  He adored the plant, seeing the stalks of NEW GROWTH.  
               He gently snapped one of its soft branches and took a hearty 
               BITE from it.

               EXT.  RIVER - DAY

               Some time later, he found himself along the banks of a river.  
               He dipped his hands into the rapids, feeling the water cascade 
               like a jubilant kiss upon his skin... then splashed his face 
               with the blessed spring.

               A BEAVER suddenly came up beside him.

               Elouan slowly extended his arm and -- amazingly -- SCRATCHED 
               THE MAMMAL'S CHIN.  Their eyes met ... and it seemed a message 
               passed between them.

               (Elouan LAUGHS)

               The creature bound into the river and swam to its lodge.  
               She was met by two kits peeking above the wood.

                         Thank you!  It was nice meeting you!

               EXT. FOREST - DAY

               A squirrel bounded from tree-to-tree on a highway of branches.  
               Elouan chased after it from the forest below.

               The critter led him out of the woods onto a barren dirt road, 
               then disappeared into the next grove.

               EXT.  DUSTY ROAD - DAY

                         You win!

               Elouan stopped at a fork in the road.  A post with wooden 
               signs pointed in various directions: ROME, AVIGNON, TOULOUSE,  

               He hesitated, waiting for one of the signs to beckon his 
               attention.  None of them did.

               He dropped to his rear and dug into his belongings, pulling 
               out A WORN PIECE OF LEATHER with a faded symbol painted on 

                         Not too long now from the spring 
                         equinox for this great year of 1347 
                         ... So how old does that make this?

               He clenched it tightly in his fist, then closed his eyes to 
               focus more deeply into the fabric.


               Like a sword piercing his gut, the memory of YOUNG RANULF, 
               20's, a man infuriated, assaulted his awareness.  Elouan saw 
               him pull his hand away from ROESIA -- a young, plain but 
               beautiful peasant woman.

               Roesia yanked at Young Ranulf's clothing, gnawing at the 
               LEATHER SASH with the symbol on it, the very one Elouan was 

                                     YOUNG RANULF
                         It will be the end of us!

               EXT. DUSTY ROAD - DAY - PRESENT

                         Where have you gone?

               Elouan closed his eyes and fell into a meditative state.

               EXT.  DUSTY ROAD - DUSK

               A colossal galactic umbrella of pink and purple clouds 
               stretched into the coming night while Elouan remained in the 
               meditative pose.

               Behind, a pack of WOLVES were sneaking up.  The lead wolf 
               bared his fangs -- ready to strike ... silently ... cunningly.

               Elouan, back still turned, eyes closed and silent, raised a 
               hand as if to say "STOP."

               The pack, strangely, were frightened by the message and leapt 
               back into the forest.

               EXT.  DUSTY ROAD - NIGHT

               Within hours, rain drowned the countryside, soaking Elouan 
               in the deluge.  He hadn't stirred.  The downpour flowed over 
               his face and cascaded as tributaries into the bowl of his 
               lotus-seated legs.  

               EXT.  DUSTY ROAD - DAY

               When morning arrived, a brilliant sunbeam spotlighted Elouan, 
               still held deep in meditation.  In fact, the length of facial 
               stubble revealed he'd actually been here for days.

               A deer and its young fawn sniffed him, then ... finding him 
               quite queer, returned swiftly into the forest.

               (APPROACHING WAGON).

                                     WAGONER MAN
                         Ho!  Whoa!

                                     WAGONER WOMAN
                         What is he doing?

                                     WAGONER MAN
                         I don't know.  Hey - you - get out 
                         of the road!

               (PAUSE).  (SOUND: Man and woman coming off of wagon.  

                                     WAGONER WOMAN
                         Is he asleep?

               The man poked Elouan ... but the young lad failed to stir.

                                     WAGONER DAUGHTER
                         Is he dead?

                                     WAGONER MAN
                         We'll leave him be!

               (SOUND: Returning to wagon and riding off).

               EXT.  DUSTY ROAD - DAY - LATER

               Elouan at last opened his eyes to spy a falcon soaring away 
               with a dead prize gripped in its talons.  Its trajectory 
               followed the shadows of the forest treetops married in perfect 
               alignment with one of the roads.  Elouan knew, that was his 
               answer on where to travel.

               He stood, feeling the growth of beard upon his face.  With a 
               smile, he hoisted his pack and hiked down the boulevard.

               EXT.  ROADWAY/FOREST - DAY

               A deer was munching the grass alongside a narrow forest road.  
               Suddenly, the nearby trees and branches RUSTLED in agitated 
               frenzy.  Spooked, the fawn darted away.

                         No.  No!

               Rachel leapt out of the woods. She angrily wiped tears from 
               her cheeks, then re-attached the braid pulled loose from the 
               side of her face with a quick reinsertion of the hairpins. 
               With a tug, she repositioned the wimple back over her hair 
               and chin. Her breath pulsed with fury, while a patch of her 
               chest laid exposed -- the first few buttons of her worn linen 
               kirtle undone.

               JEHAN, slightly older than her, remained in the foliage, 
               hidden from the waist down by the bushes.

                         Rachel!  'Twas nothing.
                         Come back.

                         I thought such things only came after 
                         the ringing of bells.

               She mounted a tired old horse bridled to a cart filled with 
               chopped stumps.

                         No idle hands, Jehan.

               She rode away, passing an expensive white stallion tied to a 
               tree.  The steed was the epitome of youth and vigor by 
               comparison to her mare.

               Jehan, resigned, glanced at his hand, then down to his waist 
               hidden behind the bushes.

                         Well, my friend, here we go again.

               EXT.  JUNCTION - DAY

               The waters of the Mediterranean twinkled in the bright sun 
               as Rachel reached the crest in the hill leading down to the 
               old port city.  The mosaic of buildings appeared quite 
               inviting but was still at least a half-hour away, down the 
               slope of the farmland plateau. Nonetheless, it shined like a 
               beacon along the bay -- a wealth of stone and wooden buildings 
               stretching a few square miles and capped by a wondrous 
               cathedral. A stone rampart surrounded the town, wrapping all 
               the way to the inlet shores, complete with defensive parapets. 
               A single massive wooden gate provided entrance and exit, 
               presently open for all visitors. Rachel sighed with relief, 
               knowing soon she would be safe within its walls.

               First, she had to traverse the potholes of the earthen 
               roadway. She had come from the eastern woods, which was a 
               highly traveled road that easily succumbed to erosion from 
               the many visitors on way to the town.  As she jostled upon 
               the cart bench, she spotted a lone stranger approaching from 
               an adjoining road that came in from the darker forest lands 
               of the west. The young man had a lightness in his step, with 
               a sack of belongings draped over his chest.

               A pair of birds zipped over Elouan as he approached the fork 
               that joined the eastern and western paths to the main road 
               descending toward the city. He smiled after the singing 
               chaffinches, a grin that spoke an affirmation of gratitude 
               more than surprise. Their song came as a lilting reply to 
               his appreciation, then they bolted ahead of Rachel on her 
               way to the city gates. Rachel jumped, startled by how close 
               they came to grazing her head. Fortunately, the soothing 
               notes of their song brought a pleasant smile to her lips.

               Elouan paused, captivated by the sight of civilization in 
               harmony with the sea. It had taken a few days to get here 
               since he rose from meditation, and he had found many wonderful 
               stops along the way. He wondered if this would outdo them 
               all. He could feel the excitement building; a chance to 
               witness cultured life beyond his monastic school home. He 
               was ready -- his mind, education, skills, all set for whatever 
               tests were ahead. So far, he had successfully vanquished the 
               challenges already encountered, as evidenced by the 
               cleanliness of his clothing and hygiene -- his face washed 
               of dirt, plus earlier that day he had shaved. Though his 
               shoes and stockings showed a film of dust, such was expected 
               from so great a trek.

               The sudden bleating of the sheep captured him. He turned to 
               see that he stood on the edge of a farming hamlet spread out 
               upon the plateau overlooking the town below.  A half-dozen 
               small cottages with equally small fields dotted the landscape, 
               a few separated by fences, with a larger manor house rising 
               up in the far distance behind, as if standing sentinel, with 
               a much larger pasture for planting. At the edge of the tiny 
               village, artisans busied themselves with hammers and saws 
               constructing a new parish church, the fa ade and framework 
               nearly finished.  Elouan also noticed a mill with a water-
               wheel slowly churning along a small creek at the eastern end 
               of the community, near an orchard of fruit trees, just along 
               the border to the eastern woods. The fields were farmed as a 
               combination of wheat and grass, with livestock to help work 
               the crops or as slaughter for food. It appeared the land was 
               being readied for planting as a nearby farmer guided his 
               plow behind a burly ox.

               Elouan marveled at how all of life erupted in that single 
               glance. There were ewes helping newborn lambs wobbling to 
               stand for the first time; a pair of farmers coaxing and 
               cheering as they assisted a cow to give birth -- the calf 
               falling out its mother's backside, covered in caul.

                         A little early, but we'll still take 

               Elouan spied a peasant woman grabbing a racing chicken and 
               hauling it into the hovel, no doubt for supper. Indeed, the 
               fullness of existence was happening in that single moment.

                         It must only be a fragment of the 
                         wonders happening in the city.

               He noticed the anticipation pushing toward a sense of 
               impatience, like opening a chest for the first time and diving 
               in to uncover the treasures. He wanted to make fast to the 
               urban center and its waterfront, but also knew he couldn't 
               rush the journey, lest he miss something of its grandeur. 
               Nevertheless, the eagerness of revelation put a jaunt in his 
               step as he descended the sloping road leading to the town, 
               seeing the cart of the young lady who came before him already 
               far in the distance, leading him on.

               EXT.  CITY - MAIN ROAD - DAY

               Cobblestone and earth stretched into a street through a dense 
               packing of tenement buildings.  TOWNSFOLK crowded, wandering 

               Rachel, passing by on her horse, spied through open doors:

               -- WOMEN prepping vegetables over a hearth, laughing at 
               CHILDREN playing around them.

               -- DOCTOR MASCI (also known as a Barber Surgeon) piercing a 
               PATIENT's forearm and catching the blood in an urn.

                                     DOCTOR MASCI
                         This will help drain the infection.

               -- Then passing the open Dutch door of the NOTARY SHOP.  The 
               sign advertising his services was being re-hung above the 
               door, as one side had fallen loose a few days earlier from 
               wind and rain.  It ran down the list of his services -- 
               contracts, marriage, wills.  Clearly, the sharply dressed 
               lawyer was engaged in the last of these offerings, as Rachel 
               could see he was consoling a distraught woman with three 
               weeping children.

                         I am so dreadfully sorry for your 

               Rachel concurred. Her heart sank at the thought of the poor 
               children growing up without their father. How much did they 
               know him?  Would his widow regale them with tales of his 
               strength, compassion, and heroism?  For sure, she also grieved 
               for the wife.  Hopefully her husband left behind adequate 
               finances for home and servants to ease the burden. 
               Nonetheless, her mind kept returning to the kids. She knew 
               intimately what they were about to face: the emptiness; the 
               unanswered questions; wondering about the future that might 
               have been; and the loss of so great a relationship.

               The thoughts consumed her for a few blocks, only to be broken 
               by the realization she needed to steer clear of the women 
               milling about in the middle of the road.  They came one after 
               the other, dumping chamber pots into the gutter that ran 
               down the center of the street.  One particularly elderly 
               lady sneered as she tossed her slop into the trough. The 
               contents were thick, soupy, and dark -- much more than a 
               night's batch of stinky urine.

                                     ELDERLY WOMAN
                         Out to the bay with you, shite.

               Rachel scrunched her nose to politely avoid the cesspool 
               stench without offending the citizens.  Fortunately, she 
               turned down another street, leaving it behind.

               EXT.  TAVERN - DAY - MOMENTS LATER

               Here, she found more shops, including one of the more popular 
               pubs in town. Already, its doors were open and patrons were 
               crowding about. She recognized Mathias, a large brute of a 
               man, stumbling out with a wooden goblet still in hand.  He 
               downed the beer with a single gulp.  (BURP)

               He then meandered to the middle of the road, dropped his 
               drawers and pissed in the gutter.

               LOOSE DOGS suddenly scrambled across Rachel's path.  She 
               quickly steered the horse and avoided them.  Then she wound 
               around WILD PIGS munching on a heap of garbage.  Throughout 
               all this, her horse kept watch on the obstacle course of 
               waste piles and scavenger animals, both wild and domestic. 
               From the shadows, black rats reconnoitered for their next 


               After another few blocks, she landed at the livery. As she 
               put her mare into one of the outside stalls, two small boys -- 
               Leo and Gladwin -- rushed in, clashing wooden swords in play.  
               Leo was the smaller at 5 years-old and was clearly being 
               outdone by his 7-year-old opponent.

                         Oh -- some brave knights, I see.


                         We shall vanquish the Holy Land of 
                         the infidels, we will.

                         I'm afraid not today.  Now, instead 
                         of "vanquish," why not you vanish 
                         out of the business of the streets?  
                         Go on now.

               She kissed Gladwin on the forehead then ushered them off.

                                     GLADWIN'S MOTHER
                         Gladwin!  Leo!  Do not fuss with the 


                         See you tomorrow!


               Rachel went to the back of the cart.  She paused, still caught 
               in the throes of her encounter with Jehan.  Annoyed, she ran 
               a hand through her dirty hair, then grabbed a bucket filled 
               with the chopped wood.

                         Boys.  Always taught to conquer and 
                         not to love.

               EXT.  ANOTHER CITY STREET - DAY

               Rachel carried the heavy bucket in both arms, winding around 
               wild chickens and ducks as she navigated the dirty street.

               She passed her friends, SARAH and CLARICE, as they dumped a 
               cauldron of muck into the canal that ran down the edge of 
               the road.  The young girls sneered at the putrid smell and 
               waved at the cloud of flies zipping about.  There were several 
               mounds poking above the water line this day ... after all, 
               it was the communal cesspool for dropping waste.

               A nearby black rat sniffed the aroma on the breeze.

               Sarah spotted Rachel and chased after her.

                         Sarah!  The madame ... What are you --

                         A moment.

               (CATCHING UP)


                         So what?

                         Rachel, he is the son of a nobleman.  
                         They don't usually hold interest 
                         outside of their own ranks.

                         You think he would honestly make me 
                         a noble woman?  Jehan may be gifted 
                         with nobility, but today he showed 
                         himself to be as plebeian as the 
                         next ne'er-do-well.

               Sarah stopped, dumbfounded, as Rachel kept walking away.

                         Are you daft?

               INT.  COBBLER SHOP - DAY

               Within a few moments, she turned down another street and 
               entered a small cobbler shop.  Her father, Umfrey, knelt 
               over a bench, plucking an intricate pattern into the top of 
               a leather shoe with a small metal poker.  His arched back 
               spoke to years of service, along with the thinning grey hair 
               upon his head.

                         How fare ye, Poppa?

               Instead of acknowledging her, he addressed a pair of dusty 
               sandals dangling on the wall before him.

                         At last, she returns with bounty 
                         that should have taken half a shadow 
                         to retrieve. ... Idle hands, my dear, 
                         idle hands.

                         Idle hands, indeed.

               EXT.  CITY GATE/MAIN ROAD - DAY

               Elouan anticipated a wondrous entrance as he approached the 
               gate.  He could see the tops of the tenements rising just 
               beyond the wall, and the voices of the citizens rolling out 
               like a strange yet alluring kind of music.  He couldn't wait 
               to dive in with all his senses once he passed onto the 
               cobblestone streets.  He didn't mind the sentries perched on 
               the parapets controlling the gate; every city needed its 
               guard.  An introduction to the modern world was only footsteps 
               away and he was brimming with joyous expectation.

               He stopped just as the ground transitioned to stone.  Instead 
               of being hit by the brilliance of civilization, it appeared 
               rather chaotic to him.  Most wore dingy clothes, their hair 
               matted from lack of hygiene, wandering aimlessly or without 
               direction.  There were a few that seemed to have some purpose, 
               but even they looked rundown or otherwise caught in turmoil.  
               The buildings also looked as though they needed repairs and 
               were standing purely by grace rather than architectural 
               design.  The whole of the town's decay confused him. The 
               energy that spurred him evaporated and he stood transfixed 
               in a futile effort to comprehend the disorder.

               A haggard middle-aged woman, Mazelina, leaned out her second-
               story window with a chamber pot in hand.

                         Look out!  Look out below!

               STREET PEOPLE dispersed as she dumped the bucket's liquid 
               poison -- aiming for the piss gutter and sorely missing it.  
               A YOUNG WOMAN'S fringe was painted with the slosh.

               Elouan remained speechless as the whole incident unfolded. 
               As soon as it past, a wandering pig nestled its snout into 
               the gutter, searching the urine for a prize.

               Elouan then spotted a market where displays had been set up 
               showing various fruits such as oranges, bananas, and other 
               offerings. He watched an attendant pick up an apple from the 
               base of a stack and destabilize the whole lot. A pair of 
               apples careened off the stand and went rolling into the 
               street, coming to an abrupt halt in a pile of horse manure. 
               The laborer quickly grabbed them, but to Elouan's horror, he 
               sparsely wiped them on his apron and then settled them back 
               on the stand.

               Elouan found the coughing coming from a family towing a 
               covered cart, entering the city alongside him.  He noticed 
               the father buckling from the hacking.  His wife, concerned, 
               placed a hand on her husband's forehead to check for fever. 
               The elder man winced, then inserted a palm under his armpit, 
               as if feeling something there.  Elouan followed the cart, 
               offering a silent prayer.

               A dog barreled across his path, forcing him to stop.

               Elouan panned around, soaking the sights in, but not in the 
               way he had hoped.  He closed his eyes and breathed deeply to 
               ground himself.  Even among all this, he knew, the brightness 
               of life was outpouring its glory; it just took more effort 
               to spot it in the grime.  However -- with such effort -- he 
               could feel it, if only mildly.  The vitality, though 
               suppressed, was still present.  With that, he smiled.  When 
               he opened his eyes, nothing had changed save for his focus, 
               but he knew that alone may tease out what was so hidden in 
               the recesses of urban confusion.  The notion inspired him to 
               continue.  He strolled down the street, a bit more at ease, 
               knowing that right around the corner something wonderful 
               could happen.

               INT.  2ND STORY TENEMENT ROOM - DAY

               GIOVANNI, WILLIAM, and TIVOLD, young rogues in their 20's, 
               sat at a table and played backgammon near an open window 
               looking down on the street.

                         Take that, you crooked-nose knave.

                         Churl.  I bet your best sheep --

                         You'd like his sheep, wouldn't you?

               Tivold tossed his pieces at William, then glared at Giovanni.

                         A pound to you too.

               Tivold leapt to his feet and threw a punch at Giovanni.  
               Giovanni caught the fist.  All of a sudden, he SPIED ELOUAN 
               OUT THE WINDOW.  Elouan looked clearly out of place: his 
               clothes were slightly outdated, his cleanliness rather 
               unusual, and ... more importantly CARRYING A KNAPSACK OF 

                         Lookee here.

               EXT.  MAIN ROAD - DAY

               Elouan was delighted to have validation of his new sense of 
               focus rewarded when he spotted a mother embracing her child 
               after buying him candy.  The love between them was most 
               endearing.  The emotional brilliance intensified when Elouan 
               saw another set of parents suddenly take off running with 
               their four children, stirring up a flock of birds that had 
               settled in the street.  Then he spotted a pair of lovers 
               caressing each other as they rode a horse.

               He paused briefly, noting an intersection in the roadway.  
               Which way to turn?  He hoped he wouldn't have to wait several 
               days in meditation to find out.

               Giovanni, William, and Tivold emerged from their tenement, 
               seeing Elouan as he turned down the road heading toward the 
               bay.  They did their best to look inconspicuous as they 
               crossed the street to follow.

               Elouan wasn't aware they were trailing -- his mind too 
               preoccupied with the sensations pouring through him.  Unlike 
               the first intersection in the forest, the direction of where 
               to head was instant and distinct.  It gnawed at his gut and 
               commanded his attention, pulling him like an invisible rope.  
               He kept his awareness firmly on the impression, the side- 
               effect being a sort of tunnel vision that didn't allow him 
               to become aware of other things going on around him.  Even 
               Rachel's voice, clearly heard through the upper half of the 
               open Dutch door, didn't register in his ears as he walked 

                         What are you thinking, Poppa?


                         I know he can be a passionate man.

               (Rachel SIGHS).

                         But you cannot marry for love, my 
                         sweet daughter.

                         So you would wish me to be miserable 
                         the whole of my life?

                         No, of course not.  But it is when 
                         you marry for love that you would 
                         know true misery.

                         I am sorry, Poppa.

               They embraced.

                         You look more like her with each 
                         passing year.  It be her birthday 
                         this week, on the day of Mass, you 

                         My soul cries that I never chanced 
                         to know her.

               (SHOUTS interrupt o.s.  They hear "NOT HERE!" and "GO BACK!")

                         What is going on?

               She opened a pair of shutters, revealing the pier a short 
               distance away.  A MOB was gathered on the docks where a 
               Genoese navi vessel was moored.  The trading ship was 
               colossal, with a holding compartment that could carry nearly 
               a ton of goods. It boasted two large sails, the largest being 
               the forward mast towering nearly ninety feet high, with a 
               smaller aft, nearly seventy feet -- longer than the rounded 
               hull of the ship itself.  Two large superstructures adorned 
               the upper deck at the bow and rear, typically used for housing 
               special passengers, notables, the helmsman, and the captain.

               Speaking of which ... the captain had already stepped off 
               the vessel, which resulted in the chaos of the crowd 
               surrounding him.

               EXT.  PORT - DOCK - DAY

               The Genoese skipper staggered as he forced his way forward. 
               Several members of the gathering scowled as he drew nearer, 
               offended by the rank smell of his attire.  There would 
               normally be a stench clinging to the clothes of those bound 
               to the waterways, as they spent days or weeks exposed to the 
               elements, however with this seaman, the stink bore a much 
               more sinister odor.  It literally stung the nose and beckoned 
               the thought of rotting flesh.  Indeed, the crowd saw red and 
               black splotches, about the size of coins, discoloring his 
               chest through the slight opening of his tunic. He also kept 
               a hand firmly pinned under his right armpit, as if protecting 
               something there.  Many kept a distance, though they could 
               not find the courage to stop looking.

               Merovech and Baldwin didn't have the luxury.  As port 
               watchmen, it was their duty to protect the pier -- and by 
               extension, the city beyond.  They, too, were uneasy about 
               approaching the sailor, especially when they noticed the 
               rest of the crew remained aboard the vessel and were oddly 
               silent -- no bustling about; no preparing to offload cargo. 
               It was contrary to every trading vessel looking to dock.  In 
               fact, Merovech spotted a few clinging to the upper rails 
               suddenly collapsing to the deck.  So much so, the closer the 
               captain came, the higher he leveled his pike spear at him.

                         We want nothing of whatever you are 
                         trying to sell here.  Return to your 

                         Help us.

               Baldwin covered his mouth from the captain's stench.  He 
               noticed the seafarer's fingers were also BLACK WITH GANGRENE.

                         Some have mutinied.  I have them 
                         imprisoned below decks.  We barely 
                         made it here.

                         Our doctors cannot help you.  Now 
                         back up on your ship there.

               EXT.  MAIN ROAD - DAY

               The commotion grabbed the attention of passers-by on the 
               port road.  As Elouan arrived and took in the scene, he too 
               focused on the ruckus, but with a distinct sense of knowing. 
               Understanding the situation felt like a dark cloud rushing 
               to embrace him, though he wouldn't allow it a victory in the 
               overall depths of his spirit.

               He closed his eyes and moved his awareness deep into the 
               center of his consciousness.  After a moment, he found that 
               special place within, where he linked into something much 
               greater and more expansive than his own individuality.

                         Surely, they can be spared.

               Unfortunately, the subtle vibration that responded would not 
               give him the reprieve he had asked.  Rather, it felt like a 
               colossal stone pulling him into the core of the earth; his 
               muscles compressed as the sensation of being confined to a 
               prison girdle became heavier and heavier.

               He opened his eyes, resigned to the reply.

               Several yards behind, Giovanni and the others spied from 
               behind a cart, more interested in him than the commotion at 
               the port.

               EXT.  PORT - DOCK - DAY



                         Get back up there, we say!

                         We do not want your filth here!

               The captain removed the hand from underneath his armpit. The 
               tunic had been sufficiently torn to reveal an apple-sized 
               welt bursting from his side.  It was a mixture of red and 
               black flesh, protruding outward from his trunk.

                         Get up there.  Go.

                         Pray.  Pray for us.

                         Once out in the bay, you may discard 
                         your dead.  But be out of here.

               EXT. GALLEON SHIP - MAIN DECK - DAY

               (SOUNDS OF AGONY)

                         Drop our men.

               The helmsmen stooped over the wheel, having expired upon it 
               while the captain was off the ship, his face crooked on the 
               spokes and splotched with a hideous rash, in addition to the 
               dried blood upon his lips.  Another sailor clung to the 
               railing and gasped in a cough that echoed of a death-rattle -- 
               with a huge mound of rotted flesh bulging from his neck, 
               larger than the captain's own bubo under the armpit.  
               Everywhere it seemed, not a single crewman was left untouched.  
               Several had discarded their clothes in the furnace of their 
               fevers, lying naked upon the deck, yet also shivering in 
               delirium.  Others had cast off their pants to reveal a horrid 
               lump on their inner thigh, near the groin.  For some, this 
               lump was the size of a walnut, the others a large ball -- 
               but for everyone, a discolored knob that bespoke incredible 
               suffering. Oftentimes, the skin at the base of such carbuncle 
               was painfully red, creating a crimson ring around the mound.

               The exhausted sailors hesitated as they considered their 
               abandonment by men and God.  The intolerable agony of it 
               all.  The headaches, the fever, the throbbing of their bones 
               so harsh, the blood vomited from their lungs so fiery   Were 
               they forever to be without sanctuary?  Were they to remain 
               eternal prisoners on this ship of doom?  Some couldn't hold 
               out any longer.  In fact, they suspected to receive no help 
               even before the captain landed, so positioned themselves at 
               the railings and waited for the confirmation.  Now made, 
               they threw themselves overboard.  Depending on where they 
               stood, they met their final breaths by the joy of drowning 
               or the harsh impact of the pier.

               EXT. PORT - DOCK - DAY

               A few of them were dead as soon as they hit the deck, while 
               the others welcomed the bludgeoning.

               More port watchmen raced in, aiming bows to strike any sailor 
               who might swim ashore.  Such fears quickly vanished when 
               they saw the mutineers floating dead on the incoming waves -- 
               a stunning and pitiful sight.

               EXT.  GALLEON SHIP - MAIN DECK - DAY

               The captain shoved the helmsmen from the wheel.  He grabbed 
               the spokes of the tiller and hurried to steer while nodding 
               toward a few crewmen struggling to handle the mast.  The duo 
               heaved the massive sail to position it for evacuation.  One 
               of them suddenly plummeted to the floor.  The sickness 
               appeared to jump back on the captain, as he also collapsed 
               to his knees.  He swayed as the world circled torturously 
               around him, then tumbled onto his back.

                         No... Heavenly father, have mercy.

               (GASPING FINAL BREATH)

               EXT.  PORT - DOCK - DAY

               Merovech and Baldwin gazed with pity as the vessel sailed 
               out into deeper waters.  Disgusted, Merovech wiped the 
               skipper's splatter from his boots.

                         Poor bastards.

                         God cast his judgment, I wager.

               Smoke suddenly billowed from the vessel's portholes.  Not 
               only were the mariners discarding corpses and throwing 
               themselves into the sea, they were also burning the ship!


               Though the people onboard ship were ready to perish, the 
               rodent stowaways in the cargo hold were not. The frantic 
               colonies of rats scurried to find salvation amidst the 
               billowing smoke and rush of seawater pouring in.  Many 
               squeezed through disintegrating planks, escaping to the safety 
               of the open water, while others kept to crates or other debris 
               that floated among the vessel's charred, flaming innards.  
               No matter how they escaped, the rats either swam or waited 
               to reach shore by way of the floating remains.

               In any case, they would survive.  And so would the deadly 
               fugitives they carried on their backs.