Redemptive Economics

1_R|E Fundamentals: God's Dominion & Our Stewardship [Part 1]

September 02, 2024 Mike Hatch Season 1 Episode 1

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Mike Hatch begins a six part series to level set the fundamentals of Redemptive Economics. There are three main categories including...

  1. God’s Dominion and Our Stewardship
  2. Aligning with God’s Redemptive Plan
  3. Adding Value with a Kingdom Mindset

In today's episode Mike covers the first four principles under the first category, God's Dominion and Our Stewardship.

  1. We acknowledge God's dominion over all resources and the authority of Jesus Christ, through the Holy Spirit.
  2. Our role, through secondary sovereignty, granted to us by God, is to steward His resources.
  3. As stewards of God's resources, we invest in what we know and understand, and what allows us to leverage our unique, God-given gifts and wealth of knowledge.
  4. We are active, not passive, investors of God's resources as stewards who will be held accountable.



  1.  In Matthew 16:15, Jesus asked Peter, “But what about you? Who do you say I am?” Author, AW Tozer, said that what comes into your mind When you think about God is the most important thing about you. What comes into your mind when you think about God?
  2. In what ways have your mindset, methods and metrics demonstrated a trust in God? In what ways have they demonstrated a distrust in God?
  3. If you want to take the previous question to the next level, ask your colleagues, business partner or partners, or your spouse to answer those questions for you.






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