Healing By The Forkful

HBTF: Edith Yang: A Dietitian's Story 01.27.2025

Royletta Romain, MEd, RD, LDN, CLT Season 2 Episode 3

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Edith Yang is a registered dietitian with a private practice in California.  Ms. Yang has used the LEAP protocol to solve her own skin issues. She also gives us an insight on how she has helped others with this way of eating. 
Ms. Yang specializes in: kidney diseases, weight management, diabetes, anti-inflammatory diets, pregnancy/lactation, and geriatrics. Ms. Yang, is not only a Certified LEAP Therapist, she is a Board Certified Specialists in Renal (kidney) Nutrition. Her private practice is growing and focuses on management of symptoms and slowing of disease progression.

She believes everyone should have a good relationship with food, not be afraid to eat, & understand how food impacts the body. Edith is a proponent of intuitive eating & wants to help advocate for you. There is no one size fits all way to nutrition & wellness.  She helps guide you to find the best health and wellness plan that fits you and your lifestyle.

Healing By The Forkful helps clients reduce or stop symptoms of Inflammation, Fibromyalgia, Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Migraines with food, NOT Medication!!
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