Paranormal Yakker

Past Lives, Future Lives Revealed with Dr Bruce Goldberg

August 17, 2024 Stan Mallow

Past life regression & future life progression hypnotherapist Dr Bruce Goldberg talks about karma, reincarnation & how hypnosis can reveal our past lives & our futures in his interview with Stan.

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Stan Mallow:

Hi everyone, I'm Stan Mallow. Welcome to Paranormal Yakker. My guest today is world-famous past-life regression and future-life progression hypnotherapist and best-selling author, Dr Bruce Goldberg. I'll be talking with him about his book Past Lives, Future Lives Revealed. Dr Bruce Goldberg, welcome to Paranormal Yakker.

Dr Bruce Goldberg:

It's a pleasure to be here, Stan, and I want to make a special offer for your audience. The work that I do here is important and I like people to experience the idea of going back and forward in time. If your audience is kind enough to order my book Past Lives, Future Lives Revealed from my homepage, I will, in addition to sending them the book, send them a free CD called Fifth Dimensional Travel, where they can go into the fifth dimension and explore their own past, future lives and even parallel lives. As long as they mention the show, they will get that offer, but it's not valid on Amazon or any other bookstore just through my homepage.

Stan Mallow:

Very good, and at the end of the interview I will definitely talk about it again and give the opportunity to give me all the information so they can or der it. Now, I'm always curious to learn the twists and turns people take in life, how they got from point A to point B, where they were to where they are now, and the driving forces behind it. You went from dentist to renowned hypnotherapist specializing in past life regression and future life progression. How did that come about?

Dr Bruce Goldberg:

I was a practicing dentist actually just part-time for two years out of the 13 years I practiced and I had when I was in dental school. I had read the Searc h for Bridey Murphy book about a documented case of reincarnation back in Colorado in the 1950s and that got me interested. I was going to use hypnosis in my practice dentally anyway, for apprehension and pain control medical uses, as we call that. But I decided to experiment to see whether I could actually take someone into a past life. I had a very dear friend who was a grad student in social work at the time. And she was more than happy to volunteer for this. I took her into about eight different past lives and she was able to overcome two habits and a phobia. I didn't know her very well, I didn't know she had these as a result of doing the regression and I wasn't trying to do anything therapeutic, just to practice with the technique. That got me interested. You might say about 30,000 past life regressions later. The rest is history. I like to think of myself as now, I drill into past and future lives, rather than into teeth.

Stan Mallow:

How Dr Goldberg did the Karma we acquired from our deeds and actions in a past life influence who and what we are and the road we travel in this, our present rein carnation?

Dr Bruce Goldberg:

We have what we call karmic lessons or tests. When you meet someone or something is difficult in your life, or something very positive the rewards, as I call that. That is not a coincidence. I don't believe in coincidence at all. If you messed up in a past life or the earlier stage of this life too, the universe is going to give you opportunities to correct it. The purpose of reincarnation is to help us understand why we do what we do, what mistakes we made, and to avoid repeating the same mistakes and to grow spiritually so we can eventually ascend. That's the bottom line to reincarnation. My most famous case is called Search for Grace. It's the name of my second book, which was a documented case of reincarnation the most documented, one of the most documented cases from the last century about a woman, and that was made into a CBS movie, by the way, which is available online. If you go on YouTube and type in the Search for Grace, you'll see the movie. It's a beautiful film. Richard Mazur, the actor, plays me in that, and this is a woman who I took into 46 different past lives. In 20 of them she was murdered by the same man, and I call him Johnny in the book, not his. His real name, Johnny, was relevant in her current life and he tried to murder her on three different occasions. Using the techniques that I work with her and raising her soul's energy to a higher level I call that my super conscious mind tap she was able to break up with him. Remember, this guy tried to murder her three different times and she couldn't break up with him. This was a way of literally saving her life. I didn't, she did. She broke up with him and had a really great life. She's still around and over the years she's contacted me several times to let me know that she's doing well. But this is an example of how people will meet the same people. If you're having a problem with someone now, it could be a family member, could be an employee, an employer, a neighbor, anyone that you're having problems with.

Dr Bruce Goldberg:

I guarantee you there's a past life or karmic relationship and the purpose isn't to torture you. The purpose is to overcome the victimization. The point here is that when you have any kind of extreme emotional relationship with someone, whether it's very good or very bad, it's a past life or karmic relationship and this can explain soulmates and people who have great relationships with people or people in your life that help you in your moments or hours of need. Those are good relationships. We call those boundary soulmates. We're supposed to learn things, we're supposed to perfect ourselves and to rise above it for eventual ascension.

Dr Bruce Goldberg:

One of the benefits of doing past life regression and future life progression is that you eliminate the fear of death because you realize that death is nothing but a change of dimension, because thantophobia, which is the fear of death, is the number one phobia as people get older. You can learn about what I call psychic empowerment. You can use these techniques to overcome habits and phobias and other what I call self-defeating sequences, forms of self-sabotage, and you can access your higher self, which is the perfect part of your soul, which can actually read your Akashic records, which is the records of our past, present, future and parallel lives. These are the advantages of doing this. Anyone can do this.

Dr Bruce Goldberg:

This is not something that is limited to some special people and when you do have things like dreams every night I know people don't remember them, but I'm going to give you the medical neurophysiology summary here. Every night we go into our dream cycle for about three hours a night. We call that the REM cycle stands for rapid eye movements. This comes from dream laboratory research. Which is over what? 70 years old?

Dr Bruce Goldberg:

There's no argument in the field about this and during these dreams you're actually in the fifth dimension and you can connect with your higher self. So very often, if you have a sneak preview, dream of a very strange environment. Let's say, you're in ancient Rome, or you're in China, or you're in ancient Greece. That could very well be a snippet of a past life of yours, a sneak preview that your higher self is trying to give you, and that is not uncommon at all. These things are part of what we call sneak previews, or the way the universe will help us to get a hint as to what's going on in our karmic cycle

Stan Mallow:

I n your book you include a number of fascinating case histories from the 35,000 past and future life regressions of some 14,000 individuals you've conducted. What I was about to do now was ask you about a few of them, two being about past lives and two about future lives. You've just answered the one that I was going to ask you about the woman who was obsessed with a man who tried to kill her for her past lives. That's an absolutely fascinating case and you've already answered that, so obviously I'm not going to ask you that now. Now I want to go into something else. Soulmates is an often discussed topic. Is there such a thing as a soulmate or not? That question is answered in your case about a true soulmate couple who shared a prior life in the Caribbean. Can you expand on that?

Dr Bruce Goldberg:

My research shows that there are three different kinds of soulmates. You have to understand the origin. We call this the oversoul. The oversoul is the original soul of an individual. It's split into a male version and a female version. The point is to reincarnate them together or to get them together and rejoin this oversoul, and that's what the karmic cycle is about. You're not going to meet your true twin flame, the ultimate other half of you, until you're ready to ascend, because if you did that, every other relationship would be horrible to you because you just met the perfect person in your life. So the three kinds of soulmates are as follows. The one everybody wants to meet is what's called the twin flame, or what I call the true soulmate. That is the absolute other sexual half of the over soul. But you don't meet that until the end of your karmic cycle.

Dr Bruce Goldberg:

The second type, which is the most common and illustrated by my search for grace case, is retribution soulmate. These are people that you've had a lot of past lives with, all of which were negative. You're victimized by this. The person is a real creep. They're trying to abandon you, cheat you, murder you. You name it.

Dr Bruce Goldberg:

Look at America we have the highest divorce rate in the world, every ex-wife or ex-husband represents a retribution soulmate. If you look at them they don't end very well. So most people do fit into the retribution. You don't want to have that kind of relationship. Unfortunately it's the most common one and using these techniques you can avoid that. By the way, and I'll explain that in a moment. The third kind, the one that is what I call the best one for the local person before they meet their twin flame, is called the boundary soulmate. And a boundary soulmate is somebody you've only had a few past lives with, but they were all positive. They were supportive, very loving and very helpful to your own spiritual growth. So that's called a boundary soulmate. So that's really the best you're going to get until the end of your karmic cycle.

Stan Mallow:

What can you tell me about an accountant's future life as an inventor in the 29th century underwater city?

Dr Bruce Goldberg:

This one is. It's kind of like it's really not a particularly interesting life. It's just kind of showing the technology of the future and I do want to make a reference to the 35th century because their technology is much better. But let me give you a more recent future life that I think will illustrate the principle here of how progression can be very helpful.

Dr Bruce Goldberg:

I was working with a psychologist about this is over 35 years ago and he had a hand-washing compulsion. In other words, when he would see a patient they would shake his hand. He would immediately go into the bathroom and wash his hands and he would do that for like 35 times a day. The guy was a real obsessive, compulsive person, which is not a good characteristic if you're a therapist. I did some regressions with him and in some of his past lives there were issues where he had some factors that could have contributed to the hand washing compulsion, but not the solution. Then I asked him in trance. I didn't say go back to the origin, I said go to the origin. The subconscious mind, the soul, is very literal. So when I said go to the origin, he went automatically to the year 2088. And this is in Tulsa, Oklahoma, where he is a technician in a nuclear power plant in Tulsa, Oklahoma. He's a very unstable person psychologically and one fine night he's on night duty instruments are meltdown and he caused the meltdown of the entire city of Tulsa, Oklahoma, in the year 2088.

Dr Bruce Goldberg:

He said oh my God, what is it with me? He didn't know much about quantum physics, which is the basis of this field, so I educated him. I said look, that is what we call a frequency. It's only one possibility. There are many parallel universes out there. When I do a parallel universe experience, I call that a paragression. Past life regression is a past life. Future life regression is a future life. But when you're dealing with a parallel life, it's a paragression. I said why don't we go into the other parallel lives and see what your best option is? Because I can train people to actually switch until their ideal universe. So he said okay, I got nothing to lose, so I do a paragression with him in the future.

Dr Bruce Goldberg:

He goes back to the same era, 2088, in Tulsa, oklahoma. Instead of being a technician now he's an actual nuclear scientist, much more psychologically stable, and August 8th 2088 was the date that he freaked out in the previous paragression. This time everything is fine. The date goes by, the year goes by, it's 2089, everything is fine. So what he did was able to avoid the meltdown of Tulsa, Oklahoma, in the year in 2088.

Dr Bruce Goldberg:

When he came back from the trance, I did some what I call cleansing techniques, which is what I call the super conscious mind tap, so that he could raise the soul's energy to a higher level of frequency Vibration rate is the term that we use and then, all of a sudden, his hand washing compulsion disappeared. He became a normal human being, not a neurotic OCD therapist, but he became much more stable psychologically and energy wise. And so that's the advantage of going into the future. Now people they always question, they say the future hasn't happened. How can you know that? The answer is not true. If you deal with quantum physics, once you leave the earth plane, our current dimension, and you go into the fifth dimension, then all time is simultaneous. So therefore you can perceive past, present and future simultaneously. Think of Nostradamus, think of some very famous psychics like that. Let me give you an example to show you how the future can be known by using techniques like this.

Dr Bruce Goldberg:

I didn't know this person, but I'm going to mention his name and I guarantee you you've never heard of him, unless you're familiar with my work, you would not know one item about this person. His name is Morgan Robertson. Morgan Robertson was a novelist. In 1898, look at the year now 1898, he wrote a novel called Futility, in which a supposedly unsinkable ocean liner struck an iceberg on its maiden voyage and sank, carrying the elite society of two continents to their death. Now, why is that significant? Because 14 years later, in 1912, a similar unsinkable ocean liner named the Titanic, which had 3. 000 passengers aboard, like Robertson craft by the way, it was 800 feet long, he gave it dimensions weighed 70,000 tons, with far too few lifeboats, and the real boat, like Robertson, struck an iceberg and sank with the loss of more than a thousand lives. And Robertson had named his ship in the futility novel, titan, and the real ship is the Titanic.

Dr Bruce Goldberg:

This is way, way beyond the level of coincidence. What happened is I didn't know Morgan Robinson. Obviously he died long before I was born, but my guess is that he saw into the future, because he's quoting this verbatim. I mean, this is an amazing situation. There's no other explanation that you could possibly use to. You could tell me this is a coincidence. No, it isn't. But I'll tell you one of my famous cases also of an age progression. That occurred back in 1996 here.

Dr Bruce Goldberg:

What happened is a woman came to me. This was in June of 1996. You'll see, the year is relevant. I call her Tammy, not her real name. She just graduated from college. She lives in New York City and she's going to go to Europe in the last half of the summer around July, mid-july or so with her friends. They're going to hang out in Europe and then they're going to go to graduate school. She is anyway in September, which is not uncommon. She comes to go to like hangouts in Europe and then they're going to go to graduate school. She is anyway in September, which is not uncommon.

Dr Bruce Goldberg:

She comes to me to work with the idea of going out of the body. She had seen my Search for Grace movie. She was very excited and she was a great patient. She was able to go into the fifth dimension and then she would see things in the future during the week that she was in LA. That would come true. In other words, I would see her on a Monday. She would go into her trance level on her own I gave her one of my CDs for this and then she would see herself go to a bookstore, meeting a guy with a tie-dyed t-shirt and having a date with him, and that's exactly what happened. And she didn't know this guy from Adam. I think she had like four of these during the five days she was in LA. She goes Doc, this is amazing. And I said well, this is what happens when you go into the fifth dimension. I said listen, we're all done. I wish you the best. You can keep in touch with me Now. We're talking about the end of June.

Dr Bruce Goldberg:

About three weeks later, she calls me up and now she's panicking. She goes Doctor, this is Tammy, I have an emergency. And I said look, tammy, I retired from dentistry to get away from that. What's going on? There are no emergencies in my field. She says I use your CD.

Dr Bruce Goldberg:

I decided to go into the future to see how my trip to Paris would be. She's going to go to Paris for the first stop. And I said OK, so what happened? She goes, I see myself taking off in the jet from JFK. The plane goes up, immediately crashes. Everybody dies, including me. What do I do? And I said look, Tammy, I don't want to tell you how to run your life. You haven't taken this flight yet. Just change your flight plans and call me at the end of the summer. So I don't hear from her until the end of August. She calls me and she goes doctor, this is Tammy, you saved my life. And I said no, I didn't. What happened? She was going to go on TWA flight 800, july 17th 1996. That jet took off from JFK, immediately went up in the air crashed into the Long Island Sound.

Dr Bruce Goldberg:

Whatever killed 230 people, all craft, all passengers, all of the employees. Everybody died. She would have been 231. But the universe had something else in mind for her, which is why she hooked up with me. I did not save her life, Her higher self did. I just connected the two together. So that's what we're dealing with here.

Dr Bruce Goldberg:

This is an example of how going into the future is not that weird. It is quantum physics and it can help literally save your life, or it can help you to grow in or overcome issues like with the guy Pete I call him, not his real name the therapist who went into the 20, near 2088, to save his the city of Tulsa, Oklahoma, I mentioned in my book. I've written a bunch of other books, I've written 21 altogether and I just want to refer to another one I wrote called Time Travels More Future. This is about people from the future the 31st to the 50th century that come back in time. The reason I mentioned that book is because there I have a lot of intimate knowledge of future technology, because I have actually met these time travelers and I can train your audience to do that, by the way, the Exploring the Fifth Dimensional Travel CDs that I talked about, if they ordered the Slice Futurize Reveal book, it helped them do that.

Dr Bruce Goldberg:

But here's an example of technology from the 35th century. The 35th century is one of the greatest century in history for technology and spiritual growth. There's a man by the name of Tatos T-A-A-T-O-S, who developed time travel, and this is the 31st century. But about a couple of hundred years later they rewarded his image by creating an amusement park called the Land of Taatos. So this floats about two or three miles above the earth. There's a force field around it so you don't fall off the edge, and when people go to this amusement park they're able to go back in time. They're able to go to the Renaissance, for an afternoon or ancient Rome.

Dr Bruce Goldberg:

In other words, it's an anti-gravity amusement park. There's another device called the food simulator, which I call the mind-wich machine. It looks like a microwave and all you do is use your thoughts to think of what you want to have to eat, like the proverbial chicken sandwich. It then goes on, it activates and it creates the food. It's harmless, it's nutritious, you're not going to gain weight and you'll never starve to death. So that's called the food simulator.

Dr Bruce Goldberg:

Then my favorite device is called the alpha-singularium. This one is heavy, it looks like an isolation tank. And what it does? It sends energy and sound to your body, stimulating the body's natural production of the hormone DHEA, which is a neurotransmitter, eventually becomes testosterone in men and estrogen in women. And what this does? It slows down the aging process by facilitating the immune system. The collapse of the immune system is why people age. The average 35th citizen lives between 500 and 900 years young. Because of the alpha-syncalarium, that's a pretty popular device. Then there's what I call a holographic relaxation center. It's sort of like the holodeck on Star Trek, where if you can't go anywhere and you want to go on vacation but you don't have the money for it or the time, you can just use this holographic device and go to Tahiti or go to Paris or go anywhere you want to go. It's really kind of fun. Each house and office will have a local little teleportation station so you can teleport locally around the city and even throughout parts of the country. You don't have to use a vehicle. Teleportation will be around by the 35th century actually before that and time travel will be developed by teleportation by the 35th century also. These are some of the technology advancements that are going to be real and a lot of fun. These things are going to make life easier.

Dr Bruce Goldberg:

The average person in the 35th century. They're very tall and slender. Very few people are overweight. There's no cancer or AIDS or lupus or any of the high mortality diseases. They work about 15 hours a week. In their work week. They have plenty of time to enjoy themselves and their family. And, by the way, people worry about all the stress and wars that we have and all the negativity we have in our society. By the end of the 21st century, our current century, that's the end of all the problems. As you begin the 22nd century and beyond, life is going to be a lot more fun Politically, medically, energetically wise, culturally, spiritually, you name it. All you have to do is wait. I know it's not going to affect you and I so much, but in your next lifetime you're going to have a lot more fun than you are now.

Stan Mallow:

I was just going to ask you about the first tip of therapy session of one of your patients, which resulted in exploration of his future life as a 35th century time traveler. But you answered that and that was great. It's good to know we do have a future. I have to say that Some people say we're not going to have a future. You do.

Dr Bruce Goldberg:

Let me give you the basic bottom line to therapy, though these days I don't do many regressions and progressions, and I'll tell you why they're really not therapeutic. I mean, they sound like a lot of fun. You can learn a lot about yourself. I understand that. There's nothing wrong with that.

Dr Bruce Goldberg:

But let's say, when somebody needs to work out a problem, like in the Search for Grace case, the woman I called her Ivy, not her real name in her current life. She didn't overcome the obsessive behavior with that guy, Johnny, trying to murder her, just because she found out that he murdered her in 20 past lives. She did what I did with her, which is called a super conscious mind tap. This is where, while the person's in trance, we're talking to their subconscious mind, the soul, and then I'm introducing the soul to its perfect counterpart, which is we call that the higher self, which is also known as the super conscious mind, and that super conscious mind can raise the soul's energy to a higher level. Think of it as an energy immune system, and when you do that, you become immune to the issues you were previously vulnerable to. So you're not going to make the same mistakes and in fact you're going to attract, through the law of attraction, much more positive people into your life, and this is how you can grow spiritually and literally overcome problems, problems. The key here is not just logging in a whole bunch of past lives and future lives. It's not the answer. The answer is to connect with your higher self. This can help your creativity overcome procrastination. It can help you generate abundance.

Dr Bruce Goldberg:

I call that karmic capitalism. I'm an example of this. I've done all the techniques on myself. I went from dentistry to hypnotherapy. That was not a very lucrative transition to most people, but it is with me. I'm not trying to brag, but I've been extremely successful in this field. Didn't have to be because the universe I'm working with universal laws and the universe needed one less dentist in the world, but one more parapsychologist. You can use these techniques to look younger. I play tennis every weekend. This November is my 76th birthday and I weigh less now than I did when I was in college over 55 years ago. If I can do this, anyone can do it. This is the advantage of hypnosis and super conscious mind taps, spiritual growth, shortening up the karmic cycle. Every advantage in the world that you need or want are done by these techniques with absolutely zero negative side effects. None. No harm, no foul. All you can do is benefit.

Stan Mallow:

There are many theories from various sources as to the origin of our planet. You reveal in your book what you believe to be the true origin of planet Earth. What is that belief and how did you arrive at it?

Dr Bruce Goldberg:

Of course, there's a lot of extraterrestrial origins to our species. I know my colleagues don't like me to talk about it, my conservative colleagues, whatever but if you look at the history, from Homo habilis to Homo erectus to Homo sapiens, which is us, the difference is extreme and in a very relatively short period of time. So there's been about 300 different extraterrestrial groups that have come to this country. But that isn't the big picture. Let me show you what the real big picture is. Yes, we all have extraterrestrial genetics. No argument in that field, believe me, trust me. Show you what the real big picture is. Yes, we all have extraterrestrial genetics. No argument in that field, believe me, trust me. All right, but there's a type of regression I've done that is very unique. I don't know anybody else that does this. I wish I did, but I don't. It's called the light people. So let me show you what this is. The ultimate evolution of us is not to have a physical body, it's to be pure energy, and one form of pure energy is light. Now, you could say radiation, you could say heat, but light is a lot better source. So in doing regressions, I have found out that there were these extraterrestrials called the light people. They were pure light, no physical body. They came to the earth and they said we're going to kind of play around here with the various primitive men, upright homo species that we have, or genus. One particular case was a guy who was like a real jerk. H e was occupying the body and he was screwing around, he was doing sexual things, he was committing crimes, murdering people. He was just a jerk, he was very unstable. So his supervisors punished him by trapping him into the physical body and that is the origin of the karmic cycle he was trapped in. So, yes, he would die, but then he would have to reincarnate, and he wasn't the only one that did that. So that, to me, is the true origin of the karmic cycle.

Dr Bruce Goldberg:

In my time travels from our future book, I talk about the Lyrans and the Syrians, the two major ET groups. The Pleiadians come in there too, and the Reptilians not too often because they eat their mistakes. They're nasty. The Greys are there, but the Lyrans and the Syrians were the ones that about less than a. The Syrians were the ones that about less than a million years ago were the ones that really manipulated the genetic components of our species. So we all have extraterrestrial genetics. We've interacted with these ETs, so we're all hybrids, no matter how you want to slice it, that's the origin of our species.

Dr Bruce Goldberg:

The problem today is, if you do a DNA sample, you can say, well, this is a pure human DNA sample. We don't know what a pure human DNA sample is, because if we have extraterrestrial genetics for the past million or million and a half years, that would be the baseline of our DNA. They don't have a DNA sample of a Lyrian or a Syrian. They don't have that to compare it to, or Reptilian. They don't have that DNA sample of a L yrian or a Syrian. They don't have that. If they do, maybe it's some underground military base, but they're not broadcasting it Again. That's why I do feel that we all have extraterrestrial origins and the light people are to me, the origin of the karmic cycle.

Stan Mallow:

As unbelievable as many of your cases may appear to a skeptic, you credibly dispel the myths surrounding the practice of past-future life hypnotherapy and you show how it is now recognized as a valid and viable tool by many experts throughout the world. Could you elaborate on that?

Dr Bruce Goldberg:

If I was to ask you and your audience what is the number one medical clinic in America, now, most people would get it. Everybody would get it wrong. The answer that would come up mostly is the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota. That's number two, not number one. Number two what number one is Walter Reed Hospital in Bethesda, Maryland, nih National Institute of Health. That's where the president and the Supreme Court justices get their physicals and their medical care. You can see why it's number one. It is a superior institution. If you've got a weird disease, that's where you want to go. It's free, it's a teaching institution and it is the number one institution in the world, not just this country. All right, so why do I mention that?

Dr Bruce Goldberg:

So there was a study done in 1990 by the New England Journal of Medicine, which is actually a much more credible journal than the Journal of the American Medical Association. The New England Journal of Medicine is, to me, number one and they did a study. What this guy was doing? He was trying to calculate the number of visits Remember this is 34 years ago now the number of visits Americans make to a traditional physician, and he had four categories. He had a pediatrician, a general practitioner, an internal medicine one and the general practice resident, so to speak. Those four, those are all MDs and the answer came out to be 388,000 visits, was the answer. Now he said, let me do this with alternative practitioners. This would be hypnotherapy, ayurvedic medicine, guided visual imagery, reiki, healing, all the things that are into what people would call the woo-woo field. It's actually a shamanic field. And the answer came out to be 488, not thousand. It was actually a million. So why more? Well, obviously the ones that were going in the first group didn't get their results that they wanted, so they went to alternative medicine. He realized that more people are going to alternative medicine than in traditional medicine or allopathic medicine. H e figures why, a nd that was the origin of the division of NIH that was established two years later, called OAM, the Office of Alternative Medicine. It's part of the National Institute of Health which, I will remind you, is the number one medical institution in the world. That's your federal tax dollars and mine pay for it. There's your credibility. Why would the federal government? And when they asked the psychiatrists who run this, they say why are you doing it? This is shamanic disciplines. Why? Because they said it works and we want to know why Shamanism has been around for 50,000 years. Name me any discipline medicine or psychology that's been around for 50,000 years. The answer is zero. Most of them are less than 150 years old. So that's the credibility. You can't beat the NIH and OAM. And, by the way, just go online Google Office of Alternative Medicine, google NIH You'll see all the divisions on there.

Dr Bruce Goldberg:

There's about 30 different divisions and hypnotherapy is part of it. Past life therapy is part of their classification, so past life therapy is ordained by the US government as being a valid therapeutic regimen. In DC they have another group where they list all the various specialties and one of them is parapsychology. This includes hypnosis and past life therapy and that's been around since 1969. Many of the opponents tried to get rid of it but they didn't. It's still there. There's a credibility here. There's also a group in Golden, Colorado, called the ISSSSEEM. It's a very long name and they study energy medicine, which is going to be the future of medicine. No drugs, no surgery, strictly energy medicine. Energy medicine is going to be the future and that also relates to my work here, because I'm dealing with energy medical approaches.

Stan Mallow:

Your book contends and you backed it up with facts that people have the power to customize and control their destinies and through hypnotherapy we can eliminate past life and current problems and attain our karmic purpose. Should viewers of Paranormal Yakker want to buy past lives, future lives revealed, learn about the other books you've authored, your webinars, or book a private or telephone session with you. How, dr Goldberg, can they do that?

Dr Bruce Goldberg:

Okay, well, first, the easiest way is to go to my homepage, which is www. DrBruceGoldberg. com, and all my 21 books are listed there. There are CDs. They can order my webinars. Every second Sunday of the month I do a webinar. My next one is going to be on how to avoid abduction by ETs. It's going to be a lot of fun, and there are videos.

Dr Bruce Goldberg:

I have a YouTube channel, which they can see in the upper right-hand corner of my homepage, in which they can see 55 different videos of me on national television doing past life regressions future life regressions, a woman contacting a time traveler from the 36th century, Jerry Springer. The late Jerry Springer's past life regression, which I did on the show, is on there too. So there's a lot of fun things they can do, and I have articles on there well over 120 different CDs. They can actually experience this themselves, and the videos also show some of my workshops. I've done lectures and workshops, along with the experiential television interviews where I've done hypnosis on the air.

Dr Bruce Goldberg:

There's a ton of information on my homepage and, again, they can book appointments with me. I do Zoom sessions, for most of my 95% of my therapy is done by Zoom, so I see patients from all over the world. If they want to just get to know me and ask me a little bit about how I can treat them, they can do a telephone consult, which is only an hour it's a lot less expensive than a session and I can diagnose them and give them an idea of what's going on. Anyway, they can learn all about this and, more importantly, experience the idea of going into the fifth dimension, connecting with the higher self and doing a super conscious mind tap, because that is the therapy.

Stan Mallow:

Dr Bruce Goldberg, I thank you for being my guest on Paranormal Yakker. Yakking with you has been quite illuminating, thank you.

Dr Bruce Goldberg:

My pleasure. Looking forward to it, thank you.