Paranormal Yakker

Alien Messages, Matriarchy & Human Civilization with Dr Irena Scott

September 03, 2024 Stan Mallow

Are we living in the end times, or are we misunderstanding the messages from beyond? Join us on Paranormal Yakker as we welcome Dr. Irina Scott, the acclaimed researcher and author of "Aliens and the Apocalypse: The Meaning of Alien Messages." In this compelling episode, we challenge long-held beliefs about human civilization, questioning the narrative that it was male aggression that drove our development. Instead, Dr. Scott provides eye-opening insights into how early matriarchal societies may have been the true architects of significant inventions and societal structures. We delve into historical biases that have shaped our understanding and explore how recognizing these can help solve modern-day issues.

From ancient UFO sightings to the latest contactee reports, we trace the evolution of alien encounters and the messages they bring. Often emphasizing peace, Earth preservation, and apocalyptic warnings, these messages reveal much about human behavior and our potential future. Dr. Scott also discusses the intriguing observation that many reported extraterrestrial beings appear more feminine, challenging our assumptions about advanced civilizations. Don't miss this thought-provoking episode—tune in to question the status quo and consider new perspectives on the role of humanity in the cosmos. For a deeper dive into these fascinating topics, be sure to check out Dr. Scott's book, "Aliens and the Apocalypse.

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Hi everyone. I'm Stan Mallow, welcome to Paranormal Yakker. My guest today is Dr Irena Scott. I'll be talking with Irena about her book, Aliens & The Apocalypse:

The Meaning of Alien Messages. Irena has an extensive & impressive academic background & has worked for the Defense Intelligence Agency. She also served on the MUFON board of directors, co-edited 8 symposium proceedings, is a MUFON field investigator, has been a state section director for Ohio MUFON, was a founding member of the Mid Ohio Research Associates & its general editor, & has published UFO material in many books, & journals. Dr Irena Scott, welcome to Paranormal. Yakker.

Irena Scott:

Thank you very much for inviting me.

Stan Mallow:

I would like to start this interview off by asking you the 65 million dollar question. Or with inflation, I guess I should be saying the 165 million dollar question. One that I'm sure is on the mind of just about everybody on planet Earth. Are we Irena in the end times?

Irena Scott:

I don't know, but we're, we've certainly manufactured the ability to be in end times because we can blow ourselves up.

Stan Mallow:

Regretfully, that is true. You Irena believe it is important for us to understand our past because it gives us clues about solving today's problems. That makes a lot of sense. However, as I learned from your book, our past, which most of us think we know has been distorted or is outright wrong. This is especially true of the role females, not males, had in the creation & advancement of humankind & civilization. How did the historians get it so wrong & why do you think it's important that the record be set straight & that females were given the credit they deserve for our very existence?

Irena Scott:

I think it's important because we're solving our problems & methods that make our problems worse. in general, we have the idea that we were formed by what you call the literature male killer apes. That the apes came down from the trees & the males started making spears & chopping up stones & killing animals & everything. & that's what created us. The reason that idea is so widespread is because some a number of books, such as A Naked Ape & Out of Africa & all that.& the only evidence they had was that they found some human bones & some animal bones together. & so they decided that the humans killed the animals. & we went on from there, even though there wasn't a whole lot of logic in that, because they didn't know why the bones were together to start with. & it could be accident. Or maybe the baboons were eating the people for all we know. A number of really wide spread books were written on this subject of killer apes & the, alpha male & everything, & they were very popular.& now everybody in the world thinks that we were created by male violence, & the way to solve all our problems is to kill somebody or make bigger bombs At the present time, we're also, UFOs & UAPs & that sort of thing is in the news too. The government, actually, just a very tiny bit said, well, maybe, you know, all these millions of people are seeing things & even, airplane pilots & highly intelligent people & leaders & everything else, see UFOs. Well, the government said, well, maybe everybody that sees something isn't totally crazy, which a lot of people knew to start with.& a lot of people thought maybe we're not the only life in the universe anyway, maybe sort of illogical if we were. It's in the news because the government just kind of mentioned it. Plus, there's a lot of sightings. A lot of people are having all kinds of things happen to them. But they're not what you would expect with a killer ape idea. Because when we go to another planet, the only place we've been on the moon so far, we were big, big men with, spacesuits & breathing apparatus & everything & planting flags & all that. Usually if a more advanced group of people take over a less advanced there's conquistador activity where they steal everything & kill people. But in the case of the possible aliens here, what we see aren’t what we would think because a lot of the aliens look kind of female. They, are female sized in general, like ET & the Grays & the, ones from Close Encounters of the First Kind, everything like that. & for example, in Roswell, New Mexico, which is kind of where the idea of the UFOs or spaceships powered by aliens, that's sort of where the idea started, & it's probably least biased. They have, models of aliens & they look very, very female. & so I was saying that maybe besides all the messages we get there, maybe that's a message in itself that we should be more attuned to females, & that females had a lot more to do with Earth life. & what the current literature says.

Stan Mallow:

You state that in addition to a number of other areas influenced by females, early human matriarchy is where our intellect began. Writing was women's invention. The alphabet began in the matriarchy, as did mathematics, & that civilization itself was founded in the matriarchy. Can you, Irena expand on any of that?

Irena Scott:

They say now that, there is no such thing as a matriarchy, we were always, controlled by killer apes or alpha males or all that. Well, they're studying animals, & mammals are what we are. In recent studies of mammals, they’re finding that's not the group. I mean, they're not a male harem. If there's a group of animals with a male in it's he's not the controller leader. For example, a lion group, they always show the male line standing over zebra top predator & all that. If you think about it, there's a lot more zebras than there are lions. & the lions are in danger. Zebras are doing fine. So you can't really say that they're top predators controlling everything. But even in lions, which are carnivores, the lion pride is a group of females. & they're not a group harem collected by males. Like related females, like grandmothers & great grandmothers & daughters. & the males are just they're the organizers & the permanent members & the leaders. The males come & go. I mean, one will be big & fight off the others. & then pretty soon it's gone & the next one comes in. They're not the leaders & it's not their harem. & most groups of mammals, which is what we are, are female groups. & so I was saying that it's very, very likely that humans start out the same way every other animal didn't. We shouldn't say we're different from everybody else. There's also archeological evidence of this. For example, if you go back to the very first stone carvings & things that people did were their females, & if you go back to the cave drawings, things like that, they have a lot of evidence now that these were done by females & that the people living in caves were females & young, such as lions, lions, keep their babies in the den for a while until they grow up. & probably the same thing could have happened to them.& the drawings might be females telling their kids about what animals are there & drawing them, instead of males having some kind of magic hand sketches presented. So I was saying that there's evidence that human intellect came in that way, because the first art for people had been here about 200,000 years, & most of the time most of the artists have been females. That's where people begin to think & have human consciousness was where, if you can draw a picture or make a carving, you have a picture of what you're doing & you can symbolizing symbolize a person by making a carving or something. & I was saying that maybe human consciousness developed in groups of females, & it was basically a learning kind of use symbols & developing the ability to think in symbols rather than the killer ape.

Stan Mallow:

Alien astronauts in movies, TV shows & books are generally depicted as burly males. You point out, & you just gave examples of it Irena that both alien appearance & ancient art show a high proportion of females, & that they are slender. What are the chances of Netflix or somebody coming up with a movie & setting that record straight & having the female astronauts?

Irena Scott:

I'm hoping to introduce a new idea here that. Many theories abound about creation itself & how we came to be. Different religions have their own take on it. However, it appears as a common denominator; their deity came from the skies.

Stan Mallow:

Could you, Irena share 1 or 2 other stories about how various religions depict their creator?

Irena Scott:

I think originally & in most of time humans are here the creator has been a female, & she literally created people because she gave birth to whoever they were honoring. & during until maybe about 5,000 years ago, the creator & the deity was a female. Then when males started taking over, which was basically by the sword, not by the pen they introduced the deity & revised the deity as a male, but the male created everybody by supernatural ways or different stories. Whereas the original deity may have been people kind of honoring their past ancestors & that sort of thing, as a creator.

Stan Mallow:

A number of people associate the end times with predictions of signs in the skies, & they cite the high number of UFOs, UAPs being reported all over the world as proof of that prediction. Is there, Irena any validity to that?

Irena Scott:

It's hard to say from a past because the idea of UFOs, spaceships with aliens came in at about 1947, but there may have been orbs &, things in the sky from way back, but nobody had a name for em, so sometimes they were in art & sometimes described in words, but nobody knew what they were. They didn't have a real name, so they would say, well, this is a deity coming down or something like that. Now they explain some of my ancient astronaut theory, but only since 1947 we've been aware & had a name for those things flying around the sky. So there's seems like a lot more because people have a name for it & the government has repressed everybody until very, very recently & said, if you see anything flying around the sky, it's not there, you're crazy, even if you're, college professor or a pilot or something, you're crazy. But now it's sort of accepted a little bit. & so people can report. & so there's more reports of it. Maybe there's more activities too. But it's hard to compare with the past when nobody knew a name for it. & there was no place to report it.

Stan Mallow:

When it comes to contactees, is there any rhyme or reason as to why alien beings choose certain people to contact & not others?

Irena Scott:

I think there are a number of people do report it, & these are perfectly sane, normal people. They're not, in the insane asylum, they always say, you know, if you see a UFO you're drunk. Well, if you get drunk, you don't necessarily see UFOs anyway.

Stan Mallow:

Quite a few contactees have been given messages by the alien beings they encountered. What Irena are those messages & what is the meaning of those messages?

Hardly ever, if ever, do the messengers say, make bigger bombs, kill more people, slaughter people, take the blood & eat their gore & everything like that. There's almost nothing like that. Most of the messengers are:

Be kind, look out for other people. Preserve the Earth, don't destroy the Earth, & that sort of thing. They're all more or less peaceful, cooperative. But some of them are that the end times that there's going to be a horrible, horrible turmoil & Earth life ending or human life ending or things like that. So far it hasn't. They've always presented the end times as something external, like, you know, meteor coming in & slaughtering us like the dinosaurs or volcanoes going off or the weather or something like that. They never presented it as us doing it ourselves. & that's, might be a big problem now if we can do it to ourselves. & so that's different from all the predictions. So we kind of have control over what we do to ourselves.

Stan Mallow:

Is there any way, is there anything mankind can do to avoid the apocalypse? & should there be one, is there anything we can do to survive it?

Irena Scott:

I was trying to do my, little part by saying maybe our past is not what we think we are, & we're we're solving our problems the wrong way. &, yeah, I mean, we stop having wars, but it's so ingrained. & the idea that war solves everything that's a big deal is very, very ingrained. & the killer ape & all that, it's just what everybody knows. & it would be hard to subtract that idea, but it may be a very destructive idea.

Should viewers of Paranormal Yakker want to buy Aliens & The Apocalypse:

The Meaning of Alien Messages, how Irena can they do that?

Irena Scott:

It's on & also I have a web page & I list my books & all you do is click on a book & it goes right to Ignore it so you can do it either way or through Flying Disk Press by Philip Mantle.

Stan Mallow:

Dr Irena Scott, I thank you for being my guest on Paranormal Yakker, as always, I very much enjoyed yakking with you.

Irena Scott:

Well, I very much enjoyed yakking with you, too. & thank you for having me.