1st Media Consulting Group, Inc. Podcast

Transforming Tutoring: Innovative Learning with Lisa from UR Learning Solution LLC

August 16, 2024 Didier

Unlock the secrets to making learning a joyous journey with our special guest, Ms. Lisa, the innovative force behind UR Learning Solution LLC. Ms. Lisa shares her unique methods that transform traditional tutoring into an engaging and enjoyable experience for students of all ages. Whether you're the parent of a kindergartner or an adult gearing up for the SAT, ACT, or professional exams in nursing and military careers, you'll find Lisa's insights incredibly valuable. Tune in as she discusses the critical importance of foundational skills in math and reading, and how her company's tailored approaches address the specific challenges of relocating families adjusting to Florida's educational standards.

We also dive into the myriad ways you can connect with Lisa and her team for more personalized guidance. From leaving a message at 407-658-7575 to engaging on social media under the handle UR Learning Solution, Lisa makes it easy for families to reach out for support. Don't forget to visit her website www.urlearningsolution.com, for a treasure trove of additional information. We wrap up this episode with a mutual sense of excitement for future collaborations and encourage our listeners to subscribe to the 1st Media Consulting Group Podcast. Plus, get inspired to nominate other outstanding businesses for future episodes!

Speaker 1:

Welcome to the First Media Consulting Podcast, the Business Chronicles, where we dive deep into the stories of successful business owners. Here's your host, Didi and Nicholas. Thanks for joining today. Let's talk.

Speaker 2:

Welcome everybody to our podcast. My name is Didi and Nicholas. I'm your host and I am so excited to introduce to you Ms Lisa. She's with UR Learning Solution LLC. She's the owner, and we have got a good show here for you guys and we're actually going to start off and first say hi to each other.

Speaker 3:

Hi how are you Good? How are you?

Speaker 2:

I'm doing awesome. Thanks for asking. You know we are so got so many things going on. We're juggling so many hats. You know in our daily lives and you know, as a business owner, great things in terms of giving back and helping students and in your audience, or your customers, I would say, about what you do. So if you can kind of go into that and tell us a little bit about your business, yes, so with your Learning Solution, we provide tutoring and educational services.

Speaker 3:

People always think you know tutoring, oh great, that's extra support for the kids. We definitely want to give extra support for the kids, but we do it differently. We engage the kids. We want to make it fun. When the students are having fun, they don't realize they're learning, so we always want to. I pride myself in saying we always want to go ahead and do something out of the box and that's what we do. We provide educational services. We have so many families from different countries, different states. Florida is different in the education system. Sometimes they don't understand some of the verbiage or the lingo or the testing, so we help the families go through that and explain the differences. You know from their state that they're coming from, whether it's Hawaii, california, washington, new York, georgia, right next door because the standards are different in Florida, right, but yeah, you're right, I absolutely love giving back to the community. The schools, the students absolutely love giving back to the community the schools, the students, because that's our future.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and I've known you for quite some time now and I know you know you're training all across the board, correct? What are some of the things you kind of dive into?

Speaker 3:

Well, we have, you know, your basic math, reading, comprehension, phonics for the little ones when they're first starting school. I mean, we just started school this week, so I have, I think I want to say, about five kindergartners already. We're starting with the foundations, which is you have to have your foundations at the very beginning. But we also do test prep the high schoolers, sat, act, beginning. But we also do test prep, the high schoolers, sat, act. But we don't stop there, we go into sciences. I've even had adults come to me the military, the ASVAB test, border patrol test, nursing test.

Speaker 3:

A lot of the testing that people do has math in it. And let's face it, the older we get, we get more nervous. Because we think math is going to be so complicated, they get nervous. I mean, it's a natural feeling to get nervous before you take any test. You know, gre, going back to college, it's nerve wracking, you know. But when you think of oh my God, math, what kind of math questions, I haven't done it in so long, you know you don't use it, you lose it, type of thing. So we like to go ahead and make sure we refresh the brain a little bit and teach them, you know, what they need to know before they go into their testing.

Speaker 2:

Wow, that's. That's very good information to know and, if you don't mind, sharing with our listeners what motivated you to get into this business.

Speaker 3:

So I actually used to run a college, so I saw the end results students coming in either as adults or right out of high school, and they didn't know their basic math, and that's a problem. I mean your basic algebra, you know adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing. That was an issue. And so I remember asking some of my math teachers and I taught myself hey, can we stay longer? And these are the students that need to refresh themselves, because in life everything is a building block, especially with your academics. You know, I always compare it to crawling and walking. When you're learning and growing up, you have to know how to crawl. You have your balance. Now you're walking, you have to know how to walk. Before you run, you can know your equilibrium, you know how to pace yourself. It's the same thing with your academics. So when I saw that that was needed, I said no, I need to make a difference before they get to this point, before they get to the college stage.

Speaker 2:

And I think and sorry to interrupt you, but I think you found a niche. You know you found a need, because you worked in that space, you saw that there was a need and you developed a business based on that need and I think it's so important. You know, when you are starting a business you've got to fill, you know, fill that gap.

Speaker 3:

Yes, yes, and when you're younger you soak things up like a sponge as we get older. We're set in our ways as to how we learn, so it's easier to learn different things when you're younger, just like learning a different language. It's easier when you're younger. You pick it up faster. You may not be grammatically correct, but you know what the words mean.

Speaker 2:

So yeah, Well, can you tell us about? You know, every business, every industry has some kind of myths or misconceptions. Are there anything that really kind of stands out that you want to share with our listeners?

Speaker 3:

Myths, I mean, there's so many now.

Speaker 3:

I now have to narrow it down. Yeah, I can tell you. For example, when you're in high school, the SAT ACT Right, different concepts that may have gone over their head, but you can definitely prepare for the SAT, even though it's years and years of learning. But there's nothing wrong with getting a refresher and then practicing. I always say practice makes progress. I don't like the phrase practice makes perfect, but definitely makes progress. So when someone knows what they're doing and they're practicing the correct way, they're definitely going to improve from what they started. If you're practicing the wrong way because you've never learned it the correct way, you're thinking you're doing the correct. If no one is telling you that's wrong, you're going to keep doing the same mistake as an adult you know that's.

Speaker 2:

That's very well stated. So you know we're all busy and I always say this on pretty much when we talk what are some of the things you like to do for fun outside of outside of what you do for your business?

Speaker 3:

Well, I have dogs. I'm a big dog lover, so you'll find me sometimes at home playing with my dogs. I love dancing. I used to dance. I used to be in like little dance competitions when I was younger, so sometimes you'll find me in the house cleaning and dancing.

Speaker 2:

Well, that's not a bad thing.

Speaker 3:

I do like music. I do like music. I'm always jamming back to my, you know, back to my era.

Speaker 2:

You know what? To be honest, when you're dancing, it's actually good exercise. Yes, it is it is that's awesome and I'm definitely a foodie.

Speaker 3:

I love to try different foods from different cultures. I'm definitely a foodie.

Speaker 2:

You know, I think a lot of people love food, right? That's one thing. And to experience different foods, foods too, is just. You know, it's kind of rewarding in itself, right? Yes, so, as we get, you know, get ready to wrap up here what is one thing that you want our listeners, that you want to leave our listeners with about your business?

Speaker 3:

So I know students think it's torture coming to tutoring. You give me two weeks. They will not think it's torture. Everyone can learn, regardless if they're on the spectrum, regardless if they have ADD, everyone can learn. It's just the way and the environment that they're learning. And so I would tell your listeners definitely, you know there's always hope. It's just the matter of how your child is learning. They can definitely learn.

Speaker 2:

Wow, awesome. So what is the best way for our listeners to get a hold of you, if you can provide your phone number as well as your website?

Speaker 3:

Yes, so you can leave a message at 407-658-7575. I'm also on Facebook and Instagram at your Learning Solution and your is spelled UR. All the kids get it. The parents are like, but it's UR Learning Solution and my website wwwyourlearningsolutioncom.

Speaker 2:

Well, lisa, it's been a pleasure. Thank you so much for joining us here on our podcast and you know we look forward to having you back again in the near future.

Speaker 3:

Awesome, good seeing you again.

Speaker 2:

You as well.

Speaker 1:

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