1st Media Consulting Group, Inc. Podcast

Lighting the Way: Byron from Get Lit Decorative Lighting & Orlando Trimlight Journey to Permanent Holiday and Outdoor Lighting

August 22, 2024 Didier

Ever wondered how a master electrician pivots an entire business during a pandemic? Meet Byron, the ingenious mind behind Get Lit Decorative Lighting and Orlando Trimlight, who turned challenge into opportunity by transitioning from event lighting production to permanent holiday and outdoor lighting solutions. Byron's story is a powerful reminder of adaptability and innovation in the face of adversity. Leveraging his extensive electrical expertise, Byron ensures safety and quality in every installation, highlighting why hiring a licensed electrical contractor is crucial for your landscape lighting needs.

Join us as Byron sheds light on the burgeoning trend of permanent holiday lighting and what you should consider when choosing a landscape lighting service. From the importance of good reviews to the critical role of proper licensing, Byron shares valuable insights that can save you time and trouble. He also opens up about the inspiration behind his business ventures, revealing how his wife's support was instrumental in their entrepreneurial journey. This episode is packed with expert advice and inspiring stories perfect for homeowners and aspiring entrepreneurs alike.

Speaker 1:

Welcome to the First Media Consulting Podcast, the Business Chronicles, where we dive deep into the stories of successful business owners. Here's your host, Didi and Nicholas. Thanks for joining today. Let's talk.

Speaker 2:

Welcome everyone to our podcast, where we dive into stories of successful business owners and entrepreneurs from various industries, and I am so excited to introduce to you Byron, who's the owner of Get Lit Productions. Welcome, brian. Hey, good morning, how are you?

Speaker 3:

doing. Happy to be on your show here.

Speaker 2:

Appreciate that Absolutely, man. I'm excited to have you and we're excited to bring our listeners to tell them a little bit about your business. So let's kind of start there Tell us a little bit about your business.

Speaker 3:

Absolutely so. You mentioned GetLit Productions. That is actually, in fact, one of my businesses. We do event lighting production. The one I think that is most important here that we talk about is called GetLit Dec lighting, lando trim light um, and we're a central florida business located out of winter garden been in business, uh, doing this, uh for going on five years now. Um, I'm a licensed master electrician. That's my background. Uh, and uh, the reason why I'm doing this, uh, uh, covid was kind of the, the spawn of, of of the business.

Speaker 3:

Doing permanent holiday lighting is what we do, as well as other outdoor lighting, such as pool cage lighting, landscape lighting, uh, commercial outdoor lighting um, all based around low voltage products. Um, and so, with the COVID coming along, the event lighting production to get the productions that you mentioned there a few minutes ago, all but died for a while. So I had to continue to be in business and do something, and so we started this outdoor lighting thing and it's been, it's, it's been well received. You know, everyone loves permanent holiday lighting. I say not everyone, but a lot of people outdoor permanent holiday lighting. So so it's very fortunate for us that we're in the business and we do enjoy doing it for us that we're in the business and we do enjoy doing it, so you really got to know what you're doing when you get involved in your type of business and industry, correct?

Speaker 3:

Absolutely. It's electrical. Whether it's low voltage or high voltage stuff, it still cause fires, hurt people, things like that. So it's very important that knowledge of electrical systems in any capacity overall is known.

Speaker 2:

So what is it that our listeners need to look for when hiring a landscape lighter? What is some of the most important things that you can point out to them and help them choosing?

Speaker 3:

You know, like anything else when you're shopping for something or looking for a service is reviews. You know. So if a company has good reviews, that's a good sign. Number one, you know, and I think maybe a more important thing is finding a licensed electrical contractor to do this kind of stuff. You know we have a better knowledge of power needs and power. You know requirements and limitations and safe practices as far as installing these lighting systems. So very important those two things.

Speaker 2:

No, that's very important and that's good to know. So what inspired you to get into this business? I think you kind of answered it, but in the beginning you know what I mean. What really wanted you to go into the lighting industry, landscape lighting industry.

Speaker 3:

You know, I started back in high school learning electrical and the reason I did that? Because my dad's a plumber. He didn't want to do plumbing because it's dirty and then I found it too. So but no, you know, the lighting thing actually the original Get Lit Productions things was the the idea of my, my then girlfriend, now wife, that we have two kids with, but it was her idea to get into event lighting and then the event lighting for 15 years now has been very good and, like I say, covid came along, had to kind of reinvent myself again and then we started doing permanent all day lighting. So I've always had a background in the electrical trade from the mid 80s and that's been just kind of my my go-to overall.

Speaker 2:

So when you, when you talk about holiday lighting, you know there's, you know you have your different LED lights, you have your white lights, you have your colored lights. What do you see as more of the trend today?

Speaker 3:

Well, permanent holiday lighting has become the trend. We use a product called Trim Light and that that product, the company that I I'm an authorized dealer, um, of the trim light product, um, uh, trim light is the originator, the creator um the longest running quality lighting system out there. But, um, you know, uh, to be able to control your, your lights from from the palm of your hand with your phone, set up all the holidays, set up a nice decorative house and celebrate all the holidays, all birthdays, game day colors if you're sports fans, you can do all this now with permanent holiday lighting that blends into your house. You don't even see the lights there, and that's the new thing.

Speaker 2:

Oh, that is cool. That's very cool, man. So what are a few lessons that you've learned as a business owner? Anything you want to share?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it's not as easy as some people might think. You know, in starting out. You know, in business for myself, you know being a sole proprietor, being myself only having to rely on myself to, you know, to go to work to do the work. That's easy, you know overall. You know you just got to get your butt out of bed, right. But you know, as, as things progress and you know the business grows, if you want it to grow, most people would, you know, overall, like the business to grow.

Speaker 3:

You know there's there's a lot of things. You know it's not just me having to worry about me, it's me having to worry about, you know, all of my employees. I mean they got bills to pay. You know we have, you know, bills to pay as a business. I mean I'm not only supplying a lifestyle for my family but I'm helping to supply a lifestyle for all the people that work for me. So there's a lot of pressure. And then also keeping customers happy, warranty services, as they're supposed to be. So there's a lot of working parts. I've learned that I can't wear all the hats, that's right.

Speaker 2:

Although I still try to. So yeah, yeah, and that's a good point Juggling many hats as a business owner, that's what you're doing, so you have to really kind of think and dive into that, too as your thought process when you start a business. So what's the one thing you wish our listeners could know about your business? Something that really stands out, that you come across a lot with your customers.

Speaker 3:

We care about our customers. There's no doubt. I mean, we're in the business of customer service first and foremost. Second is lighting. So we want customers to ultimately be happy with our services and then love their light second, and that's really you know what I'd like to be known for, for you know helping people?

Speaker 2:

Awesome. And as we wrap up here, a couple more things. What advice would you give aspiring entrepreneurs or new business owners? You know, based on your experience? Maybe one or two key points.

Speaker 3:

Don't give up when it gets tough. You know persist. You know. You know going into business is not for the lighthearted. You know there's there's a lot of hurdles. So, you know, just be strong. And you know, find those people, the mentors that can, you know, help you push through the next level. You know people are really the biggest part of business, you know, in relationships. So so form great alliances, form relationships. Find those people that can help you and it'll, it'll, it'll truly get you to the next level and keep you hyper focused in how you, how you make this work.

Speaker 2:

Very well stated Byron. I like that a lot in how you make this work. Very well stated Byron. I like that a lot. And if you can just let our listeners give them a way to get a hold of you, it could be your phone number, it could be your website.

Speaker 3:

As we wrap up here, Absolutely, you can find us online. It's orlandotrimlightcom, that's trimlight T-R-I-M-L-I-G-H-T. Orlandotrimlightcom, um, that's the best way to find us. You can find all kinds of information. You can set up a free demo and uh and um on-site quote, uh to get an idea of what, uh, any outdoor light is going to cost you, um, but orlandotrimlightcom is the best way awesome.

Speaker 2:

Well, thank you so much for being part of this podcast. Uh, we were so excited to learn so much about your business. Hopefully, we'll have you back in in the future again, and thank you, appreciate it uh, I greatly appreciate it to have me on uh.

Speaker 1:

Thank you very much, you're very welcome thank you for tuning in to first media consulting podcast. If you enjoyed the podcast, subscribe today to nominate a business you would like to recommend to be on our show. Go to firstmediaconsultingcom or call. Thank you for listening.