1st Media Consulting Group, Inc. Podcast

Interior Design Triumph: Soraya's Story of Resilience and Success

September 04, 2024 Didier

What drives a person to leave everything behind and pursue their dreams in a new country? Soraya, the dynamic owner of Design Staging Group, shares her extraordinary journey from Iran to building a flourishing interior design business in the United States. In this episode, we explore how her entrepreneurial spirit was not only a ticket to a new life but also a catalyst for creating job opportunities and achieving remarkable success in the world of interior design.

Join us as Soraya reveals the indispensable role of color and lighting in transforming living spaces, and why understanding client needs is paramount in her line of work. From overcoming challenges as an immigrant to evolving her business from a simple furniture retail store to a comprehensive design firm, Soraya’s story is a compelling testament to resilience and relentless forward momentum. Don't miss this inspiring conversation filled with valuable insights for anyone passionate about entrepreneurship and interior design!

Speaker 1:

Welcome to the First Media Consulting Podcast, the Business Chronicles, where we dive deep into the stories of successful business owners. Here's your host, Didi and Nicholas. Thanks for joining today. Let's talk.

Speaker 2:

Hello everyone, I'm so happy to bring to you Soraya. She's the owner of Design Staging Group and she's actually going to tell her story and share a little bit about her business, and we're so excited to have you. Good morning, how are you?

Speaker 3:

Good morning, didier, I'm fine. How are you doing?

Speaker 2:

I am doing awesome. Thank you so much for joining us this morning. I'm excited for our listeners to learn about your business and a little bit about your background, so let's kind of start there, if you don't mind. Tell us a little bit about your background, soraya.

Speaker 3:

Well, I'm a proud American. I chose to be in this country, so I'm an immigrant. I lived in Europe for a while. I'm originally from Iran and I love that I have the opportunity to have a business here in this country. I'm a mother, I'm wife of you know, 40 years this year and we, just a year and a half ago, we were blessed with a grandson well, congratulations, that's.

Speaker 2:

That's exciting. So you know, with that being said, tell us a little bit about your business, tell us a little bit about design staging group. What do you guys do?

Speaker 3:

well, um, I started this business. Design on Stage and Group is a full-service interior design firm. So, based on our clients asking us if we can help them to design their home, our furniture retail business kind of evolved to be the design firm that we are here now. So we do anything that you need for the interior of the house, from anything simple like color consultation all the way to full execution of a design.

Speaker 2:

And you know color. You mentioned that word, color. Color is important when you're designing, isn't it?

Speaker 3:

When you're doing the interior of your home, color is important when you're designing, isn't it when you're doing the interior of your home? Yes, they say that the color changing color of your walls is the easiest, least expensive thing you can do to make a huge difference. So color is very, very important, and the choices that we have. These days, it's hard to find the right color for the right room because every room has different lighting, so the color that is perfect for one room might be wrong for another.

Speaker 2:

You know I was going to mention I'm sorry to interrupt you. I was going to mention. You said the word lighting. That and color combined can really transform a room.

Speaker 3:

That's right. That's why you see so many windows these days. Any new construction, people love to have more natural light, and even in a reno of an old home they bring in bigger windows, because everybody wants more of the natural light.

Speaker 2:

That's a very good point. So what inspired you, Soraya, to start your business?

Speaker 3:

Well, when we first moved to US, we needed to have a business so that we could legally stay in this country, renew our you know visa, so to say, or permission to be in this country and work by creating jobs for few Americans every year. So we had to start a business and we had to make it successful and we had to hire American citizens. So and that was that was good, because that pushed us to just go one way never think of quitting, never think of going back.

Speaker 2:

And you know that. Congratulations for sticking through it, because it's all about staying positive, right and pushing forward, no matter how hard it gets. And going into that, what is the secret to your success?

Speaker 3:

I think the fact that we just didn't look back and the fact that we were together and you know we had to stay in business and take care of our customers. I think listening to your customers is the most important thing, because sometimes I see that people are not listening and they work on an idea they have for the customer not what the customer really wants, and each person is different. Customer not what the customer really wants and each person is different. And when you talk about interior and their homes, you really need to be careful about who is in the space, how they use the space. So every project is unique and you have to really be mindful of your client's needs.

Speaker 2:

And you mentioned another word that you know, that popped up is listening, you know, listen to what your client wants and then making recommendations according to what their needs are. You know, and that is topical, you know, every business now has trend right. Everything is trending in every industry. Is there anything that pans out trending in your business from your customers?

Speaker 3:

well, um, you can see that there is a lot of softer lines, muted colors and textures instead of patterns from one side. But then you have the other group that want, you know, floral patterns and color and tchotchkes and you know details. So I think, with the social media being in our life so much, people are not so dependent on following a trend. They realize that there are a lot of people liking exactly what they like, so they just go after what they want. So in the market I see that you know clients, they want both. Some people want very contemporary and some people want really grand detail in interiors. So I'm glad that it's there, because before people just wanted to follow something, but now they are really finding what they like.

Speaker 2:

I think it goes down to two words personal preference.

Speaker 3:

That's right.

Speaker 2:

Right, and that's a good point. So every business has challenges that they face. You know that they are faced with when they're starting their business, when they're going through the business. Are there any challenges that you have faced with that you want to share with our listeners?

Speaker 3:

during the COVID it was products availability that was a challenge. But now products are available, but they are really more expensive now.

Speaker 3:

so that's a biggest challenge because people, especially if they haven't done any interior design for a while and they give me a budget to work with, they think this budget is great but it's hard to stretch it with the pricing that we have these days because I believe that they have to get quality products. So pricing is a big challenge now. And then the other challenge that interior designers always face is the quality of the trend and the trades they work with. So, especially now that a lot of people are moving to Florida, it's hard to find good trade. A lot of people they think they can do it and you know. So that's why you see in social media sometimes news about somebody didn't do the right job or did a good job. So trades are hard. So I try to find the right trades, let them on behalf of my customers and take them to projects so they do it right one time. You know I hate double work.

Speaker 2:

Well, you know it's interesting because it's important, like you said, to make sure you're getting the right team in place to work through and help the end user, which is your customer. Make them happy. We are. You know there's people here listening that are interested in becoming aspiring entrepreneurs or business owners. Is there any advice that you would give to them? Uh, about maybe starting a business? You know anything that you you can think of and what to look for?

Speaker 3:

Yes, if, if they really want to start a business, I feel like it's something that needs to be born. So you have to give it a chance. Um, start small, small uh, and create a proper foundation for your business and put together your support team. Many, many years ago, when I started my business in Sweden, I went to you know, talk to someone that was a business veteran and he told me don't leave gaps because you're going to end up in them. Don't leave gaps because you're going to end up in them. So that has been a really good advice and I want to pass it on to the new generation Don't leave gaps. You know, if you know something needs to be done or you forgot about your taxes or accounting, especially those things, make sure you close the gaps so you don't end up in it.

Speaker 2:

Wow, Very good advice. As we wrap up here, can you provide our listeners a way to get ahold of you? Your website, your phone number?

Speaker 3:

Sure, my cell phone number is 407-758-1671. And I'm always answering texts and calls. And then my email is Soraya S-O-R-A-Y-A at designstaginggroupcom.

Speaker 2:

Well, Soraya, it's been a pleasure, you know, speaking with you and getting firsthand knowledge of your business and, you know, sharing your advice on, you know, with our listeners about business itself and hopefully we can have you back again in the near future.

Speaker 3:

That'd be great. Thank you so much for the opportunity, Tavia.

Speaker 2:

You're very welcome.

Speaker 1:

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