1st Media Consulting Group, Inc. Podcast

Turning Struggles into Success: Jackie Barboza's Journey with HCI Hair Solutions

September 06, 2024 Didier

How do you turn a personal struggle into a thriving business? Jackie Barboza, owner of HCI Hair Solutions, joins us to share her journey from experiencing alopecia at the age of 15 to becoming a leading figure in medical hair restoration. With deep family roots in business and hair care, Jackie’s story is one of resilience and innovation. Discover how her personal experiences fueled her passion and led her to revolutionize hair loss solutions using cutting-edge treatments such as ultrasonic wave therapy, trichology, scalp micropigmentation, and hair transplants.

In this episode, Jackie takes us behind the scenes of HCI Hair Solutions, revealing the advanced technologies and transformative services they offer. She sheds light on the evolution of hair replacement systems, which have become so natural-looking that they are virtually undetectable. With over two decades of hands-on experience, Jackie offers invaluable insights for aspiring entrepreneurs and anyone interested in the hair restoration field. Join us to learn from an expert who has turned a personal challenge into a mission to help others regain their confidence and sense of self.

Speaker 1:

Welcome to the First Media Consulting Podcast, the Business Chronicles, where we dive deep into the stories of successful business owners. Here's your host, Didi and Nicholas. Thanks for joining today. Let's talk.

Speaker 2:

Hello everyone, I am so excited to bring to you Jackie Barboza, and she's the owner of HCI Hair Solutions. Hello Jackie, how you doing.

Speaker 3:

How are you? I'm doing great, thank you.

Speaker 2:

Awesome, good to hear that. We want to kind of dive in. The show is all about trying to learn more about your business, sharing your opportunities in your business with our listeners and also kind of giving some feedback to our listeners about if they're interested in starting a business right. What are some of the things to look for, some of the things to take away from that, from your experience. So, with that being said, I want to go ahead and dive into it and if you want to just give us a brief overview of your background, Of course.

Speaker 3:

So, of course, I come from a family that owned businesses all their lives my mother, my grandparents and so on and so it was in our nature to just open this business. But my mother, very young, was a wig maker, so that inspired me to actually one day have my own salon, and what it turned out to be is a medical hair restoration center, because at age 15, actually, it was diagnosed with alopecia.

Speaker 3:

And really your public does not know what alopecia is. There's different variations of alopecia and mine was body hair loss, and it's usually an immune disorder that causes hair loss.

Speaker 2:

Now let me ask you that, going into that, is that genetics or is that something that just happens?

Speaker 3:

It happens. Just because I have it doesn't mean that my kids will have it. None of them have it, although one of my boys have thin hair. Okay.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so interesting. So it's interesting. What inspired you to get into this business? Right, there's always inspirations for business owners. I've talked to that. Something has happened in the past that led them up to where they're at today. Does that make sense?

Speaker 3:

Yes, absolutely, which it did lead me into this. My mother actually owned a hair restoration center, so did my sister actually owned a hair restoration center, so did my sister, the actually the center HCI hair solution. My sister created it. She's the one, she's the founder of this company. And I bought it for her 2014, 10 years ago, but I worked for her for 25 years.

Speaker 2:

So you definitely know what's going on. You have that, you have that firsthand knowledge right, and you're taking that to the next level. So congratulations for that. So tell us a little bit about your business, what type of services, and let's go a little bit more into talking about what you do we do everything from hair loss.

Speaker 3:

So if you have hair loss, thinning or early stages, we actually do the alma ted we actually do, which is a treatment, an ultrasonic wave treatment to have help stimulate the hair growth on your scalp. We also have trichology treatments. We have micropigmentation to actually do scalp to scalp tattooing for those that don't want any type of treatments and just want to go into tattooing their scalp. Then we also have transplants for those that want to go to that level of just hey, I don't want to wear a hair system or what the public calls the hair piece, right?

Speaker 3:

But you know come to where, and the majority of our clients now wear hair replacement, which back in the days they used to call it two pace. Well, guess what? They're no longer two pace because they're so thin and so natural that you would not believe.

Speaker 2:

I mean half of the people out there that you probably talk to and communicate have hair replacement, believe it or not interesting and you would not, based on what you're telling me, you would not know the difference as a as a person walking by that. Yeah, interesting. Wow, I know, I know you say you have the newest technology. It's called alma, what?

Speaker 3:

is it? Oh, it's phenomenal. It's like the boom right now. Because what it is? We used to have the low level laser, we still have it, but the Alma Ted, it's a new innovative machine that actually stimulates deeper into the seventh layer of your scalp to actually stimulate that hair growth, because otherwise the hair eventually, if nothing's done, guess what?

Speaker 2:

your follicle becomes dormant, sits in other words, in other words it not, it dies or it's just dormant, it eventually does, okay it eventually does so the best way.

Speaker 3:

So people say, oh, my hair's not growing. Guess what, if you have vellus hairs, the baby, baby, fine hairs, you can regain those hair back and make them get thicker by doing something like Alma Ted low-level laser trichology treatments. Those things actually help stimulate the growth of your hair.

Speaker 2:

Wow, great information. This is awesome. So what is the secret to your success?

Speaker 3:

Well, I want to be able to have my clients and anybody out there. I want to give their confidence back. So you know, when I'm out there and I talk to people or I'm like you, I'm out there in the public eye to make sure to give them my story. You know, I was 15 years old once and didn't have hair and what a blessing that my mom was in the field. But in this industry, doing what you did and help me someone who actually need it, I try to go out there and be that word. Go to alopecia centers, the cancer center, places that I can be, where I feel like someone has not that confidence in themselves.

Speaker 2:

And I think you said it right. It's the confidence and a lot of people, believe it or not, do lack self-confidence.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

And if, if what you're doing is great, because if you can help them one step at a time, you know get to that better place, then that's a whole positive thing that you know you can move forward with. So kudos to you for that. Let's talk about some of the trends that are going on in the industry, something that's really popping now.

Speaker 3:

Well, the new trend right now is for well, we have a couple, so in hairy placement right now. It's a very thin layer of system. It's so thin, it's paper thin it actually will tear, so it's a one-time use. So, ben Affleck, all those movie stars out there that they're actually wearing them, they're so thin. They slick their hair back and you see scalp. That's the new innovative system. It's paper thin, so it's called the skin system, because that's exactly what it is.

Speaker 2:

So I know that, you know we talked about the success, and, but every business owner has challenges, right? So are there any challenges? And I'm sure there are. Can you name a few?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, when it's sometimes I'm not saying it's a challenge, I mean we all have challenges when I'll give you an example when it's hard to create a full prosthetic on someone that maybe had brain surgery and we have a deformity or something, because we deal with every case. It's just not about the glam, about giving someone hair because they don't have enough density. We also deal with cancer patient clients that have disorders or maybe they had surgery and maybe they have a deformity. Now it's half of their scalp, so it's creating a full prosthetic. So do we have challenges? Yeah, I'm pretty sure someone. When they're creating a limb for someone. It's a challenge, but nothing that we can't endure.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, very, very well said. So there are listeners here that are listening and are aspiring to be entrepreneurs and they want to be business owners right, but sometimes you know we're pushed back. Can you give any advice on to aspiring entrepreneurs that want to become a business owner?

Speaker 3:

Absolutely. I just say if you have a passion for something, you should go for it, because whatever the passion is in mine, it started off as cosmetology, ended up a trichologist specialist and so on. I have my master's in business. I feel like if you have an inspiration to whatever it is, whether it is cosmetology, take it to the next level. Every, every career has a next level and just keep moving with it and you will grow. But you have to believe in yourself that you will grow, otherwise you will not grow. You know, I feel like you know who thought that? You know, you went from a small studio to a whole building. You know, I didn't think I could even fit all those people in here, but now we've outgrown this spot and it's all by blessing, it's all because I love what I do and I believe that you should love what you do, and that's any career.

Speaker 2:

And Jackie, that is so powerful. I hear that over and over again from business owners that are successful and passion, love what you do and just build those relationships over time and if you can do that and you can stay consistent on that that's huge. Well, I want to. I'm sorry, go ahead.

Speaker 3:

That is. I mean, I love what I do. I can't call it a job. I come here and I love it. I can't even tell I can be here 12 hours. Sometimes my own employees kick me out 12, 14 hours and you just it's like my home. But sometimes I do have to back away a little bit.

Speaker 2:

Well, you are so awesome and I'm so excited for you to be able to share, you know, your passion and your business and all the things that you've gone through to get to this point with our listeners and looking forward to having you back, hopefully in the near future as well.

Speaker 3:

Absolutely To give you all the latest technology.

Speaker 2:

Yes, before I go, can you go ahead and give the phone number and the website of our listeners to get a hold of you?

Speaker 3:

Can you go ahead and give the phone number and the website of our listeners to get a hold of you? Absolutely, Our company is HCI Hair Solutions and that is our website, wwwhciorlandocom, and our phone number 407-830-0554. That's 407-830-0554. And if you're suffering from hair loss or any type of condition like that, please don't hesitate to call us, Jackie.

Speaker 2:

thank you so much for this time.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

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