You Feel Me, Dawg!

Episode 1: Anti-Hero

August 12, 2024 Travis Heckart

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 You Feel Me, Dawg: Nostalgia, In-Yun, and Antiheroes
New episode posted every Monday!!! 
Join Travis, Kayla, and Julia in their first podcast episode of 'You Feel Me, Dawg?' This lively conversation bounces from nostalgic reflections on childhood treats and awkward pool parties to deep dives into cultural concepts like 'In-Yun' from the beautiful film 'Past Lives.' The hosts also discuss memorable interactions with strangers, the enigma of generational naming, and reminisce about renting DVDs from Blockbuster. Excitement around comic book adaptations, particularly regarding Wolverine's costume in the new Deadpool movie, sparks spirited debates. The episode wraps up with a thought-provoking 'would you rather' question, exploring the allure of being an antihero. Get ready for an engaging mix of humor, introspection, and pop culture banter!

 00:00 Introduction and Button Pressing Fun
00:30 Sunday Vibes and Family Time
00:55 Podcast Debut and Catchphrases
01:11 Millennial Musings and Hot Takes
02:27 9/11 Memories and Education
04:14 Generational Differences and Nostalgia
08:30 Olympics and Favorite Sports
09:12 Canoeing Adventures and Scary Water Stories
17:47 House of Dragons Discussion
23:46 Creative Writing and Sobriety
26:42 Reflecting on Old Poems and Creative Talents
28:07 Discussing the Movie 'Past Lives'
28:52 Exploring the Concept of Fate and In-Yun
36:37 Personal Stories of Unusual Connections
45:23 Review of the Deadpool and Wolverine Movie
53:25 Would You Rather: Superhero, Villain, or Antihero?
54:31 Conclusion and Farewell 

Pressing all the buttons, pressing all the buttons, yeah. Break it down. How many buttons do you have? Eight buttons, eight buttons, and we're going to keep pressing them, pressing them. Welcome to You Feel Me, Dawg. I'm Travis. I'm Kayla. And I'm Julia. we're rolling. We're rolling. Fuck yeah. Welcome to your Sunday. This is Sunday. How do we feel about it? Well, it's the Lord's Day and it's not for football. Most importantly, it's not for football. It's for your family. Hanging with my family. Podcasting with my family. Podfam, fam it up. Hashtag. Oh, yeah. Oh, for sure. For sure. Okay, I love it. This is our first podcast, everybody. Welcome to You Feel Me, Dawg. You Feel Me, Dawg. You Feel Me, Dawg. Every time you finish a sentence, You Feel Me, Dawg. Every time. Every single time. You Feel Me, Dawg. Maybe not a hot take. No, we don't do hot takes here. We're millennials. Oh, that's right. Ooh, what's like the new version of hot take now? Oh, I don't know. Oh, we're not cool. Gen Alpha would know. They would know. But I think hot take is stupid, too. I've never said that. Oh, that's what I said, unpopular opinion. Yeah, that's what we say, unpopular opinion. I love it. Fuck that hot take I love just when people say hot take and it's just something that everyone loves Yeah, hot take I love ketchup on hot dogs Fuck you Fuck off or like when they say hot take like, you know what you can actually you can have an opinion. It's okay You can say it. It's allowed. Yeah, you can just say it's your opinion You don't even have to say anything in front of it Well, sometimes they're facts. Like, if I were to say, hot take, George W. Bush was the best president of the United States. Like, that's a fact. That is a fact. Hashtag facts. Save the Bushes. He defended our country from another 9 11. Wow. He fucking did it, dude. We never got another one. We only had to have one. You think he's going to finish writing that fucking kids novel or what? I want the picture of his face when they tell him that like the first tower got hit. Oh my gosh. I would just like freeze it. I want that on a t shirt so bad. Okay, I have to tell you, I saw a TikTok recently And it was these two parents and the mom was showing the husband look what your daughter brought home from school today. They made her kids in preschool color 9 11 pictures. It was literally a plane flying into the towers. And then the next one said, never forget, and you could color the letters in. That's good education. We're going the right direction. Fuck yeah we are. So the schools are doing what they need to do. But I want our calendars to match what the schools are doing because 9 11 is not on our freaking calendars. No, it's not. I think that's so wild. That is weird. It's not a holiday. It's not even like a, does there a certain time frame that has to happen for it to be like a remembrance? I don't know. Because it is a remember, I mean, well, it's been over 20 years. For sure. But, it's not, I'll go to my calendar and think, what do I have? And it'll be some random holiday that I've never heard of. Yeah. But 9 11 is not in there. It's not one of the remembrances. Nope. They don't actually want us to remember. I what's weird is that there's a lot of kids nowadays that are turning 21. They don't even fucking they weren't even there Yeah, they don't know it didn't even exist. How weird is that? What's more fucked up? So and not knowing about 9 11 are never seen The movie for scump. Oh man, because some of the high school girls that I coach, they do not, they had no idea what it was never seen because I had like made someone, I'd made a stupid joke and it was crickets you don't know Boris. I feel like we've watched that even in high school, maybe once or twice. Absolutely. Oh, yeah. I'll still put it on like now, just as a background movie. I still watch that in college for sure. Wild. But, hey, just so we're clear, we are not the older generation of millennials. No, wait. We are not the older part of millennials. We're not elder millennials. Elder. There we go. Even though we feel elderly, we are not. We are not. Right. In fact. I have the most gray hair out of all three of us, so I win. And you know what? You earned those. I did. Keep them forever. Each one, I don't even know how I was going to go with that. Each one represents something and I don't know what it is. Trauma. Every cup of coffee and every time he yells at a kid to get out of his yard, he gets another gray hair. That's true. That's a good feeling, yelling at a kid. I don't think you've ever yelled at a kid. No. Yeah. Mm mm. I did yesterday. Not quite yell, just like a stern, like, knock it off. You better fuck off. Don't bully, you can't bully me, seven year old. Man. I'm still not over that though, actually was six years old and she told me that I was weird. That's so rude. You don't even know what weird is. You should tell her. Oh, I didn't. No, I don't know what you're talking about. So we were, it was at the pool party yesterday and I, she was just showing me like stupid stuff like kids do. And I was like, you haven't seen anything like this. And I did like one finger pull up on the diving board. And she just goes, you're weird. And I was like, Respect your elder millennials. Right. Except we're not elder millennials. We're midi. Who was the deciding factor in fucking generational shit like that? Who the fuck did this shit? Who started it? Probably boomers. I feel like boomers are the start of all of it. That's the first time I remember knowing about a generation. Yeah, before then it was just like, The Great Depression. Are you 20? Are you 18? Are you 20? Right. Are you 30? And then after that, you're just old, right? Before the invention of the wheel, what did they call themselves? You know what I mean? What were they doing? They don't even know. They don't know. But remember, autism didn't exist back then. Absolutely not. And now everybody has it. It's a new thing. Ask anyone. Ask any boomer. They didn't have that back in their day. No, it's a new thing for us. It's a millennial thing. Millennial and more. I also had heard millennials are aging like fine wine. Is it Gen Z? Yeah, Gen Z and then Gen Alpha. So, cause all these Gen Zers, they look so old. Like sometimes, like, I don't know. If you're 20, whatever, and they were saying because they eat, they're so much healthier. They're not smoking and they're not drinking you know, everyone before them did. So they're like looking older, but they're also eating healthier. So someone said that they're aging like an avocado because they're like healthier, but they're aging more. Oh my God. Millennials are being, we're preserved because we grew up on like little Debbie's snacks and pop tarts. So we're preserved. I love that. I'll take anything that makes millennials feel better. Oh, absolutely. You know what, recently at work I had one of the girls who, I think she's like 23 maybe? She was like, your skin is glowing. What are you doing? And I had to think about that day and I was like, I didn't wash my face today. I'm just like living. I drink more water and I eat more vegetables. You drink a lot of water. You do. You grew up on baby bottle pops and orange cream sickle ice cream cups. Hashtag 90s, baby. Oh, yeah, we did. So good. Did everyone just eat orange cream sickle popsicles back in the day or was that just me? The push pops. Oh, the Flintstone push pops. Whatever. Just orange cream sickle was like the main fucking flavor. Yeah. Dairy Queen used to have the orange little star. Yeah, they did. And I don't know if I've had any other color. Just because. Just like you said. Orange everything. I think I might have done the red one once. But it wasn't as good. But it wasn't as good. There's an orange and red star? Yeah. Star. Yes. Yeah. I didn't, I don't know anything about this. Yeah. It was on a stick and it was, it was orange and then there was a red one and there was a blue one. They had a red, white and blue one? Duh. Okay, cool. Obviously. Obviously. We watched the gymnastics of the Olympics. Their leotards were so freaking cool. they were amazing. They were awesome. I loved it. So much fun. Let's talk about the Olympics. Olympics. Do you guys like the Olympics? What sport is your favorite in the Olympics? Oh, well, I really like gymnastics, specifically the two beams. Like one is lower, one's higher. Oh, those flips they do are insane. Yeah, the uneven bars. The uneven bars. Yeah, because there are also two bars that are parallel with each other as well. Yep. I mean, I feel like gymnastics has to be your favorite, right? It has to be. It's so fun. What else? Cute. I'm sure there are people that enjoy, like, swimming more, but that's because those people are swimmers. Swimming is fucking cool, though. It is cool. I don't know, that canoeing shit that we watched was very, very interesting, dude. It made me rethink about how do my arms feel when I'm canoeing, which I never do. Do they feel weak? Do they feel strong? How often are you canoeing? Never. I think the last time I went canoeing was probably when the second Fantastic Four movie came out. Me and Alex canoeing about 20 years ago. That's the last time I went canoeing. I love it that that's how you connected that memory. That's awesome. That's because we went canoeing and then his dad took us to go see that movie right after. Classic. That makes sense. Yeah. That was awesome. Memories. Yeah. We were in the middle of a lake and I was like, I'm going to fuck with this dude. Cause he was standing up. Yeah, stand up. And I was like. Alright, I will. And we fucking tipped over and thank goodness it didn't fucking sink cause we had to swim that bitch back to shore with everything in the lake. Oh my gosh. Oh, I've also gotten flipped in a canoe before and it was by my. Late chocolate lab. R. I. P. R. I. P. And we just bought the canoe. It was like the April in Michigan. It's not warm enough to be on the water, but it was such a beautiful day. We were so excited. We wanted to get it out. Like, let's just go out for just a little like we, I mean, it was like a stupidest impulsive purchase ever. 3, 000 for a canoe. Oh my gosh. Why? Oh my gosh. You know, mental illness at its finest. Impulsive purchase. So we take it out. We are cruising in the middle of this lake and Wrigley starts to freak out. He starts shaking Flips us the water is like piercing cold. Oh, I'm sure and then he's freaking out So he gets it like he's trying to grab on to me and I'm trying to kind of hold on hold him up Mm hmm, even though he's a Labrador he can swim. He can jump just fine But his arm or his paw gets caught in the inside of my shirt and then it pulled me down. It was one of the scariest experiences of my life. I would be terrified. So scary. Yeah, water is fucking freaky, dude. Yeah, it is. That's how a lot of people drown though because they're saving other people or beans. I think about the end of the Titanic all the time. How terrifying it would be. I can't imagine. Panic. You're in that type of situation. But the Outside of just surviving in the cold water the people around you. Yeah, the other people dying and well, it wasn't just pitch black I mean, was there even a fucking moon that night? There was so there has to be It's facts even with this ship like split in half. There's still lights on people are still cooking dinner and shit like that That's why I like the swimming part so much just because I mean Fucking forcing your body to go that fast and fucking just h2o is just so fucking cool, dude It really is it is really cool how they just slice through water. I just saw a video today it was a swimmer Just doing is it just freestyle then? Yeah, uh, they when she soon as she put her head in the water they put a glass of like milk on it And she was just swimming freestyle and she balanced the glass of milk perfectly. It was so cool That's so cool. It was captioned you know, this is how Olympic athletes are made like they're just built different. That's awesome Oh my gosh. Okay. Speaking of that. There was a Nike ad that I saw That I wanted to tell you guys about. So so they did the super creative ad of a very, what would be considered morbidly obese person running up this beautiful countryside road. And all you hear is him just breathing in his little feet like. Luke on the pavement, little putter, patter. Yes. And then he's like slowly running towards the camera and then he finally gets closer and he's just dripping with sweat and he stands there and the catchphrase was Find Your Greatness. And the whole thing was supposed to be You don't have to be an athlete to wear Nike. You can be anybody as long as you're trying to do something great in your life. And sometimes that greatness is just giving that company money. Sometimes. Hell yeah. I love good corporate manipulation. You fucking feel me, dawg? Oh, you know what Trav made a good point the other day about corporations and he said, if a corporation was a human, it would be Taylor Swift. And I was like, yeah. Because people make bracelets with her song lyrics on it and they, They do t shirts of her, and if you're wearing red lipstick, you're doing the Taylor look. Mm hmm. It's wild. She can literally bully artists out of fucking releasing their own shit. And that's the most corporate shit ever, dude. I never even thought about that. It's funny, I didn't think about the bracelets. Yeah. But I had just got my friends, like, a best friends bracelet as a joke the other month. And so many people were like, oh, is that a Taylor Swift bracelet? I was like, no, it just says, No, best friends. Like it's just not silly. You know, we made them when we were kids. Yeah, you know, and it's fun And I'm a millennial so nostalgia and yeah, it's completely branded to Taylor Swift now. That's why I totally is Thinking that she's kind of like the Apple of like musicians kind of mm hmm Yeah, like loyalty to the fucking brand, dude. Yeah, absolutely. I think it's wild how they've grown Oh my gosh, the Swifties are huge. Or like I knew about the Swifties and a lot of them like a lot of people that were our friends growing up were like Swifties. Well, you know, not our friends. We don't have friends that are Swifties. But, thank God. People our age and then they just keep on, like, are they getting new friends? Followers, are they just becoming louder because of social media? Are these Swifties having kids and they're raising them as Swifties? I'm confused at how they keep multiplying. I don't know how there's so many more. Or are we just seeing more of it? That is a good question. I would love to see her live, even though I don't really like her at all. Just the performance. It would just be fucking cool. I think I would enjoy the outfits. Oh 100%. The way that she can do an outfit change so quickly. That would be a lot of fun. Yeah, so Kayla and I talked about this, I don't know, last week we were traveling somewhere, about how her, I mentioned it, her just fucking dating underage kids in her early 20s. Oh yeah. And no one fucking wants to talk about it. I had no idea. Yeah. I didn't know that either. Multiple relationships. I don't even know who the fuck. Some of these kids are like unknown, but they were, she was like 21, 22. His kid's like 17. Back when it was like her just becoming big type of thing and she was still dating with nobodies. Yeah, I would say up until like her red album or whatever the fuck it is that I bought for you. Yeah. Yeah. Well, she's always had a thing for like dating under the radar too. To Trav's point, his whole point was She's a woman, and so it's just getting brushed under the rug, but if she was a man, career over. For sure. Which, the fact that no one even fucking talks about it, and it could be false, but I bet it's fucking not. Yeah. Let's be real, dude. Yeah. The fact that no one is even talking about it just says, She's a fuckin big mega corporation, dude. She can't be fuckin touched now. Right. I do struggle sometimes, because you're like, Man, it was so long ago. Do you just let it go? But I think calling, especially these high profile Celebrities, public figures, whatever you want to call them. Calling them out and saying like, Even these people are going to be held accountable for things that have happened no matter what point in their life. I think that Um, starting with that makes it more people to call out people in their lives, which is sad because it 100 percent should be, I'm going to call this person that I'm seeing, right. Do you should, that is a, you know, almost like a real person to me. You are in the same reality that I'm in because we are not in the same reality that Taylor Swift is absolutely not reaching to that. It trickles down. Yeah. No kidding. Very interesting. Interesting. So 21 and 17, so what, that's a four year gap, which if they were both older, isn't a big deal. But the fact that that is a teenager and she is an adult, like, yeah, I mean, it's like a teacher dating a fucking student. I mean, they have, she probably has so much power over these kids that, Oh my gosh, she's Taylor Swift. Fuck. Yeah. I'll date her. I don't give a fuck. I'm not sure the parents didn't care oh my gosh. I had no idea. Yeah. Again, this is all allegedly. I mean, there's photos of her with these kids Oh, is there? Okay. Alright. So it's out there. It's just, you know. I'm just saying, the Taylor Swift Corporation's not suing me. So, speaking of blonde, platinum haired women, let's talk about half of dragons, shall we? Julia, where are you at? You're like episode five, six out of eight. So tonight is a season finale and that's I didn't watch last week Okay, which Trav had read a lot of things online that people were not very happy with last week because they felt like nothing had happened Oh These last two episodes 100 percent should be all battle. Really? Yeah I think they should have been both battled because this is what we have been Anticipating and there hasn't been a ton. The only one has been The one. Rook's Rest. Yeah. Yes. They fought the dragons. Yeah. Yeah. And I expected a lot more action. Like, we know there's this planning. The planning should have been implemented the first two or three episodes. And I mean, we expected there to be deaths. Yeah. But yeah, I wanted these last two to all be war. I actually really appreciate that you just said that because when Trav told me that, I was like, I don't understand what people are upset about. This is a political show. Yeah. This is what it is. It's a lot of behind the scenes movement, but you're right. That makes sense because this is supposed to be telling the history of, you know, house of dragon in game of thrones and it is super violent and we have only seen one battle. I've just never thought about it like that before. It's this anticipated for this long. I think that's the difference there I was so ready for some blood. Yeah, I mean, I've only seen one dragon go down I know also how many there's so many dragon awesome. There's a lot of them. Oh, I love it They did so good with them, too. So I left off where The dragon got loose because it killed the one guy that that was like through the lineage. Yeah. Yeah, and then He found who i'm I'm thinking is gonna help me with the name. It's not the C Yeah, it wasn't Alan the white dude with the beard? No, no. Niece's, husband's bastard son. Oh yeah. It was Alan. Oh, that was, that is his name. Allen and Adam. Yeah, Adam is the bald one. Alan is the one with the dreadlock. Oh, okay. I had him reversed. Okay. So yeah, so that was Alan and I'm, I mean, that's, that's where I left off, which is super exciting. I was so excited about that, I was kind of waiting, so I'm just going to watch them all together. Watch it all at once. I don't blame you for that. So do we think they're going to try to drag this big fight out for another season or is it finally going to actually happen? I think they're going to fucking drag it out again. No. I really hope not. Oh yeah, I don't think anything's going to happen this season finale, let's be real. That will disappoint me. I mean, here, here's my perspective. It's like, okay, we wait two years for you to make up another buildup season. I'm like, fuck this shit. You're wasting my motherfucking time. Like, Damon has been in fucking Heron Hall tripping balls this whole fucking time. That's true. You're right. Like, have him do that two, three episodes max and have Raniere do something. Yeah. Please. Go get your fucking husband. Stop letting him hallucinate in this haunted house. Or hallucinate with him, you know? Right. Be a strong couple. When? All or nothing. We've had characters have the same fucking conversation the whole fucking season. What the fuck are we doing? Why? I have never even thought in my mind that they would drag it out. But of course, right? It's obvious now, but never nope. I totally thought that fuck Yeah, we're gonna like see where this is all gonna go. That's what I thought too Well, and I know the ending and I know Trav knows all of it, but you don't know the ending at all No, don't ruin this for me. Oh, I won't, but Let's spoil it for everybody right now. All the people who aren't like the die hard, yeah. I mean, if you watch Game of Thrones, they spoiled it, they spoiled the whole thing for you, but Yeah. Well, it's just a matter of if you noticed it or not, though, because I watched Game of Thrones and I did not notice it. Joffrey tells Sansa and, no, Margaery Torrel in like season four, I think. This one's right. I'm going to be showing her around and everything. I'm reading the Game of Thrones books now and I'm in the second one and I've started getting pieces of it because it kind of comes out little bits at a time when people reference certain things. Mm hmm. Yeah. That is cool. It is cool. I like it. It's like it's Yeah, we know. It's war is so stressful, the planning. Yeah, we know. Show us. Yeah, we're aware. Let's see the war. Yeah, that makes sense. Disappointing. It sucks. Yeah. Not fun. I just want to see dragon fights, dude. I know. I want to see how a Targaryen kill itself. That's what this is about. I know. Yeah, they tear themselves apart. Well, they haven't really said how many seasons it's gonna be, so like, what the fuck? I guess that's true. Is it gonna be four seasons? Like in season fuckin fast traveling the whole time? You know where it's just super fast. You're right. Yeah, yeah. Everything's happening fast. Right. I don't know. I would hope not. I think it's funny at this point that they still feel the need to drag it off cause we're all gonna watch it no matter how shitty it is. Like make it Put all of this information and then do a whole nother, I don't, I don't want to say spinoff, but do a whole nother like, but also kind of another spinoff, like we're fucking invested. Like we want all these backstories. So give them to us. I love this world so much. I'm like, God, why are you making a shitty dude? It's fucking awesome. Well, I think that was part of why I started reading the books because I was like, I just want to know how all of it was supposed to be now. The books are awesome. Are they? I don't know that I could physically read the book. I'm having Audible read it to me. Mm hmm. So that definitely helps it would trip me up too. Yeah, it was hard I'm sure it was just easier hearing them each time for the repetitions and having to try to pronounce them Yeah, well cuz when I first read I'm like John John snow snow. I can't God I can't fucking pronounce it correctly You know I can't stand you. You're so silly. I know, but yeah, I love that shit, dude. You feel me, dog? I fucking feel you, dog. I fucking feel you. Oh man. That's our review of season two of House of Dragons, but it's not over yet. But I, I don't know shit about movies and film and directing, but I can't imagine being a talented film director or even just like the behind the scenes stuff and then seeing this huge. Empire built around the Game of Thrones and the spinoffs and then seeing everything that's happened and being like, yep, they're better than me. Like just being the big small town, like really, really talented film director. And then, you know, you're just like barely paying bills to feed your family. And these people that are creating like Game of Thrones, like these new ones. And you're just like, how does their head do that? Yeah. It's just like, I, Um, I could come, I could give you guys a really good story, but you know what? Now that, um, it's been years since I've done this now, in college, my best friend and I lived together and she had, I think it was a creative writing class but she didn't love creative writing and she's a teacher now. And she was like, I have to write this poem and I just I don't know what to do. I was like, Oh, I got this. Let me just, let me have your laptop. Give me like 20 minutes. And we were sitting in our living room. In our living room, we had like a green couch, and we had the little floral, rug, and I just stared at that rug, and I cranked out this awesome fucking poem. to me, it didn't seem awesome, but Katie took it to class. And the next day she came back to me and she was like, everybody loved the poem like, they all were asking me what it meant and there were certain parts that like spoke to them and she was like, how did you even, I said, I literally was looking at the rug in our living room and I came up with that. I was like, that's amazing. It was just kind of funny. And you were fully sober at this time too. And I was totally sober. No, it makes it awesome. That's because I created something cool. You've been fucked up since a child. Love that for you. No, it's only cool when you do heroin and then write the fucking best album ever, okay? Oh, that's how Game of Thrones happened. If you do it sober, it's not fucking cool, dude. It's not cool. Then you're just a nerd. I just chose to write because I could. It's true. And if you're in recovery, then you're just, you're a miracle. Oh my gosh. I'd love to be a miracle someday. Okay. I'm not going to lie. There are things that like in my life now, and I'm like, yeah, but I'm sober now. And it like gives me a free pass for everything. It's like, well, I'm not drinking and everyone's like, oh shit, you're right, man. You're doing so good. You're right. You are doing good. That's actually a really good point though. You're right. I'm also helping myself remember that, Hey, I'm not drinking anymore. So it's okay for me to make a mistake every now and then. You can, even if it's just being nerdy and writing someone else's poem, plagiarism, so I know. They pissed on your rug, dude. Oh my gosh. That's my hospitality. Oh, shoot. That rug really tied the whole room together. I do remember you had posted a sheet from like just Poems that you would you did this years ago on your Instagram and you go I used to write cool shit And I remember reading it be like that was so good. It was just like young Kayla. Yeah, it was really sweet I think it was like about like fire in a storm I'm pretty sure it was about me and Travis sitting in the backyard smoking cigars Oh, you both smoke no cigars? I was never a smoker. I don't know what you're talking about. But also yes. I love that. Mostly because the only poem I ever remember posting on my Instagram is the one of smoke. It might be that one. From the cigar. Yeah. Yeah. Wild. You have a lot of talents that need to be unlocked, Kayle. You're a very creative person for sure. I'm creative. You can do poems. Have you ever drawn anything before? I used to like painting. I drew, oh, I drew Travis naked sitting on the couch once. Hell yeah, let's see it. That penis was so large and inch hard. I really did draw him naked on the couch though and then Travis tried to draw me and I was like, oh Travis, I kind of look like a man. Because his lines were so dark and it just felt more masculine. Is it because he drew a dick on you too? Is that what did it? No, that's too far. That would have made me transgender. They were dick, dick fingers. We can't do that in our conservative families. Alright, so, speaking of entertainment, um, we all watched a movie called Past Lives. Oh my gosh. Mhmm. Mhmm. It was amazing. It was awesome. It was awesome. So, how would you describe this movie? It's Korean. It's a Korean movie. Our characters, our two main characters are Korean, right? Mhmm. And it's like a I don't know, it's over 24 years period, starts with them, very young children and then young adults and then just adults in general, right? I thought it was interesting I made notes about it. Oh, damn. Fucking notes, huh? You should whip those notes out. It really is a good movie, though. Yeah, so the whole thing is, in Korean culture, there is this term for, when you meet the same person in your life in multiple different times and places, it's like, Were we supposed to somehow be together or in our past lives were we significant to each other? What did they call it in? In Yen? In Yen. Or fate, basically. Yeah. Do you believe in fate? It was interesting spin on fate, though. Absolutely. On how, what was if two strangers are walking Next to each other and they rub clothes or rub shoulders. It's saying that that is in Yeah, like in some how in a past life you were connected. In Yen. Yeah, that would be in Yen Like that you guys had a significance to each other Yeah in a past life and it was also interesting to me because I just think an extrovert is going to have so many more experiences of those. Mmm. And where like an introvert is going to be inside, so they're not going to have as many interactions with strangers. Yeah. And made me think if you actually believe in this whole little philosophy. Then things that happened in your past life would affect how much like interaction you have in this life I don't I just it was an it was interesting that that was the way that they had described it I never thought about it from an extra versus an introvert That's all I could think of, is how many more people interact than, than others. That's wild. Well, is it like a specific kind of, ending though? I don't know how to describe what I'm thinking right now, like, does it have to deal with just love in general, or is it just someone walking by you that makes it Indian? Are you a friendship? Is that still Indian, or is that not? I, I think it doesn't have to be romantic love. I think it's. I agree with that. Because they even talk about, at one point, they give the example of if our shoulders brushed on the sidewalk as we were walking, that means somehow we were connected in a different life. Mhmm. That's so fucking crazy, dude. I think it's awesome. Have you guys ever had like, are you seeing a, you see a random person, you don't interact with them, but you, you absorb this person, like, oh, I might, there's something off about this person, or maybe I know this person from somewhere. I think that's intuition. But you could also argue is intuition because something we feel Inion. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, yeah. Yeah, kind of reading someone else's vibe or aura like just sensing what they're putting off. Mm hmm. Yeah interesting I think this whole it reminded me very much of like Twin Flames. No, I don't know that. So it's very similar to Soulmates, but you know, you only have one Twin Flame. But that's what I thought was even more beautiful about past lives is because everything, it was just no matter how little or how big the significance was, how it affects you in this life or whatever. Yeah. It was a neat movie. It was a really cool movie. Yeah. the early 20s, they try to meet up again, but it just doesn't work out. So they stopped talking and then. Another 12 years goes by and physically, so it's 24 years before they actually like physically see each other and absorb each other, I don't know. And it is the most honest scene ever because when they come together, I feel like in most movies they see each other and they smile and they run up to each other and embrace and this scene was very like, Yeah. I don't know if I should smile at you. I'm going to walk kind of slowly towards you. This is kind of uncomfy because I don't actually know you anymore. I just know your past. It's been 24 years. Yeah. Right. I just know who you used to be. But how strongly they still felt about each other. Yeah. I thought the lack of just dialogue in it was so powerful. It's a movie that nothing really happens and yet so much happens. I just think the actors did a really, really good job at just body language and just sitting there in silence like, okay, yeah, this is it's not like the other fucking drama romance movies where it's just like they're constantly talking and it's fast edited kind of thing where in this movie she's walking down the street by herself back to her husband at the very end of the movie like that's just, how many movies just sit there for 20 or 30 seconds to have her just. Absorb what just happened. Yeah, because you know that's what's happening in her head. She is just thinking about all these interactions she just had and how it's finally the end to this 24 year long thing. The door finally is shut. Yeah. She can release all those emotions that she's been holding onto since she was a kid. Absolutely. It's beautiful. And a lot of just her what ifs of like, being friends with this person that she used to be such good friends with. For sure. It, it was cool that they even, they addressed the what ifs, like even when they're at dinner and it's just them two talking, to each other. And he had even said, if you wouldn't have moved away, would we, would I still be thinking of you? Would I still, you know, have this like desire and connection? And it's one of those You know, they're both thinking that, but it was such a real thinking to and not like, Oh, no, I would be thinking about you regardless, but the fact that they addressed it as well, for sure. And just the husband kind of almost agreeing to like, okay, this is like big for both of you guys. You guys can have this time to figure out what the fuck's going on, right? Yeah. He's my new favorite. I get so invested, I mean, you do too. Oh yeah. With books and movies, you know, we feel like we are the characters. Yep. But I felt, or I, like the anger that I would have felt if I was him. Yeah. And he, like, you could see the anger, the uncertainty, the questioning, and he just Yeah. Didn't react in anger and I thought that was so cool that I know how I would have reacted right? Oh, absolutely Yeah, I just gonna get over how what an incredible human just what a great husband. He was like a true supporter Yeah No I do agree with that like he did such a good job of Like you are my wife and I need to tell you this is how I feel about this But also I respect the fact that you need to experience this moment with this person from your past so that you can be done Yeah Mm hmm. That's cool shit. Yeah. Fuck. Yeah, but when they drew each other they both had big dicks Biggest oh my gosh. I also when I watch a lot of movies I like, cause I'll just like, I print off like prints from movies or just like cool prints that I find. And that movie had a ton of them, like where I was like, if this was a still shot, I would put this in my house or I would hang it somewhere. And that movie had so many. And sometimes it was just like a side view. Of their face, like, especially at the very end when they were just facing each other staring for like two minutes. Yeah. Silence. Yeah. I was like, I want this. So I want this just captured and I want to put it in a pretty frame and I want to look at it forever. So many feelings are like when they're sitting right in front of the carousel, and they don't really have a whole lot to say, but that's the first time they sit down with each other in 24 years., there's 24 years, but it's not as much as 33 years. 33 years. It's been 33 years. I would just like to put a plug in. We really like love on the spectrum. We, we know people who are on the spectrum and in multiple different places. I'm sure everybody does, but. We think that show is so genuine. It's incredible. We will make lots of references to Love on the Spectrum. So if we ever giggle randomly, that's why. You should go watch Love on the Spectrum. And if we ever say 33 years, it's good because of Sabode. Sabode, man, he's great. He's the best. He is. But anyway, that was just my little side tangent. I digress. Coming back to past lives. So I was trying to think, have I ever experienced something kind of like this in my life? And I had told Trapp. Tell us. Um, I had told Trav about when I was a kid, my mom had a best friend that we did everything with her kids. We always played with and and she was a year younger than me. she ended up going to Ball State, which is where I was at for a while too. We had fallen apart just with high school and I left the small town moved here to Indy, and then the next time I saw her was at Ball State. I hadn't seen her since she was She was a freshman in high school and even then I had only seen her for a weekend. So before that I hadn't seen her since middle school and it was one of those like, man, I know so much about you and you know so much about me, but I don't know you now. And it was like, we tried to connect with each other just because we had known each other and we were on the same college campus and it just didn't feel right. Like it just wasn't authentic. It was just very like, we used to know each other. We used to know each other and we tried a couple times and we even we were even in the same friend group a lot and at a lot of the same parties that I played chess at and it just happened. Kayla, you don't know how to play chess. Be real with us, please. It was checkers. You're right. It was checkers. Wow. But it was, it was just interesting to be like, I a little bit can even more so understand this and just how odd it is. And I feel like it just, at the end of the day, is keep your good memories and continue on. And I feel like I feel that way a lot about a lot of relationships in my life. It's kind of like Like nothing bad ever happened with this person or that person. It's just, we kind of grew apart and it's like, I have really good memories with you, but I don't feel a need to be your friend now. I think that would be one of your greatest strengths, actually. Like there have been multiple occasions where I think you are so good at having appreciation for things that have happened, but that don't need to continue. And there's been a couple of times in life that I have. Admired that where I, like, those are things like I, I either would have resorted in anger or I probably would have just blown up and ruined that. I've been like, well, you, you know, this happened and this happened. And you were just like, we can just appreciate exactly what it is and we can continue on Looking back at all those good things, but we don't have to continue and I think it's so cool that you said that because it Yeah, I think about that often. I love it that you do that. Julia, do you, can you think of like anything, like where you just touched a stranger's shoulders? Like we talked about earlier. Has anything like that happened before you? So not that I felt I was connected to them in, in any other capacity outside of that moment. But I will say I, cause I'm always out in some random place doing something. Not ordinary. Yeah. And I do have like these, these little like connections that I think are really cool. And there's one, I actually have a bracelet from it. So I was at Goodwill Outlet, I was Thrifting Taylor's thrift bracelet, Taylor Stop, best friends. And this, I like to, I like to put my headphones in and not talk to anyone with my thrift. Yeah, they're the thrift. I just wanna find cool shit. Yeah. And this little kid just kept following me around. And he was like, you're really tall. I'm five, nine, by the way, which is tall, but it's not like someone that you pick out in a crowd. Right. And you're just like, Whoa, you're so tall. And I, I've been told my whole life and I just kind of brush it off. Um, so this little kid, and I'm kind of getting annoyed by him, and then he was like, yeah, I bet you played basketball. Well, shit. Yeah, I did, dude. And then he just, I, then I'm just getting to know that this kid just so badly wants someone to talk to. He just wants to talk. So he keeps showing me things in these bins and he is slowing me down considerably. But then it just, I kind of changed my viewpoint. I'm like, this kid is so precious. And I start talking with him, find out he lives with his grandparents. And we are, all I'm thinking is, I guess I kept, I'm like, where, who were you here with? Yeah. Why are you talking to a stranger? Yeah. You don't know that I'm a safe person. Right. But I just felt like I had just known this kid forever. And then he just, I don't know, it was just such a cool connection. And then I found this little like race car that he was looking at and I'd gotten it so I could give it to him. And we, we kind of got, I mean, it's good. Well, so we go into the parking lot and I see him and I go, Oh my gosh, I go, I'm glad I can see you before I left. Cause I got this for you. And I gave him like a little race car and he goes, I'm so glad I saw you. Cause I got this for you. And it was like, just little metal jangle bracelet. And I have it up on my little coat rack and I think about this, think about this little boy all the time, this little kid, but I just think it was one of like the most precious, innocent interactions and I think about him so frequently just cause it just was so sweet. And that would be probably like my coolest stranger. It was, it was so beautiful. Fucking awesome dude. Yeah. Don't follow me. Find me on my space. He's actually my top friend. It just, that was, it was cool. And like I said, it's not past lives thing. It was just a stranger. But if we do are going to go off that belief, yeah. I cannot wait to have some sort of. Yeah. Friendship. Connection. With this. Yeah. With this just really cool kid in another life. I think that'd be neat. That's awesome. That's so fucking cool. Yeah. It was cool. I love that. Have you ever had anything travel? Uh, I, I know of one. Um, I was probably like 16, 17 and we were going to Blockbuster to fucking rent DVDs. Oh, heck yeah. I remember them days. You remember? And of course, you know, I was under the influence of something. So, I was the first one, like, to open up the door. And this girl held the door for me. And I, like, I was sitting there like, I think I know this person. It was like a super like, it felt really cosmic. I'm like, who the fuck is this person? I don't know this person. I was so like shell shocked because I felt like I knew this person. I didn't fucking say anything to her. I just, we got in and we got the fuck out. Do you think about that often? I do, because it was so fucking weird. Yeah. I don't even know. Do you think it was visually when you like saw her, you're like, oh, I recognize you. Or do you think it was more of just like a feeling? More of like a feeling? Yeah. It was like you looked into that person's eyes and it was like, I somehow know you. Yeah, it was So when they mentioned this and we were like, holy shit, they reminded me of that. Oh, it was so fucking weird. No way. That's cool. That's really cool. It was. I don't know. It was, that's awesome. Sometimes you were connect, connected, dude, I have no idea, dude. Yeah. Never seen that person ever again. That's so cool. Yeah. Okay. So I think about this a lot. Like if I had three wishes, like what I do it for like material things or what I use it to answer questions in the back, would that be something? Um, that you would like three wishes, a genie pops out, you, you thrift a lamp and you have three wishes on this. Would that be one? Like to ask the genie, did I have a connection with this person? Right. Ooh. Yeah, I guess if you're talking about it now, probably. I don't know. For my 10th birthday, someone called me. Um, and they were talking to me and it was Robin Williams. Oh my gosh, exactly. But he was blue. Um, and they were talking to me like they, you know, they know me. And obviously I should have known this person and I could not figure it out. And I was too embarrassed to ask. And I'm, this is when I was 10 years old, 31. And I still think about who it was. That I talked to. That's real. And that's a question that I would ask. That would be worth more than any of, because it just sits in my head constantly. It's in your head. Isn't that so interesting? Some things just matter so much to us, and other things are like, yeah, whatever. Things that should probably matter to us. But let's be real, it's probably just a coincidence that It's You know what I mean? It was probably Taseel. Yep. Shout out to Aunt Taseel. Just kidding. I'd recognize your voice. But, you know, it's probably someone like that we talk to regularly and I was just a stupid 10 year old that didn't know. You just didn't make the connection. And should have fucking asked who it was. Yep. So to end the discussion of Past Lives, go freaking see it. It's a beautiful movie. 100%. Go watch it. Go pay attention to it. And it's not a Marvel movie with a bunch of action and quick cuts. It's not. It's beautiful. It forces you to slow down in your day. Yeah. It's beautiful. And it's great. Yep. Sometimes we need to slow down, but you know what doesn't slow you down? The Deadpool and Wolverine movie. Yeah, I agree. That actually pumps you up because we all saw it, right? Okay. We saw it. Oh my gosh. Travis and I went and saw it in the Dolby Atmos theater. So our seats like vibrated. Oh, that is nice. Oh my gosh. Fuck. If you're going to go see a movie, go there. Honestly though, because it is so cool. You don't just watch the movie, you experience the movie. It's cool. I, the theater we saw it in was not, cause I mean, you can, I always go to whichever theater you guys go because you guys buy the tickets usually. And It was one where like there's a restaurant, so there's servers, not a restaurant. No, yeah. But. So it was a much different experience. Absolutely. It was, it was very nice, but I couldn't put my feet all the way out. And that was terrible. Yeah, that's hard. And I'm like, man, I know stuff's happening, but my seat isn't rumbling. You couldn't tuck your penis into your waistband because you had a boner. Exactly. It was just a very different experience. Yeah. Because you guys always talk about how much better it is, which is cool. It's cool. But it makes you appreciate it so much more. Yeah. When you don't have those. Yeah. Oh yeah. And less teenager. Just'cause it fucking costs more. For sure. Yeah, it does cost more. So there's lots. So that's always a major plus. I love Deadpool. What was it about Kayla? Well, it's about family. No, it's just like, it's about friendship. It's just like fast and furious. yes. It's about friendship. Yes. Oh, okay. That's it. No, yeah. I mean, honestly though, it is, it, it's about friendship, and it's awesome. I don't know. It's a fucking comic book movie, dude. Yeah. I mean, it's a comic book movie and it's actually a comic book movie. Yeah. Because a lot of Marvel movies are like, yeah, this is based off the comic. Okay. It's based off it. Kind of like when something's based off a true story, but only like the character's names are real or something. Right. This was, it was just. Fun and there is a little bit of multiverse play in it. I mean that that's kind of Marvel's thing now I would say so they can do whatever the fuck they want now, but that's what I'm saying That's my point. Like it doesn't feel like it's a multiverse Movie because it's Deadpool and that Deadpool is just a ridiculous comic and it's awesome ridiculous in a good way Ridiculous in a tasteful kind of way Yeah, it could be over the top, but it's not. It's just fucking fun, dude. And you get to see Ryan Reynolds in multiple different ways. Spoiler alert, yeah. We spoiled the third movie for everyone. Plot twist, he breaks the fourth wall again. Hey, good job. So you guys are much more into Marvel, comics, superheroes. I don't know all that jazz. So, it was cool for me to watch, especially be in the theaters. Yeah. Watch people freak out. And like, cheer and get excited. It was so precious. It was so embarrassing, you're right. These nerds. This guy over here is fucking clapping for this goofy shit. Fuck this guy. Well, I, so I went with my boyfriend's group, like friend's group. And so I, I'm over here just like trying to take it all in and but I have no idea. So Austin's like, each time he's like, this is so and so he's like, he was blade. It was blade, right? Yeah. It was. Yeah. Might've fucked that one up, but that's okay. No, you're right. So it's on the internet. Wesley Snipes. Yeah. It's on. But it was just little things like that. This appreciation, all of these like longtime fans had had, and it was just really precious to see everyone get excited about it. Mm hmm. And you two would have been people that got really excited about it. I got so excited. Yeah, especially for Blade. I mean, That was when you got excited. I also like it. Again, I haven't seen any of the comics. But, It's great. Because he's not a hero, and he's not a villain, and I just, that's what I think is cool, that he doesn't fit into any of those, or everyone else is like, this person's bad, this is good, and he's just like, yeah, he's mostly good, and he does some bad things, but he's not bad. Right. He's an anti hero. Yeah. He's an anti hero. I love anti heroes. They're the best. And you just don't see them in, I don't know, that capacity, I guess. Yeah. And I, I mean, we all like, fucked up sense of humor, and that's Hey, that's why we talked about 9 11. Oh, hell yeah. Right off the bat. Right off the bat. We just went for it. No one's listening now. I'll tell you that much. Hey. The only person listening is Mr. The Void. Void. Somewhere out there, man. In the ether, bro. You feel me, dawg? I feel you. Who knows if this part will even make it in or not. Which is kind of fun. We'll see. We'll see. Stay tuned. So there's one other thing that I Love Wolverine and the fact that he was in his comic book outfit, which Julia I know that you can't quite appreciate that I was so fucking happy that he was in his yellow and blue outfit and at one point so at one point he pulls the hood up so that he has his mask on too. And I was like, Oh my gosh, I'm so happy right now. Fucking finally, dude. Okay. 24 years later. So I'm glad you said that because I don't know the significance of his outfit. All I thought is, that's my least favorite outfit of all of them. Oh, that's hilarious. I didn't think the yellow was a great choice. I didn't like that. It is the comic book version of Wolverine. Yeah. That is what he wore in the comic books. You never watched like the 90s X Men? Oh fuck. So I, I was actually just, I was just talking about this, the only really thing that I remember from the Xmen,'cause I, I think I might've even seen in theaters with my mom was there, which is so wild. Uh,'cause that is not something that she would enjoy. Your mom likes gonna the movies though. She does, yeah. But who is the blue girl? Well, that has like, is it spikes on her skinique. She used to scare the shit outta me. Oh, I was like her. Yeah. And now because she was naked, she's cool as sh Yeah. I was afraid of nudity. That'll show'em But that's all I remember from those movies. Yeah. Is And I just thought she was like so cool. But she scared me a little bit. Mm-Hmm. And that's all I remember. Interesting. Sorry guys. I just remember the Naked girl and she was Blue. D-B-D-B-D. Bop Yes. Oh, man, that's great. I'm glad you said that. Yeah, I mean, her power is just fucking crazy. What is it? She can transform into anybody. She's a shapeshifter. She just looks at you. She's you. So she could get information, whatever information she wanted. Right. Mm hmm. That's pretty cool. Yeah Yeah, it's awesome. She's she's really cool. Yeah, so even in the original X Men movies, he had the fucking stupid brown It was like a brown suit almost brown black suit. Mm hmm This was a very first time he actually put on helmet mask, whatever you want to call it and his actual iconic suit I mean, yep, that's when he pulled that I was like, he has his whole outfit on. He has his whole, I was, I like looked at Travis in the theater. I was like, I'm so happy right now. It was so cool. I mean, it was, it goes back to fucking people taking the source material and then changing it to making it their own and just making it fucking just shitty. Yeah. Cause they're. Well, we'll do Game of Thrones, but we'll do a different take on it. It's our take. Exactly. No, fucking just do the original because that's why everybody likes it, you dumb fucks. The original is what people like. You don't, some things don't need to be changed. You don't always have to fix something. Like sometimes there's not anything to fix. Also, you're, you, also you have the privilege of creating a film out of this book, that is a privilege. Absolutely. And I get it. You want your own creative ideas on, I get it, but I don't know, don't just don't change it that much. If you're going to do it, like fucking don't go right for Game of Thrones and if you don't want to fucking do it, right? Yeah. Go do something else. Mm hmm. I agree.. Yeah. It was neat. Yeah. No kidding. No kidding. Well, should we wrap up with a would you rather? Let's do it. I'm ready. So would you rather be a superhero villain or antihero? Yeah, that's good. I think you have a lot more options being an antihero. You have a lot more grace to fuck up. Um, and no matter what good you do, I think it's a one, one I'm going to go antihero. So I always think about. The hero, and I, this phrase always comes to my head of a hero will leave you to save the world, but a villain will burn the world to save you. Kayla. I also think about that all the time. I love that. I think about that all the time. And that's like how I say it to myself in my head. So I also want to be an anti hero because I just want to love someone so fiercely that I'm willing to burn the world for them. I love that. Mm hmm. So Good answer. Thanks. Okay, cool. So tomorrow the world is burning for me. You feel me, dawg? I feel you, dawg. We feel you, dawg. Alright, well, I think that's all we have, so when in doubt, be an antihero in your life and your friends lives. Hell yeah, guys. See you next time. Bye. Bye. Bye.

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