You Feel Me, Dawg!

Episode 2: The Internet

August 19, 2024 Travis, Kayla, and Julia

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 New episode posted every Monday!!! 
Remember the excitement of logging into AOL and waiting for that iconic "You've Got Mail" notification? We'll take you back to those early internet days, sharing hilarious stories about our cringe-worthy AIM screen names and the thrill of setting the perfect away message. Join us as we reminisce about customized chat rooms and the seismic shift from AIM to MySpace, reflecting on how these platforms laid the groundwork for today's digital interactions and dating experiences.

Feeling nostalgic for the antics of pretending to be someone else on Omegle or encountering bizarre strangers on Chatroulette? We've got you covered with wild tales of mischievous youth, including a spine-chilling encounter with a creepy individual who later turned up on Daniel Tosh's show. From the limitations of dial-up connections to the unforgettable sound of logging in, we fondly remember the technological strides that have since revolutionized our lives, including the excitement of computer days at school.

Fast forward to the evolution of social media and dating apps, we'll explore the creative expression and social pressures of MySpace, the exclusivity of early Facebook, and a heartwarming story of a couple celebrating a decade thanks to Tinder. We'll dive into the generational differences in communication preferences, from Snapchat to Marco Polo, and discuss their impact on both personal and professional interactions. Tune in for a rich tapestry of internet memories, awkward celebrity encounters, and a thoughtful exploration of how social media has shaped our mental health and parenting styles. 

Pressing all the buttons, pressing all the buttons, yeah. Break it down. How many buttons do you have? Eight buttons, eight buttons, and we're going to keep pressing them, pressing them. Thank you nephew for the intro. No, hang on Hey, I just want to acknowledge that the intro is awesome and then our nephew made it yeah, thanks nephew for bringing in that intro. It sounds great. Welcome to you feel me dog. I'm Travis. I'm Kayla. And I'm Julia. So welcome back to the second episode, we're going to be doing, an internet generalization, just kind of talking about the internet and. Just starting with AOL and just trickling down on, what else the internet did. I think we need to dial up first Oh, yeah, we have to jack into the internet. Hang on Let's use the dial up real quick and we're gonna download the audio so we can start using it. Yeah All right, now that we're logged in and ready to go. Hang on, hang on, it's still loading. Just wait. Hang on. It's still, okay, go. There it is. Okay, now I can message my friends on AOL. Logged in. A I M, is that what, AIM, AIM, A I M, that would be like my first time, like, interacting with people on the internet. Before that, it was like Ask Jeeves and shit like that. Oh my gosh, I forgot about that. Ask Jeeves. Evom's World, which I still sometimes will just kind of check out, yeah, yeah. what was everyone's login name? Oh gosh, I know I had X's in it. I'm pretty If this shows you how much I was into the little punk stuff, I'm almost positive that it was bang underscore it's ex love. Almost positive. I love that so much. I love that you are so ridiculous. I know it's stupid. Like there's an X in it and just remember X's like equaling that you were more alternative. Yeah. That was like a thing. You were definitely punk rock princess. That's how I would describe you. Yeah. Black glitter. Yeah. Mm hmm. That's perfect. Do you remember yours? Do you remember your name? I do. What was it? Uh, I'm very embarrassed by it. It's little golden face. No resemblance to double a seven. No, but it was, uh, Michael Scott, like scorn. Yeah. Cause I think it, we were in eighth grade when the office came out and people were using it. So the office, yeah, and he had put little golden face and I thought that was so fun. You know, That's what it was. That's incredible. It's weird. But yeah, Travis, what was yours? If I remember it's probably just t top eight. I've had that nickname for forever. Thanks Alex I'm not gonna give away his last name. Oh, don't not just yet. Don't do it Shout out to alex But yeah, gosh, you remember the away messages that shit was fucking awesome. Yeah, I don't remember what I put on mine Oh, yeah, I can't remember either just stupid kid shit. I think a lot of them like I remember that it was like Oh, won't be back till tomorrow doing heroin with Katie. Oh my gosh. Things like that. Right, under the bridge. Under the bridge. That sounds right. And if you didn't pay the troll toll, you know, you're going straight to heroin. Not the boys hole. Not the boys hole. I only talked to my friends, that I knew. Did you guys ever talk to strangers? No. Like other kids in different schools, yes. Mm hmm. I talk to strangers a lot. Did you? Yeah. Did any of them say, like, did, were they all people that were pretending to be our age or were some of them like, oh yeah, I'm older? Yeah. So I, everyone that I talked to, I remember them being our age that I talked to supposedly, who really knows, right? Mm hmm. But you said that you think you remember using it in eighth grade. I know I was using it in seventh grade because that's when I was just a little rascal. Remember having um a friend come over And we both were On chat together and we were talking to two guys That stuff is fun. Uh huh. Oh, yeah talking about shit. You should not be talking about strangers though. No, don't worry I never had online sex Just so we're all clear my friends in the shower. She really likes you She's not looking at the keyboard in the shower Right, you can tell me she won't see this. I'll erase it liars Liars. And now we can just text them, we don't have to be at a computer. Dude, this might be super millennial of me, but we fucking paved the way for online dating, like that was like the start of it, straight up. Yeah, honestly that's true, that was the start of it. That and like forms, which I mean, we didn't really know about forms, we were just chat rooms. Well, remember with, yeah, chat rooms. So with the chat rooms, you could like, change the color of your text, and the background color of where you were texting. Yeah. Because I remember my background was always green and my words were always like a bright pink. Oh, I love that. But it makes me think of Myspace because at least what I remember is Myspace was next. Does that sound right? Yeah, it was. Cause that was about, I do it all in relation to what grade I was in school. I mean, all of that was just in like 10 years, which is like super freaking crazy, dude. Yeah. I am bled into my space, which is like also happened at the same time as Facebook. It was all crazy. Yeah. Yeah. That's what I was going to say because I remember having my spaces in seventh, eighth grade and I know I was on the AIM, AOL stuff in seventh grade. So. Hey guys, everybody that's listening, ASL, say it down in the comments. What do you hear? Oh no, it's not ASL. What was it? Age, sex, state? No. I don't know. I thought you were talking about sign language. No, I'm talking about like, just chat. Like, oh, the acronyms. When you're in a chat room, what would you put? Yes, so they had commercials. Do you guys remember that? And it was directed towards parents. So they knew like lingo. So I do remember that. I think it was. POS, which is funny because I only think a piece of shit. Yeah. ASL. Age, sex, location. Fuck. Age, sex, location. I'm so stupid. You're Honestly, just leave. But it was like POS meant parent over shoulder. Oh. I didn't know that. And I That's the first time I've heard it. I They made I can't imagine how much money they spent on these commercials. But it was all for, like, the parents. And it I always thought it was funny because I was learning this stuff through these. I'm like I said maybe some kids are saying this like crazy shit, but it wasn't me I got a great funny story speaking of alex my best friend, dude So when we would go on those online chatting shit, we would I mean we're looking for the ladies, you know But we're fucking like 12. We're like 12 11 years old, dude And I just remember one time we were You know, let's pretend we're a female. Oh my gosh. So we like quote unquote, lured this guy into like a private chat, pretending that we're a woman. And then we fucking like had sex with him. Oh my God, we were laughing our asses off. Oh yeah, baby. You know, talking dirty. That's 11, 12 year olds. We have no idea. This is wild. Yeah. This guy could have been like fucking like 40 or something, dude. But we were just loving it, losing our shit, dude, because it was so funny. That is hilarious. And at that age, there's like nothing funnier than something like that. Oh yeah. Like you live for just fucking with people. So, speaking of video chats in that aspect, so like a step past AIM, which was just messaging because I don't think you could send pictures or videos with that, either. I don't think so. I don't remember doing it at least. Yeah, I don't remember. But the next step would have been video chat, which was, Oh, Magle and chat roulette. I don't know which one came out first, but it's people all over the world. Like when you just gather at like every birthday party, this is always what we did to be like 3 a. m. And we're just doing next. Oh my gosh. So it's all random. Oh, oh, oh, I do remember chat roulette. You're right. You're right. Where it just, you click and it just picks somebody random. It could be, it could be someone our age. It could be, I mean, we met someone like Germany one time. Like it was completely, it doesn't have to be just the U S it was all over. But that also meant you would just like, you could X out and they could as well. They could roulette you to someone else. But people would just be like camera right on their dicks. Just jerking off. Yeah you're right I totally did you ever do that? I do remember that. Are you kidding me, dude? Are we lured a gentleman in a private room to have sex with him? At 11! Oh my gosh, dude. Oh that's perfect. It was the wild west, dude. People were fucking taking 10 steps and shooting each other with dick photos. Yeah. Yeah. Straight up. Yeah. Oh, that's so wild. And now I look back and think, like, a kid was telling me that they were in a chat room. Yeah. I would be so concerned. I would talk about their, to their parents. Oh, I would lose my mind. But we were doing this crazy shit at the same age. Yeah. Well, now it's all, you can like go back and basically fucking see it all. Back then it was just like, we typed the shit and then it was over and you couldn't go back at all. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, someone had to be real ready to hit screenshot on their computer. I totally forgot about chat roulette. Yeah. Oh my gosh. I'm so happy you said that. That's so wild. That we unlocked that was a deep memory. And you know what? I do remember that even in college, cause there were some weeknights when like a group of like 12 of us would just get into a room together and we would just start clicking through. Just like Travis said, will you just be giggling your ass off with your friends? Just really trolling people. It's kind of, yeah, but also, yeah, you can't feel bad about trolling adults who have or just like jerk it off on camera, right? That's so fucking weird, right? It's so fucking weird. It's weird. I, uh, I remember it was at my friend's birthday party. Super late at night and there was this creepiest guy I've ever seen in my life. Like I still remember exactly what he looks like and we all got so scared. We shut the computer. Like we didn't even exit out. We didn't know what to do. So we just shut the computer. And then, uh, we still, like, would talk about how creepy it was, like, years later. So this was probably a year or two before Tosh. 0 came out. Oh my gosh, And he did, like, you know, he would just make fun of videos. Creepy guy that we saw on Omegle was on Daniel Tosh, like, on his show. Like, it was just a video. It wasn't actually him. Oh my gosh. But it was just exposing this, like, crazy, creepy guy. Fucking psycho. Can you imagine? That guy had to have lived on that site. Yeah. Daniel Tosh has it. If you found him. Yeah. That's a good point. That's fucking wild. That is wild. What the fuck, dude? I can't wait to pull up the video after this. Oh my gosh. You should. We should watch it. You know what? Yeah. Because then we can link it down below. Mm hmm. You guys can go see it, too. You're going to have nightmares. Well, I'm going to circle back to AOL real quick. So here's a funny fact. As of 2012, July, there was 24 million. AOL users. And then, the number of paying users as of, 2015 is 1. 5 million. Why? What are they paying for? I have no, I have no idea, dude. I would guess to pay to be able to send pictures because not, I mean, that to me would be like an upgrade. Yeah. Yeah. It's just crazy that they're, Yahoo bought them in 2021. AOL is owned by Yahoo. What the fuck, dude? Remember the noise that the fucking dial up would make and shit? Yes, I remember that. Yeah. Did I just fucking if you wanted to use the internet and someone wanted to use the phone you couldn't do it This is mind blowing to me one or the other man. We are just showing our age right now fucking Millennials, dude But we're not older Millennials I remember having computer day in class and it was like a huge deal like they would roll it in on the carts And this is even elementary school, middle school era, but it was like the best day ever and and that was an activity like that wasn't that we didn't have access to laptops. Well, there was only so many of them to we were playing computer games to learn alphabet, math, everything fucking so cool. Do they still do that? Probably not. I don't know. I think, I think Nephew has like a, it's considered like a special now how music art P. E. is. He has computer lab. They do call them specials. Yeah. Yeah. And they get, um, like certain games to help them type, to learn how to type. That's how it should be, especially catered to that age. People are going to sit here and say, Oh, everyone, the technology is terribly doing this it's moving the world forward. So why would we not want to make shit like that entertaining? Right. Especially if it's going to help me. Continue learning it. Yeah. Yeah, for sure. I mean fuck we were playing organ trail Okay in kindergarten, okay, and now it's on it an app on our phone even now people So we I know quite a few people that still play it Wow Well, it's just like go over the river or fucking two of your kids die kind of thing You know, your wife died of fish whackers you for me, you know, like that's pretty intense for kindergarten But we just wanted to watch the little cart go across the fucking river. That was it, dude We weren't really paying attention to our family Speaking of family, dude, that's what makes it so powerful. It's about family. Everything's about family. Yeah. So, moving on, I think we should talk about MySpace era, which is our shit we're there for sure, dude. Mm hmm. Well, that's what I was saying. AOL chatting. It's AIM. AIM. I just remember the little AOL running guy. He's yellow, right? Yeah, he was yellow. And then I think he turned white at some point. Which, that's racist. Dude, so many iconic noises. Back then too. Yeah. Fuck. It was the Wild West. LimeWire. Golly, kids. AIDS for your computer. It was bad. It was bad. How many hard drives did you guys go through? 5, 10, 15? Oh, I wouldn't know oh my gosh. I was on the computer all the freaking time, dude. I loved it. You're a techie guy too. I am. We only had one computer growing up and it was in the kitchen and it was shared. Yup. That's, that's where ours was too. Well, I guess that's where it was before and then it got moved to be upstairs. The bonus room. Yup. Well, the loft area. Yeah, that way it was still open so that mom could like hear if she was sitting in the living room what was going on in the loft. It was just, it was cute. That's a cool memory. Yeah. It was a good one. Yeah. That's a great freaking memory, dude. Yeah. I remember like a, a castle with like green, yellow and blue nights and it came with a dog. That had a game on it dude. Yeah, that's just I don't know that was just kind of cool back then dude I just remember playing the fuck out of that game. Yeah, whatever that was. Yeah, that's awesome. I remember um playing the wishbone game in school But I don't remember ever playing that at home I don't think so either but I do remember that one and I remember that one being fun too and I think it was another one of those ones kind of like trav was saying where it's Math and helping with math, but it was like you were a dog and you were a detective and it's fun when your dog dogs get it done. You feel me, Doug? I feel you. I feel you, Doug. Hey, speaking of that, where in the world is Carmen Sandiego? We never found her. Oh my gosh, we need answers. No, she was always in San Francisco. Buying Gucci pies. I don't know. I was going to say purse and pie at the same time. She's buying Gucci pies. They make pies now. My space was the largest media site in the world. So like, I would say 2009 was like as soon as. Facebook just fucking took off. I would imagine. Yeah. correct me if I'm wrong, I think it was only for college students for a while, right? Yeah. Like when it first came out, when it came out, cause I, I remember Justin telling me that I was not allowed to have a Facebook and I thought he was just being a dick, like saying, Oh, you're not cool enough. You can't have, but it's cause he was in college and I wasn't. And so then I learned, I was like, Oh, you're not supposed to. And he was like, and you're not supposed to lie. I'm like, Whoa, But I was late to even Facebook because, well, what's good about that is you didn't need a Facebook because you could have had a MySpace. MySpace was the shit. Did you have MySpace? Yeah. Top friends, baby. How come I don't remember you being in my top friends? Well, cause we're, it's different when you're family. Oh yeah. You definitely don't put your family in there. Just bands. And your friends. Remember when they increased it to like the top 20 and how fucking revolutionary that was? No. So funny. No, I do not. I remember top 10. I remember increasing to top 10 because it was originally you could have your top 8 friends. And you could do it where you could only have like your top 3 if you wanted, right? Yeah, you could like put less. You didn't have to do. Yeah. yeah. For sure. I remember putting like, maybe that's where my anxiety really started. Cause I remember curating this on like how, what order I was going to put it in. Yeah, I was going to piss someone off. Yeah, it was. Yeah, it was stressful. It's real. Hmm. I'll just rank your friends publicly, publicly. That is so fucked up, dude. Actually, that's a really good point, though. You're right. Because now that you think about it, it's like, Hmm, well, there's my people pleaser like tendencies coming out 100%. I mean, if you were in my top ten, 10. I mean, are we even fucking friends, dude? Nope. Not according to the online life. How many of those of you guys, if you could remember, who was in your top at that time are still in your life? Oh, gosh. I don't think any of those people are still in my life. I know there are four girls that I, like I know all four of them were on there. And one of those girls has actually passed away now and then one of them I still talk to and the other two I do not talk to. So but that's all I remember. Yeah. Are you still friends with your people? About half of them. That's not bad. Yeah. Maybe that just tells me that I probably need to branch out and get new friends. Maybe you just mean you're really good at bonding with people. So true. Top, top to your friend. You're a top tier friend. People want to stick around for you. Meanwhile, I'm like, you can go. I would say Travis, you'd probably have almost all of them, right? I know all the people from my childhood still. God, that's fucking lame, bro. It's not lame. Your friends group is tight. Yeah. Tight. Like my butt hole. Did it tight. Get it tight. But I, I do remember near the end of MySpace, I was, I didn't, I got rid of all my friends and it was just like, fucking my favorite bands in the top 10, dude. That's it. That's an amazing move. Yes. Not many people did that. Yeah. You're so, so alternative. You've always been cool. Fuck me dude. Well, I mean, that's what they would post, like, that's where you could listen to music. Gosh, that was so fucking cool, dude. That's true, because then you could just click on, like, your top friends right there, and then you could go listen to their music. That was smart. That was so cool. Speaking of music with Myspace. You could pick a song, so when people clicked on your profile. They heard your song. Yeah, you could put whatever song you wanted. Which is hilarious to think about. Because now if I click on anything, a website, and it has music playing. I am getting out of there so fucking quick. I know. I'm like, spam, spam. Like Instagram and Facebook. I'm like, fucking throw the phone away dude. At that point. Yeah, I'm to the point that if I open social media on my phone at all. I'm out. I make sure my volumes turn down all the way before I even open the app because I don't want to hear any of the sounds. Yeah, I mean, you just don't know how loud it's going to be either. That's true. And also, do I even like what you're about to play or say? Right. Probably not. Probably not. Probably not. Unless it's Fergie, then I don't want to hear it. Could you have, you could have a playlist on Myspace too. Like you'd have like up to eight or ten songs. Oh my gosh, that was so fucking cool. And you could change your background. That's what I was just thinking. I remember Well. Everything being dark, like now you look at websites and really all social media. I mean, you can do like a night version, but it's almost all like pretty bright, aesthetically pleasing that way. But I remember my space just like dark colors, everything. Yeah, you're right. And it was designed to be that way. Yeah. Guess what? We were all emo kids. So that just fucking plays right along to that. I just remember the, um, here's 50 questions you can ask yourself and then fucking answer these and then put that on your MySpace page so people can fucking know you in one second. Trab, I fucks with those get to know me. Oh my gosh, I loved them so much. So much. I always love them. Okay. How old are you right now? 17. Dude. I mean, we were just fucking giving it up back then, dude. Like here's all of our information. Nothing was blocked or private. Here's me. I also, a lot of people that would post those would all just to be like, to hint at who you had a crush on. So you'd have like these 20 get to know me all so they could just have a reason to post, like, who's your crush? You would put, let's just say his name is John was your crush. You would put like four little stars so people would guess. Do you remember that? Yeah. People are weird, man. Yeah. Whoever you were dating, they were your number one top 10 dude. Always. They had to be. Always win over your true best friend. Always. Dude. Always pick who you're dating over your friends. So freaking good dude. Interesting. Um, so in 2011, specific media group and Justin Timberlake jointly purchased a fucking company, dude for$65 million. Justin Timberlake. So he owns part of fucking MySpace. I didn't even know you could still potentially open MySpace. You could for years after. You can, it's, you can still do it still. Yeah. MySpace is still a fucking website, dude. Don't do it. You're gonna get spammed because I did it. I would probably say five years ago, and it was, it was so cringe to look back at those messages. Oh, I bet. And it was hard to read because it was more like individual messages. So it was really hard to go back. So I would imagine it's just kind of music oriented and kind of a news oriented kind of thing, dude. That's what it kind of looks like. Maybe just news. That's what it is kind of nowadays. Don't worry, guys. We'll put a link to MySpace if you want to see the homepage. So that would make sense, right? If it's all about music. Now I, Justin Timberlake Yeah. Had purchased it. For sure. Also, how many people actually knew that though? Like I had no idea until I looked at that. No clue. Right. I mean Justin Timberlake owns fucking MySpace. This is going to ruin the tour. What tour? The world tour. The world one. The world one. Round the world ticket. You guys know what I'm making fun of? No. When he got arrested for the DUI, that's what he said to the cop. Oh, that's right. Nuh uh. Cause the cop was so young he had no idea who Justin Timberlake was. That's why he's like, what tour? Amazing. The world tour. That's fucking awesome. Yeah. The audacity to assume that everyone knows you. Oh, I don't, I don't love Justin Timberlake. Oh, I don't either. I liked him cause I thought I should like him for a long time. It's fair. Um, cause everyone was saying like, not only does he sing, but like he performs and I guess he can play almost every instrument, which is awesome. That's cool. But. I don't know. I just, with his relationship with Britney Spears. Yes. Oh, I know. Thank you. I don't know exactly. I don't know all the details. I know a shit ton of details about Britney Spears life and currently. But I feel like something crazy happened and she won't talk about it. Did you read her book? No. Oh, I read her book. I just stalked her Instagram religiously. Okay. I read her book and in her book she talks about Justin Timberlake got her pregnant and convinced her to have an abortion and then his song Cry Me a River came out and supposedly that was about her crying on the bathroom floor. Whoa. Yeah. Doesn't that piss you off? Whoa. Whoa. And isn't that crazy? And it's not the fact that she had an abortion that pisses me off. It's the fact that he made a song about her having an abortion when she kind of didn't want to. Yeah. Allegedly. I mean, again, this is me interpreting what she wrote in her book. I mean, that it was released in 2002. Cry Me a River. I mean, that was. When they broke up. Yeah, that year. Yeah. Yeah. It was about her according to her book. That's crazy. Yeah. Isn't that wild? Oh my gosh. I mean, I remember having the biggest crush on her dude. I'm like, I'm gonna marry her dude as a 6-year-old. I think we all had a crush on her. Yeah. How could you not? Like I can't wait for her to be my wife and we go live on an island somewhere. I can't wait between her a house boots. Oh my God. Well now she's half naked on all of her posts actually. That's true. It's wild. It is wild. And, and the comments are turned off and they've been turned off for probably, if not a year, possibly two years. So when I, when I was drinking, that was a, that was like, I would spiral and I would be hours and hours deep into her Instagram. And the reason I was so invested in it is because. They would, like, post things with green screens. Oh, yeah, yeah. Because everyone was, like, really concerned for her. Yes. Like, where are you? We haven't seen you out in public. Yeah. And then, so, because people were, like, asking, post something, post something of you, like, not inside your house. So then they posted this picture of her getting on a plane and it's so clear that it's a green screen. It was wild. Oh my gosh. But yeah, so so thank you guys. Yes, thank you. And thanks for the invention of green screens. You can do whatever you want with that now. It's great. Yeah, but we're really focused on Brittany. Is she okay? I hope she is. She, she won her court date. She like owns all of her own stuff again. Oh, really? That's awesome. Supposedly. Supposedly. So, I still think, I don't think she's actually free. Oh, there's no way. But, I think she is absolutely. I'm, no judgment. I can't imagine if I was a childhood star what type of mental health situation I would be in. But I think she is so far gone at this point. The medicine that they've had her on. Just the isolation. The isolation. Oh yeah, I mean her brain is fucked. Fried. Yeah, it has to be from all the shit that she, I mean PTSD to a max on top of you've been taking meds that you didn't need so it changed the chemistry of your head. Yeah. I mean the whole reason we take meds is to change the chemistry of our head. And being a celebrity and having, just not even really living in a, in a reality that's fucking real dude, you can do whatever the fuck you want, that is not a reality to me. Yeah. That's not real life. And people not treating you like you're real either. Yeah. Oh yeah. Exactly. That's why I maintain, like, I like the idea of meeting famous people, but anytime, like, Trav and I get close to anyone, I'm always just kind of like, it just feels weird. I feel like I'm in a human zoo because we like to go to Gen Con and Pop Con and just the cons. There's no pros in life, just cons. Just cons. That's why they call it that. You know, they always have, like, the meet and greets and whatnot, and I like the idea so much of meeting someone famous that I like. But then once I get there, it's like, it feels weird. Cause I don't actually know this person. What do you talk to them about? Right? Like, Hey, I really liked your movie. and then that's kind of all I got. Cause it's not like they actually have anything to say to me. They don't, Hey, thanks for coming. It's like me telling you, I really like your dress. Oh, thanks. I got it at target. And then that's the end of the conversation. Yep. Thanks for buying a ticket. Buy some merch. Right. Like, yeah, I mean, they don't call it the celebrity zoo for nothing. I mean, yours. Yeah. Walking in the middle of the fucking aisle looking at all these, Oh, I know them from a distance. You do. Yeah. I remember that movie. I remember looking at him like a fucking monkey or something. Yeah, exactly. I remember my dad, um, in the airport once saw Jared from Subway, right? Remember that? my dad saw Jared from subway in the airport. Yes. And dad, I just remember dad coming home and he was like, so I saw him. I was like, Oh my gosh, did you say hi? And dad was like, well, I thought about it, but he noticed me noticing him. And dad was like, I could just tell he didn't really want to have a conversation right now. So I just nodded and smiled at him and he literally waved at me. Okay. Well, and it was just one of those moments like as a kid that I still remember because it's At the time, I didn't realize it, but now as an adult, I realize like my dad was treating that quote famous person like a human. For sure. Like, I don't actually know you. I've just seen you. And Jared had zero interest in talking with your dad because he wasn't a child, so he wasn't attracted to him. Exactly. He was not under 15 years old. Uh huh. Did you guys watch that documentary? No, I had no idea that was a thing, but I completely believe you. I remember the fucking phone call with his manager or something, like trying to get these fucking little kids. I don't remember. So she, I think she was a, a news reporter or like a journalist. And she did a story with him just like in passing in her town. And she got a really like creepy vibe. So, and then I think they like were kind of friends. And then, so she. She was really like baiting him and trapping him so she could like can collect all this information Yeah, and she's the one who really broke like exposed him. Yeah, it's God bless He is a disgusting human being and he is from he lived above a subway in Bloomington, Indianapolis Fucking Indiana, so he keeps when he would say I walked a subway every day He would just walk down like it was a part of his building the fuck up. Yeah, just oh my gosh. Can you, I just can't. It's also funny that people, he got so famous for just being huge and eating Subway. Yeah. He lost weight. Yes. He wasn't huge. Well, he was a big guy. He was like over 300 pounds and then supposedly he ate Subway every single day and that's like the big thing that helped him lose weight because it was making him eat veggies. Hey, welcome to Jared's men's warehouse. Oh my gosh. How about that? Let's talk about the Facebook era. Yeah As of 2022, almost 3 billion active users. Half of those are grandmas and grandpas. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I will never get rid of my Facebook because of the older generation on it. They post the wildest stuff and because of town chatters. Those two things. I think I won't do it. Dude. Facebook is just like it's boomer book now. Like dude, it's our grandparents are using dude. Millennials don't even use a Gen Z. They definitely don't use them. The younger generation doesn't, is not interested in fucking using it. I'd tell you that much. Yep. Yeah. I would say I use it for marketplace to sell things all the time and I do really well there, but that's another thing. I'm never looking at Facebook and like, Oh, what's so and so doing? Right. Yeah. I don't need to see. I don't need to see your fifth grand, grandchild, like newborn pics for the 50th time. Well, we could kind of lead into this, but like, are we oversharing? Like that, that's like the main thing. Like, dude, we're oversharing way too fucking much. Who gives a shit, dude? Honestly. As we sit here doing a podcast. Exactly. Yeah. We're doing this for fun, anyone that's listening. Well, yeah, this is for fun. It is for fun and it comes with self awareness as well. Oh for sure. We're not We're sitting here talking because we enjoy each other's company and we like to be silly and we have fucking microphones as cool as shit Why would we not hang out with them? Yeah, So stupid. Well, I don't think anyone shares what they're eating anymore. God, do you remember that, like, almost ten years ago? They were sharing every fucking thing they were eating, dude. No one gave a fuck. Who cares what you're eating, you dumbass. It makes me think of Easy A. What'd you say? Phone eats first. Phone eats first. That's hilarious. You don't but you don't eat your food right away. You take a picture first. Yeah, and then you eat it So as you say your phone eats first, it makes sense in my head. Yeah Do people still do that? I don't really see that very often anymore. I don't not as much Yeah I would say the only people I feel like are posting pictures of their food is if they go to a different country or They go to like a brand new restaurant Does something special. I can see, I'm not, this is not a joke. I can see you doing it to promote a small business. Oh, for sure. I would like that. That's true. 100%. I can totally see the, say, like I'm COVID. I did. Yeah. I mean, that is like multiple times right up your alley supporting them. Yeah. During COVID, I took pictures of a lot of local restaurants that were like small business, small owner restaurant type of things. I took pictures of those food when we'd go get them and I'm like, you still have to support the local community. yeah, if you can go get something and it needs to be done through Facebook, support your local entrepreneurs. So for your top 10, it's just like, what's your top food? And it'll just be the picture that you took of that food. Boom, boom. Boom. Boom. It's perfect. Food book. Oh my word. Fucking crazy dude. But let's go back to that. Are we oversharing for real though? Like, do you think people are posting too much about their lives? Not anymore. Not anymore? You don't think people are oversharing anymore? I think we're used to it now. Yeah, that's true. Like that's just part of it now. That's true. If someone posts about how they lost custody of their kids, I no longer, they do it. That's so crazy. You're right. And, like, I guess I would say 10, 15 years ago, I would, like, probably be calling a friend, like, did you see this? And now, it's just saturated with just wild shit that people will tell about themselves. That I, now, I'm just kind of like, fuck yeah, give me more. Like, oh, then I'm in the comments. I'm like, now I want to know who's all involved. I am sipping on this tea. So, I think just as much as they're oversharing, we, uh, We consume it. Yeah. We just accept it. Beat it up. That's a good point, dude. Yeah, maybe we just became desensitized to just oversharing. It's just part of normal fucking life now, you're right. I kind of, I, as an, I'm an overshare, I overshare strangers, but I always kind of like it cause I get to see like the inside, like intimate moments of people's lives. But then again, I do think the shit that people share should be private, but who are we to Yeah. It's, it's all a form of attention. If you We all need it, right? Yeah, we are for real though. However we want to ask for it, however Yeah. That's very true. Well, I was thinking of like when people would say if you you made the cut if you're still a part of my friends Oh my god, that's oversharing right there, dude. That is so stupid. No one cares Or i'm gonna log off for a little bit like please don't ask questions protect my privacy Or respect my privacy, even dumber. Why would you post that? Just, just fucking go. What's wrong, babes? Go. We don't want you here anyway. Just post, love me, love me. Just say it right now. Just say, I need some love. I'll be back. I would respect that. It is weird. I'm feeling low. Please give me compliments. Sending positive vibes. Yeah, go get fucked. Fucked man, fuck you. Don't give a shit. Sending positive vibes. What else do you say to those people? I have no idea. Nothing. Sometimes silence is the loudest comment. Sending, sending you herpes. Thanks dude. That sounds great. I appreciate that. I'm going to cherish this forever. It is a good distraction. I appreciate that. Travis. Uh, What do you think? Do you think people overshare? Yeah, but maybe that's just how I view social media. I think it's just like, I don't know man. I'm just like, who gives a shit, dude? Even with my friends, I'm like, dude, who gives, I don't know. Just give me like, what people have been doing now, which is like, okay, this is my month of July, like, I like that shit, where it's like the combination of that month, like, that's great, but I don't need a fucking day to day fucking update on your life, dude, I don't give a shit. And I barely care about my own life. Okay. That's true though, because you get, I don't value anything, but I'm still here. That's just the cancer talking about everybody. Sometimes it gets dark and twisty. It's fine. We always bring it back. Right. Um, that's what I was going to say too, though, because like, you kind of get annoyed almost almost when people share memories and it's like, Oh, this was three years ago. And anytime Trav sees it, he's kind of like, Yeah, it was three years ago. Why are you making me look at it again? It's been three years. Well fucking no shit It's been three years you dumb mother. I don't know. It's just like like we know those people happy. I know. Fuck. You're right. I'm just fucking cynical, dude. I don't think you're cynical. I just think it's one of those things that you're like, I genuinely don't give a fuck. And I think it's very dependent on who is posting it. That's fair. That's well, and it's like, yeah, no, time passes. Okay, cool. Yeah. Don't even mention time to say, Oh, this is a great fucking memory, dude. That's it. Yeah. Great. I don't know. Or half the people that post those memories is just because they look younger. They look thinner. That's true. I would rather you just be like, I look great in this picture and I want everyone to be reminded and I need you guys to know, give it, give us a little story about it or something. Yeah. Yeah. You stay in your lane. I'll stay in my lane and we can all be happy. But on the monthly post thing, like I, I literally just started doing that. That's what I told Trav. I think it's great. Even if I still don't really give a shit. When, when people post like the monthly reviews or the recap of the pictures, it's usually not just of pictures of people, which I like. Hang on, can we review each month from now on, dude? Month was seven out of ten. Okay, I will, I will say my favorite Instagram caption that I've ever come up with. It was on the 4th of July and it said if I had to rate today, it would be a free out of five stars. And I was so fucking proud of that. Oh my gosh. I was always proud of my fucking little statuses with my photos doing Instagram. Gosh, I was just fucking full of them back in the day, dude. I think the way that you captioned things or the way that you use social media is so hilarious. Like when you went on vacation. And every single time I hear that song, I think of you. So Travis went on vacation,, and you literally posted. Every day, a video or a picture and in the background, you played the song vacations. All is, and who is it? The, Oh, I don't remember who it was, but yes, vacation song, the vacation song. So the first one, cause one, it's a fun song. The first one you had posted, I was like, Oh, hell yeah, this is fun. Like, Oh, they're having a good time. And the second day, and I was like, Oh, did he do this on purpose? And then it was the third day. I was so every day that you posted, I was so jazzed. Like it was like four or five days. It was so funny. And it was just so subtle and knowing that you did it, like, be like, yep. This is a very niche crowd. That's going to like this. Anybody with a sense of humor. And I just thought that was great. Oh, I forgot about that. Thanks for bringing that up. I remember when hashtags were really big too. And Trav would be like, Hashtag Travis, Hashtag coffee, Hashtag, Hashtag. Yeah. I always thought that was funny when, you know, When you first did that travel cuz I'm like, yeah, that's a lot of hashtags. You're right, dude I've always been like let's do the opposite of what everybody else is doing. That's just how I've always fucking been do Oh, you've always been cool, right? Well, yeah Hipster before hipster had a name right pretty much. Honestly, though. Yeah, but yeah, dude Should we talk about online dating guys want to talk about some tender? Tinders. The Tinders. Should we talk about that? Mm hmm. Yeah. So Trav and I actually met on Tinder, uh, this year was 10 years of togetherness for us actually. Which is fun. That's so exciting. It is. It's crazy. Tinder was the only dating app that I knew of because the whole reason I got on it was because my college best friend had just broke up with a long term boyfriend. They'd been together over four years. And it was like, Hey, this exists. Why don't we do this together? this would be fun if we both make a profile. It is fun. So I, and it was fun and I was just doing it to be a supportive friend and. I ended up with a husband out of it. So here we are. Piece of shit husband. But I mean, I so much was doing it just like for fun. I remember that my, I still remember that my bio said, you're just here for a good time and I'm here to laugh or you're just here for the sex. And I'm here for a good time. It was something stupid. You didn't put a poem? No. No poems. That's okay. Mine was fucking stupid too. I was, I'm here for the coffee and chocolate. Stop it. That's literally all I said. That's awesome. Travis, if there were a hundred sayings of like just random bios. And they were saying, Hey, which one did Travis put on his? Oh, I think that would be number 100. I would never in a million years guess that that's what you would put. That's wild. You little basic fuck. Exactly. That's why I put it on there, dude, because you couldn't get coffee and chocolate because it was a virtual reality app. I only had like one girl say something about it and she was so fucking ugly, but it was a good time. Oh, but you swiped on her. I don't know if she got to talk to you. Exactly. Mm hmm. Yeah. Swipe, swipe, swipe, swipe. Yeah, exactly. But also, that's how Tinder was back then too because that's what started the whole like swipe right. That means you like them, you swipe left. And there was the fucking radius. You had to be within a certain fucking radius of the people that you were swiping. Yeah. That was cool. Yeah. Well, yeah, because the only reason that Travis and I even showed up on each other's like accounts is because I had come home to visit my parents for a weekend. So I was in the radius of being like in our hometown. Because if I still would have been at college like I was that weekend, we wouldn't have swiped on each other. That's crazy. I didn't know that. Yeah, that's the only reason he showed up for me. I was here and not in college, like out. I remember you accepting, not accepting, but swiping right on me when I was at the ORP. On Wednesdays when they had like free, everyone can come in and like race down the drag strips. That's, I remember looking at my phone one of those Wednesdays. I didn't know that. That's fun. Just watching cars go down the drag, dude. That's awesome. I remember looking at the Tinder app and you would. Swiped right on me, baby. It's a match. And all of a sudden you're like, oh, look at that I got a girl to chat up. He's a little weirdo. I'm interested What did I say to you? First thing Trav said to me was your face looks familiar lol and at the time Because, like I said, I was not at all looking to date anyone for real. It was genuinely trying to be a supportive friend. I was pretty mean to anyone that talked to me on that app. If they used to pick up line at all, I was like, I'm going to find something to put you down that way. I don't have to keep talking to you. I was mean to people. You could just ignore them. I know. And that's what I should have done. But if they used to pick up line, I was like, man, there was one kid specifically. He never smiled, showing his teeth in any of his pictures. I think about this to this day because that's how mean it just feels now. he said something about the whole angel pickup line. And I was like, man, you know, you never show your teeth in your pictures. Do you know you like missing your front tooth? You got fucked up mouth. I remember saying that to someone and it's all because he used a pickup line on me. Like it is just, it's hard out here in the streets. You had an attitude problem back in the day, for sure. Oh yeah, yeah, but that's just how my brain, my brain is so fucking weird. I never even talk to you or anything. And I remember her fucking face, dude. Yeah. Is that weird? I know we don't have to go on this tangent, but it's just like a weird thing in my brain that happens, dude. I don't think it's weird because the whole thing is. So I guess for people who don't know, Travis and I ended up being at the same high school, but we didn't know it. He graduated a year before I did. And the high school was huge. It wasn't like you guys should have seen each other. they were Yeah. And this was five years after Yeah. I graduated. Yep. Yeah, because we met in 2014. That's crazy. That is fucking crazy, dude. Yeah, I don't, I don't think it's weird that you can, remember faces that you've seen. I think it's, I think it's cool. Yeah, Tinder was crazy back then, dude. Yeah. It was a good time. that was Tinder back then, ten years ago. Trav and I haven't been on the dating apps in quite a long time, but Julia has still been on dating apps. Up until recently. Yeah. And so how different is that? So I probably haven't had Tinder since 2019 man. And now, if I hear that someone's on Tinder, I'm like, Oh, you're just, you just want to fuck your fuck boy, which I'm not saying that there's not on other apps, but that would be. No one is on tinder being like I want a real meaningful relationship. I want to find my spouse And that one's not Bumble is still pretty active. So that one is where it's still the female has to Message first, but now you don't actually have to compose a question or a liner. They have it where let's pick a conversation starter. They make it so easy, which I think it helps people that do that struggle with that, but also in the back of the day, you just had. To be unique, funny or like you really had to come up with stuff, especially if you're a male. yeah, exhibit a dude, you better not say stupid as shit. You know what I mean? Don't say something stupid to me that you think is clever because I'm going to call you out on your bullshit. Kayla will bully you. But I kind of did say some stupid shit though. You know what I'm saying? Dog, you feel me? I feel you. I felt you dog. Cause my answer back was, I remember I literally said, okay, I'll talk to that. I love that. And then we started talking, trying to figure out how he might have recognized me. Did you guys have any mutual friends? man, we're throwing it way back. So one of Travis's best friends was also good friends with a guy that I dated very casually in high school. So I think he probably had seen me. Maybe not in his friend''''circle, but at least in the perimeter of that friend circle, if that makes sense. Even though there might not have been like verbal interaction. Yeah. We probably saw each other out on the streets fucking riding our little BMX bikes around because I know you used to ride your bike around a lot too and I know I did. Yeah, that's true. And rollerblade. Yeah. because my mom lived on one side of town and then when my parents got divorced, my dad was on the other side and we rode our bikes everywhere in town because we would just go back and forth between house and house. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Broken families. Yeah. So, Tinder nowadays is, there's three fucking tiers and the most expensive one is 500 a month. Why? Stop. Why? It says, which lets users message without matching. That's fucked up. So basically, you can do whatever the fuck you want for 500 a month. That is scary to me. Because the someone that is just harassing women. Yeah. Interesting. So I would want to fucking wild. OK, I'm sorry. No, I need more details because you can message on other ones. Even if you don't match. Does that mean that they'll accept it? So like Hinge. I can like someone's profile, and I can send them a message, but I would still have to, no, I wouldn't even have to accept them. I could X it. So they could say some crazy shit to me. And I have screenshots of some amazing things. And then if I could either heart it and accept it, or I could X it and be like, nope. Usually I would screenshot. Or screen record their profile and send it to my friends if you exit and they're gone forever and they can't ever message you again Unless they may that's not true. Some people will circulate through they have before But I also I think they're creating they're probably making like a new account or something. Yeah, which I mean at some point You forget your password or whatever fine. We'll give you the benefit of the doubt, I guess Yeah, but tinder was not and i'm not it's always been for hookups. It's always been like that one But people were still getting relationships like with you guys. Yeah now I don't know also don't No, anyone that I can even joke about that would pay 500 for a dating app. So annually, it's 6, 000 annually fucking wild dude. But so was eHarmony the biggest one growing up? Was that the biggest one or was there something else? Am I thinking of harmony? One hundred percent. Okay. You're right. I bet that was subscription based. Even then. I don't think that was free. it wasn't, which is because it wasn't free because it's basically saying, if you want to be on here, you have to have, be purposeful with it. Well, you say that though, but I remember in college making a profile for my friend who is very anti dating on eHarmony, but I guess I don't know if I got to the point where I made it public because it was just a joke. It wasn't actually to put her on this site that she didn't want to be on. At that point, I feel like there wasn't as many tier systems for pricing for companies as well. That was still. Yeah. Still very new. Very new. Yeah. That makes sense. yeah. Freaking back then it was like you guys met online. That's fucking weird, dude. Oh, you guys are fucking nerds. You guys are losers, right? I mean, that was the, you're such a piece of shit that you can't find love in real life. I don't think I ever had anyone say that to me, but also they were never going to say it to my face anyway. But I did have a couple of people at work where I work now. When I first hired on, by the time I hired on there, Trav and I had been together for about three years and they asked how we met. I told them and one of them was like, Oh, we know your priorities then. Like I had a couple of people that would say that to me And now it's like, yeah Yeah, I really think tinder like squashed that bug anything before tender like, okay Yeah, that makes sense why you were saying that shit, but I feel like tender just normalized online just dating in general on In this, the surface of the internet web. Yeah. Yeah, and I feel, again, going on with intention. even if someone's intention was just to hook up and fuck around. Still, there was intention with that. Where, or their intention was to find a significant other. I feel now it's being used, and I can even say, sometimes I would use it as, Just to pass the time like it was almost fair kind of fun a social media type of thing you see some Crazy things that people will say you need that validation and approval from people do just like we were talking about earlier I'm I'll be the first one. It does feel good Or they'll respond to I don't know Yeah. I don't like you, but thank you very much. Thank you. I know I look good. But it's also you. It's kind of fun to see people that you know on it, but I would go through and I'm very selective. If you're, if you don't have anything unique or you don't have anything like with Even trying to be funny, hard pass. Like you're Yeah. Absolutely do. You're not gonna try to show your personality. If you're not trying to do make one even if it's a stupid joke, sarc like sarcasm. You're not gonna put that on your profile, you're not funny. You're not putting anything too serious. one that, the most common one I would see was like, One thing you should know about me is I love to travel. Fuck off. Oh my gosh, yeah. I bet they have a soul life. That's how strongly we feel about that statement. We all try to talk at the same time. I was just going to say those are the people that have a Salt Life sticker as well. For sure. What were you going to say? Oh, I just remember, I remember us when you were really fucking online dating, we would always make fun of the people, I like traveling, like fucking no shit. Yeah. This is what I'm talking about, dude. Social media is so fucking stupid, it just brings it out, dude, no shit, dude, just state the obvious. That's, I don't know, it's just so stupid. I don't think people can do anything other than state the obvious sometimes, like creating a conversation starter or creating something. That tells you Hey, this is unique about me. Yeah people struggle. I know. Well, it's like long walks on the beach Yeah, no shit. Everyone fucking loves that you don't fuck dude be original. It's true though. Yeah You might love traveling but have you actually Traveled? No. Right. Yeah, I went to the Florida Gulf Shores and it was amazing. Okay, well, I've been to London, so you can fuck off. Hey, you know what they say? Myrtle Beach is like Walmart. It's trashy. Vacation goner. We have a good time. We don't want to actually hear me sing. I was going to move on to, younger kids and using like Snapchat for communication. How do we feel about that? And just how they communicate nowadays. Oh my gosh, Julia, I think that you should tell us about your boyfriend and like his job. Oh yeah. If you're okay with that. this was brand new. What happened two, three weeks ago? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I only see Snapchat to me. I don't look at Snapchat as a form of social media. I look at as I, my dog looks really cute and I don't need to post it on a story or make a post about it. I just want to show like five of my closest friends. Yes. That's how I view it. That's how I view it as well. So when I get a friend request from someone that like, I think. There was this one guy that was a senior and I was a freshman in high school. No. Asked to be my friend on Snapchat two years ago. I'm like, what the fuck? He wants to send you dick pics. That's what that is. This was not a social media form that I, I view it like that, but people use it as a, like a messaging form. Yeah, they do. So Austin is a, is a restaurant manager. And a lot of servers, bartenders are young. I call them kids. They're not kids. They're like early twenties, but they're still, we are so far separated from how they use social media. And it's only like 10, anywhere from eight to 10 years. But they, they'll message him things about their shift on Snapchat. And I was really very uncomfortable about it. I mean, I sat him down and I was like, this, none of them makes me uncomfortable, but this is inappropriate. Like why? And so I was talking to a couple other people about it and they were like, Oh yeah, that's how like teenagers and like younger, generation, they use it as a form of like social media. And instead of just texting them, Hey, what are you doing? Hey, can you cover my shift? They'll snapchat it and then take a picture of the sky or take a picture of the calf, your face and like looking up, it's wild. And then, yeah, it's just like a different type of texting, but It's social media. It's a new version of AIM. Oh my gosh. It's a new version of AOL. It is. Yeah, but it disappears That's well, that's what I say. It's like new and upgraded it disappears Because on that same side like I think that sucks for Austin because they're trying to text him about their shifts on An app that lets the conversation disappear. So if they wanted to be little assholes about it I never got that. Yeah. And. Because just because you save something in a Snapchat conversation, I can unsave it. And then it's gone. Yeah. as a, not only as a female, but with him being my partner, I was, I hated it for many reasons, but I work with, younger high school girls. And. I just like, even as innocent as it may be, I'm all always looking at to protect myself to protect the children. Cause I would never want someone young to think it's appropriate to do that. And when I was expressing this to Austin, I felt bad because he just felt defeated because I was like this. And he was like, I never looked at it like that. He's I just thought he was, it's what all of them do. And it's not just girls. It's guys, that's just how. They communicate. and he's just trying to make sure that his workers respond to him, which that's fair. But at the end of the day, this is a business. It's not just us like chatting with each other and it does matter. Yep. But I talked to a couple other like coaches and a couple of teachers and they were like, Oh yeah, that's like the kids just do that. And cause I was so just skeptical of it all, but it's wild to even, I would never in a million years use Snapchat like that. Well, so Trav knows this because we live together, so he hears it all the time, but for a while there, I had an app called Marco Polo. Have you heard of that one? You said you and your college best friend do that. So, Marco Polo, is a mini video, but it saves so it's just like Snapchat, but it saves videos, but it saves your whole conversation. So if you want, you can go back and look at it and see the progression of the conversation. So I think it's really nice for like people who don't see who like, like we don't get to see each other very often. I just saw her for the first time since March and it's August. So we don't, for people who don't get to see each other all the time, it's kind of nice. Cause it's like, Hey, here's just a quick video update of what I've done this week. and that's the end of it. But I say all that because I have another friend who uses Snapchat like how you're saying, and she's my age. I think she's one year older than me. And Trav knows. Cause he'll be like, are you talking to her again? I was like, yeah, this is what we're doing today. And it just, it's always something random. Like she's in the process of getting married. So we've been talking about wedding dresses and whatnot on snapchat Not texting. What do you think the purpose is? I used to think it is secretive. No, none of it is Yeah, the only because she sent me pictures of different dresses that she was looking at so I could see that staying on snapchat That way her fiance doesn't just accidentally see it on her phone. Yeah, but other than that, I mean We talk, that's how we communicate with each other on Snapchat, but we also don't just text it. You guys are such Gen Z, dude. Gen Z. You're not even a millennial anymore, bro. But you're only doing that because someone else uses it in that form. Oh yeah, that's how she has, she tends to respond better when I answer her that way. So I've just accepted I told myself and I said it to Trav not long ago, I was like, I'm treating this as if it's Marco Polo. You I just can't reference back what she says, so I have to like actually, genuinely remember what she said. Yeah. I have to actually listen? What? I just struggle to see the purpose of that. I know. Especially when, if we're good enough friends, I'm just gonna, I'll send you a video. Yeah. I'll just send you a video. Of anything. Or FaceTime. I really like FaceTiming. FaceTime is fucking awesome, dude. I love it. I enjoy it. And the fact that you can multiple people to like group. So freaking cool dude. I just, I like FaceTime is the way to go. It's nice. I get to actually see you while I talk to you and then boom, I feel like I hung out with you for a little bit. Yep. Like it's just kind of nice. Yeah. We did that with my family during like the COVID time. Yeah. I bought the Facebook portal and we'd all fucking hop on it and just chat. Yeah. We all just hung out. That was really cool. That was just so weird. Weird. Like little. Didgeridoo for that time because we fucking haven't used it since dude. Yeah, but that was cool That was kind of the same along the same lines. We did easter morning. Yeah, we did on a family facetime Yep, I remember that and I felt that was so weird And that was like six different households that were able to get on that. So what's next for social media? Is it going to be like the VR? Is that how kids are going to be communicating? Cause they're kind of leaning into that. Like right now, like kids are using the Oculus stuff to just create a character. Like what? Like, cause you can go into a theater and he, and a kid can play a video and kids are playing, like shaking the booty TikTok videos and they're all like fucking seven or eight years old, but they're in VR. Oh boy, you got that guillot. I don't even know what that is. It means girl your ass thick. Guillot. I learned that from a fucking high schooler. Huh. Mm hmm. Yeah. How like when we were young like, fucking parents don't know about that shit. I just learned. Learned about it the other day dude that they can just fucking pull up any kind of video and like watching in a theater with Other fucking young kids. It's crazy. It's wild. I I Know again, we're just getting older, but I just don't see the appeal Well, I think it goes back to what you said it's just the generational thing because we used to do the AOL IM thing and the chat roulette and it's like what's really the Appeal of this cuz I'm pretty sure with chat roulette You could only see each other for five seconds and then it would change on you If I remember correctly, no, you got, you had to do it yourself. Yeah. Okay. Cause you could, you could talk for hours. Yeah. I must be thinking something different than either way. My whole point is that I started a sentence and I didn't even know where I was going with it. I just thought I'd pick it up along the way. Wow. Thanks, Michael Scott. This has been so much fun. People are really tuning in now. I, okay. So where do we think social media will go? Forward. Yes. Yeah, like what's, what's going to be the next thing, could it be VR? It, it could. I don't think. Some type of glasses kind of thing, I guess. No. I don't think it has to change very much either because you look at from MySpace to Facebook. To Instagram to now people using Tik TOK as not just video sharing, but like to meet people, they're really all very similar, just the type of people you're communicating with. Like you said, Facebook is more boomers. Like I, let me tell you. My mom sometimes post some shit and I'm like fuck mom like this is I'm glad this is on Facebook Yeah, it's kind of adorable But and then you know, then we go to Instagram and that's where I'm most active on Instagram I'm sending reels and memes and shit totally agree But then TikTok is completely different, but they're all the same, but they're all sort of the same different people that are using them. So I don't think it has to change that much. Well, and that's a good point, too, because Nephew really likes YouTube Reels. Oh, and all those are is TikToks. It's the same thing, but it's like you said, it's just a different platform. he loves it like that. That is what he does. His kids love YouTube. They love YouTube. And they love like loud, extremely loud, like fast edited videos. It's so crazy. Like, how do you like this? My ears are bleeding right now. Yeah. You know what? They're all overstimulating themselves. So here's a good question because on social media, beige moms is a thing. So are all these kids who are watching all these videos right now, like nephew who are really overstimulated and whatnot? Are they going to grow into people who only listen to like nature sounds and whatnot because they overstimulated themselves. Does that make sense? I am following what you're saying, but I think the opposite. I think the, you, they're conditioning whether, it's obviously unintentional, I think they're just conditioning to a constant state of mind. And if that is an overstimulated state, then that's almost a sense of normalcy to them. I would view it the opposite. Yeah. Kind of like you grew up in a chaotic household. You just want to everything like decision you make is just fucking chaos and terrible. It's very rarely. I grew up in a terrible situation. I think I'm going to choose different. Yeah, that's true. I mean, that's a good point. You're right. you, That's how I see it. Tend overall to follow in whatever is led in front of you. I think there's a really like strong connection between social media and just like mental illness too nowadays. I think. Yeah. Especially all the younger kids are just going to fucking, they're going to have it all baby. Especially with the shit that they're fucking watching. It affects your fucking brain chemistry. Yes it does. It fucking does dude. I don't know. And the way that people communicate. Yeah. And I say with the mental illness part is. The validation that they receive. And that's what's yes, dude. Thank you. And it could be a beautiful thing. You'd be a terrible thing because it helps you feel less alone. let's just say you have all even bipolar disorder. You get on there and you think I feel heard like I'm not alone, but then it also leads to Oh, we are just, life is so much harder, and this person also feels like that. Yeah. And it's just, they just give in to this. Validates your hurt feelings as well as giving you. Exactly. I watched a video this week of a girl faking she had Tourette's for basically fucking, for clout and fucking money to run her fucking small business. I'm like, what the fuck, dude? People suck. Because people, I mean. Mental illness is I don't know, it's in, I guess, right now, you know, it's really, it's accepted more than it used to be, dude, and you can fucking bank on it now, which is fucked up, man. Well, it's one of those things where it's like, it does matter and we do need to talk about mental illness because we need to get rid of, these stigmas. Yeah. Yeah. Stigmas. Yeah. Yeah. When you get rid of these stigmas of like, Oh, they have a mental illness. Watch out. They might like, they might punch you randomly or something. Which we will. It's so accepted and people like feel sorry for you. okay, I have threats on, I can fucking manipulate these people to make fucking money. It's so accepted. Anybody can have anything and fucking it's fine. Yeah. And that's the difference. It's we need to be accepting of all kinds of people. That doesn't mean I need to give you all my money because I might also have something going on. That's the thing, to profit off of it. Right. Like, it's just supposed to be a like, Hey, here's some awareness because I have this condition and things that you should know if you ever interact with someone like me. Yep. Or that's how it should be. Hey, you hear the issues I have. If you also have them, here's some things that you can do to help navigate through them instead of it being, you feel like that? Me too. Come join us. Come pay this much amount of money or whatever paid partnership. It's just to profit off of it. And I think it's a disgrace to those with myself included with an actual mental illness. I can't ever imagine saying it. To be like, this makes me cool and unique. It makes me fucked up and unable to regulate my emotion. That's nothing to profit off of. here's what we need to focus on is the moon and the tides. OK, we're always connected to that. Can I get an amen? Amen. All right. Everyone hold your crystals now and shove them up your butt. That is such a Taurus thing for you to say. I mean, I can't help it. I'm a Taurus. So stubborn. Okay, so what we're learning is that we have no fucking clue what the fucking next step for social media is. No. But, let's talk about those beige moms you were talking about, dude. Dude, I know. Beige moms, right? Trav had said something to me about it the other day, which is why I thought of it when we were just talking, too. I didn't know what a beige mom was, so I looked it up. I had no idea. If you don't know what a beige mom is, it is moms of humans, because I consider myself a cat mom. It is moms who only do their decor in neutral color sets and not patterns or anything in solids, I should say. Moms who use neutral tones and solids. They don't do patterns. They don't really do a whole lot of color. And it's not just for themselves. It's for their kids as well. So these kids playrooms are in neutral, oranges, which is basically brown and like olive green and beige and ivory and they don't do any bright colors at all. And supposedly the theory is these are moms who were so overstimulated as kids with like, think Lisa Frank colors and unicorn and Barbie that now they're like, Oh, I can't overstimulate my kids. So they don't, they just don't put any color in their kids lives. So it's with intention, not just aesthetic. Cause when you said that, I immediately thought, Oh, okay. They just want to have that, just real clean, almost rich aesthetic. Yes. I, that I saw that too on social media though. So it's it's either people are really sad or it's these people that care so much about how they look. Like a crunchy mom. Yes. Even. Yes. I just like that it first started out as sad beige mom, because that's so sad. Those colors are so fucking sad, dude. And I, supposedly, kids learn better with vibrant colors, dude. Yeah. They learn better with like certain colors, which I thought was interesting. I had no idea. Which is fucking cool. Because color invokes emotion. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, it does. What is, obviously they, you know, blue is going to be calming, but, um. Red is anger. Yeah, and I, this is also weird, might need to be fact checked, but I've heard this growing up, that they paint a lot of, restaurants or kitchens red. Yeah, because you're more likely to eat. Because it invokes, hunger, which, again, wild. Wild, because my mom painted her kitchen orange, And then always told me that I was eating too much. It's her fault as a kid. How could you do that to me? She's sending me mixed signals. Do you remember when your mom like wouldn't let us eat past 8 PM? Dude, I remember a lot of things about my mom, like being weird about food. So, very potentially, I ate a shit ton of food, potentially. I was a husky girl. I'm not gonna lie. But, I just remember. I remember asking mom if I could eat someone's potato because they weren't going to eat it. And she was like, you definitely don't need more food. Which is crazy because I need to add, I very much like my mom. But I think at the end of the day, everyone's parents do something that somehow traumatizes them. Yes, of course. And for me, that was my thing. It was like, my mom was weird with food with me. Yes, we all love our moms dude. You guys are all fucking awesome, dude. Yeah, let's just say that right. I mean we do like I love my mom I have a great relationship with my mom It's it's interesting because I wouldn't ever say that she is like a health nut like she yeah I mean, she's healthy 100 percent and they're looking they're always looking at ways like to stay healthy Yeah, but that right there is how a lot of like Because we don't have, really have a relationship with food as kids. It's kind of like taught to us. Yeah. So it's almost creating a relationship with it and like you viewing it as not toxic, but in just a way that you didn't. You're just like, Hey, that looks good. I want it instead. Now you're thinking about it each time and like actively thinking about Oh yeah, that happened. Oh man. This is definitely a fucking ADHD podcast. We went from beige to a mom, not wanting me to eat some cookies or something. But mom never loved me. Exactly. Okay, so your mom, your mom is not a beige mom. My mom is not a beige mom. No beige. No, definitely not. She let me have all the Lisa Frank and I fucking loved it. I love it to this day. I still rock the little candies. That's what they're called now. But really all it is is bracelets that are beads. Fucking love that shit. Dude, I would love for our house to be like Maximilius. Is that what it's called, dude? Where it's like super vibrant. Maximilist. Thank you. Opposite of minimalist. It's not all vibrant colors, but it's just colorful. That's it. Oh, okay. It's bohemian. When you say Maximist, I'm like I think you want more stuff. And I'm like, I don't want more stuff. So sad beige moms, bad food mom, good. Feed your kids and teach them to stop eating when they're full. Right? This is very odd. Like, Hey, let's, You can play with this fucking gray toy, but that pink toy over there, you, ooh, you better not play with this fucking pink toy. Don't you fucking touch that pink toy. Okay, real quick, do you think that it being gender neutral colors as well is playing into effect? Ooh, absolutely. I didn't even fucking think of that. Well, that's what I was thinking. You wouldn't exploit your kid and say, Hey, look, my kid's learning so much faster than all you other kids. Cause he's got gray fucking toys. Right. The validation shit. It's fucking goofy, dude. Yeah, it's validation. And the desire to have your kid be unique. Yeah. Your kid is already unique. You don't have to make them. Yeah. Yeah. Your kid is unique. Thank you. They are. they don't realize that. They just want validation and money. Which goes back to the whole social media thing. people just want to be able to say, like, Well, this is the aesthetic that we do. And this is what works for us and our kid. And our kid is so great. Like, obviously. Duh. It's like the fucking, This is might be a tangent, but like the fucking RV bus kids, like people traveling around with six kids in a fucking RV for more than a year, dude, those kids are going to be fucked up when they get older, dude. Yeah. They're going to be weird. They're not going to know boundaries. This isn't a room. This is a fucking little shelf that your six year old in two years is going to outgrow dude, like that's not a life to live. It's cool. I'm sure they're gonna have awesome experiences that I fucking can't imagine to have but like it's still gonna mess with them They're also gonna be more willing to get naked in front of anyone because they've always had to their entire life Oh, yeah, that's a great fucking point that I also think of the way that they view like I think it should be open I think you should your kids should feel comfortable enough to talk about sex and come to you to talk about it They should not have to be in the same van or RV, like that needs to be a separation of privacy. So that either means you are having sex with your kids in the same vicinity, or you're just not having sex with your partner. I, that's what I think about. Yeah. Late at night, I mean, when everyone's falling asleep, sometimes you're in the mood, dude. Like, what? Kids, get the fuck out. Hey, wake up. Get out. We want to have sex. What the bathroom outside now. Go into the communal showers. Like, what? What the fuck, dude? I don't know. But I think we should end on, would you rather? Beige moms. Let's do it. Would you rather be a beige mom or a not a beige mom? Or a vibrant mom? I want to be a vibrant mom. I love Lisa Franken. Our niece absolutely loves bright colors and glitter and it makes me so so happy. I love making t shirts for her It's so fun. So i'm 100 not beige. I don't give a fuck what my aesthetic looks like I also agree, but I do care about aesthetic. So toys and things like that would, I would be the mom that would be like, we're not getting that one, but not because it had color on it. Just because I thought it was ugly, but also I should never be a mother. Yeah, we should, maybe we should make that note real fast. No one in this podcast is parents. I guess Nate is, whenever Nate's on, he is a parent, he is a parent, but none of the three of us are. And we all have no desire to be not in this world or the next. Maybe Indian. Past lives. Past lives. Holy shit. We're fucking connecting the podcast on. Thank you. Anyway, Trav. Beige mom or vibrant mom? I'm definitely a sad beige mom for sure. Just all greys. All greys. Just straight. If I had a kid, I'm putting him in a straight jacket and you can play with shit with his fucking feet. He gets feathers. Feathers. And a padded wall. Right. And you can play with mommy's Stanley cup, you fuck. Which is also a beige color. Ugh. But no. I mean, I would vibrant shit. Come on. Why the fuck would you be a beige mom? That's so dumb, dude. So dumb. It's that cling girl look, like Julia said. And I It's adjacent to the fucking social media shit. I really do. And it's quote, in right now to be a minimalist. A minimalist and those same moms that are like doing this aesthetic are also the same moms that are on their phone their whole time and that pay zero attention to their kids. So it's just, again, it's funny to me that they're going to put. Yeah, another priority above their kids, just so they can post a really cute Instagram. Yeah. Dude, do you wanna get started on that tangent? Because we can go deep on that. Do you want me to get angry? I'm gonna go whole. No, we should. We should probably end it there. So what we're gonna end with is I read somewhere that you should spend at least 15 minutes a day. with undivided attention towards your children and that will make them feel seen and validated and loved. I swear, I say this all the time, if I would've gotten exactly what you just said, how much better I would feel as an adult. Yeah. Crazy, right? I just, every single kid should 100 percent undivided attention from their kid. At least. It's so simple. Yeah. I can't. I wish I could remember where I read that. it was an article. It was not like a TikToker. I mean, it was literally on paper that I read it, but 15 minutes a day makes your kid feel loved and valued. You feel me, dog? I feel you. This has been fun, guys. I like this episode a lot. All right. Internet episode and we barely talked about AOL. I like it. Fuck it. Hey, until next time, G2G BRB. BRB. Oh my God. TTYL. Where are we going with this? Lots of love. Everybody's ASL go. Bye.

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