The Heretic Christian

4. Protecting THE WORD Through the Prayer of Faith

Kyrie Dicentis Season 1 Episode 4

In the last podcast (number 3) I told you some things but didn’t explain them. I told you Julian of Norwich knew that it didn’t matter what God “shewed” her in her visions.  In this episode we'll get into why the content didn't matter and what she did about it.

Here is a link to Revelations of Divine Love, as promised in the episode.

Also inside (inside?  Kyrie shrugs...) are revelations to visionaries in contemporary times that refer to present conditions and how important information was hidden from the public in our era the way Julian's was 500 years ago. Of course, hiding things from general distribution is a practice that dates back to the Incarnation.

But now? It's time for all the revelations. Here is an excerpt from one no one should miss:

Included in this Vatican document on awarding a Nihil Obstat (no objections) to
accepting messages reported to be from Mary to a Visionary at Medjugorje. 

25 January 2015:

“Now, as never before, Satan wants to suffocate man and his soul with his contagious wind of hatred and unrest. In so many hearts, there is no joy because there is no God and no prayer. Hatred and war are growing day by day. I am calling you, my children, to begin anew, with enthusiasm, the path of holiness and love because I have come among you for this. Together, let us be love and forgiveness for all those who know and want to love only with human love, and not with that immense love of God”.

WARNING: While the Host of this podcast is well-read and educated in the topics herein included, (cool scholar/legal-ese, right?) she does not necessarily pronounce anything correctly. Thank you.

Other links:

The Cloud of Unknowing, Evelyn Underhill edition, downloadable PDF

Pope Francis - May 2024: Listening to the Spirit Who Works in the Faithful People of God  On discernment of claimed supernatural phenomena.

Full text of Morton Smith’s translation of the Mar Saba letter (Clement of Alexandria on Secret Mark).

TEXT Kyrie here.

Podcast not monetized. Links and more:
Companion Blog: (You do not need a Google account to read or comment r correct the Host.)
The Didache: [free PDF] From the 50A.D. 1st Council of Jerusalem led by James the Just, Peter and John—the oldest official statement of the Faith and practices for followers of the Savior, Jesus Christ. Used widely during the Apostolic Age, lost for a 1000 years, and found in the New Testament of oldest existing Bible: the Codex Sinaiticus.
Revelations of Divine Love [free PDF] Julian of Norwich
What the Gehenna?

In the last podcast, which was number 3, I told you some things but didn’t explain them. I told you Julian of Norwich knew that it didn’t matter what God “shewed” her in her visions. Scholars believe she wrote the Cloud of Unknowing, even though the writer makes it seem like they self-identify as a male.

But like a podcast where you can recognize a voice, writers have “voice” also, and writers and readers can recognize those. It was how a reader outed Stephen King as Richard Bachman. I think very few women could read Cloud without knowing that it was written by a woman. A woman who’d had family, and been with children. But so little is known about her life before becoming an anchoress, we don’t even know if her actual name was Julian

So why didn’t the content of her visions matter? Because no one can give anyone surety, knowing, by telling them their visions with one exception. Possibly, if you are Elect and if you are listening, the Holy Spirit will imbue you with surety when you read something or hear it. But even then, the person is actually receiving their own contact with the Divine. 

So while you might believe the person’s vision occurred, it does not imprint itself indelibly on your mind and soul.

Julian knew that the only way to deliver the Divine Truth to those who had ears to hear, was for them to hear for themselves. And she'd found out that they didn’t need to die or almost die like she did to connect with the Absolute—with God. She’d found the Prayer of Faith - Contemplation. And so, she determined to teach contemplation to a select few in hope they would pass it on. She could facilitate the teaching of the Gospel by the Holy Spirit.  2:00

She couldn’t risk talking about what she knew from her visions, as she could have been executed. Her written explanation of her visions and what they meant, which she titled Revelations of Divine Love, was carefully recorded and then hidden away. Keeping in mind the years from receiving her visions to the approximate year of her death are from 1373 to at 1416 or later,  

What is called “The Long Text” of Revelations of Divine Love, was first published in 1670, over 200 years after her death, by the Benedictine monk Serenus de Cressy, 

Julian's writings didn’t become publicly known until 1901 when a manuscript in the British Museum was transcribed and published. That’s 500 years since the English Parliament passed a law that said heretics would be burned at the stake, and also about 500 years after her death. 

You can find Revelations of Divine Love, at the link in the transcript or at the end of the episode description. 3:40

The point for visionaries who know things from our spiritual connections, downloads if you will, is that we cannot reasonably expect anyone to be “inspirited” just by hearing our revelatory events.

Think of Jesus, giving all this extraordinary information directly from the Father, through Him to the people - but even at that time, people in His very Presence, did not understand Him, including some of His own chosen Apostles. 

Look what happened afterward - they argued about if He was Divine or Human or a combination and people were killed over these issues. Killed. Tortured. Imprisoned. antiChrists, trafficking on Christ, sprang up during His Incarnation, and after, from then until now, teaching a different Gospel. From Paul and Acts we learn how the Jews, by which I mean the hierarchy of the Temple, sent spies to undermine the messages of Paul and Barnabus. From forums we learn that any attempt to speak a truth gets firebombed by negative responses or even the poster being banned. 

This message, the Gospel, the truth of God, has been twisted so badly by the servants of the Liar, hardly anyone knows what to believe, or the “god” presented to them is so ugly and frightening, they give up on Christianity.

This was all predicted as we’ll see in a few minutes.

But there is a true Gospel, and it always comes directly from God, as writing can be edited or obscured, as in this, from a standard translation from Mark’s gospel: 5:09

4:11-12;  He answered them, “The mystery of the kingdom of God has been granted to you. But to those outside everything comes in parables,  that beholding they may see but not discern,  and hearing they may hear but not understand lest at any time they may be converted, and their sins would be forgiven them.

Wait. … Jesus doesn’t want people to be forgiven? That can’t be right. John Mark, writer of the Gospel “from Mark,” was the Apostle Peter’s interpreter, companion, Apostle in his own right, and a scribe. 

The translation that reflects what he wrote:

But to those outside everything comes in parables,  because  beholding, they may see but not discern,  and hearing,  they may hear but not understand. And then they might turn about and disregard their sins

So what does that mean?

Clement of Alexandria knew:

Now of the things they keep saying about the divinely inspired Gospel according to Mark, some are altogether falsifications, and others, even if they do contain some true elements, nevertheless are not reported truly. 

For the true things, being mixed with inventions, are falsified, so that, as the saying goes, even the salt loses its savor.

As for Mark then, during Peter's stay in Rome he wrote an account of the Lord's doings, but not declaring all of them, or hinting at the secret ones, but selecting what he thought most useful for increasing the faith of those who were being instructed.

But when Peter died a martyr, Mark came over to Alexandria, bringing both his own notes and those of Peter, from which he transferred to his former book whatever was suitable for making progress toward knowledge. 

In this way, he composed a more spiritual Gospel for the use of those who were being perfected. 

Nevertheless, he still did not divulge the things not to be uttered, nor did he write down the hierophantic [sacred mysteries] teachings of the Lord, but to the stories he had already written he added yet others and, moreover, 

brought in certain sayings that he knew, as a mystagogue [teacher of mystical doctrines] would be interpreted by hearers and lead them  into the innermost sanctuary of that truth hidden by seven veils. (truths from heaven).

… dying, [Mark] left his composition to the church in 1, verso Alexandria, where it even yet is most carefully guarded, being read only to those who are being initiated into the great mysteries. 

But since the foul demons are always devising destruction for the race of men, Carpocrates, instructed by them and using deceitful arts, so enslaved a certain presbyter of the church in Alexandria that he got from him a copy of the secret Gospel, which he interpreted according to his blasphemous and carnal doctrine and, moreover, polluted, mixing with the spotless and holy words utterly shameless lies. From this mixture is drawn off the teaching of the Carpocratians. 9:17

So the Secret Gospel will contain what Jesus hesitated to give the general public, lest they ‘disregard their sins.’ Mark is quite aware of this, of course, because it was Peter who asked Jesus the question. What was this teaching of Caprocrates?

Everyone from Origen, Irenaeus, Clement of Alexandria, Athanasius, Epiphanius, Augustine and more branded Carpocrates  (lived mid-1st century to the 2nd century)  a heretic.

Clement wrote that Carpocrates and his son Epiphanes promulgated “the greatest blasphemy against the name of Christ” (Clement of Alexandria, Stromateis 

His “greatest blasphemy?”  Wives should be held in common, shared by the men in the community, sexually. 

The Carpocratians used the common Chrstian practice of shunning private property and claimed his teaching was that of Jesus’ and righteous before God. Private property was not acceptable to God, including the possession of a wife. 

(Clement of Alexandria, Stromateis  To the opponents of Carpocrates, this theology was, as Clement called it “fornicating righteousness”.  

Disregarding sins is right. 

But this is a true issue if you read Universalist forums and posters ask, “If there’s no hell, and everyone is saved, then I can just sin as much as I want, right?”

Today, most of Christianity officially called universalism heresy. And, in the 3rd century, those not admitted to the secret Gospel of the Savior, also called not believing in eternal torment or preaching the salvation  of all people, were heretics.

These were the secrets the Elect could see and hear and Julian knew.  And the same reservations apply today as in the time of Clement of Alexandria. 

More, going back to Clement saying  “...some are altogether falsifications, and others, even if they do contain some true elements, nevertheless are not reported truly. 

“For the true things, being mixed with inventions, are falsified…

What are the most popular modern antiChristian examples of true things mixed with false? “The workman is worth his hire…. means God wants you to be rich! 

I watched this pastor in one of those giant Pentecostal churches. (Off script Kyrie adds that no one in that church knew what Pentecost was.) Striding up and down, telling his audience of thousands - on television of course - that God wants them to be rich

What’s another thing from the Gospels that’s been twisted? 

“You are saved by faith alone!” Is that what Jesus said? No. It’s not even what Paul said, unless taken out of context.

“You are the Elect and everyone else is going to Hell to burn for Eternity!”

Okey-dokey. That’s not going to happen, either, but who knows that? 

The servants of Satan are nuking the Gospel. Right now. Does that sound weirdly fundamentalist? It is simple observation, and prophecy fulfilled. 13:16


In another podcast I’ll tell you more about Fatima and the visions and the messages there. For now, know that in 1917, three children were given multiple visions of the Virgin Mary. Three secrets were revealed to one, which were to be made public at certain times. The 3rd secret was to be revealed in 1964.

The Vatican refused. The visionary had become a religious sister, under a vow of obedience to  the Pope and to all her superiors. The Vatican refused to do what she was told to do in the vision which was to be revealed to in this specific year. 

Then the online age came and the Vatican website published a forgery of “the third secret.” It was patently obvious to everyone who looked at it.  Then they published a lie. This we do know: 15:19

In a 1980 (Fulda, Germany) interview for the German magazine Stimme des Glaubens published in October 1981, Pope John Paul II was asked explicitly to speak about the third secret, still never published. He said: 

"Because of the seriousness of its contents, in order not to encourage the world wide power of Communism to carry out certain coups, my predecessors in the chair of Peter have diplomatically preferred to withhold its publication.

“On the other hand, it should be sufficient for all Christians to know this much: if there is a message in which it is said that the oceans will flood entire sections of the earth; that, from one moment to the other, millions of people will perish... there is no longer any point in really wanting to publish this secret message. Many want to know merely out of curiosity, or because of their taste for sensationalism, but they forget that 'to know' implies for them a responsibility. It is dangerous to want to satisfy one's curiosity only, if one is convinced that we can do nothing against a catastrophe that has been predicted."

The arrogance is appalling.  

John 16:12-13

“I have much more to tell you, but you cannot bear it now.  But when he comes, the Spirit of truth will guide you to all truth. He will not speak on his own, but will speak what he hears, and will declare to you the things that are coming. 

From the Vatican - 2024

3. In the time of the Church, the Holy Spirit leads believers of every era “into all truth” (Jn. 16:13) to “bring about an ever deeper understanding of revelation.” It is the Holy Spirit, in fact, who guides us ever further in understanding the mystery of Christ, for “however numerous are the mysteries and marvels […] discovered and […] understood in this earthly life, all the more is yet to be said and understood. There is much to fathom in Christ, for he is like an abundant mine with many recesses of treasures, so that however deep individuals may go they never reach the end or bottom, but rather in every recess find new veins with new riches everywhere.”

4. While all that God has willed to reveal he has done through his Son, and while the ordinary means of holiness are made available to every baptized person in the Church of Christ, the Holy Spirit may grant some people distinct experiences of faith, the purpose of which is not “to improve or complete” Christ’s definitive Revelation, but to help live more fully by it in a certain period of history.

God has given  many visions to tell us again and again what we can do.

(link to vatican Medjugorge Note:

Message from the Holy Mother to a Visionary at Medjugorge in 2015:

“Now, as never before, Satan wants to suffocate man and his soul with his contagious wind of hatred and unrest. In so many hearts, there is no joy because there is no God and no prayer. Hatred and war are growing day by day. I am calling you, my children, to begin anew, with enthusiasm, the path of holiness and love because I have come among you for this. Together, let us be love and forgiveness for all those who know and want to love only with human love and not with that immense love of God.” (25 January 2015).

But JP2, while dismissing us and arrogantly underestimating us,  was quite correct when he said:

 'to know' implies for them a responsibility

And this is from me, I am also a visionary with a lifetime of revelations and connections. 

Something big and bad is coming. The Tribulation started about ten klicks back and I have no idea if we have 100 or 1000 more to go to Parousia. But we all, and especially the Elect, have our jobs to do.

As for me and this podcast: I have nothing else to offer but what Julian and others offered, the experiences and my understanding of their meaning. 

And I am woefully inadequate. I do not know why He graced me and continues to. But it seems to be time for this.

God bless you abundantly and bless me, Father, in what I perceive to be Your Work.



From Morton Smith,

The Secret Gospel: The Discovery and Interpretation of the Secret Gospel According to Mark

(New York: Harper & Row, 1973), 14–17.