Future Mending Radio
Wouldn't it be nice to feel hope again?
Future Mending Radio profiles people, organizations and businesses that are hard at work building a better future. Plus we pack in a side-dish of wellness. Discover alternatives that are cheaper, healthier and better for the environment in a cozy and relaxing atmosphere. Clothing swaps, farmers markets, pay-it-forward pricing, repair cafes, chocolate and more.
Future Mending happens when we meet our daily needs in a way that saves money, increases our wellbeing, fights climate change and advances social change. We'll seek out alternatives, and then together, we'll give them a try and help them grow.
Future Mending Radio
Swoop! There it is.
Spring is here and the birds are returning. You can hear them if you slow down and listen. In this episode, Matt and his old friend Alex play and discuss the calls of a dozen common birds that you can see and hear even in the city.
Alex Eddington is a composer, sound designer, theatre artist and amateur birder. Learn more about Alex and his work here: https://www.alexeddington.com/
Bird Resources:
Birdnet App: https://birdnet.cornell.edu/
Ebird: https://ebird.org/home
Migration map: https://explorer.audubon.org/
Music Credits:
'Epilogue' by The Slow Motions. Used with permission of the artist.
‘Opening’ by Phillip Glass. Arr. by Karl Michelson. Performed by The Union Guitar Trio. Used with permission of the artists.
Union Guitar Trio on Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/track/2E0NidLjIzBAO7t0BBPFUD
Union Guitar Trio on Apple Music - https://music.apple.com/us/artist/the-union-guitar-trio/1592543833
Sound Effects:
Black-capped chickadee - Mesange a tete noire.flac by micndom -- https://freesound.org/s/27387/ -- License: Attribution 3.0
Cardinal.wav by CGEffex -- https://freesound.org/s/96217/ -- License: Attribution 4.0
Other bird recordings by TRP: https://freesound.org/people/TRP/ who is also online here: https://thomasryderpayne.bandcamp.com/
Gentle waves on a lake by TheFlyFishingFilmmaker -- https://freesound.org/s/614299/ -- License: Creative Commons 0