She the People with Aimee Allison

Introducing: She the People with Aimee Allison

August 26, 2024 Design Observer Season 1
Introducing: She the People with Aimee Allison
She the People with Aimee Allison
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She the People with Aimee Allison
Introducing: She the People with Aimee Allison
Aug 26, 2024 Season 1
Design Observer

She the People with Aimee Allison in collaboration with Design Observer invites you into a joyful conversation about the power of our multiracial democracy, led by women of color. In depth interviews with women leaders, strategists, thinkers and artists alongside on the ground reporting will help us make meaning of this historic moment. Our first episode drops September 2024.

Subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or your podcatcher of choice.
Follow @_shethepeople on Instagram and Facebook and @designobserver on Instagram, LinkedIn, and Youtube to keep up with us. 

Show Notes Transcript

She the People with Aimee Allison in collaboration with Design Observer invites you into a joyful conversation about the power of our multiracial democracy, led by women of color. In depth interviews with women leaders, strategists, thinkers and artists alongside on the ground reporting will help us make meaning of this historic moment. Our first episode drops September 2024.

Subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or your podcatcher of choice.
Follow @_shethepeople on Instagram and Facebook and @designobserver on Instagram, LinkedIn, and Youtube to keep up with us. 

Aimee Allison: [00:00:04] This is She the People, in collaboration with Design Observer. And I'm your host, Aimee Allison. When I was a young girl, I was told over and over again there was just something — something about my hair, my skin, my style, my voice, my name that somehow disqualified me. That took me out of the running. And I'm certainly not alone in this. This is a message women of color have heard for generations. But there's another seemingly contradictory message I also heard while reciting the Pledge of Allegiance every morning in my high school in California: America is a country where anyone can be anything. The pledge that promises all of us life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. While America's political system and cultural power was built to exclude women of color like me, we are at a moment in American history where that pledge, that promise, has never been more possible.  [00:01:01][57.0]

Kamala Harris: [00:01:01] And it is my intention to go out and earn this nomination and to win. /cheering.  [00:01:06][4.8]

Aimee Allison: [00:01:10] Kamala Harris, a Jamaican Indian-American woman, is the Democratic nominee to become the president of the United States. She's the first woman of color to ever lead a major American party ticket, and she very well may be the first woman of color to lead our nation. While Kamala Harris achievement is unprecedented, she stands on top of a foundation forged by countless women before her.  [00:01:34][23.8]

Shirley Chisolm: [00:01:34] Never before in this country, ever since the inception of the Republic have you had a woman seriously running for the presidency.  [00:01:40][5.7]

Constance Baker Motley: [00:01:41] I have been pointed out as the first black woman to be in a New York State Senate, to be the president of the Borough of Manhattan, to be appointed to the Bench  [00:01:50][8.4]

Stacey Abrams: [00:01:50] Let me tell you, I am so grateful to the thousands of you in this room and around the state and around this country who join me on this drive to history. /cheering [00:01:58][7.5]

Aimee Allison: [00:02:03] Kamala Harris and millions of women of color are bringing our time, talent and tenacity and vision to build a new America, brick by brick. It's an America that says the promise of our nation will be realized when we collectively understand ourselves as a multiracial democracy. We will discuss solutions to our biggest problems: The cost of living, the loss of hard won freedoms like abortion and civil rights, the scourge of police and school violence, voter suppression, and the climate crisis. We invite you into a conversation about how we achieve the promise of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for everyone. It's a prospect shaped by women of color, but not just for ourselves, for the entire nation. So here's to the future of America. Subscribe to She The People with Aimee Allison on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or your favorite podcast app. Our first episode drops the beginning of September 2024. Follow us at underscore She the People at Instagram and Facebook, and at Design Observer on Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube.  [00:02:03][0.0]
