The "War on Sugar":

Sugar and Mental Health

September 13, 2024 Robert Jakobsen Season 1 Episode 10

The Science Behind It: How Sugar Affects the Brain

So it turns out that when we eat sugary foods, it triggers a release of dopamine in the brain, which is a feel-good chemical. This is why we often crave sugary treats when we’re feeling down or stressed - our brain is seeking that immediate mood boost. The downside is that over time, the brain can become less sensitive to dopamine, leading us to consume even more sugar to get the same feel-good effect. It's like a vicious cycle, right? And that's not even mentioning the impact sugar has on insulin levels and inflammation in the brain, which can also affect our mental well-being. So it's not just a matter of willpower - there's some pretty compelling science behind why sugar can mess with our heads.