Stress Less For Greater Success

0: What's the Stress Less For Greater Success Podcast All About?

August 25, 2024 Coco Duan Episode 1

Stress Less For Greater Success Podcast is hosted by Coco Duan, a Fortune 500 senior leader turned Life and Leadership Coach. She empowers Asian Women leaders to live a life with less stress and more peace and achieve greater success on their own terms. Her weekly show offers eye-opening guidance, support, and inspiration about how to reduce internal stress, stop living life based on other's expectations, and achieve the kind of success that truly aligns with who you are and what you want. Coco also shares tools, skills, and practical tips for replacing negative self-talk with a supportive voice, establishing healthy boundaries that reflect your true values, and showing up as an authentic and courageous leader at work and in life. Coco has over 20 years of experience in corporate leadership. She has coached dozens of Asian women leaders worldwide to stress less for greater success. 

Hello, and welcome to the very first episode of Stress Less For Greater Success Podcast. I'm the host, Coco Duan. I'm a life and leadership coach, and I'm thrilled to have you here.

Are you a smart and successful Asian woman leader feeling stressed from the constant demands of work and home? Do you want to feel less stress, more peace, and greater satisfaction in both your career and personal life? If that sounds like you, then this podcast is exactly what you need.

Let me share a bit about myself and the story behind why I started this podcast. Three years ago, by all conventional standards, I had checked all the boxes of success. I was a senior leader in a Fortune 500 company.

I made more money than I ever imagined. I got married and traveled all around the world. Yet, I was overwhelmed by stress, feeling more miserable than ever, and completely burned out.

Through therapy and coaching, I embarked on an incredible personal transformation journey. I realized that I had been living a life based on others' expectations of me my whole life, to the point where I didn't even know what truly mattered to me. Eventually, I made a decision to fire corporate America, to fire my husband, and fire the old me that was no longer serving me.

Today, I am an entrepreneur, alive and a leadership coach, doing what I'm passionate about, and feeling a deep sense of meaning, purpose, and fulfillment every day. I feel very proud to be doing things that I never imagined possible just three years ago, like creating this podcast. For the first time in my life, I feel truly alive, free, and limitless.

I've created this podcast because I want to make a difference for Asian women leaders like you. because, if it's possible for me, it's absolutely possible for you. You just need some guidance, support, and inspiration.

My mission is to empower you to live a life with less stress, more peace, and achieve greater success on your own terms. Here's the thing, the outside world is stressful. However, most of the stress you experience doesn't come from the outside world.

It actually comes from within. It's the expectations you place on yourself. It's the standards you feel you should meet.

And it's the relentless push to be perfect. As you know, that's a mission impossible. No wonder you feel stressed.

Here's the paradox. When you learn to reduce that internal stress, when you stop measuring yourself by others' definitions of success, you can actually achieve greater success. The kind of success that truly aligns with who you are and what you want.

To me, that's the real success. This podcast is about helping you discover and achieve that kind of success. Success on your own terms.

So what can you expect from future episodes? Each week, I'll bring you short, practical, and actionable episodes. Most under 20 minutes, designed to offer eye-opening guidance, support, and inspiration about how to reduce internal stress, stop living life based on other expectations, and redefine your success.

I'll be sharing stories from my own personal transformation journey, like how I realized that saying yes to everyone else was saying no to myself. I'll bring guest experts and fellow travelers on this journey to offer their insights and experiences. I want you to know that I'm not just talking the talk, I'm walking this path alongside you.

I'm still learning to let go of limiting beliefs and the pressures I put on myself, and embrace my imperfections. In this podcast, I'll be open about my own struggles and growth, because I believe that by sharing our stories, we can help each other find the courage to stress less, live more authentically, and achieve greater success. Before we wrap up, I'd love for you to subscribe to this podcast, so you don't miss an episode.

If what I've shared resonates with you, please leave a review and share it with someone who might benefit from this message. In our next episode, we'll explore what's actually causing you stress. It will be practical, real, and eye-opening.

I promise it will help you take those first steps toward stressing less and creating greater success on your own terms. Thank you so much for tuning in to this introductory episode of Stress Less For Greater Success. I am excited to embark on this journey with you.

Remember, by reducing that internal stress, you can achieve greater success. Success that's truly yours. Until next time, take care and be kind to yourself.