The Pink Elephant

4. Scottish Education Initiates & Perpetuates Abuse Cycle

Kate Deeming Season 1 Episode 4

RSHP is Scottish Education's Comprehensive Sexual Education program.  The material was developed by Colin Morrison whose PhD was on the 'sexual rights' OF disabled children.  This 'rights' agenda is embedded across the whole program w/no anchor to child development.  It flies in the face of child safeguarding from the extreme content to the psychological assault via its 'soft questions' which encourage overshare, wearing down instincts & boundaries. This is another example of social engineering harm by the state perpetuated on our children.  Sex Ed needs to be brought back to biology lessons as part of whole systems approaches, with facts.  All else, the family.

The first half hour is a summation of RSHP and questions parents might ask, or things to look for.  The next 1 hour 20 minutes goes into detail of the RSHP program itself from a content and ideological programming, to looking at how it fits into the changing landscape of education.  It looks at the third party players and how the approach and tone are an assault on the family. 

The origin of this podcast was initially developed as a talk for the Family Education Trust on behalf of the Scottish Union for Education.

Original text here:

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Links to articles referenced:

Teachers or Parents: Who is responsible for raising the next generation?  Jo Williams (Ciro-Civitas)

Unprotected: How the normalisation of underage sex is exposing children and young people to the risk of sexual exploitation (Family Education Trust)

Identity Disruption

On the Dubious Nature of Time for Inclusive Education (SUE)

SafeSchoolsAlliance RSHP

David Scott on the Scottish Queer Industrial Complex

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