Wayfare Podcast

Episode 8 - Mastering Podcast Marketing: Artwork, Show Notes, and Searchability Strategies

Wayfare Recording Season 1 Episode 8

In this episode, Jon dives into the marketing section of the podcast strategy workbook, covering key elements like podcast album artwork, show notes templates, keywords, hashtags, social media presence, web development, and email newsletters. He highlights the importance of creating eye-catching and on-brand podcast artwork to make a great first impression. Jon also emphasizes the role of show notes in communicating with listeners and explains how keywords and hashtags can enhance searchability. He concludes by offering different marketing strategies tailored to the type of podcast and encourages listeners to check out the show notes for more resources and to support the podcast.


  • Design podcast artwork that is eye-catching and aligns with your brand to make a strong first impression.
  • Use show notes to effectively communicate important information to your listeners.
  • Leverage keywords and hashtags to improve your podcast's searchability and categorization.
  • Tailor your marketing strategy based on the type of podcast, considering social media accounts, web development, and email newsletters.

00:00 - Introduction to the Marketing Section of the Strategy Workbook
01:26 - Creating Eye-Catching Podcast Artwork
05:18 - Utilizing Show Notes for Effective Communication
07:48 - Improving Searchability with Keywords and Hashtags
09:43 - Marketing Strategies for Different Types of Podcasts
10:14 - Conclusion and Call to Action



A big thank you to:

  • Kath - Creating the podcast artwork (You can find more of her work here)
  • Anna - Wayfare's Admin Assist.
  • Matt - Graphics creation for the show
  • Dan - Post-production work

For any additional questions, please reach out through this link.

Thank you for listening!

Jon (00:01.676)
Hello everyone. And welcome back to another episode of the way fair podcast. Today we're going to be going over the marketing section of the strategy workbook for those who are just jumping in on this episode. We are working through the strategy workbook that my production agency provides for all of our clients. It's a free resource that you can utilize, review, redo every time you jump into a new season of your show. Anytime you want to start a new

show in general, we are going over the marketing section. and what that will look like today is going over just how to present your podcast, how do you utilize show notes, how to, generally market it, just not even the presentation, but also getting it out to people and a little bit of everything in between. think, I hope, there's only going to be.

On this particular page, we're on page 18. There's only going to be six check boxes to go through, but that's not exclusive to podcasting. There's way more opportunities out there, but these are some of the easier ones to tackle first. So, on the first part of the list, we have podcast album artwork. I tell people the album artwork is going to be the.

very first impression that anyone who is looking up your podcast, that's the first thing that they're going to look at. That's the first thing that they're going to run into in, for better, for strudger show. And so you want to make sure that it's very eye catching. want to make sure it's on brand. You want to make sure it's, approachable too. So usually what that's going to look like is so on brand, I'm going to think of the

I've been saying album artwork by the way, and it says album art work on here. It's kind of confusing when I say album, but what that means is like the cover artwork podcast cover artwork is probably a better word for that. but the, but the thing that I usually recommend to people is to, like I said, make sure it's on brand. for this, I was thinking of my brand for the way for recording brand for this.

Jon (02:22.24)
Particular, artwork that we have for this show going on. And so it's on brand. It's deeper blue, a little bit of black, a little bit of gray, a little bit of white. And, for the video portion of this, if you're watching this on video, you'll see that there's a title card that's in red as well. And the workbook, if you're looking at this, the front cover that's in red as well. So we want to make sure it's very consistent and familiar. those are both keywords for the podcasts for podcasting on the whole.

And the other thing is making sure that there's a form of familiarity. one of the, one of the bigger things that I've been kind of in talks with lately is getting like a familiar face on there. so usually when there's a podcast, you have like, you have a host, you have someone that's consistently showing up and kind of being your, entry point into the conversation. so usually it's good to have that,

person on the cover art because you know, when they will, they're going to see the cover art, they're going to see the face. And so when they click on it, they want to, they expect to see that same person on the podcast. These are very like general, relatively general ideas. There's no wrong way of doing it. And there is no,

I guess there is, I guess there is kind of a wrong way of doing it, but I mean, it's up to interpretation how you want to execute your, your, cover art, I guess. So I guess, you know, wrong with that for what it's worth the, the big thing, the critical thing that I want to stress on this though, is that it does need to be 3000 by 3000 pixels. that is the.

dimensions that Apple Podcasts accepts the artwork as.

Jon (04:20.512)
I'm not a graphic designer, but I usually tell people, you know, if you can communicate that with whomever you go with on your design, for the artwork, they'll, I hope they know what that means and they can run with it. So, yeah, that's a, that's the general idea for artwork. if you have any questions on that, feel free to reach out and I can get, get a little bit more specific to your needs. Cause again, I'm kind of speaking to the bot, the broad,

the broader audience for this show. you know, the needs of a B2B podcast is going to be different from the needs of a, personality ran podcast is going to be different from the needs of whomever. So, yeah. the next thing on the list is show notes template. what that, what that means is like, you know, show notes are going to be really important for communicating anything extraneous, for the listener. So, you know, for the show, have the YouTube description, we have the podcast show notes.

And that is the way that you can communicate.

Any particularities that you think the listener is going to need to know whether it's before, during, or after the show. So what I mean by that is like, you know, the before is you have a, simple summary of the show. what can the listener expect by going and jumping into listening to the show? You have the during, so, you know, the, you know, I said at the beginning of this show, we are working through this PDF or working through this workbook.

So while someone's listening to the show, they can go to the description of the show notes and download the PDF while they're listening to me. and that can also be applicable to the after two, like, know, they're listening, again, if you're new to this and you're listening to this and you're, interested in everything and that I'm talking about, like, yeah, I want the PDF, you know, maybe you'll finish listening to this episode and then go in and download it. and that can be included for, you know, the,

Jon (06:21.846)
timeline. try to include chapters on these, on these episodes. So, you know, you can kind of get a, before glimpse of seeing, know, what are, what are they going to talk about? What am I going to talk about in the show? And maybe you like something that you heard and you want to jump back to it later. You can click on that. yeah. And show notes are going to be pretty important too, because depending on how the information is collected by the hosting platform, YouTube,

Apple podcasts, Spotify, like I like to tell people, think of like the show notes as like the SEO of your podcast. You know, if you're not actually hosting it on a Squarespace site or a WordPress or you know, whatever, like this is going to be what data is going to be collected to help push your show forward in search results. now I'm not a web designer. I'm not someone who's knowledgeable in SEO at all, but I know that

having those type of words populated in your show notes does help emphasize and drive the point home of what information is going to be pushed for searching. So again, I'm not super knowledgeable, but I do know that much. So if you have any more questions on that, know, you can reach out and we can talk about it, but, you know, I, would be more than happy to help direct you into someone who's much more, well,

while knowledgeable in that area. So, and the same thing goes for the next point, the keywords hashtags. I know simple cast and. Buzzsprout, use keywords and hashtags, hashtags, you know, the same thing as keywords, but, they utilize keywords for, categorizing and again, pushing the episode forward through, it's searchability.

Same idea, just more opportunities for you fill in blanks to make sure that everything in your show is correct. for that search ability. yeah. And then, it's kind of like the essential items. what I have under essential items on the page, but to get more into the nuance of how to push your show out for exposure, have social media accounts, have web development, and I have email newsletters. These things are.

Jon (08:44.908)
pretty well, you know, again, the audience I'm trying to speak to is going to be more broad. it's not going to be just a solopreneur's personality driven B2B, you know, it's going to be different for everyone. Like maybe a personality, ran podcasts, you know, people are listening for the person that they're interested in. maybe they're not immediately able to do the email newsletter, but they're able to do the social media account stuff because, know, that's how they.

You know, influencer is kind of what I mean by, personality driven shows. maybe social media is going to be better for that. if you're a B2B, podcasts, email, newsletter is a great opportunity to get your show exposed, to your audience, to your clientele, to your, to the people on your news, newsletters. and then same thing for website development. You know, it's just kind of like, Hey, don't forget, we also have a podcast. So you have a podcast tab.

on your website, you might try to push the podcast through, you know, maybe the footer of your website. And there's, there's a lot of opportunities to get your podcast out there. And again, these are ideas. If you have any other specific ideas or much more cater to what you have, like go for it. There's no wrong way to show your podcast to the mass. These are just a couple of little ideas.

So, yeah, that'll be it for this episode. I believe from this point on, we have one more formal episode left, and then I'm going to do a little bit of a epilogue. this is, we're getting to the end here and yeah, if you enjoy this episode and you're checking it out for the first time, again, we have several other episodes for you to check out. be sure to check out the show notes in the description.

depending on what you're listening to audio or video, we'll have the PDF available for you to download. If you want to check out again, it's free and like, subscribe, share all that good stuff. really helps out the show a lot. Get good exposure and yeah, well, I'll see you in the next episode. Bye.

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