Wayfare Podcast

Episode 10 - Epilogue - Making Podcasting Accessible to All

Wayfare Recording Season 1 Episode 10

In this final episode of season one, Jon reflects on the journey so far, highlighting how the Wayfare Podcast aimed to show that podcasting can be done affordably and with minimal barriers to entry. Jon discusses the importance of making podcasting accessible to everyone, while also building credibility for your brand. He teases the idea of a Q&A episode for season two and shares exciting topics for future series, such as home recording essentials, leveling up podcast studios, and DIY soundproofing. This episode serves as a recap of the season’s goals and a preview of what’s to come.


  • Podcasting can be done affordably and on a simple scale.
  • Reducing barriers to entry helps encourage more people to start podcasting.
  • Building credibility for your brand is key to long-term podcasting success.
  • A Q&A episode in season two could offer valuable insights and address listener questions.
  • Future series could cover topics like home recording essentials, upgrading podcast studios, and DIY soundproofing.

00:00 - Season One Recap
01:25 - Building Credibility and Accessibility
08:25 - Engaging with Listeners: Q&A Episode
11:30 - Exploring New Topics: Future Series Ideas



A big thank you to:

  • Kath - Creating the podcast artwork (You can find more of her work here)
  • Anna - Wayfare's Admin Assist.
  • Matt - Graphics creation for the show
  • Dan - Post-production work

For any additional questions, please reach out through this link.

Thank you for listening!

Jon (00:01.938)
Hey everyone. Thanks for listening to the entire season one of the way for podcast. This is going to be the kind of a lower key. Hoping like journal entry vibe, but thanks again for listening to season one. Thanks for checking into this epilogue season finale. the goal with this particular episode is kind of doing a little bit of a check -in, with the.

Season I'm kind of, treating it as a, like thoughts for how the season went for what I'm thinking season two is going to look like. is there going to be a season two and kind of like what I was thinking about doing or how I'm feeling about the overall. Yeah. Season. So, the goal with season one of wayfair podcast was more of a goal of just kind of getting.

some FaceTime with you guys, some FaceTime with going over the journal. I really wanted to make sure it felt like you guys were having like some good FaceTime with me before you actually got on a call with me. So you kind of know what to expect when we do jump on a call. if we were to, if you choose to want to go with me, because I mean, the workbook is pretty open -ended, like you could take it.

And just run with, know, cool. I found this workbook. It really helped flesh it out. I'm going to go to this local guy I know in the middle of, I don't know, Nebraska. If you live out there or if you found some guy out there and you don't live there, just, I, the goal is to just build credibility for the brand that I am running right now. And,

Yeah. And giving you guys FaceTime like, cool, I found this PDF, but I have no idea who I'm talking to or who's writing this. Well, hello. It's me. yeah. So that was one goal of it. Another goal is just, this is kind of something that I've always wanted to do. Like I've said in a previous episode that like, do have a, fun side project podcast that me and one of our techs at wayfarer, we do together. That's kind of talking more about like beer, like it's a beer podcast.

Jon (02:20.794)
and I, and I kind of said that that was my way of showing like what this brand could do as proof. but, you know, like, you know, this is what our studio can do. If you watch the video version of it as of this recording, we don't have a video podcast out though. hopefully soon we will. but, or this is what we can do with the content editing. This is what the graphics look like. This is what the publishing looks like, but.

There's never a way for recording branded. So that's what I was hoping I could do with this as well was just kind of be able to put some proof into what we could do. Now, ironically, and maybe it's ironic, I can never actually get the definition of that word down correctly. I think this is the right way putting it. But ironically,

I'm not using the studio. I'm not using the high end microphones. I'm not using, my, you know, it's not high end, but I'm not actually, I am using the same computer, but in a different format. I usually use my laptop for the tools, for content editing and post -production. it is a nice Apple computer, but like, you know, different camera, different microphone, different settings.

I did record a couple episodes in the actual recording studio to kind of prove more of like mobility with the show. Like, know, you could use the same tools, but you can do it somewhere else.

Yeah, that was the goal with that. but the whole goal with the show is to just prove to the, to you, the listener, if you're, you know, been watching this from start to finish to prove the, to prove to you that you can do podcasting on a, simple, minimal, cheaper scale. didn't use the cheapest microphone that I could find. I've always wanted to try out this particular microphone, which is why I use this and not the Samson Q2U that I, talked about in the technology episode.

Jon (04:24.606)
but yeah, the goal is to, know, you can use riverside, you can use, you know, your, camera, your built in camera, or you could use your iPhone. I'm using my iPhone for mine. just Apple computer trickery is what lets me do this. they have this thing called continuity camera where you can like stream your video Bluetooth to this. I don't know how they do that, but it's super cool.

But yeah, I mean, you can use your computer camera. can use a microphone without, you can use a microphone with the USB -C cable. You don't have to do the whole, you know, some people suggest some like not every podcast studio, but some podcast studios suggest using, you know, the shore SM seven B, because that's like what all that's what Joe Rogan uses or,

That's like the vocal microphone of the music industry. And, but then you got to get a cloud lifter and then you got to get, sure you have all the cables to connect it all together. And then you got to get the audio interface and make sure it's, you know, plugged in, correct that. It's just like so many components and barriers of entries right there alone that it's like, you know, I worry that the people that do want to do a podcast will give up right away. And so I kind of wanted to prove that like,

You don't need to do that. I will have some of the stuff that I talk about in the, I'm thinking I'm going to have some stuff that I'm, yeah. And you can, you can record, he's walking away now. You can record, your podcast with your dog in the room and a little bit of post -production work.

We'll minimize that maybe not mitigate it, but it'll minimize it. I dunno, maybe one of our texts will take that sound out, but you know, we'll see. My dog was here, shook a little bit and yeah, now he's back in his bed sleeping. but yeah, I just, I like the idea of, minimum minimizing your tools and yeah, what I was going to say before my dog distracted me, was that I'm thinking about having like an Amazon affiliate link.

Jon (06:39.602)
in the description, just, just to like, have some suggestions for you guys. If you want to check out some other tech that I suggest to use, that's like a little bit minimal. I don't know. I talked about in the tech episode that, there's a lot of options out there and I do give suggestions to some clients who are looking for like budget options, not, not like, you know, just the cheapest one, like budget friendly, but also like, you know, like what's the highest end one.

What's the middle of the road? What's the cheapest one? So I am thinking about doing something like that and it, and it will include the whole shore SM seven B and the audio interface and the wires and stuff, but I'll try to make sure it's a little bit more, friendly, I guess. I don't know. Again, I really want to make sure that this is like a lowest barrier of entry possible. So you can just like get right in and start recording your show. but yeah, so that's kind of what I was hoping for for this season.

and then yeah, for, am I going to do more, more of these? I'm not quite sure yet. I like the idea of doing more, but I want to make sure I do something correct. that makes sense. So what I was thinking about doing is like, you know, if technically this is like the season one finale with the.

epilogue type thing, you know, if you want to, if you're following along on the strategy workbook, if you don't have one, can download one in the link below or whatever. But, this is kind of technically like my send off page. It's the very last page on the workbook. So you can kind of associate it with this. That's kind of what was going on in my head when I clicked record on this for this particular episode, but I'm thinking maybe doing like a Q and a type.

Episode or two to kind of help talk about and curate your particular questions. It kind of depends on the timing. So I'm going to release all these episodes all at once. I'm probably going to give it like maybe a

Jon (08:39.932)
I'm going to say a month. I'm going to give it some sort of timeframe and kind of see if people do leave comments. The comments that are in the, I'm thinking about maybe the comments that are going to, I'm hoping show up throughout every episode here. I can collect some of those, you know, if you have any questions and maybe someone hasn't responded and gave their insight. again, throughout the show I'm saying, you know, leave a comment below and let's create some kind of community, some kind of forum.

some sort of like discussions between other podcasters and potential podcasters who have, you maybe if there's some that are like unanswered or if there's some people who are like asking directly me, I might respond to those and well collect them and then respond to them. if you're listening to this on the audio version, if you guys want to, never said this in any of the past episodes, I believe, but if you want to,

leave some kind of review, and just leave a question like, you know, a review would be nice. Like, Hey, great show. Good job. And like, you know, make me feel nice about it, but like also leave my point, but also leave, some kind of question on there. Like I can totally respond to those. I try to be as flexible as possible. So that's kind of my idea of what would be flexible for the show. If you are listening to the audio version of this and you want to leave,

Some kind of question. Cause I don't at the point at the time of this recording, I don't have anything set up to like leave, like, you know, click a link here and submit your question or whatever. don't have anything formed like that. So I think leaving a review would make the most sense. if not, what's a simple Google search and you can find this or, if you're on our website, I should have acts a way to free to access the videos on there too. So that would be another option, but you know, if you want to leave a comment right away,

That would be an option. but yeah, that's what I think season two might look like is at least doing maybe a couple of episodes that are Q and a based, if there are enough cues, if there are enough questions. And maybe like the momentum is going to go well from there and I can just start doing more episodic type stuff instead of like a series.

Jon (11:00.412)
Kind of what I'm thinking. I don't know what the next series would be if I were to create another series. maybe like the five essentials to home recording, you know, or how to level up your podcast studio or what is acoustic treatment? a DIY sound proofing system. I don't know. I'm thinking out loud now right now.

But anyways, that's what I'm thinking. yeah, thank you guys so much for following along for, clicking on an episode and just checking it out. mean, if you're watching this one, I'm assuming you're either joining for the first time. If, if, if you are, this is not the episode to jump in on right away. Cause I'm getting kind of sentimental. there's no formal information in this episode. You are just listening to me to round out the show for this episode.

go back at least one episode to get some information, but thanks for checking it out. Seriously. It means a lot. and, yeah. if you guys have any ideas, if you want more content, if you want more series, if you want more, informative based episodes, like feel free to reach out, leave a comment, email, whatever, leave me, leave me some kind of,

Food for thought if you want to see more. but yeah, I guess that being said, thank you so much for checking out the show and check out the episodes again. It's all there for you. Free access, whatever, a PDF, download it, reuse it multiple times. Check out the videos multiple times over, like use it as much as you need to. And if you

Want to talk to us if you want to go into a, if you want to go into more, consulting, do offer consulting. If you want to have us edit your podcast on a regular basis, reach out. if you fill out a form showing interest in working with us on our contact page on wafer recording .com slash contact, if you fill out that form, you'll get a bunch of goodies like, this PDF.

Jon (13:25.066)
You'll get our packages and services, form. You'll get our CV. I forgot what that's called curriculum. Something, but it's basically a snapshot of like what our business is about, who we are. And you'll see these episodes again. or if you're watching the series because of that, thanks for submitting a form. hope I reached out to you ASAP. but yeah, thanks again. leave a comment.

review it, share it, all that great stuff. Really appreciate you guys following along for the last nine episodes, 10 episodes. yeah, see you in season two or the Q and a, whatever I come up with next. Bye.

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