Faith at Work with Katie Lober
All about Faith at Work! This podcast goes through the intersection of Faith with Fitness, Family, Freedom, and your career!! Come along with me as I dive into how FAITH has worked in MY life, and how it can work for yours!!
Faith at Work with Katie Lober
Do you have God on Mute?! How YOU may be missing the MESSAGE!
Have you ever tuned out a message from God just because you didn’t like the person delivering it? Maybe it was a pastor’s style, a worship leader’s voice, or even me through this podcast. You’re not alone!
In this episode, we’re diving into a truth we often forget—God speaks through imperfect messengers. The Bible is full of people who weren’t polished or perfect, yet God used them in powerful ways. Even Jesus Himself was rejected because of His background! If people dismissed Him, how often do we reject messages from God because they don’t come in the “package” we expect?
Today, we’ll unpack why the message matters more than the messenger and how we can tune our hearts to hear God—no matter who He chooses to speak through. Get ready to challenge your perspective, check your heart, and open your ears to what God is saying!
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