Captivate the Mic: Master Public Speaking & Video, Build Confidence and Boost Visibility

Captivate the Mic Trailer

• Elaine Williams • Season 1

I'm going to be doing I wanted to start this podcast because first of all, we need more female podcasters in the world. We need to tell more female stories. We need to have our voices raised up and to be on bigger and bigger platforms. It's part of my mission to help heal the world with love and laughter. One video, one story, one joke at a time. When I was listening to other podcasts about speaking, I thought they were boring. And I thought, how can you teach speaking if you're not a dynamic, entertaining, engaging speaker? So that was the impetus. I want to highlight amazing women who've done fabulous, inspiring things and promote their stories and their work as well as my own. So we're going to be telling entertaining stories that have Great lessons. And then we're also going to be talking about the actual storytelling. So that when you leave, you're like, Oh, wow. I learned something new about speaking. I've been performing my whole life and I forget all the things I know. I always consider myself a master in progress because I love sharing. My process because it's dynamic. It's changing. Every audience is different. Every speech is different. Every video is different, but I want to make it entertaining and fun. So if you're looking for tips and tools about how to be a better speaker, how to be more confident on camera, how to be great as a podcast guest, you're in the right place. You're going to have fun, you're also going to learn a lot too. And isn't that what we all want? So welcome. I'm so happy that you're here and I can't wait to meet you! I'm going to be doing a little bit of a review of the,