How Voting Works
A limited series podcast about the mechanics and technology of how we vote, mostly in the United States.
How Voting Works
Episode 1 – The Secret Ballot
Welcome to How Voting Works, a limited series podcast about the mechanics of how we vote in the United States, and in particular about the technology we use to cast our votes.
This is Episode 1.
The Secret Ballot is the most interesting, profound, and complicated aspect of modern elections. It's also the one requirement that makes everything about elections difficult.
- "One Vote Counts for None", Nov 14th, 2006.
https://www.kait8.com/story/5675029/one-vote-counts-for-none/ - "E-voting 2006: A touch screen, a missing vote, a mystery in Arkansas", Nov 14th, 2006.
How Voting Works is a limited series podcast made by VotingWorks, the only non-profit maker of voting machines in the US.
Questions and comments are always welcome. Email us at how@voting.works
All episodes licensed under a Creative Commons 4.0 Attribution License. Use as you please, just give us credit by linking back to https://how.voting.works