How Voting Works
A limited series podcast about the mechanics and technology of how we vote, mostly in the United States.
How Voting Works
Episode 2 – Voting Machines
Ben Adida
Season 1
Episode 2
Let's talk about why we need voting machines in the US, and the specific types of voting machines we use and how they work.
- The Reality of Full Hand Counts: A Guide for Election Officials, by the Elections Group
- Harris County voters wade through longest ballot in the state on first day of early voting, October 2022
- A Brief Illustrated History of Voting, by Professor Douglas W. Jones
- THE 2000 ELECTIONS: THE PALM BEACH BALLOT; Florida Democrats Say Ballot's Design Hurt Gore, New York Times, November 2020
- The Center for Civic Design
How Voting Works is a limited series podcast made by VotingWorks, the only non-profit maker of voting machines in the US.
Questions and comments are always welcome. Email us at how@voting.works
All episodes licensed under a Creative Commons 4.0 Attribution License. Use as you please, just give us credit by linking back to https://how.voting.works