Conversations Beyond the Pulpit
A web series/podcast curated to explore the interworking of life, marriage, family, work, entrepreneurship, and Earthly living from the point of view of pastors and ministers of the gospel. We step from behind the sacred desk and dive into the duality of what it means to be women and men of God and what it can look like for some.
Conversations Beyond the Pulpit
Family Growth
Welcome to the official and reimagined, Conversations Beyond the Pulpit. Which is a web series/podcast curated to explore the interworking of life, marriage, family, work, entrepreneurship, and Earthly living from the point of view of pastors and ministers of the gospel. We step from behind the sacred desk and dive into the duality of what it means to be women and men of God and what it can look like for some.
Episode 4 discusses the importance of fostering growth within your family. Our conservation highlights the essential steps to entreating your child in their zones of genius and how that translates to the family unit. Our goal is to demonstrate how we operate through togetherness and communication.
Are there any topics you'd like us to discuss?
Do you have any questions you'd like us to answer?
Please send them to conversationsbeyondthepulpit@gmail.com
Follow Bishop Roberts at https://instagram.com/bishopjnrministries
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