Mompreneur Success Secrets Podcast

Redefining the Proverbs 31 Woman

Faye Merilien Episode 2

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Struggling to relate to the traditional image of a Proverbs 31 woman? As a bold Black woman from Tennessee, I’ve wrestled with blending my vibrant personality with the quiet, modest biblical archetype. In this episode, I share how I’ve redefined the Proverbs 31 woman by embracing wisdom, hard work, and faith.

I also open up about balancing life as a mompreneur raising a child with autism, and how faith and prayer have helped me navigate these challenges. You'll hear practical tips on avoiding burnout, delegating tasks, and prioritizing family.

Finally, I introduce the "nine formula," a strategy for balancing three key daily tasks in business, family, and marriage to cultivate income, love, and honor. If you're a mompreneur seeking to balance faith, family, and business, this episode offers encouragement and actionable advice to help you keep God at the center of your journey. Tune in for a fresh take on modern biblical womanhood!

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Speaker 1:

Hello, hello, hello, hello. Welcome back my mompreneurs. How y'all doing, hope y'all building those empires, hope you are loving those kids, hope you are loving and honoring that husband. And I hope, if you are dating and you have a heart to become a wife one day, that you are holding fast to your purity and you're also holding fast to the promise and becoming the wife that God's going to allow a man husband to find. So in today's episode we're going to jump into the Proverbs 31 woman blueprint, balancing faith, family and business, and so we're just going to literally dive right into it.

Speaker 1:

So who is the Proverbs 31 woman? We hear about her all the time y'all and I know when I grew up people did not do her justice. People were saying all type of crazy stuff. I had one guy who did a woman. It was a womanhood Bible study type deal and he was out here teaching y'all and he literally was explaining who the promise 31 virtuous woman was. And while he was explaining I was confused Me and all my friends was confused. We were like hold on, I see what you're saying, but it ain't quite lining up. Then I was kind of taken back. So I'm like is there not any women that can, that can like, teach us this, that can walk with me. And there were plenty of women, but in that space there wasn't any that was like me.

Speaker 1:

I'm a black girl from middle Tennessee. I'm a little ratchet, a little hood, I'm pretty loud, pretty abrasive. God made me that way and, granted, you don't have to be, like you know, obnoxious and all that, but I finally believe that the Lord, if the Lord made you bold and courageous, you shouldn't have to apologize, for you just got to learn how to cultivate it and how to have tact, and so a lot of times I feel like we try to silence really bold, powerful women when that's the wrong thing to do. I remember when I first got saved, became a Christian, and they were teaching about biblical womanhood and they were saying, oh, she's so quiet, oh, she's so this, she's so modest. She wore cardigans and I used to wear my hoochie mama stuff. I used to have my little mini skirts and my little mini shorts, my little blonde hair, my little contacts, y'all y'all look like a whole different person, but I was cute though, and I was loud, I was crazy. I was super energetic, super fun. If you know me, you know me, girl, I have a good time, but I'm also pretty, pretty bold, pretty pretty sharky, and so that's what makes me a great entrepreneur.

Speaker 1:

And so, yeah, I remember when they were teaching about this biblical womanhood thing, they was talking about the purpose of the one woman. They skipped over all the parts about she had a business. They skipped over all that and just went straight to. You know, you know her beauty? She's not. You know she don't wear makeup. They didn't really give all the details.

Speaker 1:

And, granted, I should have been a student in my own Bible and I wasn't. I was a young believer and I was just taking their word. But I'm sitting there and I'm like something ain't right, something is missing. You ain't gonna tell me that this poverty-stricken woman ain't me. I don't mean it like that. What I'm saying is you're not gonna tell me that she looks like a certain ethnic type. You're not gonna tell me that poverty-stricken woman is like you. You know, none of us black girls qualify because we all kind of loud and munchies. We me and all my friends we sit and look at each other, even my white girlfriends who are kind of loud we all look like, um, I don't. I don't think that's what god meant. I don't think god meant to cookie all of us. I feel like god allowed us all to be born differently and to have different traits and to be bold and be courageous and be strong, and I'm not going to apologize for it.

Speaker 1:

And so I left that meeting very discouraged and, granted, I was a young believer then and so I could have, you know, totally misheard, misinterpreted what was being taught. But I wasn't the only one. It was probably about 20 of us there, all different nationalities, americans, filipinos, mexicans. All of us sitting there just confused because we're like, hold on, what y'all saying makes it feel like I don't qualify. And so the Lord just started to deal with my heart and was like, why don't you get into your own bible and go find out what I really said? And so that's what I did, and I wanted to go find out what is the purpose of the woman. And it wasn't. Honestly, until I became a wife and I started building my business after making my little babies right, I was like I gotta go figure out. What the hell, how did this woman do this? How did she build this life? And y'all, I was amazed in the bible. When you get into the bible, you find so many truths, so many answers, and so if you don't know an answer, I'm probably sure you ain't read your Bible, girl. So go read that Bible. So let's go.

Speaker 1:

The Psalm 31 woman is a special woman in the Bible who is known for being wise, hardworking and caring. She takes care of her family, works hard to provide for them and always put her faith in the Lord. She always put her faith in the Lord. Did you hear me? I said that on purpose. She always put her faith in the Lord, in Jesus, in God, not her husband, although she loves and she trusts her husband, her faith belongs in the Lord. She's like the perfect example of what we can aim for as moms, wives and business owners. And so she's like almost like a, almost like a tapestry that God drew up for us in this scripture text and the Lord allowed us to see. And if you read other women in the Bible, you begin to see that that image, that likeness, starts to play out in different, in different women's lives throughout the scripture.

Speaker 1:

And so a lot of people ask me Faith, how can we be more like the Proverbs 31 woman? And honestly, when I start getting that question, when you start to read the text, you get real overwhelmed. You'll be like hold on, bro, she did a whole lot. That's a whole lot. Faith Trying to raise five kids, trying to have a hot, sexy marriage, trying to grow a business that's a whole life. Faith trying to raise five kids, trying to kind of have a hot, sexy marriage, trying to grow a business that's a lot. Girl, how are you gonna do this? These are the keys that I've used. So take my keys and run with them. These are the keys that I've used, and have I used them perfectly? Absolutely not, but you can take them. Take what you need, leave what you don't.

Speaker 1:

Something you will notice about me is that I'll never tell you I know everything, because your girl don't know everything. If I knew everything, I would do everything, okay, and if you don't do it, that means you don't know it let's go. And so, whatever I do know, I'll share with you, and it's only to give you something to use in your own life. My words, what I'm saying to you, is not Bible, clearly, but I always like to make it real clear that I'm not the example. Jesus is the example. His word is the example. If you're not a student of your word, you will be lost and swept up every single time. And so, as wives, as moms, as business owners, I challenge you to get in your Bible every day, get in prayer every day, because that's the only way you're gonna make it understand.

Speaker 1:

And so, number one, this is what you do if you want to try to be like the proverbs 31 woman that we see laid out in scripture, number one, you gotta put your faith first. Your relationship with jesus has to be everything. It has to be everything because it is everything like. If there's no relationship with jesus, there's no you. You, who do you have to stand on? Who do you have to fall back on? Who do you have to truly on? Who do you have to fall back on? Who do you have to truly understand how you really feeling, walking through this journey as a mom and as a wife and as a woman that does business, if you don't have your relationship with God, tight with y'all, in intimate relationship with you, reading your scripture, you getting up, you spending time with him, you asking him Lord, how do I shepherd and love my children, lord? How do I love and honor my husband, god? How do I save myself in order to be married. God, I desire to be married.

Speaker 1:

I was a single mom for about six years and I had to literally wait, and it was hard to wait on the Lord to send me that husband. But I'm so thankful that I had him to fall back on and even go to first. We don't want to just fall back on him, we want to go to him first. And so the promise 31 woman always trusted God. No matter what challenges she faced, she believed that God was with her.

Speaker 1:

Do you believe God's with you? Do you believe this is? I'm listening, I'm waiting. Do you believe that God is with you and God is for you? Because if you don't, you you tripping, understand. And so, as a mompreneur, we need to pray and trust God with our family and business decisions. So, are you making decisions by yourself or are you making decisions trusting God, with those decisions, allowing God to show you what he wants you to do in and out of season, when it, when it looks like it, when it don't look right? Are you trusting God with every decision? Huh, I'm waiting, and if you're not, I need you to repent. Need you to repent today? Number two uh, you need to take care of your family. Are you running after the money, chasing the bag? You're chasing after the money, chasing after the bag, but your family's neglected. And I'm not saying you're gonna be perfect because, baby, let me tell you something, I'm not perfect at all. Your girl ain't perfect, but I make a.

Speaker 1:

I strive every day to make sure my kids got a warm, warm food, warm meals. They get their bath times done, they get to play with their mom. I make an intentional effort every day for at least 15 minutes out of the day to go and tussle with my kids when they get home from school the school age ones. I go and I'll sit on the floor with them and I will tussle with them. I also have an autistic baby and this baby requires a certain level of care. I make sure every day that she knows mama is with me, mommy loves me, mommy is my friend, mommy is whatever she's thinking in her little heart, because every day, at a certain point, she'll have a meltdown and she'll come to me.

Speaker 1:

And at first I didn't understand it, cause, you know, you don't really understand all the time when you have an autistic kid, exactly what they're thinking. And so Holy Spirit just prompted me. What if I didn't have the Holy Spirit to help me navigate that y'all, I would have been lost. I would have probably destroyed the connection with my daughter. But the Holy Spirit was like Faye, yes, you are a hard driver sometimes. Yes, you are disciplinarian, yes, you are very strong, but this baby needs you to humble yourself to to be soft y'all. My kids have totally transformed me. We'll deal with that another episode, but especially that baby, my baby.

Speaker 1:

That's autistic, such a sweet girl, and I learned that when she is raging, I must, I must literally calm myself. I must literally, with my own temperament, not allow what she doing or ain't doing, or what my other kids doing or ain't doing. I must not allow that to get in the way. I got to calm myself down, be like listen, calm it down, faye, calm it down, calm it all the way down to the flow, understand me. And you sit down and open your arms and wait for her to come and run to you and every time y'all it's the sweetest thing She'll look at me and now she's finally saying mommy, mommy, she's almost four years old y'all. She's finally saying mommy, mommy, please, mommy, love you. She's saying little stuff, but that took patience, that took me allowing God to shepherd me, and how do I mother an autistic baby? That took a lot of me having to restructure and realign exactly what I needed to do to be a great mom to this baby. And so the promise of the woman makes sure her family has everything they need. Okay, she cooks and cleans and takes care of her children. We, too need to make sure our families feel loved and supported, and that don't always mean you got to do all the cooking, baby. Damn, damn what. That said, she makes sure to it. That don't mean she always doing it.

Speaker 1:

Sometimes you got to learn the art of delegation. We're going to deal with that to another episode. How do you delegate? How do you shepherd your home in such a way? How do you steward your home in such a way where you don't get burnt out and tapped out? How do you do that? You do that through delegation, through trusting that just because your hands didn't touch it don't mean it's not going to get done, and it may not be done up to your standards, but guess what? I'd rather your standards not be met than you burn out. Then you end up in a hospital stroking, like I did Understand, and so I need you to make sure that you learn when to allow your husband to cook. My husband can't cook, worth nothing. My husband cannot cook y'all. I love him so much that man, oh my God. If he cook, I'm like, nope, I need somebody to go buy me something. But my kids don't be complaining though, it's just stay bougie. And so some nights he goes and cooks, and is it going to be a hundred percent? Nope, is my, my 12 year old going to eat it? Probably not. She's going to be like mom, you want to come cook for me, mom, please, like. You got to learn the art of delegation, and that was something I had to learn, and so sometimes this means taking a break from work. Did you hear me? You got to take a break from work and spend time with our kids and our husbands and help them with homework, so sometimes you just got to stop.

Speaker 1:

I remember one time I was trying to record content. I was set this date up, had this time period, had somebody there to watch my kids trying to record the content, to go and get it done, and my kids were like going crazy. My kids was raging y'all. I'm almost going off. My kids be gang, gang, and sometimes it's five. I got five kids one's 12, one's four, one's three, one's two and one is almost one.

Speaker 1:

In december, yes, girl, five kids, four under four, and so the little bitty ones were starting to go off y'all. They were crying, they were screaming. The babysitter and my oldest was like mama, lady, I can't help you, you gotta come get these kids because they going off and I'm sitting there like, oh my god, this is the only time I get to be with my kids, I mean only time I get to do my content. But my kids are going crazy. And so my children just wanted their mama. And so you know what I did I paused the content shoot and I literally went and I sat down on the grass and I said come here, babies, and all of all my little babies, except the little bitty one, of course, her dad, her the sitter, had her.

Speaker 1:

She was kind of chilling out, but she still was screaming, and so, um, I had to stop and just go and tend to my babies. I had to stop and let my babies know that mommy's here, mommy loves you. And once I gave them that little moment of undivided attention, they was cool, they was like okay, girl, bye, and it just was so amazing watching how you cannot allow work to become an idol. And I know we all are go-getters, we all are high-level achievers, we're all on a mission to make it happen. Baby, we want that bag, we want that status, we want everything that God called us to. We want it.

Speaker 1:

And so you just got to make sure that you have a balance in your life. And so what does your time management look like? Are you truly managing the time that God's given you? You got 24 hours in a day. Are you a lazy mom and you wait all day to wake up? And you get up rushing and running and screaming and yelling and you all over the place and you spending all your time trying to catch up from the time that you slept. Are you the mom who's super anal and everything? Gotta look your way, gotta be your way, and you driving your whole house mad, understand? Because you, as the mom of your house, no matter if you're married or not you are the thermostat to the entire home and if your temperature is off, if you're too cold or you're too hot, you mess up the entire house.

Speaker 1:

I don't believe in that happy wife, happy life. I do know that you sit on a seat of influence in your house and you can influence and shift everything. You can do that. You have God's given you that authority to do that, and so I need you to steward that. Steward that, well, that's a gift. Steward that gift of influence. And most of y'all use your influence as an opportunity to manipulate. Do not manipulate your husband, do not manipulate your children to get what you want. That's a different episode which we'll deal with, that down the line. So let me focus.

Speaker 1:

And so, number three you want to work hard on your business. So business hours are business hours. What are your hours? And I get a lot of moms saying Faye, I ain't got a lot of time girl. Oh, I get it. I got five kids, a beautiful, amazing husband. Um, I have a lot of things I'm responsible for. Me and my husband are even, in my husband's, a full-time minister on his way to become a senior pastor at some point in his life. Y'all pray for your girl, okay.

Speaker 1:

And so it's not always the funnest life, it's not always the most you know conducive situation for me to be able to do what I want to do, but I learned the gift of time management. I learned how, when I'm working, I beast mode. I'm not playing, I'm not half doing nothing. When I'm on a project, we knock it out fast as possible, something that I learned years ago from amazing Danny Johnson, one of my virtual mentors. I went to a lot of her workshops back in the day before she retired.

Speaker 1:

She had a very similar story to mine and she really just blessed my life. She's the one who really showed me what I could become if I just applied myself. And she would say she worked 20 hours a week and she would get in that office four hours a day, five days a week, and in them four hours she would crush it. She was so much more productive in those four hours because she knew she had to go home and work and clean and cook and take care of the husband and you know, do life, do family, and so you want to make sure that you are allocating the appropriate amount of time to get that done. So the Papa 31 woman wasn't just a mom and a wife, she also ran her own business. Her own business, understand you can do that. That's in the bible. Don't let nobody tell you that as a mom and as a wife you can't start a business. Is it going to be hard? Absolutely, absolutely, absolutely. You hear me. But can you do it? Yes, it's in the bible, it's right there. And so she also ran her own business. She made clothes and sold them, using her skill to help provide for her family.

Speaker 1:

Some of y'all's families are infaming because you don't want to use your skill. You got to use your skills to help your husband. You got to be a helper in every area, and so if you're not helping in every area, we got a problem. Do you hear me? It's some of us that's being lazy. It's some of us that got expectations on our husbands. Maybe your husband can't reach that. Maybe he don't have to go get an entrepreneur mentality and you gotta be the one to step through it. First, I read the story of Zipporah Moses' wife. She had to step up and cover her husband from the Lord, killing him because he didn't circumcise his sons. She had to do that. It was his job, but she did it because she's a helper in all areas.

Speaker 1:

I can go on and on and on about how women in the Bible help their husbands. You need to help your husband using your skill and ability, and I got to be honest about this too. A lot of times you, as a woman, you smarter, but just because you're smarter don't mean you get a chance to take advantage of or manipulate or control your husband. So stop doing it. If you're doing it and you learn how to lay down your right to be right and begin to see how can I help our mission and our family move forward. And that's not always easy. A lot of times it's really hard. Sometimes my husband's like Faye, I need you to put the computer down. And I'm like, bro, I'm trying to make this money, we need to pay this rent, understand. He's like, listen, I don't care about that. God's our provider. Can you come over here and help me? Can you come over here and spend time with me? And I had to help myself. And it'd be sometimes like bro, it'd be what our marriage need.

Speaker 1:

And some of y'all marriages are on literally death row because you put it there, because you walking in pride, and so you've got to learn how to work hard in your business, but not obsess, not, not to the point where it's at the detriment of your husband and of your children and even of yourself. And so, just like the promise of a woman in the Bible. We can use our talents to grow our business and help others. Promise of a woman in the Bible. We can use our talents to grow our business and help others. So make sure you build your business and honor your husband and love those kids. Love those kids Understand.

Speaker 1:

And so how does this? How do we balance all of this? That's another thing we always get. How do you balance this? Say, like, like bro, like, how in the world do you balance this life? And granted, I'm a millennial and so I can only really speak for what I know. I've been married almost six years, I have five kids, I was a homeless, single mom for six years and so I can speak a little bit into both. The balance is like if you ever been to a circus and you see an elephant or one of those big old balls. Welcome to life. I'm just kidding, but these are some practical steps you can use and tricks I've used to help me balance.

Speaker 1:

Number one plan the day. I tell people you need to write down three to six things that you're going to focus on that day, at least three to six things. I feel productive when I'm able to do at least three things a day, six things on a great day, but three things. Oh, your girl, your girl is amazing. Your girl feel great. I feel confident and you make sure those three to six things are things that actually push the needle forward, things that actually, you know, move the income. We call them income producing activities, or love producing activities or, for your husband, honor producing activities. What are those three things you need to do? In fact, that's my new framework. Y'all just heard me invent it. It's called the nine formula Three things for your business that's gonna produce income, three things for your children that's gonna produce honor in them, and three things for your husband that's gonna produce honor in him.

Speaker 1:

You wanna make sure you're growing your business profitably. You don't need to go and reorganize your office and sort the paperclips. You need to go and figure out what do I need to do to make money? Business got to make money, so that means sales, marketing, content. These are three things you need to focus on every day.

Speaker 1:

What can I do to love my children? Children need to be fed. Children need to be loved on some type of be loved on, some type of touch hug. If you are overstimulated, that means you ain't doing no self-care. That means you need to unplug, go for a walk, go on a trip, take a bath, do what you got to do to make sure you're good for your kids. Your kids ain't asked to be here, so you need to figure out a way to honor and love them and steward the time God gave them with you, because at some some point they're going to grow up and move on. You'll be looking crazy if you ain't invested that time in them.

Speaker 1:

And so what are the three things you can do to make sure your kids feel loved and nurtured? And then the last three, but definitely not the least your husband feeling honored. Three things to help your husband feel honored. Number one does he feel respected? Number two is he happy? Have you ever stopped to ask him is he happy? We gotta stop with all this selfishness. Do you ever stop and ask your husband like honey, how was your day, honey? What would you like?

Speaker 1:

Some of us are just super selfish and we think life revolves around us and we wonder why you ended up divorced. You wonder why you ended up broke up. It's because you ain't figuring out. How does my husband feel respected? Husbands honestly don't care a lot about love. I'm just gonna be real. Love is cool, but they need to be respected.

Speaker 1:

The Bible tells us that. So what are the three things that your husband needs to feel respected? And I can already hear. I can already hear Jezebel. Jezebel, I rebuke you in the name of Jesus. I break the yoke from off these amazing mompreneurs, I break your yoke off of these women. In the name of Jesus. These women will rise up and they will not make their husbands to be subject to the Jezebel spirit. They will not turn their husbands into silent Ahabs in Jesus name, but they will follow their husbands. They will submit as unto him, as unto Christ, and they will build a household for the glory of God. And so, if you are fighting yourself and your skin is crawling because I'm saying this, there's a spirit of Jezebel on you and I break it off for you now, in Jesus name. You need to go and talk to your pastor and go get deliverance, because you are literally suffocating and choking out your husband's authority in the house.

Speaker 1:

Just because I'm a powerful woman does not give me authority to usurp my authority over my husband. Why? Because it's called spiritual hierarchy. God put man as the husband, and if you are out of order in that regard. I know you're not hearing from God. I know you're listening to the serpent. Only two people talk in the household. It's either the man that's the leader, but if he is silent it's the devil himself. Satan is talking to you, you talking to a snake, you talking to the serpent, and you wonder why your house is collapsing to the bottom. I call you out of that woman of god. I call you into who god called you to be, for his glory. And if this ain't for you, get off. Log off right now, because I'm just gonna be honest with you. The reason we see 52 of divorce in the body of Christ is because it is 72% of divorces are initiated by powerful women, are initiated by even broke women.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to be real, but we can stop this. Let's stop the bleeding. You stop the bleeding with the truth, the truth of the gospel, the truth of the scripture. Scripture says God put a hierarchy in place. That hierarchy is for the husband to lead the way, and if he's not leading, guess what? You call him into it. You speak those things that be, not as though they were. You say Lord, I thank you for giving me this man and Lord, I thank you that you're going to raise him up to be who he needs to be. In the meanwhile, I'm going to help him in every area. I'm not going to kick him when he down. In the meanwhile, I'm going to help him in every area. I'm not going to kick him when he down. I'm not going to bash him in front of other people. I'm not going to humiliate him and disregard the authority God gave to him in my life. I'm going to say honey, what would you like me to do? Like, even in my household, I'm going to be real In my household.

Speaker 1:

A lot of things my husband doesn't know, because my husband's an immigrant learning and I champion that. I get behind him, I walk with him, I cover him. You ain't gonna never see me being like oh, he's so dumb, oh, my god. And so, and granted, it can get frustrating. You like man, I ain't get married to make decisions, bro, I got married to you. Know, chill out you, you can't. You, you can get like that at times, but what you gotta do is, like, you gotta rebuke that flesh, you gotta rebuke the spirit of Jezebel because, unfortunately, especially if you're an American western race woman, man, we was raised in a Jezebelic culture and that culture comes in through being a kid. I remember my mom always telling me like you better figure it out. Your husband ain't gonna do nothing for you, but get you pregnant, maybe walk off and leave you. I mean it was always like the worst of the worst because, honestly, men be doing the worst of the worst sometimes. But that was not like the truth. The truth was God had a different plan for me.

Speaker 1:

A lot of times we choose men, we settle for men, but you know what, whatever settles is usually at the bottom, and so you can't go dumpster diving expecting to find some quality up in there. People be like I'm going to go dumpster dive for a man. That's why you got trash. I hate to be so forward, but it's the only way I can be. That's why your man trash. That's why he don't do nothing. That's why, because you chose him, you keep choosing trash dudes, then get mad when he's not this mighty man of, because you're trying to date to convert them. You can't be dating people and hope this man gets saved. Okay, you can't. You can't do that. You can't. It's all. That's called a better switch. Oh he, fine, you know, y'all got me all up topic. I don't know how I got here, but or be the guy, let's focus, okay.

Speaker 1:

Okay, number one back off, pop it, plan your day. You want to plan the non-formula three business three children, three husbands okay, okay, profits for business, income producing activities, children, love, husband, respect, understand. Number two you want to ask for help. Delegate, delegate, delegate. Ask for help. Accept the help.

Speaker 1:

Some of y'all are terrible receivers. I'm just going to be real. You are awful and you need to get together, understand, and so it's okay to ask your spouse, ask your kids, even friends, to help you out when you feel overwhelmed and some of y'all might be like, well, faye ain't got none of that Pray to God and ask your friends. You want to know how you get friends. Be friendly. It's literally that easy. Most of us be wanting to get a return on investments. We ain't made, you ain't friendly. And so when you ain't got friends, guess what? You don't get to pull no investment. You don't get to get an ROI. It's a thing called social capital that you really got to press into. And if you ain't doing that, sorry, but it's going to be hard for you. But you can turn this around. Be friendly.

Speaker 1:

Join the Mompreneur Empire. Get to know these ladies. Get the Mompreneur Empire. Get to know these ladies. Get support, plug in.

Speaker 1:

Lastly, you want to remember your why. You want to remember your why. Always remember why you're working so hard and life's going to get real hard. It can get real dark sometimes. I remember feeling so hopeless at points when I was having babies back to back, going through postpartum, suffering miscarriages, having baby daddy issues, you know, and you just gotta remember your why.

Speaker 1:

Remember why God called you to this. If he called you to it, he gonna get you through it, do you hear me? And so you gotta think about it. Is it for your family? Is it for your dreams? How bad you want your dreams. And is it for God? I work so hard because I want to give God a return on every area of my life, every area. I want him to get a hundredfold return. And so I just want to encourage you that being a Proverbs 31 woman in today's world might seem tough, but with faith, hard work and balance, you can do it. Remember to keep God first, love your family, honor your husband, love those children and use your talents to grow your business. Thank you so much for listening to today's episode of the Mompreneur Society podcast. We hope these tips help you feel confident and balanced in faith, family and business. Do not forget to subscribe and share with a friend. I love y'all, take care.

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