Frasier On Film

S1E2 - Christopher Reeve in Village of the Damned (Space Quest)

Season 1 Episode 2

“Well aren’t you a little hot house orchid!”

Episode 2! You came back?! Well, you’ll be glad to hear COVID still kicking my ass. The voice improves by episode 3, I promise. Until then let’s continue pulling out the big guns early, it’s Christopher Reeve’s turn to shine on this week’s Frasier On Film.


01:30 Intro

02:42 Frasier Talk: Frasier struggles to carve out his own safe space as he adjusts to have family, co-workers and friends surround him on all sides! 

08:20 Christopher Reeve Talk: From Superman through to his tragic horse-riding accident, we explore the many layers that define Christopher Reeve.

17:20 Village of the Damned Talk: John Carpenter’s Twin Peaks-esque horror featuring all the white-haired creepy children you can shake a stick at!

Thanks for listening!

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